« The Impossibility of Reason »
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 Третий альбом Chimaira. По сравнению с предыдущими двумя, музыка группы прибавила в качестве и мощи. Стилистически это Deathcore/Metalcore (с элементами эмокора и технодета), с упором именно на детовую составляющую, но хардкоровые куски не забиваются чисто детовыми риффами. Вокал - нечто среднее между хардкоровым ором и гроулом (они чередуются), а также чистый эмо-вокал временами. Наиболее яркая композиция, несомненно, Implements of Destruction, которая завершает альбом и длится 13 минут.
Из минусов могу отметить малую мелодичность и невнятный чистый вокал.
Для того, чтобы лучше представить, на что похожа данная формация, отмечу замеченные элементы от Fear Factory, Machine Head, Slipknot и других. Правда, стоит заметить, что речь не идет о тупом копировании, тут сплав из разных идей.
Рекомендовать можно как любителям нью-метала, так и любителям хардкора и дет-металла. |
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Прочитав с полдюжины весьма лестных отзывов об этой пластинке в Сети решил ею разжиться. Не зря. Это уже второй их диск (первый вышел в 2000 году и назывался "Pass Out Of Existance") и он очень силен. Пластинка вышла на RoadRunner, мекке всякого там нью-металла (все, поклонники HammerFall и Primal Fear и прочего "настоящиво миталла" могут дальше не читать), но по звучанию она гораздо ближе к традиционным формам металлической музыки, например к дэту.
На первый взгляд, музыка на диске кажется замесом из Слипкнотовской "Айовы" и "Demanufacture" от Фабрики Страха, но после третьего-четвертого прослушивания все встает на свои места. А на своих местах мы можем видеть беспредельно тяжеленный и агрессивный МЕТАЛЛ. Вот уж нельзя не согласиться с рецензентом с Rockreviews.co.uk в том, что многие песни тут "heavy as fuck", многие фрагменты этого альбома запросто могли бы оказаться на работах Obituary, Bolt Thrower или даже Amon Amarth. Первые три трэка довольно мутноваты и занудны, хотя жару они задают по полной, а вот четвертый, "Power Trip", стопроцентный хит(впрочем, как и все следующие за ним) с мощным, хуковым рефреном, быстрый и страшный. Самые удачные вещи - "Eyes Of A Criminal", "Crawl", "Pure Hatred". А в конце диска вас, детки, ждет нехилый сюрпризец в виде 13ти(!) минутного, полностью инструментального эпика "Implements of Destruction", сделанного в лучших традициях хеви-металла. В общем, если в твоем вертаке частенько оказываются две вышеупомянутые пластинки или диски Machine Head, Amen, Slayer, Sepultura и тому подобное - этот диск для тебя! |
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Как это иногда бывает, молодые да дерзкие музыканты неожиданно вспоминают о канонах, ранее ими отринутых, да про отцов жанра, некогда забытых. Вот и у Chimaira появились цепкие гитарные риффы, сочные соляки, да настоящие мелодии. Даже синтезаторы Спикуццы начали работать не только на разрушение, но и на созидание ("Down Again"). По-индустриальному зацикленные риффы и впрямь создают сходство с Fear Factory; потяжелевший саунд, специфичный ядовитый вокал Хантера и общая атмосфера большинства песен - с Obituary. А все на данном диске, что имеет более традиционную музыкальную (включая акустику на "Implements of Destruction") природу и ценность - это уже наследие Metallica и Pantera. Замутив столь небанальную смесь, "Химера" неожиданно попала в число групп, которые считаются отцами "Новой волны американского хэви-метала" (металкора, короче говоря), чему и сами наверняка были очень удивлены! Эх, если бы они были более выдержаны в сочинении материала и не стремились забить диск песнями просто под завязку, им бы цены не было! Вот и получается, что отдельные композиции сами по себе тянут на высший балл, а вот альбом в целом... Впрочем, "The Impossibility of Reason" получился радующе разноплановым. Взять хотя бы троицу песен, идущих после провальных первых двух (уникальный случай - стартовая и заглавная песни альбома оказались едва ли не худшими на нем!). Сначала - типичный тяжеленный металкор, и, кстати, только ленивый еще не упрекал [Amatory] в том, что их "Черно-белые дни" не позаимствованы из "Pictures in the Gold Room". Далее - единственная в своем роде попытка соединить ню-метал грехи прошлого и старый добрый трэш в забойной "Power Trip". Зато уже за номером пять идет апофеоз "кимировского" мелодизма - "Down Again". Но наибольший восторг вызывает инструментальная композиция, ведь именно она показывает не только возросший исполнительский уровень музыкантов, но и проявившуюся в их мятежных душах тягу к гармонии. |
