 Переходный период от авангарда в пост-панковом ключе к авангарду в поп-роковой стилистике в творчестве Siouxsie and the Banshees венчается альбомом каверов. Полдюжины приглашенных музыкантов. Подбор артистов и жанров удачен и безупречен - от материала мэтров электроники Kraftwerk до наследия джазовой певицы Билли Холидей (не она единственная исполняла "Strange Fruit", но именно ее трактовка, как наиболее сильная и эмоциональная, была взята за основу англичанами). Впрочем, это сейчас я могу рассуждать про "безукоризненность подборки" относительно уверенно. В момент моего знакомства с альбомом я не слышал первоисточники половины представленных здесь композиций. Даже "Hall of Mirrors" умудрилась (до сих пор не пойму, как?!) ускользнуть от моего внимания, а ведь именно в этой композиции есть строчка, вынесенная в заглавие релиза. Я не имел ни малейшего представления о творчестве Sparks и Television, а уж информацию касательно того, что "Trust in Me" первоначально была написана для мультика про Маугли от Walt Disney, и вовсе принял за неудачную шутку. Что ж, тем интереснее было сравнивать обработки Siouxsie and the Banshees с оригинальными вариантами.
И вот тут очень сложно удержаться от потрекового разбора, ведь каждая представленная здесь кавер-версия по своему уникальна. "This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us", скажем, изначально являлась непричесанной "протопанковой" песенкой, исполнявшейся не попадающими в ноты голосом в намеренно завышенной тональности. Становилось очевидно - в этом городе действительно слишком мало места "для нас двоих". Сьюзи же умудрилась "причесать" сей асоциальный боевик и, кажется, придать (точнее, вернуть) ему тот ироничный оттенок, который вкладывал в него сочинитель - Ron Mael. Зато пара следующих композиций опасно близка к оригиналам, и эффект, создаваемый их тандемом, действительно пугающий. Это удивительное чувство - ощущать, как бездушный и механистичный голос, повествующий о девушке в зеркальном зале, спустя ничтожно малый промежуток времени начинает наливаться притягательными оттенками и погружает в транс - очень точная передача эмоциональных и визуальных оттенков той самой сцены из мультика, где Каа гипнотизирует Маугли. Впрочем, людям, с сим произведением американской масс-культуры незнакомым, происходящее может показаться опасно похожим на саундтрек к эротическому триллеру... И это только начало - дальше будет и переосмысление классики The Doors, и маршевая "The Passenger" Игги Попа с (внимание, каламбур!) захватывающими дух партиями духовых инструментов, и "Sea Breezes", для описания которой подойдут все хвалебные эпитеты, относящиеся к красотам морских закатов и рассветов. При таком богатстве выбора даже как-то удивляет зацикленность критиков на "Strange Fruit", которую музыкальные журналисты даже внесли в свое время в список с названием "Пятнадцать кавер-версий, изменивших мир" (о, боги, сколько пафоса!). Впрочем, тонкую связь между Сьюзи и Билли отрицать не стоит. В конце концов, именно Холидей в свое время первой заявила о себе, как о яркой индивидуальности на сцене, а не просто певичке, покорно открывающей рот в такт написанной кем-то музыке. Сью возвела эту индивидуальность в абсолют. Так что вы уж извините, что я так мало о музыке... она на диво прекрасна и украшена мелодичными аранжировками, разнообразящими даже самые прямолинейные эпизоды, но без вокала все эти бусинки-прелести, рассыпанные на полу, мало кому были бы интересны.
А лучшее в этих записях то, что работа над ними дала Сьюзи и компании немало идей для грядущего (шедеврального!) "Peepshow". Даже немного жаль, что теперь мне постоянно приходится обходить сияющую вершину того альбома, чтобы увидеть за ней зеленые пики "Through the Looking Glass". И все же этот релиз не должен теряться на фоне хоть предков, хоть потомков - даже в сравнении с прочим, уникальным и неповторимым материалом легендарных англичан он выглядит дивным, даже чудаковатым, и потому по-особому притягательным. |
Flying domestic flying
And when the stewardess is near do not show any fear
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
You are a khaki-coloured bombardier it's Hiroshima that you're nearing
This town ain't big enough for the both of us
And it ain't me that's gonna leave
Daily, except for Sunday
You dawdle in to the cafe where you meet her each day
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
As twenty cannibals have hold of you, they need their protein just like you do
This town ain't big enough for the both of us
And it ain't me that's gonna leave
Shower, another shower
You've got to look your best for her and be clean everywhere
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
The rain is pouring on the foreign town, the bullets cannot cut you down
This town ain't big enough for the both of us
And it ain't me that's gonna leave
Census, the latest census
There'll be more girls who live in town though not enough to go 'round
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
You know that this town isn't big enough
Not big enough for the both of us
This town isn't big enough
Not big enough for the both of us
And I ain't gonna leave
She stepped into the hall of mirrors
Where she discovered a reflection of herself
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass
Sometimes she saw her real face
And sometimes a stranger at her place
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass
She fell in love with the image of herself
and suddenly the picture was distorted
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass
She made up the person she wanted to be
And changed into a new personality
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass
The artist is living in the mirror
With the echoes of himself
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
This wheel's on fire
If your memory serves you well
We were goin' to meet again and wait,
So I'm goin' to unpack all my things
And sit before it gets too late.
