 Перед нами ещё одна формация, которая целиком и полностью посвятила себя наследию современной школы брутального, но изрядно структурированного штатовского дэта. Вязкие могучие риффы, тем не менее, обладающие способностью пластично перестраиваться и плетущие ровную плотную звуковую сеть, наталкивают на совершенно определённые ассоциации, подкрепляемые характером ритм-секции. Указанные "верёвочки" приводят нас в лоно знакомого брутального облика, имя которому Deeds of Flesh. Действительно, сходство поразительное, если рассматривать описываемый альбом в проекции на "Crown of Souls" американцев. Поначалу такой факт обескураживает и наполняет сердце праведным гневом, но потом начинаешь ловить себя на мысли, что в материале голландцев присутствует доля их собственных воззрений на стиль, пусть и небольшая. Да и просто сыграть музыку такого уровня смогут далеко не все доморощенные бруталлерос, правда это не может являться оправданием повторения чьих-то идей. Видно, что группа избегает отхода от проторенных путей, предпочитая трамбовать воздух проверенными компактными методами. Работе присуща чёткость и приличная скорость с завидной составляющей техницизма, что не может не радовать поклонника циклично замкнутых быстрых композиций. При желании можно было разнести этот альбом в пух и прах, грозя указующим перстом в сторону подгонки под определённый стандарт, но я буду лоялен и дам ребятам шанс изобрести что-то по-настоящему самобытное, тем более, что альбом всё-таки очень неплох. |
Your existence is biased
The beliefs you grow up with:
A biased reference of experience
One need to expand
As many borders as possible
In order to evolve
To ones highest potential
This is your biased existence
2. Treason
Institutes of condemn
Tranquility of repetition
An act of betrayal
Indoctrination since birth
Controlled denial
Of inner development
Dominating structures
Influenced by doctrines
Society and its beliefs
Your own rules and values
Are overruled by mass beliefs
Indoctrination since birth
By institutes
Which claim to know the truth
An act of deliberate betrayal
Disloyality by virtue of subversive behavior
Indoctrination since birth
By institutes
Which seem so absolute
For circumstance
Of itself and its surroundings
Cannot be attributed
To dominating structures
Of ideologies embodied
In constitutions and organizations
3. Collateral Causality
Collateral causality
Multiple probable events
Multiple systems of reality
Existence beyond your imagination
Multiple realities combined
As one...
Every thought a universe in itself
Creating multiple streams of consciousness
Cause and event beyond physical boundaries
Infinite probabilities
Are all realities in itself
Our reality is just one physical one
Explore these unknown relations
Between cause and event
Every thought a universe in itself
Multiple internal possibilities
4. Restricted Conceptions
Why do you claim to know the truth?
Your knowledge is absolute?
Your own rules and values
Are overruled by the ones
Generated by the masses
This physical reality
Springs from imagination
Which follows the path
Of our core beliefs
Your experience in this reality
Is the product of your beliefs
The beliefs you receive
Are conceptions of all in our society
Restricted conceptions of beliefs
Creation evolves from necessity
It's always on the crossing border of
Existing and non-existing matter
Creation is based upon imagination
You create your own reality
According to the nature of your beliefs
Why do you claim to know it all?
Your experience in the outside world
Is influenced by your beliefs
5. The Infinite Multiplicity
The infinite multiplicity
Multiple realities
Our mutual existence
Infinite interacting possibilities
Subjective realities
Infinite layers of truth
The infinite multiplicity
Eons of infinite existence
An infinite universe
Multiple dimensions
Multiple entries
Of equal importance
An infinite consciousness
Multiple internal possibilities
An infinite multiplicity
Why thinking in extremes?
A twisted reality
A stagnated existence
A twisted reality
Fear is the only guidance
The principle of mankind
6. The Eternal Validity
Mountains appeared
Oceans filled
Tidal waves thundered
An explosion of creativity
Desire, wish and expectation
A stream of consciousness
A place for birth
A reality was formed
A burning desire to be reborn
Exploring your path in this live
An exploration of creativity
The eternal validity
An unknown reality
No remembrance of existence
Learning your way in this live
Fulfilling your destiny
Our existence,
Our mutual path of collateral being
We have to condemn ourselves
To this mutual task
7. Divided By Condemn
Man prefers to identify
With the body of action and ego
The physical senses
Force oneself to perceive
The exterior forms
The inside vitality within
Matter and form is rejected
Man prefers to identify
With the body of action and ego
The ability to perceive and react
Is a basic characteristic of oneself
The physical senses force one to translate
Experience into physical perception
The inner senses enhance
Ones range of perception
The basis for stagnation
Is the urge to objectivity
Intuition is rejected
Misconceived conceptions
Are caused by restricted perceptions
A limited point of view
Divided by condemn
8. Stagnated
Reason is the only guidance
Intuition is rejected
Corrupted state of experience
Stagnated by mental passivity
Remembrance of existence
Is non existent
A mental state of stagnation
Your subjective truth
Is influenced by your beliefs
Stagnated by mental passivity
Dark corridors of reason
A labyrinth of darkness
Fear is the only guidance
Reason is a cognitive state of mind
Your subjective truth
Is influenced by your beilefs
Stagnated existence
Corrupted experience
Your subjective reality
Is based upon your own beliefs
The present is the focus point
Of the unbiased reality
9. Dogmatic Conceit
Illusion of darkness
Remains of all doctrines
A perfect construct
Religious deceit
The unfaithful condemned
Development is impossible
And creativity would cease to exist
This dogmatic deceit
Controls a state
Of constant stagnation
Illusion of darkness
Remains of doctrines
Eventually, a perfect god
Would end its creation,
Because perfection
Assumes a state of stagnation
Development is impossible
Creativity would cease to exist
Your faith has misguided you
You walk the land,
Receiving the will of deceit
Perceiving the misguided truth
This dogmatic deceit
Is your own reality!
Dogmatic conceit
10. The Veils Of Misconception
Misconceptions in perception
Created by the conscious mind
Are based upon reason
Which abstracts reality
Reality is deformed
Perceptions incomplete
Dogmatic point of view
The truth has been concealed
I feel it within
Burning from inside
The veils of misconception
Misconceptions of the conscious mind
The veils of misconception
The unconscious mind
Reveals a whole different approach
To gathering information
Concerning our reality
More dimensions are opened
For revealing the truth
Layers of truth are unveiled
From the veils of misconception
I feel it within
Burning from inside
It is easy to forget the truth behind the veils!