« Unmasked »
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   Paul Stanley - vocals, guitars
Ace Frehley - vocals, guitars
Gene Simmons - vocals, bass
Guest musicians:
Anton Fig - drums
Vini Poncia - keyboards
Tom Harper - bass on "Shandi"
Holly Knight - keyboards on "Shandi" |
Produced by Vini Poncia
Recorded and mixed by Jay Massina and Gary Russell at The Record Plant, NYC, NY, January - February 1980
Engineered by Gary Russell
Cover art by Victor Stabin |
 | IS THAT YOU? - Gerard McMahon
Cat's droolin' on the bar stool
Shake your hips and crack your whips
Cheap seventeen and trashed out
You went too far, been a bitch you are
Your reputation's in the bathroom
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 Давайте сразу расставим все точки над i. Ни до, ни после записи этого альбома Kiss не смывали своих масок, не появлялись в общественных местах без грима и не публиковали никаких сенсационных фотографий. Такое провокационное название диска связано исключительно с содержанием комикса, расположившегося на его обложке (кстати, по-моему, помещать на лицевую сторону диска комиксы - бред сумасшедшего). Так что изменений в имидже не было, зато случились давно ожидаемые изменения в составе. Окончательно спившийся Питер Крисс решил, что его сольная карьера будет супер успешной, и из группы ушел. Адекватную замену ему в лице очень талантливого барабанщика Эрика Карра удалось подыскать только к началу тура, поэтому в студии Kiss опять помогал Антон Фиг. Теперь следует сильно огорчить не любителей поп саунда предыдущего альбома "Dynasty", потому что на этом фронте изменений нет. Процессом сочинения новых песен опять руководил Винни Понсиа и в музыкальном плане "Unmasked" получился полным двойником "Династии". Незамысловатые тексты, "приглаженные" гитары, обилие клавишных подкладок - в общем, все что нужно любителям качественного поп рока. Именно качественного, если отбросить все предрассудки по поводу "опопсения" то этим диском можно (и нужно!) наслаждаться часами. Наиболее запоминающимися и потенциально хитовыми получились (впрочем, как всегда) композиции сладкоголосого Пола Стэнли. Мощный открывающий боевик "Is That You", стопроцентный апогей "сахарности" и гламура в лице мега баллады "Shandi", просто шикарный романтический шлягер "Tomorrow" - все это материал самого высшего класса. Неподражаемый Эйс Фрейли опять сорвал банк, только ради его тройки энергичных боевиков "Talk To Me", "Two Sides Of The Coin" и "Torpedo Girl" можно с чистой совестью купить этот диск. Ну а Джин Симмонс представил совершенно роскошный и весьма нетипичный для Kiss номер "Naked City", несущий в себе немалый заряд недоброй мрачности. В целом, группа выпустил второй подряд замечательный диск, пусть и немного облегчив звучание. Настоящих фанатов это не остановит. |
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Kiss по-прежнему шли по стезе поп-рока, но данный альбом, в отличие от предыдущей «Династии», оказался послабее. Может быть, все-таки не хватало ушедшего Питера Крисса. Может быть, ребята малость поисписались. В общем, как бы то ни было, «Без масок» – работа, по сравнению со всем, что было раньше, слабая. Многие поклонники Kiss именно после него перестали их слушать. (Кстати, без масок ребята пока еще не предстали. Просто на дурацкой комиксовой обложке они их действительно как бы снимают, но под масками оказываются еще одни точно такие же маски.) Лучшей песней я бы назвал «Easy As It Seems», с запоминающимся риффингом, отличными клавишными и текстом, в котором Пол Стэнли просит свою девушку дать ему понять, есть ли у них будущее. Среди других более или менее запоминающихся тем следует отметить размеренную «Is That You?», еще одну тему, спетую Полом, о малопривлекательной особе женского пола, привыкшей крутить парнями, как она хочет, а потом бросать их; «Talk to Me», начинающуюся медленно, но с припевом становящуюся более энергичной (честно говоря, мало верится, что все, что Эйсу Фрели нужно от девушки, – это поговорить :-)); «Naked City», также с медленным началом и энергичным припевом, с выбивающейся из всего остального материала лирикой о городе Нью-Йорке, в котором живут одинокие люди, ищущие чего-то и кого-то (единственное, что мне здесь не нравится, – это недолгие попытки петь фальцетом); «Two Sides of the Coin» с размышлением на тему, нужно ли выбрать девушку на одну ночь или присматриваться к тем, с кем можно завязать более серьезные отношения; «She’s So European» с запоминающимися клавишными и припевом, о девушке, которая хочет казаться по-европейски утонченной; весьма энергичную «Torpedo Girl», в которой Эйс встречает девушку, приплывшую на субмарине. Все остальное несколько похуже. «Shandi», баллада от Пола, звучит слегка слащаво и весьма напоминает что-нибудь из Styx (особенно «Babe», где лирический герой