Alice Cooper
« Trash »
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1 | Poison
 | 2 | Spark In The Dark
 | 3 | House Of Fire
 | 4 | Why Trust You
 | 5 | Only My Heart Talkin'
 | 6 | Bed Of Nails
 | 7 | This Maniac's In Love With You
 | 8 | Trash
 | 9 | Hell Is Living Without You
 | 10 | I'm Your Gun |
   Alice Cooper - vocals
John McCurry - guitars
Alan St John - keyboards
Hugh McDonald - bass
Bobby Choinard - drums |
Label: SBME Special Mkts.
Guest musicians:
Kane Roberts - guitars
Guy Mann Dude - guitars
Mark Frazier - guitars
Jack Johnson - guitars
Paul Chiten - keyboards
Steve Deutsch - synths
Gregg Mangiafico - keyboards
Steven Tyler - backing vocals on track 5
Joe Perry - lead guitars on track 5
Tom Hamilton - bass on track 8
Joey Kramer - drums on track 8
Jon Bon Jovi - backing vocals on track 9
Ritchie Sambora - lead guitars on track 9
Steve Lukather - lead guitars on track 9 |
 | Poison
Your cruel device
Your blood like ice
One look could kill
My pain - your thrill
I wanna love you but I better not touch, don't touch
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much, too much
I wanna taste you but yo |
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 Как говорят янки: "Don't be fooled by the name!" Перед вами не "Мусор", а самый настоящий, сверкающий бриллиант. Как следует разогревшись на двух предыдущих альбомах, Элис Купер сделал ход конем и, пригласив многих известнейших музыкантов (среди которых оказались такие люди как Джон Бон Джови, Стивен Тайлер, Ричи Самбора, Стив Люкатер, Джо Хэмилтон и Джой Крамер) записал один из самых лучших своих альбомов. Надо заметить, что успех этой работы был просто оглушительным, впервые со времен "Welcome To My Nightmare" Элис собирал полные стадионы старых и новых фэнов, ну а сам "Trash" стал самым продаваемым альбомом Купера за всю его карьеру. Так в чем же секрет такого успеха? Все гениальное просто - старательная и кропотливая работа над новыми песнями позволила не допустить на альбом ни одного проходного трека, ну а "звездные" соавторы Купера обеспечили мощный творческий запал. О таких "мелочах" как великолепное качество записи и сведения альбома я просто умолчу. Дальше надо бы выделить лучшие песни альбома, но лично я просто не могу этого сделать, настолько они все великолепны! Открывающий альбом мега хит "Poison" знают даже люди, имеющие слабое представление о тяжелом роке, настолько он был в свое время раскручен. Парад боевиков продолжается неподражаемо энергичной "Spark In The Dark", далее следуют громоподобные "House Of Fire" и "Why Trust You" с припевами грозящими снести стены. После такого ураганного начала просто необходим отдых и Элис исполняет трогательную балладу "Only My Heart Talkin'". Ну а затем на слушателя обрушивается одна из лучших песен Купера вообще - великолепный боевик "Bed Of Nails". Небольшой эксперимент с диско стилем отлично проходит в композиции "This Maniac's In Love With You". Потом следует средне темповый заглавный номер, за ним притаилась красивейшая баллада "Hell Is Living Without You". Ну и, наконец, завершается "Trash" умопомрачительным скоростным боевиком "I'm Your Gun". Да, на альбоме нет ни одной песни в духе Куперовских страшилок, да, весь материал старательно причесан под находившийся в то время на закате популярности глэм метал. Но уж если уважаемый Элис решил посвятить себя этому стилю, то оценивать "Trash" надо без оглядки на работы 70-ых годов, это совсем другое. А среди хэви глэмового периода в творчестве Купера "Trash", несомненно, лучший экземпляр. Абсолютный шедевр на все времена! |
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Я даже удивился, что на этот альбом ещё не написано рецензии. Стыдно, товарищи! Ну, надо же это кому-то сделать...
