Sonata Arctica
« Winterheart's Guild »
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1 | Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited
 | 2 | Gravenimage
 | 3 | The Cage
 | 4 | Silver Tongue
 | 5 | The Misery
 | 6 | Victoria's Secret
 | 7 | Champagne Bath
 | 8 | Broken
 | 9 | The Ruins Of My Life
 | 10 | Draw Me |
   Tony Kakko - vocals, keyboards
Jani Liimatainen - guitars
Marko Paasikoski - bass
Tommy Portimo - drums
Guest musicians:
Jens Johansson - keyboard solos on tracks 3,4,6 and 7 |
Recorded at Tico Tico Studio by Ahti Kortelainen during September-November 2002
Mixed by Mikko Karmila at Finnvox Studios and mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios in November-December 2002
Produced by Sonata Arctica
All music and lyrics T.Kakko
Artwork by Janne Pitkänen
Art Direction by T. Kakko
Band photography by Toni Härkönen |
 | 1. Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited
Wake up my child, hope is here.
With the vengeance, we have no time to bleed.
My only world filled with fear.
I never saw the sower of the seed.
Where is the world we had. Who can ever save you and your little lives.
A child guides a child guid |
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 Зимний альбом. Спокойный и уютный. Немного несерьезный, зато душещипательно трогательный. Поменьше бы пауэра, побольше мелодик-метала - и вовсе тянуло бы на наивысший балл. Но и так - сборник лучшей лирики Суоми. Ту же "The Misery" спокойно можно исполнять возле костра в дружеской компании, под "Victoria's Secret" - сбегать из дома, причем не только в 16 лет, но и в 30. Правда, тогда рискуешь оказаться в положении героя песни "Broken", или в тупике суровой "The Ruins of My Life". Уж коль первая с ее усовремененными ломанными риффами - просто предупреждение, то вторая, наиболее прогрессивная по музыке, - грустная реальность. Даже в этом сказочном королевстве не все так просто.
Я долго не мог простить этому альбому его начало, принципиально слушая с "The Cage" - классического боевичка Сонаты во всей его красе. Хотя в итоге "Gravenimage" своим легким сходством с Uriah Heep начала даже забавлять. А вот стартовый трек... оставим его на совести парней. Все равно альбом, венчаемый пронзительной "Draw Me", мог бы стать толчком для максимальной популяризации жанра мелодичного пауэра даже в СНГ, выпусти его наша группа. В общем, Эльфы из страны троллей в 2003-ем, возможно, выдали последний свой честный релиз. |
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Ну вот мы и дождались наконец-то нового творения финских "сонаторов". С радостью констатирую, что Соната - одна из немногих групп, чей последний альбом меня НЕ разочаровал. Хотя, к сожалению, до Silence новое творение несколько не дотягивает - что поделаешь, нельзя выпускать шедевр за шедевром. А так все очень даже на уровне. Много быстрых мелодичных композиций, но фирменные баллады никуда не делись. Кстати, если раньше песни четко делились на быстрые и медленные, то теперь появились среднетемповые композиции, которые не отнесешь ни к "боевичкам", ник балладам. Появились даже элементы прогрессива (ближе к концу альбома). Также Тони заметно прибавил в вокале - писклявости уже нет. Одно только жаль - нет эпической композиции, как Power of one на Silence =(( З.Ы. Этот альбом НАМНОГО лучше последнего творения Самовариуса. |
