 На данный момент это самое позднее творение из стана норвежцев OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT. Возможно, что последнее, так как вокалист Pest некоторое время назад перебрался на постоянное место жительства в США и будущее команды находится под вопросом. На этом релизе OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT, к счастью, полностью избавились от клавишных и женского вокала. В принципе, я не являюсь противником клавишных в Чёрном Металле, но на предыдущем релизе OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT клавишные партии в исполнении Morrigan, широко известной в узких кругах бассистки из AETERNUS, придавали музыке, на мой взгляд, определённую «сопливость» и несколько «попсовый» мелодизм. Безусловно, Morrigan талантливый музыкант и как бассист и как исполнительница клавишных партий. Но её идеи, опять-таки на мой взгляд, не вписывались в музыкальное полотно предыдущей работы OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT. Итак, как уже было сказано, The Shepherd and the Hounds of Hell строго гитарный релиз. Музыканты команды: вокалист Pest (известный по работе в GORGOROTH), гитаристы Heks и Doden, барабанщик Torquemada явно ориентировались в этой работе на true Black Metal. Это подтверждается и выбором студии: Soundsuite Studio известной тем что в ней записывались CARPATHIAN FOREST и GEHENNA. Попытка звучать true так и осталась попыткой. При сохранении всех необходимых элементов true звучания музыке не хватает холода, мрака и ненависти. Не чувствуется духа свободы сильных и презрения к слабым. К тому же в музыке присутствуют элементы heavy, особенно в редких для Чёрного Металла гитарных проигрышах и в неплохо поставленном чистом пении вокалиста. А heavy, по крайней мере в его ортодоксальном понимании, никогда не являлся составляющей частью Чёрного Металла. В остальном же, это довольно интересная и профессиональная работа в стиле квази пост Блэка. Неглупое построение композиций, интересные мелодические ходы, умная работа музыкантов. Большинство композиций построены на контрастах между быстрыми, агрессивными моментами и медленными, полуромантическими эпизодами. Слушается это интересно и временами даже захватавающе. В целом, я не могу назвать этих несомненно одарённых музыкантов неискренними, но чувствуется, что как личностям им не хватает экстремизма так необходимого в Чёрном Металле. Поэтому я не могу назвать их творчество настоящим Чёрным Металлом, следовательно только 7/10. |
A storm blew with a bliss - accomplishing the serpent's kiss.
With a hunger as great
As the most ancient of daggers.
Six were the days
To be ended on the seventh night.
With blood like the noblest of red.
And with a purpose yet unknown to any dimension,
Set her eyes on fire for ultimate visions to discover.
Her lips touched the ground and became Death and his bride.
The grim force set sail into a world of magic.
Where wastelands were blue-soaked, in the capes of the mountains.
2. Ride the Whore
We walked the earth before the dawn of man.
Never more shall mankind live, for we shalt rule these lands.
Forgotten shall the mortals be - the strong alone shall stand.
We are the superiors - the demigods of the earth.
Mortal be silent! Hark as we speak!
(Alas, you still walk earth)
Gather around us - fall to the ground.
You are the child of the bastard son.
Mortal be silent! Hark as we speak!
(Alas, you still walk earth)
Gather around us - fall to the ground.
You are the child of the bastard son.
We ride the whore.
We tramp upon the saviour of thine.
We are those God left behind.
Mortal be silent! Hark as we speak!
Gather around us - fall to the ground.
You are the child of the bastard son.
Thou art not worthy to walk the land that was granted to thee.
Spawn of the throne from those who gave birth to the bastard son.
Walk my path... I`ll lead you to salvation.
An open grave... for those who descent from the virgin whore.
Ride the whore in lust - and see the angels in disgust.
3. Lucifer's Lament
As he walked these desolate fields, he felt his spirit weaken.
These were days that you know not, this was long ago.
The tortured souls of fathers old - was his to seek revenge for.
Those of pride who would not bend, before the laws and gods of man.
This was a race you have never seen and neither will you ever.
For these were haunted down like beasts, by mortal fools - the human race.
In his quest for sweet revenge he walked so tall and proud.
Until he met a figure that now made him fall and stumble blind.
This was what his quest was for - not to seek revenge.
This creature in a human shape, with feelings so intense.
He knew her as no other, but not in shape of man.
Their spirits re-united as he took her by the hand.
This was a race you have never seen and neither will you ever.
For these were haunted down like beasts, by mortal fools - the human race.
In his quest for sweet revenge he walked so tall and proud.
Until he met a figure that now made him fall and stumble blind.
This figure was of human race - a woman of such beauty that he could not
Help to stumble on his way to seek revenge.
