« We Are Motörhead »
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1 | See Me Burning 02:57
 | 2 | Slow Dance 04:28
 | 3 | Stay Out of Jail 03:01
 | 4 | God Save the Queen 03:18
 | 5 | Out to Lunch 03:25
 | 6 | Wake the Dead 05:13
 | 7 | One More Fucking Time 06:45
 | 8 | Stagefright / Crash and Burn 03:01
 | 9 | (Wearing Your) Heart on Your Sleeve 03:41
 | 10 | We Are Motorhead 02:22
 | | Total playing time: 38:21 |
   Lemmy Kilmister - vocals, bass
Philip Campbell - guitars
Mikkey Dee - drums |
Cover design by Joe Pentagno |
 | See me burning
What's the matter, baby?
What a wicked smile
You look like the ghost of cinderella
You look like you'd go a country mile
My, my, my, my
You're coming on strong
Shoot'em down, shoot'em down
Gonna burn the whole world down
See me burning
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 Накануне двадцать пятой годовщины группы дядька Лемми радует своих фэнов очередной, уже неизвестно какой по счету, работой. Открывается она забойнейшей 'See Me Burning', дающей в который раз понять, что Motorhead все еще даст прикурить кому угодно, а дядька даже и не помышляет об уходе на пенсию, несмотря на свой солидный алкогольно-рок'н'ролльный стаж. В 'Slow Dance' басовые риффы пробирают до костей, 'Out To Lunch' запоминается своим чумовым искрометным соляком, от которого просто трудно усидеть на месте, припевы и басовый проигрыш в 'Wake The Dead' тоже застревают в памяти. Семиминутная 'One More Fucking Time', возможно, - самая душевная баллада из всех, когда-либо выходивших под вывеской Motorhead. Единственное, с чем Лемми здесь хватил через край, - это обилие слова 'fuck'. А заключительный трэк 'We Are Motorhead' начисто сносит крышу, после чего остается только перевести дыхание и сказать: "Даааааа... они - Motorhead".
Окей, возможно, этот альбом вряд ли можно назвать их лучшим диском, однако он на голову выше предыдущей студийной работы группы, 'Snake Bite Love', над которой музыканты явно работали спустя рукава.
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В длинном списке постоянных оценок восемь, которые я ставлю за качественность материла всем последним альбомам Motorhead, наметилось несоответствие. Связано оно с рецензией на пятнадцатый студийник Моторов. С самого начала этот диск внушает не очень хорошие опасения, в основном связанные с его "крайне оригинальным" названием. Начинаешь подумывать - а не истощилась ли у Лемми фантазия? Ведь с таким графиком работы это не удивительно. Осторожно вставляешь диск в проигрыватель - и неожиданно приходишь в совершеннейший экстаз. Первые пять вещей на диске выполнены просто отлично. Открывашка "See Me Burning" словно многотонный локомотив сшибает тебя на полном ходу и протаскивает по рельсам на пару сотен метров, этот ураганный трек вполне заслуживает звания "самая быстрая песня Моторов за всю историю". Далее следует вполне соответствующий своему названию "Slow Dance", очень привлекательная музыка с запоминающимся припевом. Пара "фирменных" боевиков "Stay Out Of Jail" и "Out To Lunch" ничего нового не предлагают, но зато развивают старые идеи до совершенства. Ну и нельзя забыть о просто великолепном кавере всем известного панковского гимна "God Save The Queen". Моторы постарались на славу и превратили этот старый хит в абсолютно самобытную вещь, вполне достойную места в пантеоне лучших концертных номеров. Так что по прошествии первой половины альбома начисто забываешь про все, было возникшие претензии. И зря. Потому что материал следующий далее все эти опасения с блеском подтверждают. К сожалению, разошедшись не на шутку в начале, Лемми и Ко порядком выдохлись на финише. Ни одна из финальных пяти песен не вызывает ровным счетом никаких эмоций, они все абсолютно вторичны и по ним табунами бегают призраки старых риффов и гармоний. Даже эмоциональная баллада "One More Fucking Time" не идет ни в какое сравнение с, например "Love Me Forever". А уж про примитивнейшую заглавную вещь я даже и писать ничего не хочу. Так что немного отдыха Моторам никак не помешает. |