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К своему стыду должен сознаться, что Sonata Arctica я открыл для себя относительно недавно (всего где-то с полгода назад). Вообще, я до сих пор считаю лучшей пауэр-командой на сегодняшний день - Edguy, даже несмотря на относительно не очень сильные последние работы Т.Саммета и Ко: "Mandrake" и "Avantasia-2". Но финны - просто молодцы! Если Edguy, к моей глубокой печали, кажется, постепенно начинает увядать (дай бог если я не прав!), то Соната, наоборот, расцветает и вдыхает свежую кровь в Power Metal. От их звучания исходит такая (сорри, не знаю как еще выразить это ощуение) свежесть, какая была только у Helloween-ов времен "Keeper..." и первого альбома Gamma Ray. Соответственно после приобритения двух сонатовских студийников и одного концертника я с нетерпением ждал нового альбома. И вот дождался...:) "Это не Silence и даже не Ecliptica" - это первое ощущение, возникшее после прослушивания. Диск немного слабее первых двух студийников. Мне кажется, что все-таки стиль ребята малость поменяли. Если раньше они играли нечто свое (хотя надо признать, что сейчас, на мой взгляд, сыграть "что-то свое" уже практически невозможно - "все уже украдено до нас"), то сейчас я лично услышал бОльший уход в сторону Stratovarius-a и немного в Edguy. Я не могу сказать - хорошо ли это или плохо, потому как мне альбом понравился. Попробую "разобрать" некоторые песни... Открывает диск Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited - очень быстрая и запоминающаяся вещь (ей бы я дал 9 из 10). Вторая песня Gravenimage лично мне вокалом напомнила смесь Uriah Heep конца 70-ых и Stratovarius времен Visions (8/10). Как видите, пока "десяток" не наблюдается. "Десятки" я поставил только двум вещам: третьей - The Cage, и шестой - Victoria's Secret (вышедшей, кстати, синглом). Обе песни сделаны в стиле классической Сонаты без уклонов в кого-то бы ни было. Слабая вещь, на мой взгляд, только одна - Silver Tongue. Как-то она выпадет из общего впечатления. Еще хотел бы отметить 2 очень неплохие баллады (обеим по 9/10): The Misery и Draw Me (как правильно заметили выше - это песня от души). Остальные вещи, на мой взгляд, очень неплохи, но и не более того. Итого, из 10-ти песен - 5 вышли "очень и очень". Для сравнения, на первых двух студийниках - сильных вещей было побольше. В заключении хотел бы отметить обложку и внутреннее оформление буклета. Он не очень толстый, но как же потрясно все оформлено! Одно из лучших увиденных мною оформлений. Итого, 5 супер-песен, мега-оформление и все та же оставшаяся "свежая струя" по моим подсчетам вытянули на твердую "восьмерку". Единственное, хотелось бы им пожелать идти собственным путем, а не скатываться звучанием к вышеописанным группам. А вообще ребята молодцы! :) |
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Молодцы парни! Слов нет. Конечно альбом немного отличается от того же Silence, но сказать в лучшую или худшую сторону - невозможно, поскольку он навевает абсолютно другие мысли. С места в карьер идет абсолютный драйв, но все же чего-то не хватает. Лучшие вещи на мой взгляд - The Cage, Victoria's Secret и The Ruins Of My Life. А уж то, что на диск запихнули I Want Out имени Хэлов, да мой любимый San Sebastian c Silence меня абсолютно обрадовало. Отличная вещь в лучших традициях финского стиля. |
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В Cуоми - стране, больше чем на половину состоящей из озер, умеют выращивать не только клубнику, но и талантливых музыкантов. Порой кажется, что они уже давно поставили свою музыкальную индустрию на конвейер. Но у них хороший конвейер, черт возьми! Хотя Sonata Arctica существует уже не первый год, коллектив мало известен широкой публике. А зря! Настолько профессиональная музыка – большая редкость даже среди финов. Чистый сильный вокал Тони Какко в боевиках (“Silver Tongue”) и необычайно красивый в медленных композицях (“Gravenimage”) - безусловно, сердце коллектива. Если проводить аналогии с другими работами Sonata Arctica, то "Winterheart's Guild" - это переосмысленный "Silence" с большим количеством клавишных в музыке и лирики в текстах. Не ждите чего-то принципиально нового, ребята играют в прежнем ключе.