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просмотров: 18053 |
Yes I breathe it
Yes I hate it
Yes I feel strain from
Our separation
This is my life, this is my life
My Cleansation
Our separation
This is my life, this is my life
It'd not yours anymore
Why did you insits on ruling
Why did you try and control
Why didn't you ever listen to me
Ignored me like a dog
Maybe I'm glad we're apart
Maybe I'm glad we don't speak anymore
I feel better now
Now that you're gone
2. The Impossibility Of Reason
You preach to me as if it matters
Never worrying about yourself
Or the wrong you've done
Think you know the way
Want me to follow you
Selfish lies you're set out to prove
So what if you had your faith
You should realize
Realize that you're already dead
You fall [4x]
You fall face down at the sight of yourself
No one to pick you up
Look what our lives have become
I steal from you as if it matters
No remorse to me
Or the shame to come
Thought I knew the way
Never followed you
No more time to lose, does it bother you
So what if I had my faith
You should realize
Realize that I'm already dead
I fall [4x]
I fall face down at the sight of myself
No one to pick me up
Look what our lives have become (become, become, become)
And that's why hell
Is the impossibility of reason
3. Pictures In The Gold Room
Dark room open
No light for years
No way to find out
How long has it been
Screams heard from a distance
The shredding sounds of pain
Looking for reasons
Slowly becoming insane
For eyes staring
Such evil eyes
Picturing them
No longer alive
Years ago
There was lose of control
Constant horrific nightmares
Life turned into a deadly maze
The haunting sounds play on
No more bruised feelings
Can it shine through this
Will it ever shine
The pictures in the gold room
No Light
Can be this bright
Death is only a way
Desire and temptation
I lost you
False hope and rejection
Revenge and repercussion
Rejection, revenge, false hope
Repercussion fade to extinction
No way to explain
The blame has to be given
A wrongful accusation
Only stirs the rage
A fire that cannot be put out
Can only enjoy the insanity
To become the nightmares
Will end the dreams
Cold winter chills
No escape
Will this ever end
This is the final maze
4. Power Trip
Face to face
No time to waste
This is the time for revenge
Your claim to fame
Of crushing dreams
Your control has no hold on me
I hate the way
You have no shame
You act like nothing's happened
It's time to rise
The final fight
This is the last time
I will not fail again
I will not let you win
Fuck your power trip
I'll throw away
The wasted days
The chance for revenge
My claim for fame
Ended in vain
This was the last time
You are the one who's forsaken us all
Nothing has changed so together
We fall
I am the one who's led us to believe
You can't change me
5. Down Again
How many times can it change
How long will I be restrained
It's appalling to think that
All my time seems to be wasted
Will it stop or is it inly beginning
Here on the inside
My life is not over
I'm down again
Fake smiles surround me all day
No more can I tolerate
These excuses or all this
Constant pressure overloading
Make it stop the fire's always burning
6. Pure Hatred
I have told you things need to change
You never listened or came to my aid
The vicious cycle has not changed
My time's spent rearranged
Motherfuck it all
I can't stand this
Remember when I said
Everyone makes me sick
Well nothing has changed
I hate everyone
This vicious cycle still remains
Constant clusterfuck, bloodstains
Ignorance, you kill for God
Expression not allowed
You fucked it up
With your motherfucking games
Remember when I said
I was so ashamed
Well nothing has changed
You have to
Pick and choose your fights
You have to
Come out alive
I have told you things need to change
You never listened or came to my aid
The vicious cycle has not changed
My judgment fades away
You'll never change me
Remember we are through
I am staying here
To betray all of you
And nothing will change
7. The Dehumanizing Process
Clear the way the new king has arrived
To take your place while I've got you on your knees
I always had this vision of who I'd become