тоже не очень хотел прощаться с любимой девушкой). «What Makes the World Go ‘Round» кажется очень уж стандартной, хотя припев в ней достаточно неплох (очень отрадно, что Пол понял, насколько сильной штукой является любовь – она действительно заставляет мир вертеться). То же самое касается «Tomorrow», полной уверенности, что девушка, с которой Пол встретился сегодня, пробудит в нем любовь. «You’re All That I Want» от Джина Симмонса также не предлагает ничего нового – музыка малозапоминающаяся, а лирика на тему «Лишь ты мне нужна» уже набила оскомину. Что же, альбом, конечно, не провальный, однако все же далек от того, чтобы быть действительно отличной работой. Кстати, последняя фраза на обложке – «Я по-прежнему думаю, что они отстой!» – для многих поклонников ранних Kiss звучит действительно в тему. А жаль! В принципе, не все так уж плохо. |
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просмотров: 29097 |
I hear you're cheatin' with my teacher
After school, tell me what you do
When you know, you always get the boys you like
Play nice, then stick them with your knife, take off your insecure disguise
Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs, is that you?
(Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs)
Is that you, lookin' half way dead
Write on the mirror with your lipstick
Much too vain, got scattered brains
You used me just enough to get off
Act your age, get off your stage
When you know, you always get the boys you like
Play nice, then stick them with your knife, take off your insecure disguise
Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs, is that you?
(Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs)
Is that you, lookin' half way dead, is that you?
(Is that you, lookin' half way dead)
Is that you, with your long black hair
You always get the boys you like, play nice, then stick them with your knife
You always get the boys you like, play nice, then stick them with your knife
Take off your insecure disguise
Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs, is that you?
(Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs)
Is that you, lookin' half way dead, is that you?
(Is that you, lookin' half way dead)
Is that you, (is that you) with your long black hair
Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs, is that you?
(Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs)
Oh baby, is that you, (is that you) lookin' half way dead, is that you?
(Is that you, lookin' half way dead)
Oh baby, is that you, (is that you) with your long black hair, is that you
(Is that you, crawlin' up my stairs)
Oh baby, is that you?
(Is that you, lookin' crawlin' up my stairs)
Oh baby, is that you, (is that you)
(Looking half way dead)
Oh baby, is that you?
Oh baby, is that you?
SHANDI - Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia
I just can't pretend no more
I keep runnin' out of lies
Lovin' you is killin' me inside
Everytime I find the words to end it
Something in your eyes won't let it
Tonight must last us forever (ooh-ooh)
Forever, we say goodnight and go home (ooh-ooh)
But you know me very well
And I know you, you can't tell me goodnight (say goodnight)
We been holding on so tight
We're afraid to let it go
Shake it loose, we both could use the ride
Here's another mess I got myself in
And when you touch me you ain't helpin'
Tonight must last us forever (ooh-ooh)
Forever, we say goodnight and go home (ooh-ooh)
But you know me very well
And I know you, you can't tell me goodnight (say goodnight)
Say goodnight, when we should say goodbye (say goodbye)
Ummm, yeah
(Shandi, Shandi) Tonight must last us forever, and ever
Forever we say goodnight and go home
Shandi, tonight must last us forever
TALK TO ME - Ace Frehley
When I see you, girl you turn my head
You make me dizzy, I get a good vibration
When I look into your big blue eyes
I start to quiver and shake, I get a strange sensation
When you walk by me you strut around
You make me crazy, I get no relaxation
Talk to me, talk to me, all I want is a little conversation
Talk to me, talk to me, all I want is a little conversation
Talk to me...
People tell me that you run around and that you're no good
You got a bad reputation
I don't care what all the people say, you know they talk too much
It's a fascination
All I wanna do is talk to you and maybe go out
And form some kind of relation, so...
So talk to me, talk to me, all I want is a little conversation
Talk to me, talk to me, all I want is a little conversation
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me - why don't you
Talk to me - c'mon and talk to me
I just wanna talk to you
Girl I wish you knew the way I felt
You think I'm silly, that it's infatuation
So we better get together soon, because I need you girl
I can't stand the frustration, so...