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Альбом сильный получился, напомнил мне дебютный диск Сонаты «Ecliptica», но сходства с предыдущим «Silence» – ноль. Как раз здесь стали прослеживаться довольно пустые мелодии, но захватили все цельно песни они только на следующем диске «Reckoning Night». Наиболее сильно мне понравились две отличные баллады «The Misery» и «Draw Me» – вот это по настоящему оригинально и чудесно, все остальные песни стандартный пауэр металл, который я слышал уже много и много раз, как от Сонаты, так и от других представителей жанра. |
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Третий альбом. С каждым новым диском группа закрепляет статус одной из лучших в мире пауэр групп. Предыдущие два альбома были поистине шедевральными, и я ожидал, что следующий диск будет как минимум столь же мелодичным и быстрым. Слава богам, в музыке ничего не поменялось – всё тот же скоростной пауэр, богатый на шикарные мелодии и красивейшие соло. В Интернете я встречал много отзывов, в которых люди были не сильно рады этому альбому, и это ещё больше вызывало у меня подозрение. Но как только я услышал "открывашку", все сомнения рассыпались – это по-прежнему Соната Арктика! Те же боевики, те же баллады – ничего не поменялось. Возможно, для кого-то это показатель регресса, но лично мне по душе слушать новые сонатовские боевички, пусть даже я не слышу ничего революционного. На любом альбоме есть песни, западающие в душу с первого раза. На “Ecliptica” (1999) это были “Kingdom For A Heart” и “Picturing The Past”, на “Silence” (2001) ими являлись “Black Sheep” и “Wolf And Raven”, на “Winterheart’s Guild” для меня такими вещами стали “The Cage” и “Champagne Bath”. Эти композиции станут вечными, я так думаю, по крайней мере, для меня. |
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На мой взгляд, лучшая работа Сонаты Арктики и лучший диск в финской школы power metal за последние 6-8 лет. Удивительная, волшебная атмосфера пропитывает весь релиз, начиная от потрясающей обложки и буклета и заканчивая столь же потрясающей музыкой. Лидирующую роль в ней теперь играют клавиши, гитары отошли на задний план. Очень хорош солист группы - Тони Какко. Хотя он не Киске и не Котипелто, но со своей работой справляется отлично. Хороши и музыканты, тем более что клавишником на этом альбом был не много ни мало - Йенс Йохансон из Стратовариуса.
Практически все песни безупречны, а лучшими песнями альбома я бы назвал «The Cage», «Victoria's Secret» и, конечно же, граничащую с гениальностью балладу «Gravenimage». Диск обязателен для всех любителей мелодичного метала. |
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Ох, ну что тут можно сказать… Люблю я этих финских спидогонщиков и ничего не могу с этим поделать. Для меня эта команда номер два в Лапландии. Что касается нового альбома то мне показалось, что по своему настроению он отличается от меланхолично-романтичного Silence. В этот альбом нужно вслушаться, поскольку в него начинаешь въезжать далеко не сразу. Во всяком случае, материал несколько другой и лирика стала более темной, хотя прежний подчерк остался неизменным и узнается с первых нот. Все те же прекрасные мелодии головокружительные чередования ритмов, гитарных соло и клавишных. Возникает желание жить, попадая в такт этой музыки. Скорость, напор и мелодии, как и прежде на самом высшем уровне, но все-таки для ознакомления с музыкой группы я бы посоветовал начать с альбома Silence. Какие-то песни отдельно выделить сложно. Из быстрых это, наверное, заглавная: Abandoned, Please, Brainwashed, Exploited и The Ruins Of My Life. А из балад мне больше понравилась Draw Me вот где эмоции и переживания через край, хотя ничего такого в плане инструментала навороченного в ней нет. Это песня просто от души. Кроме того, я бы еще отметил каверы на песни Scorpions «Still Loving You» и Helloween «I Want Out» (не знаю, как они попали на этот CD). Вот после таких модернизаций песни реально обретают вторую жизнь особенно Still Loving You cо взвинченным темпом и клавишными аранжировками. И все-таки мне показалось, что по сравнению с предыдущим этот альбом несколько проигрывает в плане мелодики и продуманности аранжировок. В одном интервью Тони как-то сказал, что весь альбом был полностью написан всего за полтора месяца. Что само по себе достойно книги рекордов Гиннеса. Мне трудно понять, чем вызван такой короткий срок подготовки материала, однако я думаю, что альбом мог бы быть намного лучше, если бы на него, было, потрачено времени столько сколько необходимо. |
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просмотров: 29829 |
A child is never guilty. But you should not run free...