No man alive will come to you
With another tale to tell,
But you know that we shall meet again
If your memory serves you well
This wheel's on fire,
Rolling down the road,
Best notify my next of kin
This wheel shall explode!
If your memory serves you well
I was goin' to confiscate your lace,
And wrap it up in a sailor's knot
And hide it in your case
If I knew for sure that it was yours
But it was oh so hard to tell.
But you knew that we would meet again
If your memory serves you well.
This wheel's on fire,
Rolling down the road,
Best notify my next of kin
This wheel shall explode!
If your memory serves you well
You'll remember you're the one
That called on me to call on them
To get you your favors done
And after every plan had failed
And there was nothing more to tell,
You knew that we would meet again
If your memory served you well.
This wheel's on fire,
Rolling down the road,
Best notify my next of kin,
This wheel shall explode!
Strange Fruit
Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.
Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter cry.
You're Lost Little Girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost
Tell me who
Are you?
I think that you know what to do
Yes, but it's true
I think that you know what to do, girl
I'm sure that you know what to do
You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost
The Passenger
I am a passenger
And I ride and I ride
I ride through the city's backside
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, they're bright in a hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
I am a passenger
I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the city's a rip in the sky
And everything looks good tonight
Singin' la la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la la-la
Get into the car
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
See the city's ripped insides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight
Oh the passenger
How how he rides
Oh the passenger
He rides and he rides
He looks through his window
What does he see?
He sees the sided hollow sky
He see the stars come out tonight
He sees the city's ripped backsides
He sees the winding ocean drive
And everything was made for you and me
All of it was made for you and me
'cause it just belongs to you and me
So let's take a ride and see what's mine
Oh, the passenger
He rides and he rides
He sees things from under glass
He looks through his window's eye
He sees the things he knows are his
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He sees the city asleep at night
He sees the stars are out tonight
And all of it is yours and mine
And all of it is yours and mine
Oh, let's ride and ride and ride and ride...
Me and my partner we work on the run
The quick try to get quicker
And the creepers get hung
Now it's you that got wasted tonight on the job
One lost his liquor
And the other lost his hand
Ten sticky thumb prints on the door and the sink
But nothin' saw nothin' - just smell the stink
Five hundred mugshots and a hundred to one
Four forgotten and the rest just won't come
When you've begun to think like a gun
The rest of the year has already gone
When you've begun to think like a gun
The days of the year have suddenly gone.
Blood on the windows and blood on the walls
Blood on the ceiling and down in the halls
And the papers keep pounding on everything I burned
And the people getting restless but they'll never learn
I picked up a doctor - he's good with a knife
Says anaesthetic's a waste of his time
Works in a hurry but always worthwhile
Knows they won't be back for a long long time
Top of the staircase was ready to fall
We were still waiting downstairs in the hall
Watch out for big mama, she'll set you on fire
Or go for your neck with the chicken wire
When you've begun to think like a gun
The days of the year have suddenly gone
Once you've begun to think like a gun
The days of the year have already gone
Mother of plenty, mother of none
You've got me cornered and still on the run
I don't care nothing about you anyway
Stuck in this hole I'm on my way
Yeah when you've begun to live like a gun
The days of the year have already gone
When you've begun to think like a gun
The days of the year have suddenly gone
Sea Breezes
I've been thinking now for a long time
How to go my own seperate way
It's a shame to think about yesterday a shame
We've been running round in our present state
Hoping help would come from above
But even angels there make the same mistakes in love
Now that we are lonely
Life seems to get hard
Alone what a word lonely
Alone it makes me cry
Thought-train set in motion
Wheels in and around
Express our emotion
Tracks up then it cracks down
Little Johnny Jewel
Little Johnny Jewel
My little Johnny Jewel
Oh he's so cool
He had no decision
He's just trying to tell a vision
Well some thought it sad
And others thought it mad
They're just scratching the surface
JJ couldn't be with the other kids
Was he on display?
No, no, not today
And all that guy ever said
He said "I want my little wing-head"
He'd be half-asleep at night
Over his head the sensation of flight
And he'd wake up dreaming
And he'd run down to the airport
The rush, the roar
And he'd crouch down behind the fence
With a chest full of lights
And then he'd lose his senses
He'd lose his senses....
Oh my little Johnny Jewel
Oh he's so cool
But if you see him looking lost
You ain't gonna come on so fast
Ah, but you know that he's paid
You know that he's paid the price
All you gotta do for that guy
Is wink your eye