Это не просто альбом, это - шедевр, шедевр на все времена! Людям слушающим Элиса уже давно о песне Poison просто нет смысла рассказывать. Это классика, классика ничуть не уступающая пресловутым Black Widow и School's Out. Это новое направление в текстах Купера - любовь, но какая любовь - с ужасами, с ядами, со страданиями.. В песнях Poison и Bed Of Nails, Купер имхо описывает всех девушек 80-х разом и опять же с каким исскуство он это делает. Девушек в косухах и кожаных мини, хотящим любви не ординарной. Чего стоят фразы: "Наша любовь - это кровать гвоздей" или "Я хочу попробовать тебя, но твои губы - токсичный яд!", "Твой яд течёт в моих венах." и т.п. Советую посмотреть клип на Poison. Вы поймёте, о чём я. Вот она где настоящая романтика хард рока, а не современное глотание таблеток на дискотеках и вставливание пирсинга во все возможные углубления и выпуклости...
Также очень хороша песня "House Of Fire", чем то по духу и теме напоминающая Hotel California. В ней Куперу хочется заново и заново отстраивать "Дом Огня", но не из камней с деревом, а из ихней с девушкой любви.
В "Spark In The Dark" Элис Купер приглашает девушку на вечеринку на которой веселиться будут только они и ни кто более им не нужен, её родителям не о чем беспокоится, и пока они вдвоём им нужна лишь "вспышка в темноте".
В тексте песни "Why Trust You" Купер имхо спрашивает у Бога - почему я собственно должен верить тебе? Ты ещё не разу не выполнил своих обещаний и твой путь на небо, в рай, весьма призрачен.
А вот баллада "Only My Heart Is Talking" имхо не очень в тему на этом альбоме. Ей место где на альбомах Бона Джови или Аэросмита. Обыкновенная балладка о любви.
Ну вот добрался, "This Maniac' In Love With You". Купер говорит девушке о её самом большом страхе - маньяк влюбился в неё и ей уже ничего не поделать. Он найдёт её рано или!
Ну и последние три песни представляют собой довольно интересные боевички.
Не заскучаете от TRASH'а!!! |
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Через два года после шокирующего своей прямотой и первозданной мощью альбома «Raise Your Fist and Yell» император хард-рока и король сценических ужасов Элис Купер снова с нами, и приготовил он на этот раз эпохальное творение под названием «Trash»! «Poison» - самая удивительная и необычная песня Элиса: таким неожиданно коварным и рычащим голосом он ещё никогда не пел, а плотность и цепляемость припева НИКОГДА ещё не достигала настолько сильной концентрации! «Spark in he Dark» - это словно дикий саундтрек к какому-то молодёжному фильму и всё об этом говорит – откровенно пошлые тексты, втаптывающая в землю ритм-секция и драйв гитарных партий на грани экстаза! «House of Fire» - это глэмовый гимн, который может мгновенно взорвать любой стадион! Несколько попроще получилась «Why Trust You», но под мощью общего настроя песня идёт на ура. Если на предыдущем альбоме были проблемы с балладами, то здесь старина Купер их сочинил целых две! Это романтически-мечтательная «Only My Heart Talkin'» и необычайно депрессивная и прямо-таки душераздирающая «Hell Is Living without You». Совсем уж угар начинается на «I`m Your Gun» и глэмовое раздолбайство на «This Maniacs' in Love with You». Легко соперничает с «Poison» и «Spark in the Dark» потрясающе хитовая «Bed of Nails», от припева которой просто идёт кругом голова! Заглавная композиция «Trash» отличается от всех остальных более серьёзной и традиционно хардовой мелодией. Что же мы имеем в итоге? Альбом «Trash» - это выдающаяся и уникальная работа, исполненная на высочайшем творческом и профессиональном уровне. Это ещё один шедевр в золотой копилке Элиса Купера и хард-рока в целом. |
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После долгого творческого кризиса король шок-рока привлек к работе над очередным альбомом массу известных музыкантов, таких как Bon Jovi, Steven Tyler и т. д., а также известного в AOR-кругах композитора Десмонда Чайлда. Результат впечатляет: в альбоме "Trash" нет проходных песен, практически каждая композиция, будь то первая "Poison", быстрая "House Of Fire" или украсившая бы любой альбом Bon Jovi периода с 84 по 88 год "Bed Of Nails" достойна выпуска отдельным синглом и высокого места в чартах. Одна из лучших коммерческих хард-роковых работ столетия. |
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просмотров: 46717 |
You're poison
Running through my veins
You're poison
I don't wanna break these chains
Your mouth so hot
Your web I'm caught
Your skin so wet
Black lace on sweat
I hear you calling and it's needles and pins, and pins
I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name
Don't wanna touch you but you're under my skin, deep in
I wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison
Running through my veins
You're poison
I don't wanna break these chains
One look could kill
My pain - your thrill
I wanna love you but I better not touch, don't touch