The grave is open, let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done.
Your own blood will clean the blood, for now the glory days are gone....
Time has come for everyone, to think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see, it's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal, you are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.
Abandoned, pleased, brainwashed, exploited, madness has a reason.
Throw money at the problem and it will remain.
Your life has no value for them, "violate me and this never ends.
My children will then hate you too."
The grave is open, let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again, tonight.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done.
Your own blood will clean the blood, for now the glory days are gone....
Now, when it seems that we have nothing to believe in.
Maybe we should be waiting for the rock to come.
For our children soon have nothing they should learn.
The grave is open, let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done.
Your own blood will clean the blood, for now the glory days are gone....
Time has come for everyone, to think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see, it's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal, you are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.
Time has come for everyone, to think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see, it's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal, you are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.
2. Gravenimage
We met that night, when the sea ran high.
And I craved for more of that nearlove experience.
Those who the music hath then joined together, are now put asunder....
Remember me, when I lit the fire.
To keep us warm.
On a cold winter morning. Now I pass through the moment.
Can I still recognize a beautiful melody...
I play a note, but hear no sound. Have I lost my love or the wings I found.
When I was young,,,
...and eager to please anyone who had time...
Needed to sing, the very notes I heard.
Had to stay in the shadows and seek for the loneliness.
Nevertheless, the price was higher than I realized.
I was to live alone, ready to make the sacrifice.
Was I in love with you...
My old heart, little harder again. One the light goes out, everything ends.
It is time...ready to cause a scene, ready to make the sacrifice.
Ready to play the note, ready to end the final show.
The only thing I know.
The pain is here. To stay I fear. In my eyes. I can change one note and make you cry.
In this state of mind. Silence is a crime.
How can life be so feigned and cold. I've answered the call of every melody, lovingly.
Did I find the answers to all my questions.
Or a gravenimage of me...
If I found the hidden fountain. Drank the wisdom from it's deep.
Would I have the time to save me. Would I have them both to keep.
3. The Cage
[w/Jens Johansson's solo]
A lifetime ago, with frozen eyes they closed the door.
Suddenly I realized what locks are for. No trusting them anymore, lights -
are - out.
Empty the stare, innocent and unaware, dragged out from my home ,my lair.
Earmarked me, hurt me, burned me.
The walls around me, eyes surround me, feed my fear again.
I must be freed or I will die before the harvest moon, my friend.
I do not have another year in me, you've gotta set me free.
The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
go around and see another side of the tree.
Freedom has a meaning for me, howl with me.
Fear in the dark, I advice you. You can not see the eyes, they grow behind
It's my song they now sing to you.
You stand no chance....
They'll kill for me, steal back my freedom, set me free, it's my minions vs.
Fiery the vengeance, hate will drain me.
The walls around me, eyes surround me, feed my fear again.
I must be freed or I will die before the harvest moon, my friend.
I do not have another year in me, you've gotta set me free.
The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).
The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
run around and see another side of the dream.
Freedom has a meaning for me, you can't tame me...
You will remember the day you crossed my path.
leave me without a guard and you feel my wrath.
What you have done to me has made me bitter and cruel.
I'll see that all the hate you spread returns to you, you, to you...
The walls around me, eyes surround me, feed my fear again.
I must be freed or I will die before the harvest moon, my friend.
I do not have another year in me, you've gotta set me free.
The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).
The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
run around and see another side of the dream.
Freedom has a meaning for me, you can't tame me...
The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).
The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
run around and see another side of the dream.
Freedom has a meaning for me..
4. Silver Tongue
[w/Jens Johansson's solo]
Mind, filled with fairytales. New ones every day, don't ask me anything now,
I know what you're waiting.
The curtain to fall.
