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« HotWire »

HotWire "HotWire" Год



CD Album

Melodic Hard Rock

N Название
01Crying in the Night
02Is It Love
04Heart of the Young
05Lovin' Kind
07Talk to Me
08Sometimes She Cries
09Take Me to Your Heart
10Listen to Me
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Werner Stadi; vocals
Doc Blobner; guitar, vocals
Pepe Thum; bass vocals
Tom Glas; drums, vocals
Produced by: Claus Lessmann & Hans Ziller

Hotwire are a new band from Germany who seem to have been taken under the wing of ex-Bonfiire men Claus Lessmann and Hans Ziller who not only produced the album but provided backing accompaniment in the vocals, keyboard and guitar department. Not surprising then that there is more than a hint of Bonfire in the Hotwire sound, with a slighty softer touch. "Hotwire" is a smashing collection of ten disposable yet highly melodic lightweigth rockers that go easy on the ear, though at times Hotwire can be found guilty of bein a touch too polite. Each song has been lovely crafted into pop-kissed bouncy rockers or dreamy acoustic ballads. Werner Stadi's super smooth vocals are lavishly poured over the sharp punchy riffs and breezy rhythms that litter the album. Try "Crying in the night" on for site, with its highly infectious riff that echoes classic Bonfire, or the melodic overkill of "Heart of the young", each one a surefire winner. The big ballads are represented by "Lovin' kind", "Sometimes she cries" and "Listen to me", a trio of emotion drenched heartbreakers if ever I heard some, but it's classy wimp-hem rockers like "Talk To Me" and "Take Me To Your Heart" that really shine through to make "Hotwire" a most enjoyable album. So, a big tip of the to Messrs Lessmann and Ziller for the excellent involvement and for pointing Hotwire in the right direction. If this is anything to go by then the forthcoming Lessmann/ Ziller album will be an absolute stormer. Nice album cover too!!
Gordon Speirs


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