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much, too much
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison
Running through my veins
You're poison
I don't wanna break these chains
I wanna love you but I better not touch, don't touch
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much, too much
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison
I don't want to break these chains
Running deep inside my veins
Burning deep inside my veins
It's poison
I don't wanna break these chains
Spark in the dark
Welcome to the party
It's only me and you
Tell the world to go away, babe
And I'll tell you what to do
Come over here and kiss me
I want to pull your hair
Turn out the lights and hold me
I want to touch you everywhere
We don't need nobody, baby
We don't need champagne
I'll take you to the deepest, darkest
Hottest lovers lane
For a little spark in the dark
Just a little spark in the dark
Don't matter where we sleep, don't matter where we park
All we need is a spark, spark, spark in the dark
Just a little spark in the dark
Come around midnight
We'll be crawling on the floor
Burning with the fever
And yelling out for more
But don't you write it in your diary, baby
Don't blab it on the phone
'Cause if your mom and dad find out
They'll skin me to the bone
Now we don't need instructions, baby
Don't you be afraid
It takes a little friction - ah ah
That's how our love is made
From a little spark in the dark
Just a little spark in the dark
Don't matter what you say, no matter what you do
As long as it is me and you
We got a spark in the dark
Just a little spark in the dark
We don't need nobody, baby
We don't need cocaine
I'll take you to the deepest, darkest
Hottest lovers lane
Spark in the dark
Just a little spark in the dark
Don't matter where we sleep, don't matter where we park
All we need is a spark, spark, spark in the dark
Spark in the dark
Just a little spark in the dark
No matter what you say, no matter what you do
As long as it is me and you
We got a spark in the dark
Just a little spark in the dark
House of fire
House of fire
House of fire
Let's build a house of fire, baby
Not one of wood or stone
Walk through my door of desire, baby
Come on in and make it your home
Don't need a window to watch you, baby
Don't need no roof overhead
Don't need no key to unlock ya, baby
I'll use my loving instead
I won't tire, take me higher
Building a house of fire, baby
Building it with our love
We are building a house of fire
Every time we touch
House of fire
House of fire
We ain't gotta pay rent now, baby
No landlord to throw us out
I want to play in your garden, baby
When you want it give me a shout
I won't tire, take me higher
Building a house of fire, baby
Building it with our love
We are building a house of fire
Every time we touch
We are building this house together, baby
Standing on solid ground
We are building a house of fire
That you can't tear down
Brick by brick the flames get higher
Build it strong with our desire
Building a house of fire, baby
Building it with our love
We are building a house of fire
Every time we touch
Baby, we are building this house together, baby
Standing on solid ground
We are building a house of fire
That you can't tear down
Building a house of fire, baby
Building it with our love
We are building a house of fire
Every time we touch
We are building this house together, baby
Standing on solid ground
We are building a house of fire
That you can't tear down
Why trust you
You come on strong with a great big smile
But your teeth are as sharp as a crocodile
You promised me the moon and the stars and the sun
But you never did nothing for anyone
Can't look me in the face or straight in the eye
I'd buy the movie rights to your alibi
I wonder how long you will go
I wonder how high your head will blow
You're a psychopathic liar
Your soul is on fire
You're bluffing with nothing
While the stakes are getting higher
Why trust you?
You never made a dream come true
Why trust you?
Give me one good reason, one good reason why
Well, you come to me all teary eyed
With your big tall tale way up in the sky
Begging on your knees for another chance
But everybody knows that's a song and a dance
There used to be a time when you were the best
You had the fastest tongue in the west
Ya gave a look and a line like nobody else
You'd try to sell the bible to the devil himself
You sadistic little liar
You're walking on the wire
You're bluffing up with nothing
And the bills are getting higher
Why trust you?
You never made a dream come true
Why trust you?
Give me one good reason, one good reason why
Trust you
The noose is getting tighter
Your face is turning whiter
You can stuff it up your muffing
And go stick it in the fire
Why trust you?
You never made a dream come true
Why trust you?
Give me one good reason, one good reason
Why trust you?
You never made a dream come true
Why trust you?