Names don't mean anything, hear the lady sing.
All human rights are now cancelled, you need to handle.
The dreams of the day.
You've hurt them many times, why apologize.
"They were the ones who were wrong, what are they waiting?" " Give them a vail."
"Oh, be my valentine", play along with an angel with silver tongue, play with a stranger.
I never saw anything so white. Call me ishmael, if it ain't a lie.
I am blinded by your revealing smile.
I can only be guilty of an innocent try.
You think you are right, in a way. It is something I hear every day.
I cannot understand you, to me you live in a world of chaos.
Life is a play you star on , to you it's all a game.
Why can't I leave today, and escape your funny ways.
You are a one person riot, far in the horizon.
Done for the day.
I outsmart you. I am wise, I defeat you any way I like.
But you got me forced into a fall. I am your slave, down on the floor.
I never saw anything so white. Call me ishmael, if it ain't a lie.
I am blinded by your revealing smile.
I can only be guilty of an innocent try.
You think you are right, in a way. It is something I hear every day.
I cannot understand you, to me you live in a world of chaos.
Life is a play you star on , to you it's all a game of chaos.
I do feel stronger now, why am I still here with you.
You and your silver tongue, why do I still play with you.
I never saw anything so white. Call me ishmael, if it ain't a lie.
I am blinded by your revealing smile.
I can only be guilty of an innocent try.
You think you are right, in a way. It is something I hear every day.
I cannot understand you, to me you live in a world of chaos.
Life is a play you star on , to you it's all a game of chaos.
I cannot understand you, to me you live in a world of chaos.
Life is a play you star on , to you it's all a game you play with me.
5. The Misery
I write the lines you want me to, with the words.
I dare to use of all the ones that you have taught me, along the years.
You cast a perfect shadow on the paper.
Fade away with sunlight, I fear the way you know me, love can leave a stain...
You steal my only hope and make me stay awake another night.
I wish you bear with me, stay near me.
When the autumn leaves have fallen. Solitude, my pain, the last thing left of me...
If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.
Seven lonely lies written on Deadwinter's night,
open the only book with the only poem I can read...
In blood I sign my name and seal the midnight with a tear.
Burn the paper, every line for them I cried...
If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.
I am the Playwrite and you are my Crown, make me cry for your love,
like you've done many times, so I know.
I can't write these storylines without you, lady pain, make me strong,
can't we be together without them forever...
The words I write can only hurt you, sorry for the rain.
Thank you, my only one, you gave me this pain...I leave you gently on the floor,
take one step towards the door.
Where's the letter never written, good night now...
If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.
If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.
6. Victoria's Secret
The light escapes her room tonight.
Every little moment tells her, now it's time,.
Opening a new scar, closing the wounds with a knife.
No more crying in the lanterns light...
Leave with the first light, go when you still see the moon.
Run for the sunlight, gate is now open for you.
Dancing on the path and singing now you got away.
You can reach the goals that you have set from now on , every day.
There is no way you would go back now, oh no, those days are past.
Life is waiting for the one who loves to live, and it is not a secret...
The Shades of darkness filled her life.
In every single corner you can not turn right.
Night could pass for a day, in her lack of faith, she let it all fade away.
Once more, a cry in the lanterns light...
Lost in the sunlight, leave, you will not see the moon.
Walk for the first time, no one has waited for you...
Dancing on the path and singing now you got away.
You can reach the goals that you have set from now on, every day.
There is no way you would go back now, oh no, those days are past.
Life is waiting for the one who loves to live, and it is not a secret...
Dancing on the path and singing now you got away.
You can reach the goals that you have set from now on, every day.
There is no way you would go back now, oh no, those days are past.
Life's there for the ones who love to live and take it all, for it is free...
Dancing on the path and singing now you got away.
You can reach the goals that you have set from now on, every day.
There is no way you would go back now, oh no, those days are past.
Life is waiting for the one who loves to live, and it is not a secret...
7. Champainge Bath
[w/Jens Johansson's solo]
Spare me your tiny talk, kneel down and wash my feet.