A powerful giant who could rule with ease
And who would
Bring the truth
I will bring the truth
Your time is up-there's no chance left for you
Bring the truth
I will bring the truth
Your time is up as I end it for you
Was it me or were you just afraid
When you promised me nothing but a throne
When time comes you will hide the fact
That you will only be one way
A fake liar
You can try to hide
It will all come back to you
You shatter dreams before they're fully dreamt
You're a pig and should die
I would feel no remorse
I honestly absolutely fucking hate you
Hate you
You can't change this
The only thing you have to remember is
Bury my dreams... I will bury you
8. Crawl
As I lay this all to rest
Shadows appear reminding me
Of all things left unsaid by me
Maybe one day you'll believe
That I will crawl
I will crawl on broken knees
It's beyond what you really need
Forcing it all out of you
Will I make your life complete
Come Clean
Am I the sorrow
That you won't reap
Am I the secret
That you can't keep
Well I won't stop
Until I'm complete
And I won't stop
Until you believe
I won't stop until you need me
9. Stigmurder
Ever want to commit murder
Feel the rush as you kill
Looking into dead eyes
Collecting their last thoughts
Sometimes I feel no remorse
Sometimes I want a taste
Why am I so different
Than those who can just do it
I want to change what I've become
But I can't kill the urge
But I can't kill the urge
You are now mine forever
Walk with me one last time
You'll walk with me one last time
I feel you embracing
You wish it would end
I feel life for the first
Time I ever have
You cannot fuck with me
Like you have in the past
This time I will stop you
Dead in your fucking tracks
Your eyes close away
As I feel salvation
Now you pray
Light, the final vision
Your eyes are blank
I want to commit murder
Feel the rush as I kill
Looking into your eyes
Collecting your last thoughts
I never feel remorse
Now I want is taste
I know I'm not different
Then those who can just do it
I want to change what I've become
But I can't kill the urge
I can't kill the urge
You are now mine forever
10. Eyes Of A Criminal
The rage has overcome
No more will I shun
These thoughts I've had
This lie I've lived
I let them put the blame on me
Engulfed in hate
You can't conceal these thoughts
You can't disguise this rage
You have
Your boundaries
Now I've got
I've got your back against the wall
Forever trapped
Staring though the eyes of a criminal
A broken home
Left alone
An excuse you used
Don't bullshit me
Save all the breath that you can breathe
Engulfed in flames
You can't conceal my thoughts
And you can't disguise my hate
Staring though my eyes
11. Overlooked
Closing comments made you wonder
What was the start of it all
Hunting to find the answers
Unavailing attempts to be me
Did we distract you
Did we prevent you
Did we bore you
Did we stop you
And I'm
Betrayed by you
Won't be overlooked by you
Hoped you were thinking of redemption
Found out you erased the memories
Erased the thought of me
How can I believe this untrue
I know I'm not insane
Come take a look in my eyes
12. Implements Of Destruction
13. Army Of Me
[Digipack Bonus Track]
You can't
Understand I still have a lot to say
I still
Unfortunately it's not the time or place
This is
Upon my life there will always be lies
My life
I don't believe in this hypocrisy
You are
Parasitic bottom feeders
Of this
Maggots one in the same, you all make me sick
Make me
Especially you who justify your rational lives
Are all
You're killing in the name of God or country
Cowards and crooks
Surrounded by liars, killers and haters
Cowards and crooks
Surrounded by liars, killers and haters
Cowards and crooks
Surrounded by liars, killers and haters
Cowards and crooks
I'm surrounded by filth
Army of me
He lives in us all
Army of me
He will avenge me
Army of me
He lives in us all
Army of me
He will avenge me
You are
Parasitic Bottom Feeders
Of this
Maggots one in the same, you all make me sick
Make me
Especially you who justify your rational lives
Are all
Your killing in the name of God or country
Army of me
He lives in us all
Army of me
He will avenge me
Army of me
He lives in us all
Army of me
He will avenge me
14. Stays The Same
[Removed track]
You pretend to feel me..
You pretend to care about me..
(I will stay away from you)
This is my time to rise,
Never again will I fall for your lies.