Talk to me, talk to me, all I want is a little conversation
Talk to me, talk to me, all I want is a little conversation
Talk to me, talk to me, all I want is a little conversation
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me - why don't you
Talk to me - c'mon and talk to me
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me - I just wanna talk to you
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me - I just wanna talk to you
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me - I just wanna talk to you
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me - I just wanna talk to you
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me - I just wanna talk to you
NAKED CITY - Gene Simmons, Bob Kulick, Pepe Castro, Vini Poncia
All the victims have turned to stone
No one is happy, they're all alone
I'd sacrifice my social position tonight
In New York, millionaires
And lonely people with lonely stares
I'm not lookin' for love and I'm lost in this night
In the naked city (in the city)
There are ten million stories (naked city)
I'm not lookin' for pity (in the city)
In this naked city (naked city)
Street vampires in the night
Young lovers and love at first sight
This is my flesh and my fantasy
Older women with younger men
I've got a feelin' I'm in trouble again
But I've got to live my destiny
In the naked city (in the city)
It's a race with the devil (naked city)
All the pain and the sorrow (in the city)
Is there more tomorrow (naked city)
In the naked, naked city (in the city)
Naked city
Lonely people lookin' for someone
Lonely people goin' their way
Lonely people lookin' for something
Lonely people goin' their way
In New York, millionaires
Lonely people with lonely stares
I'm not lookin' for love and I'm lost in this night
In the naked city
There are ten million stories
I'm not lookin' for pity, in this naked city
In the naked, naked city (in the city)
It's a race with the devil (naked city)
All the pain and the sorrow (in the city)
Is there more tomorrow (naked city)
(In the city, naked city)
(In the city, naked city)
(In the city, naked city)
(In the city, naked city)
WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO 'ROUND - Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia
Once, I was a fool dreamin' my life away, and then yesterday I found you
Lookin' for me, draggin' your heart around at the lost and found
I love you, you're the only one who could make me feel love was smart
I feel you, deep inside of me, beatin' up against my heart...
And I found out, I found out, what makes the world go 'round
Oh I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round
You came up to me, turnin' my head around, I was hangin' on
Until you looked up at me, thrashin' your bedroom eyes, I was paralyzed
I love you, you're the only one who could make me feel love was smart
I feel you, deep inside of me, beatin' up against my heart
And I found out, oh I found out, what makes the world go 'round
I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round and 'round
And I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round
I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round
Whenever I touch you (whenever I touch you)
You know that I want you (you know that I want you)
I love you forever (I love you forever)
Whenever you're ready (whenever you're ready)
I found out, well I've found out, what makes the world go 'round
I found out, I found out (I found out), I found out, what makes the world go 'round and round
And I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round
And I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round
And I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round
And I found out, really found out, what makes the world go 'round
TOMORROW - Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia
I didn't know just what to say
When you turned and you looked my way
It doesn't happen to me every day
Can we talk a while?
I didn't know just what to do
I couldn't seem to take my eyes off you
You know I wanted just to take you home
But that's not your style
And tomorrow, we're gonna fall in love, fall in love
Tomorrow, we're gonna fall in love, fall in love, tomorrow, tomorrow
I didn't even know your name
Like a moth I was in your flame
I knew you wanted me to feel real good
By the way you smiled
You didn't have to say a word
I tried to tell you, but I lost my nerve
You know I wanted just to slip away for a little while
And tomorrow, we're gonna fall in love, fall in love
Tomorrow, we're gonna fall in love, fall in love, tomorrow, tomorrow
/We're gonna fall in love, fall in love, fall in love, fall in love with me
\(But tonight, when the feeling feels so right, we got all the love we need)
I didn't know just what to say
This doesn't happen to me every day
And that's not my style
And tomorrow, we're gonna fall in love, fall in love
Tomorrow, we're gonna fall in love, fall in love
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
(Tomorrow) we're gonna fall in love, fall in love
(Tomorrow) fall in love, fall in love
(Tomorrow) fall in love, fall in love
(Tomorrow) fall in love, fall in love
/We're gonna fall in love, fall in love, fall in love, fall in love with me \(But tonight, when the feeling feels so right, we got all the love we need)
I've met some ladies, and then some girls
But they don't tell you, they just want a whirl
It's kind of funny, a little sad
'Cause they're not happy, they're just kind of glad
To be with me for just a night
And maybe even turn out the lights, we'll turn out the lights
I need time to ease my mind
Make up my mind, which one to find?
