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1 | Hypothermia - Lid
 | 2 | Hypothermia - Ur Ångest Född
 | 3 | Durthang - Chambers of Rape and Ruin
 | 4 | Durthang - Silence |
Nachtzeit — Drums, bass, guitar
Archaic — Vocals, guitar
Kim Carlsson — Guitar, vocals, ambience |
Tape limited to 500 copies.
Re-released on LP in 2008 by Old Ruin Records, limited to 111 hand numbered copies. |
 | 1. Hypothermia - Lid
Lid med mig
Lid för mig
Ned på knä
Glöm vad du tror att du vet
Fragment av glädje äro intet, ständigt lidande äro allt
I evigheten finns inga ord, där härskar tomheten
Tystnaden ur kaoset, ämnat för rekreation
Till synes ett enkelt val
2. Hypothermia - Ur Ångest Född
Ur ångest född
Förankrad i mörkrets rogivande famn
Ärrvävnaden inte längre skamfläck på din sargade kropp
Ty en fulländning, återspeglandes ditt inre
Det blod som flödat, natt som dag
3. Durthang - Chambers of Rape and Ruin
Eyes opened twice, saw what should not have been seen
The eclipse of sanity, brought forth by this stream of overwhelming cold
Veil of chaos, disrupting time and place.. leaving me bleeding in the coldest of chambers
Instantly frozen beyond return..
In a desolate trance, malady, grief or madness becomes the drapery that falls after me.
What is this truth that was there? Spinning threads of bottomless hate.. hate and despise for existence.
Visions embodying sheer hoplessness.. drowning in the impenetrable dark
Emotions slowly fading, thoughts fading, their ugly minds corrupted the flow of conciosness.
In a non existent dimension forever enshrined in serenity and ruin.
4. Durthang - Silence
Wail, deep inside, the crie of a bitter flame.
Means of persisting, fueled by hate, but buried by beeing
Existence took its toll. Suffocation in grey structures, a spoiled world.
Cosmos returning to chaos.
Life returning to square nothing
Cold, Empty mirage.. undo me, silence my screaming mind.
Wounds in this creation, liberation through self destruction..
blood falling on the ground to mark my grave
Consuming it all in one last defying breath
And then there was silence...