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90-е прошли для Motorhead фактически впустую. Альбомы группа выпускала исправно. Да вот они оставляли желать лучшего. В год 2000 музыканты пришли с неважнецким багажом. Впрочем, реабилитация состоялась, и по полной программе. “We Are Motorhead” получился наконец-то тем самым «моторхэдовским», какого не приходилось слышать со времен “Rock’n’Roll” или хотя бы “Orgasmatron”. Что примечательно, группа отошла от принципа по альбому за год, музыка ради музыки. “We Are Motorhead” звучит по времени всего-то неполных 40 минут, однако писался он целых два года. Срок для Лемми фактически огромный. |
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просмотров: 32348 |
Speak and tell me true
Even if you don't know what I'm saying
You look like you know the ones who do
My, my, my, my
You really fetch my bone
You're the one, you're the one
Shake your ass, bring it on
See me burning
What's the matter, baby?
Don't you wanna play?
Come on over later, bring your sister
I swear to you she won't be in the way
My, my, my, my
I wanna go for broke
Come on down, come on up
I got the magic, I can change your luck
Bye bye, baby, bye bye
I gotta move on down the road
Stand your ground, stand your ground
Don't forget me and I'll see you 'round
See me burning
See me burn
Slow dance
Woman, what's your name?
I know you from somewhere
Vixen, playing games
Make me think that you care
I know what you're thinking
Thinking that you're too cool
And you know what I'm thinking
Just another poor fool
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - show me you're a mover
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - dancing all alone
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - come a little closer
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - drive us all crazy but I'd rather drive you home
Woman, orgasmatron
Drive me out of my mind
Teaser, getting it on
Giving me a hard time
You know what I'm thinking
Thinking you look so fine
I know what I'm thinking
Wishing you were all mine
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - show me you're a mover
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - fire in my blood
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - come a little closer
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - don't you say I'm bad, baby, you make me feel so good
Woman, you got the moves
I wish you'd give it all up
Lover, whatcha gonna do?
Gonna bring me bad luck
I got half the questions
And you got half the answers
I know you know and you know what
You sure some kind of dancer
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - show me you're a mover
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - tell me what you like
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - come a little closer
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - show me something new
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - keep it under cover
Slow dance, slow dance
Slow dance - if I could do it over then I'd do it over you
Stay out of jail
Still watching the sky
We ain't sure of you yet
New in town, been around
Heartbreaker for sure
Maybe running from the law
Just passing the time
Just moving down the line
No time to fall
No time to fail
No time for anything at all
Stay out of jail
Still facing the door
Just watching the street
City born, ripped and torn
Still turning tricks
Enough to make you sick
Just passing the buck
You might be real bad luck
No time to fall
No time to fail
No time for anything at all
Stay out of jail
Can't see you right now?
We ain't got the time
Bad news, stand accused
A fool in drag
Got your nose in a bag
Whacked out of your head
You all remember what I said
No time to fix
No time to bail
No time for one last call
Stay out of jail
God save the queen
God save the queen, the facist regime
They made you a moron, potential H bomb
God save the queen, she ain't no human being
There is no more future in England's dreaming
Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's no future, no future
No future for you
God save the queen, we mean it, man
We love our queen, god saves
God save the queen 'cause tourist are money
Our figure head is not what she seems
Oh god, save history
God save your mad parade
Oh lord, god have mercy
All crimes are paid
When there's no future
How can there be sin?