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time
I'd like to say a word or two
About the women we all seem to know
They're all around us, they're everywhere
You meet them this place, and then meet them there
Then you deside to pick a mate
Because you're tired of all those dates, of all those dates
I need time to ease my mind
Make up my mind, which one to find?
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time
Choose one!
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time
Choose one!
SHE'S SO EUROPEAN - Gene Simmons, Vini Poncia
She walked in like a lady
With a glass of pink champagne
I wouldn't look if you paid me
'Cause to me she's still the same
Well you oughtta see her
Wearin' her heart on her sleeves
You'd never believe her
She's got a well-planned look in her eyes
She's so European
She's one of a kind, one of a kind
She's so European
She's one of a kind, all in her mind
She's so European...
I found out today
She still speaks with an accent
From a week in San Tropez
She makes love on a brass bed
'Cause her parents are still away
Well you oughtta see her
Countin' the stars in her eyes
You'd never believe her
She's got a well-planned coverless smile
She's so European
She's one of a kind, all in her mind
She's so European
She's one of a kind, all in her mind
She's so European...
She told me today
I wanna hold her tight, all through the night
I must be dreamin'
I wanna take my time, she's so refined
Is that her screamin'?
I've seen the looks in your eyes
You've seen through her disguise, yeah
She's so European, she's so European
One of a kind, out of her mind...
She's so European, she's out of her mind (she's so European) yeah
(she's so European) whoa yeah
(she's so European)
(she's so European)
(she's so European)
(she's so European)
EASY AS IT SEEMS - Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia
I've been your lover for too many years
I'm through with wastin' my time
You been out runnin' without any fear
Tell me why, I wanna know the reason why
(It's easy as it seems) 'Cause it's easy as it seems
I keep on hearin' your road never bends
You ain't committin' no crime
I hear you're sleepin' with one of my friends
Tell me why, I wanna know the reason why
(It's easy as it seems) 'Cause it's easy as it seems
When you're walkin' out on your dreams, you just walk away
I played your boyfriend for too many years
You know it's drivin' me wild
I've seen you cryin' without any tears
Like a child, you wonder all the reasons why
(It's easy as it seems) And it's easy as it seems
When you're walkin' out on your dreams, you just walk away
If it takes forever, I don't mind
If it takes forever, I've got time
All that I wanna know, can you lay it on the line?
'Cause if it takes forever
You know I'm gonna find out
(It's easy as it seems) And it's easy as it seems
When you're walkin' out on your dreams, you just walk away, walk away
(It's easy as it seems) Oh it's easy (easy), easy as it seems
Yeah it's easy (easy), oh it's easy as it seems Oh it's easy (easy), oh it's easy as it seems Yeah it's easy (easy), easy as it seems...
TORPEDO GIRL - Ace Frehley, Vini Poncia
Man battlestations torpedo
Man battlestations torpedo
I thought I'd go out and take a swim today
It was real hot and I just had to get away
They spotted an unknown sub down in the bay
But I don't care, think I'll go swimmin' anyway, yeah
(Ooooh) Let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive, torpedo girl
Let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
But I knew when I was in the suds and swimmin' around
But then all of a sudden I heard this rumblin' sound
I saw this thing that looked a lot like a submarine
With a pretty girl on the bridge, could this be a dream?
I don't know
(Ooooh) Torpedo girl, let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
Let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
C'mon, get your feet wet!
Torpedo girl, let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
Torpedo girl, let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
Torpedo girl, let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
Torpedo girl, let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
Torpedo girl, let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
Torpedo girl, let's take a dive, torpedo girl, and feel alive
YOU'RE ALL THAT I WANT - Gene Simmons, Vini Poncia
You're the only girl I've been dreamin' of
You're the only woman I ever loved
I want you to believe it's true
There's nothing I would rather do
My heart belongs to you, I know what I'm at
You're all that I want
You're all that I need
You're all that I see
You're everything to me
You're all that I want
And you need to feel my love inside
And I need to show what I can't hide
It's something that you just can't fight
It feels so good it must be right
There ain't no use in lyin' to myself
You're all that I want
You're all that I need
You're all that I see
You're everything to me
You're all that I feel
You're my dream come true
You're my everything
No matter what you do
You're all that I want
And if you leave me
Don't say goodbye
'Cause you're all I need to get by
You're all that I want (all that I want)
You're all that I need (all that I need)
You're all that I see (baby, you're all that I see)
You're my everything (everything)
You're all that I feel (all that I feel)
You're my dream come true (my dream come true)
You're my everything