This is my time to gain,
Nothing else will stay the same!
This is my time to rise,
Never again will I fall for your lies.
This is my time to gain,
Nothing else will stay the same!
You pretend to feel me..
You pretend to care about me..
(I will stay away from you)
(from you!)
(from you!)
This is my time to rise,
Never again will I fall for your lies.
This is my time to gain,
Nothing else will stay the same!
This is my time to rise,
Never again will I fall for your lies.
This is my time to gain,
Nothing else will stay the same!
This is my time to rise,
Never again will I fall for your lies.
This is my time to gain,
Nothing else will stay the same!
This is my time to rise,
Never again will I fall for your lies.
This is my time to gain,
Nothing else will stay the same!
15. Indifferent To Suffering
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
Unrelenting addiction
The struggle continues
The urge to satisfy isn't the question
Just don’t want to be around
To face the consequences
Fake smiles surround
To ensure the desire
As perverse as it seems, it stays
Who leads their waste of time?
Ever wondered what it’s like, to have dreams last forever
Never doing again, from the everlasting of them
Life feeds off life
Indifferent to suffering
Liars grow stronger
The taste is similar
To the sweetest kiss ever encountered
A painful bliss on my head
Picture painted (Painted)
Could not capture
An ounce of the true sensation
That is derived from some sorrow
Ever wondered what it’s like, to have nightmares last forever
Never doing again, from the constant torture
Life feeds off life
Indifferent to suffering
How, how sweet it is
Sweet, how sweet it is
It, beyond this life
Is, beyond this life
How sweet it is
Life feeds off life
Indifferent to suffering
16. Without Moral Restraint
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
I see what is fake
What is real I'll never know
Can't you see I'm just a disease
Free fall faking over human emotion and all round and I'll Never see you
Never been me
But it's my round to say
It's my round to feel
I can't take a face to your hate anymore
now I lose control sticking it back to you
I'm not the only one
Without moral restraint
I can't image why you would send a force
Send a force up above me thrown down
Never know what I'm up to do you?
Can't you see my lies?
Can't you see through this disguise?
It's my round to say, it's my round to say
I'll never know what the difference is
Is it hell, is it earth?
Is it hell, is it earth?
I'm not the only one
without moral restraint
I'm not the only one
without moral restraint
See me twist, and time come along
Is it my time to make up your soul?
Is it my turn to make up your soul?
Can't keep giving back to you
I keep giving it back to you
Keep giving it back to you [x3]
Never ever say could
I'm not the only one [x7]
without moral restraint
17. Fascination Street
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
[The Cure cover]
Oh it's opening time
Down on Fascination Street
So let's cut the conversation
And get out for a bit
Because I feel it all fading and paling
And I'm begging
To drag you down with me
To kick the last nail in
Yeah! I like you in that
Like I like you to scream
But if you open your mouth
Then I can't be responsible
For quite what goes in
Or to care what comes out
So just pull on your hair
Just pull on your pout
And let's move to the beat
Like we know that it's over
If you slip going under
Slip over my shoulder
So just pull on your face
Just pull on your feet
And let's hit opening time
Down on Fascination Street
So pull on your hair
Pull on your pout
Cut the conversation
Just open your mouth
Pull on your face
Pull on your feet
And let's hit opening time
Down on Fascination Street
18. Let Go (DEMO)
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
My scabs are almost picked
Slowly growing into this
Feelings I just can't let go
I am such a bore, you need that much more
Go back that way and see what you get from me then
Nothing at all
My dead hands rise
Why am I this way?
Face my past I can't let go
I see them in the jel
Laughing at me it is hell
Nothing can stop this torture
Fake my way through life
Call on me, my wife
Went back that way and I saw just what I was worth
Nothing at all
My dead hands rise
Why am I this way?
Face my past I can't let go
I won't take no for an answer
You fucked me, bitch
You can't fuck with me
I won't take no for an answer
My scabs are almost picked
Slowly growing into this
Feelings I just can't let go
I am such a bore, you need that much more
Go back that way and see what you get from me then
Why am I this way?