We're the flowers in the dustbing
We're the poison in your human machine
We're the future
You're furure
God save the queen, we mean it, man
We love our queen, god saves
God save the queen, we mean it, man
And there is no future in England's dreaming
No future, no future
No future for you
No future, no future
No future, no future for me
No future, no future
No future for you
No future
No future for you
Out to lunch
When you got it you know you got it
When it's gone you know you lost it
Nobody ever switched your switch
Nobody ever scratches your itch
Out of time, serves you right
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Out of time, blinding light
Now you're gonna feel the bite
Turned around again
Turned around again
Turned around again
Out for blood, out for blood
Out to lunch and no damn good
If you need it you must beleive it
When it's gone you can't retrieve it
Can't see where it all went wrong
You don't know what's going on
Out of time, serves you right
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Out of time, blind at night
Now you're gonna feel the bite
Turned around again
Turned around again
Turned around again
Out for blood, out for blood
Out to lunch and no damn good
When it's on you know it's on
When it bites you know you're wrong
Don't feel good about yourself
Don't know if you're someone else
Out of time, serves you right
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Out of time, blind, all right
Now you're gonna feel the bite
Turned around again
Turned around again
Turned around again
Out for blood, out for blood
Out to lunch and no damn good
Turned around again
Turned around again
Turned around again
Out for blood, out for blood
Out to lunch and no damn good
Wake the dead
When your name is spoken then your soul awakes as well
And there is no limit to the power of the spell
You can never leave it, you can never let it lie
You must find the speaker for one of you must die
The name, the name, the name, the name's the same
All your lives are on the line
All your lives are on the line
And all your life you know you're dying
What you know you must not tell
What you know you must not sell
All the secrets you can keep
All the lies you cannot speak
Everybody steals your time
Thousand voices in your head
Everybody, everybody
Shouting fit to wake the dead
When you see the devil
Then you're looking for relief
And there is no relief and there is no justice
Keep your tongue between your teeth
You can be the devil
But you cannot count the cost
All your time is wasted
All your love is lost
The name, the name, the name's the same
Play the game, you can never be the one
You can never be the one
When you know all your love is gone
What you know you must not tell
What you know you must not sell
All the secrets you can keep
All the lies you cannot speak
Everybody steals your time
Remember me, what I said
Everybody, everybody
Shouting fit to wake the dead
When you are alone here in the houses of the blind
Don't you ever wonder what happened to the time?
You cannot regain it, you cannot bring it back
Stretched out on the rack
The name, the name, the name's the same
The name, the name's the game
You will never know the truth
You will never know the truth
We both know you will never look
What you have is yours, my friend
You will never see the end
All your future gone to hell
All your past an empty shell
You can't keep upon your secret shelf
You are not the antichrist
You are not the lord of flies
You are not important now
You are not the one to dread
Everybody, everybody
The name, the name's the game
One more fucking time
All life is a mystery
All things come to he - who waits
All things just a twist of fate
It's just a state of mind
All your time is not your own
It's real hard to find out why
It's real hard to say goodbye
To move on down the line
Both your eyes wide open
You see the shape I'm in
It wasn't of my choosing
It's only bones and skin
And I will plead no contest
If loving you's a crime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time
All your life is in your head
All you dreams are in your sleep
And if your dreams are hid too deep
They're just a waste of time
When you try to chase the dream
You never seem to know the time
You never recognize the signs
And nothing's what it seems
Both your eyes wide open
You see the shape I'm in
It wasn't of my choosing
It's only bones and skin
And I will plead no contest
If loving you's a crime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time
And if I would have been a bad man
You would have seen the good in me
You would have seen the other
The good man I could be
But since I am a good man
The same was all the same
Nothing I could do
Nothing I could do
All life is a mystery
All things pass you by in time
All things just a perfect crime
It's just the way we are
All your instincts let you down
It's not a case of love in vain
It's not a case of love insane
It's enough to break your heart
Both your eyes wide open
You see the shape I'm in
It wasn't my idea
That I be the one to sin
And so all those years together
Weren't worth a fucking dime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time
All our years together
Weren't worth a fucking dime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time
All our years together
Weren't worth a fucking dime
So go on and find me guilty
Just one more fucking time
Stagefright / Crash and burn
Flying circus on the road
Burn like fire, blind and cold
Stagefright, stagefright, oh baby
Not me, not me, not me
Stagefright, stagefright, oh man
Never got me
Crash and burn
Crash and burn - drive on
Crash and burn
Crash and burn - we're gone
Cheat the devil, live so long
Burn the mission, sing your song
Stagefright, stagefright, yo momma
Not me, not me, not me
Stagefright, stagefright, go back
That's where I wanna be
Crash and burn
Crash and burn - drive on
Crash and burn
Crash and burn - we're gone
Walk the line, love the shoes
Tatooed lady, needle blues
Stagefright, stagefright, oh baby
Not me, not me, not me
Stagefright, stagefright, get down
Something came over me
Crash and burn
Crash and burn - drive on
Crash and burn
Crash and burn - we're gone
Crash and burn
Crash and burn - drive on
Drive on
Drive on - we're gone
(Wearing your) heart on your sleeve
Clock is still ticking, why don't you listen?