As he looked upon her face he saw such passion in her eyes.
It reminded him of tales he had heard, of mankind's so-called paradise.
Spirit torn from spirit - and spirit torn apart.
When human race saw through his mask,
And tore the two apart.
Spirit torn from spirit - and spirit torn apart.
Human race I curse thee
With all my blackened heart.
Spirit torn from spirit - and spirit torn apart.
When human race saw through his mask,
And tore the two apart.
Spirit torn from spirit - and spirit torn apart.
Human race I curse thee
With all my blackened heart.
4. Millenium Beast (Awaiting The Feast)
Drowned in snow they lie the mountains.
Reaching heaven high.
A creature of war can be seen from afar.
Nervously his beast approach the jaw of stone.
He places his feet upon the frozen ground.
A wind of evil sweeps him by.
He who holds the flame - who stands up straight.
Upon thee I will lay my blasphemy.
You can not even reach me, where I sit on my throne so high.
Fall to your knees and praise me or die.
Almighty one - hear my prayer in ancient tongue.
My heart is growing heavy, black as death and cold.
Ornaments hacked in ice. Above me they hang,
To remind me of elder beliefs.
Almighty one - what I'm seeking is yours to give.
The wisdom that is hidden in what is hanging high.
Ornaments carved in stone. Beneath me they lie,
The future of your tribe depends upon your fate.
Drowned in snow they lie the mountains.
Reaching heaven high.
A creature of war can be seen from afar.
5. Stepping Over Angels
Carnal lust dwells in the mind of the angel,
Who sit at the feet of his master.
And God - heaven alone can no longer please him,
After glimpse of the race that is walking below.
The pleasures of flesh and the glory of war.
Has left scars in the mind of the one at God's feet.
In visions of horror he pictures himself,
As he steps over angels and enter God's seat.
Satisfaction is now on the face of the one who
No longer is by the feet of his god - but sits
High on his throne of gold.
The so-called king who came forth from the east,
Will he be worthy for the beast ?
Or will they throw him to the dogs for them
To have feast ?
Carnal lust dwells in the mind of the angel,
Who sit at the feet of his master.
And God - heaven alone can no longer please him,
After glimpse of the race that is walking below.
The pleasures of flesh and the glory of war.
Has left scars in the mind of the one at God's feet.
In visions of horror he pictures himself,
As he steps over angels and enter God's seat.
Satisfaction is now on the face of the one who
No longer is by the feet of his god - but sits
High on his throne of gold.
The so-called king who came forth from the east,
Will he be worthy for the beast ?
Or will they throw him to the dogs for them
To have feast ?
The one who came forth from the east -
Was not worthy for the beast.
6. The Shepherd And The Hounds Of Hell
A vast and naked landscape bathes in the blood-red setting sun.
A pale man dressed in cape, walking on the field alone.
His rod is dragged along the soil he walks upon.
The flames that once burned in his eyes are now forever gone.
Alone on desert plains he feels his spirit weaken.
Has he been abandoned by his god ?
His body lies crawled up to a fire that is burning through the night.
Why so vulnerable - why so filled with fright?
What is that this man is hiding?
What cross does he bear?
Why does he follow the sound of dogs howling?
What is it that he fears?
The howling is the Hounds of Hell released on earth.
The Shepherd failed - the flock is free to roam in a
Realm they call their own.
They bring temptation, as the snake that tempted me.
In an Eden of such beauty - you will never see.
7. Utopia Obtained
I declare - war upon a heaven that was ours.
This I swear - by the ancient gods that the Millennium Beast devoured.
I`ll desecrate - you`ll tremble at my feet.
Step aside - as I place myself upon his seat.
When I lay my hands upon the ones who guard his seat.
Their souls will be consumed by fire, by the time they reach my feet.
I will claim - what is mine to take my realm I shall obtain.
Beyond the gates - of heaven hides a god who dares not meet me.
For centuries - he's been hiding in a realm he calls his own.
I will not stand down - any longer... I will crush his fucking throne.
Crushed and broken shalt they be whilst crawling for their god.
Alone and unprotected I will drag him through the mud.
Gather for the holocaust of all mankind.
The holy speak of second coming, but paradise is mine.
Cast out was I, but not destroyed.
My spirit lives eternal.
My soul yearns for a piece of heaven - that I can call mine.
Those who dare to speak of God, shalt swing from nearest tree.
They shalt forever hold their tongue, or I will rip it from their mouth.
Their memories will be forced forgotten, never shalt their names be heard.
Jesus Christ the shepherd shall be severed from his fucking herd.