Give me one good reason, one good reason
Why trust you?
Why trust you?
Why trust you?
Why trust you?
Why trust you?
Only my heart talkin'
Anybody's dream can fall apart
Anybody's mask can break
Couldn't tell you how I wanted you
Enough to make you want to stay
I never said the words out loud
I guess I couldn't get'em straight
Baby, give me one more chance
Before you walk away
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
Saying things I never thought I'd say
Can't you hear me knocking?
Tried to fool you but it wouldn't play
'Cause my heart - it's talkin'
It's talkin'
Baby, it's talkin'
Talkin' to you
Everytime I take it to the edge
Everytime I'm so afraid
Don't you know I cry my eyes out, babe
Everytime you look away
Oh, I almost dropped a tear
But I caught it just in time
I'd say those things you want to hear
If you'd help me, help me, help me try
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
Saying things I never thought I'd say
Can't you hear me knocking?
Tried to fool you but it wouldn't play
'Cause my heart - it's talkin'
It's talkin'
Baby, it's talkin'
Talkin' to you
Well, I don't want to hide away
Hide away without you, baby
Don't you go and run away, come and help me, baby
Just a little help, baby, my little baby
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
Saying things I never thought I'd say
Can't you hear me knocking?
I tried to fool you but it wouldn't play
'Cause my heart - it's talkin'
It's talkin'
Baby, it's talkin'
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
It's only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
It's only, only, only, only
Only, only, only, only my heart talkin'
Talkin' to you
Talkin' to you
Talkin' to you
Talkin' to you
Bed of nails
"I love the way you hurt me
My tears - your wine
Your thoughts would draw my plan
For a cruise in vain
Like talons in the pale moon shine above us
My gained pleasure in pain is slowly vanished
When you sink deeper and deeper into a void
You are venomous love"
We're gonna fight, we do it every night
Baby, when you scratch you know I'm gonna bite
You can make me die, I can make you cry
Opposites attract - that's the reason why
No one else could make you feel like I do, I do, I do
No one ever gets as deep inside you as I do, baby
Our love is a bed of nails
Love hurts good on a bed of nails
I'll lay you down and when all else fails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
First we're gonna kiss then we're gonna say
Dirty little words only lovers say
Rocking through the night, rolling on the floor
When they hear us screaming they'll be breaking down the door
No one else could make you feel like I do, I do, I do
No one ever gets as deep inside you as I do, baby
Our love is a bed of nails
Love hurts good on a bed on nails
I'll lay you down and when all else fails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
Bed of nails, bed of nails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
Gonna drive you like a hammer
Baby, put me in your slammer
No one else could make you feel like I do, I do, I do
No one ever gets as deep inside you as I do, baby
Our love is a bed of nails
Love hurts good on a bed of nails
I'll lay you down and when all else fails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
Our love is a bed of nails
Love hurts good on a bed of nails
I'll lay you down and when all else fails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
Bed of nails, get on my bed of nails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
Gonna drive you like a hammer
Baby, put me in your slammer
Bed of nails, bed of nails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
I'll drive you, drive you, drive you
Drive you, drive you, drive you
Bed of nails, bed of nails
I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails
I'll drive you, drive you, drive you
Drive you, drive you, drive you
This maniac's in love with you
I used to be so in control
All right, all right
But reality is losing its hold
All right, all right
Now I don't know where to begin
Just look at the state that I'm in
My mind is in total decay
I'm coming to take you away
There's nothing more that I can do
This maniac's in love with you
Your biggest fear has just come true
This maniac's in love with you
This maniac's in love with you
This maniac, this maniac
My heart has been strapped in a straight jacket love
All right, all right
The therapy boys say it fits like a glove
All right, all right
I'm crossing the line in my brain
The line between pleasure and pain
It takes all I've got to survive
This madness will eat me alive
There's nothing more that I can do
This maniac's in love with you
Your biggest fear has just come true
This maniac's in love with you
There's nothing more that I can do
This maniac's in love with you
I'm all locked up inside of you
This maniac, this maniac
I just don't know where to begin
