 Это - очень слушабельная и очень коcмополитичная команда. Похожа сразу на все и ни на что отдельно. Тут вам и Cradle Of Filth, и Diabolical Masquerade, и Samael, и даже... ранние, полудэтовые My Dying Bride! Основа - наверное все-таки в слегка замедленных фрагментах ala Cradle Of Filth времен "Dusk..." '96. Но при этом совершенно неожиданно музыка может меняться на протяжении всего альбома. Изредка проскакивают даже чисто дэтовые интонации, когда поневоле вспоминаешь золотое начало девяностых и те супергруппы. Даже тех же Massacra :))) Все фрагменты, как медленные, так и быстрые, очень грамотно соединены и идут друг за другом согласно отлично продуманной последовательности. Присутствуют и традиционно помпезные клавишные, и жесткие запоминающиеся гитарные риффы, и пилежные соло, и бластбиты, и все виды мужского вокала (особенно порадовал настоящий утробный гроулинг без сантиментов !), и многое другое. В целом в этом коктейле нет новых или экстраординарных ингридиентов, но он тем не менее получился очень вкусным. Резюме: одна из немногих блэковых пластинок последнего времени, которую ХОЧЕТСЯ слушать более одного раза. |
cup of life runneth dry
As the sobbing winds of death
seep from a tortured grip
from the bowels of life
thou shalt slip
Clouds churn amidst the horizon as
thunder growls through the hills
Now, worldwide mayhem and
devastation, eternal war has begun
Dark army marching
born now to this world
Leave no stone unturned
leave in their wake
the river of blood
to cleanse the earth of its plague
A time of chaos begins
the day of reckoning for us all
and although foreseen nothing
could have prevented its horrors.
Famine, Pollution, War and Death...
our four gifts grow to earthly proportions
The ones sworn to protect have turned on us all
sweeping through every nation
Decide now where your soul shall keep eternal slumber
for no man shall escape death's suffocating embrace
Awake to a world as black as night
the devastated earth lit by sacrificial pyres
The pungent scent of death burns my eyes, slowly
I walk towards my fate
Dark army marching
cup of life runneth dry
As the sobbing winds of death
seep from a tortured grip
from the bowels of life
thou shalt slip
Trapped in our earthly tomb we wait
as the sun fights to break through
but ashen snow from burning corpses
chokes out the light,
evoked eternal night
Dark army marching
born now to this world
Leave no stone unturned,
leave in their wake
the river of blood
to cleanse the earth of its plague
Came on the wings of a storm
and sealed the fate of mankind
Each brought their gift of horror
and this world is no more
Dark army marching
the cup of life has run dry
As the sobbing winds of death
seep from a tortured grip
from the bowels of life thou hath slipped
Clouds churn amidst the horizon
thunder did growl through the hills
darkness now reigns on this earth
your blood has fueled the rebirth
Dark army marching
born now the new world
Left no stone unturned
left in their wake
the river of blood
has cleansed the earth of its plague.
The Immortalizing Winter
Lyrics: Williams
Under a veiled and lucid moon
bearing shades of crimson
Oceans of blood wane through it
It casts creeping shadows
upon the frost ridden earth
Amongst the worms
I arise from my sepulcher
dreams of blood and flame elude me
Again, the visions that came
show light vanquished
from the planes which I walk
A maze is woven of dire despair
and suffocating sorrow
innocent death, unable to satiate
desire to relinquish every impurity
from my being
I writhe in anticipation
Once numb to an undying
hunger with great haste
hatred of divinity grew unbearable
now for I am numb no longer
Death, the immortalizing winter, flew
Long ago, this wraith dwelled inside me
defiled by deceiving words that
enslave you to him
Soon to put to sleep
my blackened spirit thirsts for thee
Unleashing anger to transform
my pain into pleasure
Frozen eyes, no longer
shed sullen tears
an emptiness growing with every
dream of darkly paradise
churning clouds pour incessant
storms over these barren lands
desire overcomes me...
I invoke the darkness
From invocation came sin
where remorse was none
a hell which pure spirits
should not dwell
Instrumental: Malmstorm
Whence Chaos Cometh
Lyrics: Schuppert/Williams
Since man's first disobedience
Immense enmity for him ensued
Shameful of erroneous sin
enslaved by benighted words
Trials seeking to overturn refuted
seemed immortally unpierceable
Relentlessly praised, never defied
Endless repulsion made sentient
supplanting his creation
Whence chaos cometh
Debel all light, come forth Abaddon
Instill pestilence among the spiritless
Devoid of facile bliss
Lifeless, gone the way of all flesh
Slowly powers build, reinforced
by those persuaded souls
The time now upon us
of prophecies foretold
Chaos has erupted
as the noose begins to tighten
Close at hand, the hour of death
for all those who oppose his reign
Suffering, inverted now
is the cross that misled you
Diablerie has risen to power and
now shall consume the earth
Slowly you see as the streets
fill with blood
The fiery sky paints
the pictures of pain
Terror, bereaved you become as
your fear doth consume you alive
Whence chaos cometh
Debel all light, come forth Abaddon
Instill pestilence among the spiritless
Devoid of facile bliss
Lifeless, gone the way of all flesh
Diablerie's Course
Lyrics: Schuppert
You stand frozen and scream out
in terror as the earth
thunders and quakes
You are part of those forgotten souls
left to suffer and wither away
Now I watch as your fear overcomes you
my mouth is still fresh with your taste
Entombed in your personal hell
through your pain I receive my thrill
Enchanted by the beauty of death
we'll celebrate the blackest of nights
To live in the darkness
destroy the souls of all who beg
for their mercy from the light
To live without fear is the key
to open your mind to the horrors
that dwell deep inside
Abide with me eternally
I shall bring this earth to its knees
you will beg for your mercy from me
Like an animal I can sense your fear
come to me and watch your pain disappear
In your soul I have planted the seed
my pestilent words have set the soul free
Now oblivious to pain and remorse
diablerie has taken its course
Through your pain I receive my thrill
Now reborn, your fear has subsided
in legions you have found your place
You are one of those forgotten
souls that have forsaken that heavenly place
Still I watch
desecrate what you once loved
paradise vanquished and stolen away
Entombed in your personal hell
through your pain I receive my thrill
Enchanted by the beauty of death
we'll celebrate the blackest of nights
To live in the darkness
destroy the souls of all who beg
for their mercy from the light
To live without fear is the key
to open your mind to the horrors
that dwell deep inside
Abide with me eternally
Impervious the art of Revenants
Lyrics: Williams
Nightfall come to me
blessed be the unholy
Come to cleanse impurity
come to pass tranquility
Ethereal mists pour over perished ruins
Lands strewn with sulphurous solitude unveiled
Timorous and slothful vengeful
deeds become glory
Destroyed in vain
Tartarean prophecy prevailed
Strength with eternal wisdom conversed
Seduced from obedience
bereaved of happiness divinity may partake
Divested of temptation unwanted
mused by sempiternal angst
Imperium norm exhumed
while His Divine Creation inhumed
Held in potent voice
the ardent and overshadowed seized at great length
While boundless detriment with
ubiquitous agony united
Flames infinite and vacuous
burn with boundless strength
From the armory of hatred sprung
forth furious winds
Followed were the ashes of divinity purged
Exordium to prolific ataxia long vanquished
With pure darkness regained
impervious the art of revenants
Flames burn with boundless strength
Impervious the art of revenants
The Ceasing Winds Aflame
Instrumental: Williams