 Лебединая песнь Розза, которую я имею честь рецензировать, и всё предшествующее творчество Shadow Project похожи друг на друга, как небо и земля. Со стороны это всё выглядит так, как будто в последние часы жизни в рассудке безнадёжно больного наступило прояснение. И где тот грязноватый лоу-файный звук, псевдоблэксэббатовские риффы, околовосточные мотивы и вызывающие интонации в вокале, давно ставшие визитной карточкой Shadow Project? Вместо этого нашему уху предстаёт чистый, как слеза ребёнка, пронзительный и звенящий акустический рок – до мозга костей американский в лучшем смысле этого слова, не чуждый влияния таких «неготичных» жанров, как фолк, психоделия 60-х, блюз, фанк, соул, кантри. The Doors, Pink Floyd, Jefferson Airplane, ранние приблюзованные Deep Purple, Janice Joplin, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Johnny Cash, Chelsea Wolfe – именно такие разномастные и разношёрстные ассоциации приходят в голову при прослушивании данного творения.
Из «фаворитов» на данном диске хотелось бы отметить в первую очередь чарующую печальную балладу «Forever Came Today», а затем задумчиво-романтичную «Home Is Where», у меня почему-то ассоциирующюся со степями-прериями, реднеками, фургончиками-трейлерами и прочими вещами, русским человеком воспринимающимися как сугубая экзотика, и эмоциональную, мнимо радостную «By God» с «раздражающе» крикливым вокалом Ивы Ортис, отдающую не то соулом, не то фанком, а также выдержанную в схожей стилистике трагическо-наркоманскую «Bitter Man». Одним словом, слушайте, впитывайте и проникайтесь. |
Now that static Jesus,
ah he doesn't hear.
That static Jesus,
he doesn't dream.
Fear all people you cannot see,
fear all people inside of me.
Where is the moon tonight?
Where is the moon?
Where is the moon tonight,
it's so quiet?
Static Jesus, he isn't real
Static Jesus, he isn't real
Static Jesus, fear me now.
Static Jesus, fear me now.
He's very cold, he's very old.
He's what lies are made of.
Static Jesus, fear me now.
He wants to take my God's love away.
He repeats himself all over again.
With greed and Hell he repeats himself.
With greed and Hell he repeats himself.
Static Jesus, I reveal you now.
He's blind, he blinds.
He'll blind you to real salvation.
Static Jesus, I reveal you now.
Oh Jesus, look what he's done.
Oh God, look what he's done.
He's poisoned all our love.
Oh Lord, look what he's done.
Static Jesus, I reveal you now.
Fear all people,
with their backs against his light.
Fear all people
with their face inside your life.
Forever Came Today
Well I move to touch your face and the stars fell down
and I sought to seek your place and the stars fell down
I move toward your embrace and those walls came down
and I sought to glimpse your fate as those walls came down
I'm moved by your...
Well I'm moved by your hands so kindly entwined
Here they are entwined
Forever came today
Forever came today
Forever came today
Well I move to take your hand and the sun comes out
though I walk through barren lands still the sun comes out
and I seek to share your grace and the walls come down
and I bask in your embrace as the walls come down
and I'm moved by your hands so blindly unkind
Yet still they are entwined
Forever came today
Forever came today
Forever came today
Yet I still seek out your face
And I move toward your embrace as the walls come down
and I seek to share your place as the walls come down
They come, they come, they come crashing down
Still they are entwined
Forever came today
Forever came today
Forever came today
Forever came today
As the stars fall down
and those stars fall down
Forever came today
Hall Of Mirrors
Woke from this dream without the pain.
Perhaps a second look will bring me round again.
I yearned for you, I turned, but you were gone.
Oh how I wish that you had come along.
I wish you were here. Wish you were there.
Oh how I wish that you were anywhere at all.
Here comes the son and I hope that you can see.
The light does not pour out of me.
You filled me up with cheap perfume, cheaper pornography.
But I am not a servant to your royal master's plea.
Walk down this hall of mirrors.
Walk down this hall of mirrors.
Reflect what you see, walk down this hall of mirrors.
Reject what you've been, walk down this hall of mirrors.
Reflect what you see, walk down this hall of mirrors.
Reject what you have been, walk down this hall of mirrors.
Now all your angels, they have wings.
But they don't deliver anything.
Rekindling flames of the fiery ring.
Hell on earth is all they bring.
This Hell on earth is all they bring.
Walk down this hall of mirrors.
Walk down this hall of mirrors.
Walk down this hall of mirrors.
And all those wild cards they won't turn your water into wine.
Those bitter grapes die rotting, rotting on the vine.
By God
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
He just came in.
I let him to save me.
I just love him,
and what he's made me.
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
I just love him.
He's the first one on my list.
He made me feel real love.
I'm his body, his wife.
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
By God I found him,
by light I saw him,
by love he opened the door.
By God I found him,
By God I saw him,
By God he opened the door.
By God I found him.
Holy Hell
The kids today
The people today, the people today
It's the people's way
We'll lock you in thge closet
Till you know the lone
Bringing your friend to your favorite spot
Bringing your freidn to knock ...
His head off, his life down
Burning love it's holy head
His head off, his life down
Hands raised high
You scream
I am Satan - you lie
I am God - you cry
I am Satan - you die
Hard long road to keep
Time in control
Breathe hard, one lonely wish
The kids from Hell raise their fists
Bringing your friend to your favorite spot,
Bringing your friend to knock
Locked in a closet to be alone
Locked in a closet so they won't know
Light the wicks chalk on the ground
Stary eyed kids won't take a risk
Light the wicks chalk on the ground
The kids from Hell raise your fist
I am Satan - you lie
I am God - You cry
I am Satan - you die
Hounds Upon The Hare
Why did you go why did you turn from me?
When all the world it seemed to sing?
Why oh why did you have to go away from me?
Now come away into my waiting arms.
Into a dream that you bring magically to life.
Outside the circle of relentless cold dead eyes.
Rise above their world of lies.
And I hear whirl of wings about you,
while Lords in red float just above you.
Grasp the season of a million shining stars.
And recognize the gift that you are.
Don't let it all come crashing down
like hounds upon the hare.
Don't let it all come crashing down
like hounds upon the hare.
Now we can walk humbly along the outer edge.
Far from a prelude to fatigued.
Awake the child lost in his slumber.
Introduce love to another.
Now how can a heart that's filled with love begin to cry.
When all the world seemed so right.
How can we let or love die
like hounds upon the hare?
Don't let it all come crashing down
like hounds upon the hare.
Don't push me down, don't push me down
like hounds upon the hare.
Don't push me down, don't push me down
like hounds upon the hare.
Come away into my waiting arms,
like hounds upon the hare.
Home Is Where
give me back my smoking pistol
i feel lost so far from home
give me back my smoking pistol
ive got problems of my own
i gave you wreaths of gold and silver
rest those laurels on your head
laid you out on sheets of linen
but rest assured that you're far from dead
lay down softly on the left side of my bed
speak softly, oh so softly as the moon light turns blood red
give me back my smoking pistol so I wont be all alone
give my back my smoking pistol
ive got problems of my own
home is where you find it, you hide it
i gave you diamonds, I gave you emeralds,
weighed you down with precious stones
took you down off of your throne
now I am so alone
lay down slowly on the right side of my bed
whisper softly, oh so softly
shots ring inside my head
i took you in my arms
the night was raining lead
kissed you gently, oh so gently
for the time we had was spent
give me back my smoking pistol
i feel lost so far from home
give me back my smoking pistol
so I don't feel all alone, so all alone
home is where we find it, hide it