Just look at the state that I'm in
My mind is total decay
I'm coming to take you away
There's nothing more that you can do
This maniac's in love with you
Your biggest fear has just come true
This maniac's in love with you
There's nothing more that you can do
This maniac's in love with you
Your biggest fear has just come true
This maniac, this maniac
This maniac's in love with you
This maniac's in love with you
There's nothing more that you can do
This maniac's in love with you
Your biggest fear has just come true
This maniac's in love with you
There's nothing more that you can do
This maniac's in love with you
Your biggest fear has just come true
This maniac's in love with you
It ain't the way you crawl
Across the cathouse floor
It ain't the way you curse me
When you slam the bedroom door
It ain't the way you sweat me
For a handful of easy cash
It's just the way you love me
When you turn to trash, trash
It's not the way you dress
When you socialize, oh those eyes
It ain't the diamond rock
Or that Rolls you drive
You can walk the streets
With all your uptown flash, such flash
But when you hit the sheets
You just turn to trash, you're such trash
I love the way you look
You're such a high class tramp
It'd not the way you touch me
When you
You're daddy's dream, you're a peach in cream
And you're ripe at last
But when you hit the sheets
You just turn to trash, trash
I love the way you look
You're such a high class tramp
It'd not the way you touch me
When you make me understand
You're daddy's dream, you're a peach in cream
And you're finally ripe at last
But when you hit the sheets
You just turn to trash
You know you're mighty cool
You know you're mighty wild
Come on down here with that penthouse smile
Trash, dirty baby
Maybe you went down low as you can get
Been dripping hard and put away wet
What you want? What you want?
What you want and got it?
What you want? What you want
What you want and got it?
Hey baby, what's your name?
She's trash, street trash
How low can you go?
My love is like a lollypop
Would you lick it?
All the way to the chewy center
Hell is living without you
(Cooper/Bon Jovi/Sambora/Child)
I can't find your face in a thousand masqueraders
You're hidden in the colors of a million other lost charaders
In life's big parade I'm the lonliest spectator
'Cause you're gone without a trace in a sea of faceless imitators
I can't take another night
Burning inside this
Hell is living without your love
Ain't nothing without your touch me
Heaven would be like
Hell is living without you
Try to walk away when I see the time I've wasted
Starving at a feast and all this wine I've never tasted
On my lips your memory has been stained
Is it all in vain? Tell me, who's to blame?
I can't take another night
Burning inside this
Hell is living without your love
Ain't nothing without your touch me
Heaven would be like
Hell is living without you
Nights get longer and colder
I'm down and begging to hold ya
On my own and I feel like
Hell is living without you
Hell is living without your love
Ain't nothing without your touch me
Heaven would be like
Hell is living without you
Nights get longer and colder
I'm down and begging to hold ya
On my own and I feel like
Hell is living without you
I'm your gun
Your momma thinks I'm filthy, all right
Your daddy calls me scum, all right
Wrap your fingers all around me
I'm your gun
Well, I'm dressed in black, I'm a heart attack
And my draw is lightning quick
If you're looking for a man with magic hands
I can really do the trick
And if you see me on the street and you're burning from the heat
There's a fire down below
You'll be the target on the bed, I'll be shooting hot lead
Let me take control
You're a scared little girl in this big bad town
So easy to sink, so easy to drown
Pull my trigger, I get bigger
Then I'm lots of fun
I'm your gun
I'm your gun, gun, gun
Bite my bullet, push and pull it
Tell me I'm the one
I'm your gun
I'm your gun, gun, gun
Hold on steady, always ready
Well, I'm as hard as they come, I'm a hit and run
I'm a pistol packing boy
Better walk real slow, I'm on the edge, you know
And I'm easily annoyed
If something's giving you trouble I'll be there on the double
Just call me on the line
I've got a muscle I can flex, it'll fog your little specs
'Till you think you're going blind
I know these streets like the scars on my back
And I stay as loaded as this gun on my back
Pull my trigger, I get bigger
Then I'm lots of fun
I'm your gun
I'm your gun, gun, gun
Bite my bullet, push and pull it
Tell me I'm the one
I'm your gun
I'm your gun, gun, gun
Squeeze it tighter, aim and fire
Hold on steady, always ready
Pull my trigger, I get bigger
Then I'm lots of fun
I'm your gun
I'm your gun, gun, gun
Rub my barrel, straight and narrow
Dress up like a nun
I'm your gun
I'm your gun, gun, gun
Load my clip and lick your lips
This is getting fun
I'm your gun
I'm your gun, gun, gun
Hold on steady, always ready