Face my past I can't let go
19. Pass Out Of Existence (DEMO)
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
Oh I'm that sick I see it that way
I'd rather be dead then have you stay
You pretend that it's OK
Right now it's my time to take
Feeding off my hate today
Feeding off the lives I waste
Now it's time to change my ways
Now it's time to erase my name
Can't see my face
You can't see my face now
Pass out of existence
Disgusted by your presence now
I wonder what it would be like if you were down
Could you cope? Could you really cope?
Could you hope? Or would you sit and wait for me?
Seeking for my placement now
Seeking for my placement now
Now it's time to change my ways
Now it's time to erase my name
Can't see my face
You can't see my face now
Pass out of existence
Never wanted you to disappear
You wanted me dead... GONE!
20. Severed (DEMO)
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
Stay awake to decide
Are you coming back?
Is this my santity?
I can't forgive
Oh is it the same to me?
I can't take your place
I'll never see you, never flee from me
Lost lies in the house I bring
I can't fucking see
I can never pull your self from me
I can't focus
Libertine my "said to be"
I will never save you
21. Forced Life (DEMO)
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
Images still in my head of you dead
I wish I could take them away instead
I sit in my room alone and cry over my loss
Will anything ever be the same?
I wish I could imagine you happy
A life of ecstasy that would be good enough to stop the pain that lingers
In my heart I know I would be content
YEAH! It's your forced life
It's your forced life... It's your forced life...
doesn't it feel the same to you?
I sit and wonder
While you ponder of pathetic items that bring you happiness
Those things that put a smile to your face
Are the things that kill me inside
I know deep down you have a good heart
But why am I never included in all of this?
I take you in...rise you up, yet my soul stays untouched?
YEAH! It's your forced life
It's your forced life...It's your forced life...
doesn't it feel the same to you?
I take you in...rise you up, yet my soul stays untouched?
Nothing ever changes in your mind
YEAH! It's your forced life
It's your forced life...It's your forced life...
doesn't it feel the same today?
Nothing ever changes
YEAH! It's your forced life
It's your forced life...It's your forced life...
Stick your hate to me
I'll find a way to break free
22. Dead Inside (DEMO)
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
I felt so alone...
You left feeling so empty and needing
Can't see the glitter in you (go away, go away)
You called me all the time
Hiding behind your lies materialistic
Go away
You don't know what it's like to be dead inside
You called him a friend to help you get through it
I see your true face now(go away, go away)
Well my tears are gone, I am happy now
Thanks for making it clear
Go away
You don't know what it's like to be dead inside
I am dead to you
You take my heart and used it as a tool
I wish that this would just go away
You can't find love you can't cry tears
And you won't be crying alone
(Dead inside)
Who are you today...another face erased
Dead inside!
23. Power Trip (LIVE)
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
Face to face
No time to waste
This is the time for revenge
Your claim to fame
Of crushing dreams
Your control has no hold on me
I hate the way
You have no shame
You act like nothing's happened
It's time to rise
The final fight
This is the last time
I will not fail again
I will not let you win
Fuck your power trip
I'll throw away
The wasted days
The chance for revenge
My claim for fame
Ended in vain
This was the last time
I will not fail again
I will not let you win
Fuck your power trip
You are the one who's forsaken us all
Nothing has changed so together We fall
I am the one who's led us to believe
You can't change me
I will not fail again
I will not let you win
Fuck your power trip
Fuck your power trip!
24. Cleansation (LIVE)
[collector's edition track of the disc 2 "Reasoning The Impossible"]
What do you expect from me
Will I ever be what you want me to be
Will I ever live up to your standards
Will you always look down on me
Maybe I'm not who you are
Maybe I want to be myself
Live the life I've always dreamed about
This is not your path to choose
Yes I taste it
Yes I breathe it
Yes I hate it
Yes I feel strain from
Our separation
This is my life, this is my life
My Cleansation
Our separation
This is my life, this is my life
It's not yours anymore
Why did you insist on ruling
Why did you try and control
Why didn't you ever listen to me
Ignored me like a dog
Maybe I'm glad we're apart
Maybe I'm glad we don't speak anymore
I feel better now
Now that you're gone
Yes I taste it
Yes I breathe it
Yes I hate it
Yes I feel strain from
Our separation
This is my life, this is my life
My Cleansation
Our separation
This is my life, this is my life
It's not yours anymore