Ain't got the time that you had yesterday
Can't be so blind, way out of line
Thinking the world wants to hear what you say
Nobody ever knows why
Nobody ever knows who
Nobody sees that we're all on our knees
Looking for reasons to do what we do
Hey, what the hell? Get out of your shell
Time to get back to when truth was all true
Get me some danger, get me a stranger
Time to be counted and pay up my dues
Stand or fall
Get ourselves soemthing that we can believe
Fight or crawl
Use what you find in yourself to succeed
Stand or fall
Wearing your heart on your sleeve
Politics suck, you'll be shit out of luck
If you ever mess with the methods they use
No way to doubt, three strikes - you're out
You against them, it's your freedom you lose
Nobody questions the law
Nobody questions the man
Nobody cares 'cause nobody knows where
We go to so we can kick out the jams
Hey, what the hell? You know yourself well
Get back to your honor and pride
Time for some slamming, time for some jamming
Take us away from the snare of their lies
Stand or fall
Get ourselves soemthing that we can believe
Fight or crawl
Use what you find in yourself to succeed
Stand or fall
Wearing your heart on your sleeve
We're on the run, we're under the gun
Sneaking and hiding away from the sun
Breaking the law, don't know what for
Our generation is made up of whores
Get out of town, get out of jail
Nobody here gonna make us our bail
Don't really care that my life isn't fair
Hard on your head in the electric chair
Out of your mind, deaf, dumb and blind
Don't know how people can be so unkind
Grown up too soon, grown up too soon
Too many wolves looking up at the moon
Way too clean
Too fucking healthy, you know what I mean
Way too rich
Every executive son of a bitch
Way too mean
They're all to eager to feed the machine
Way too smart
Gonna come down and break all of our hearts
Way too slick
Way they schmooze, like to making me sick
Time to leave
Wearing your heart on your sleeve
Wearing your heart on your sleeve
We are Motorhead
We shoot power to your heart, a mighty thunderbolt
We charge all batteries, we save your soul
We don't know when we're licked
But we turn lead into gold
We know alchemy, we bring you rock 'n' roll
We are the ones you love or we're the ones you hate
We are the first and we just still might be the last
We are Motorhead - born to kick your ass
We bring the firestorm to brighten up your life
We mend all broken hearts, we cure all pain
We bring you attitude and razor teeth to bite
We bring machine gun law and we're the ones to blame
We are the ones you need, the ones that you despise
We are the ones who wanna poke you in the eye
We are the future, baby, used to be the past
We are Motorhead and we don't have no class
We bring you UFO's, saucers in the sky
We burn like motherfuckers, spit right in your eye
We shoot you full of noise, we aim to kill
We fight authority, we glorify free will
We are the ones you heard of but you never heard
We are electric prophets, here to twist the world
We are the flame at night, the fire in the trash
We are Motorhead, we are Motorhead
We are Motorhead
We are Motorhead
We are Motorhead
We are Motorhead