Could someone, please, fly you away, out from your misery.
Suck it all in, go ahead and take your daily overdose.
Only do not come and demonstrate me how your mind explodes.
Build yourself a Trojan horse, to stand out in the mass.
Tuck it here before our eyes, then see what comes to pass.
Well - cut version of the turmoil you have caused is on the news.
To present a biased view, for our elevated pastime's due.
The sun won't rise behind you anymore.
Neglected, disconnected.
You seem to need their power even more.
One time more, to die for...
If you - take one step back, you will see what they stuck in your eye.
All the rights for your life are always implied.
If I care what you say there, impersonated form of life.
On your Lilo, limp and oily, list your wishes for the night..
The sun won't rise behind you anymore.
Neglected, disconnected.
You seem to need their power even more.
One time more, to die for...
I'm covered with gauze-like steel.
My mind you've rotten to the core.
High apparitor, hear my appeal.
This thing is not to be allowed to breed.
You must be deaf, dumb and blind.
I loath you and your kind. Die.
You keep good company in a Champagne bath and smile with all your faces.
Our day you grace by showing up in ev'ry place. Speed-dial one, call them,
they come and make us see how once again.
They mistreated you, this fame it sure must be a royal pain.
The sun won't rise behind you anymore.
Neglected, disconnected.
You seem to need their power even more.
One time more, to die for...
I see the sun behind you yet once more.
8. Broken
I was raised from a broken seed, I grew up to be an unwanted weed.
Ever faster the time exceeds me, little harder again to remember...you.
Held a torch for you, when lightning struck me, once again, hope I died for the last time.
Only one I have a thing greater than you, little light on the sky every night.
Morning dew on the field, where I met you.
I was frozen a year, couldn't get through.
Got a sign, not a scar, on my shoulder, I am not quite the man you take me for...
Fell in love with the weakness within me.
Tried to force me the Ring and own me.
Guess you found what you'd think would oblige me, little version of me to consume you...
I'd give my everything to you, follow you thru the garden of oblivion.
If only I could tell you everything, the little things you'll never dare to ask me...
Do you really know me? I might be a God.
Show me that you care and have a cry.
How do you see me?... as the one?
Can you see my blood when I'm bleeding.
How can you love this exile, and how could I desire you.
When my pain is my pain and yours is too...
On this deadwinter's night. Darkness becomes this child.
Bless this night with a tear. For I have none I fear...
Seven lifes of a man, passed before me.
Seven graves, one for every love I've had.
Only once I have broken my so called heart.
Only one made me see why they cry.
Will I learn how to be one of you someday?
Will I still feel the eyes that behold me.
Will I hear what you think, when you see me?
Will it tear me apart if you feel for me...
I 'd give my everything to you, follow you thru the garden of oblivion.
If only I could tell you everything, the little things you'll never dare to ask me...
Do you really know me? I might be a God.
Show me that you care and have a cry.
How do you see me?... as the one?
Can you see my blood when I'm bleeding.
How can you love this exile, and how could I desire you.
When my pain is my pain and your is too...
On this deadwinter's night. Darkness becomes this child.
Bless this night with a tear. For I have none I fear...
Little broken , always been, a part of you belongs to me.
You were never mine to love, but this all has made it easy for me...
Burning feathers, not an angel, Heaven's closed , Hell's sold out.
So I walk on the earth, behind the curtains, hidden from everyone,
until I find a new life to ruin again
On this deadwinter's night. Darkness becomes this child.
Bless this night with a tear. For I have none I fear...
On this deadwinter's night. Darkness becomes this child.
Bless this night with a tear. For I have none I fear...
9. The Rest Of The Sun Belongs To Me
[Japanese Bonus Track]
I have no feelings, there is no more sunlight.
The darkest hour is now here.
I must have lost it for good, staying here without a fight.
Out in the cold and windy night.
Still waiting for a sign.
I know there is still a day for me.
One short moment is still enough for me.
Bring me life with your ray of light.
If only I found a small piece of the fallen sun...
I wait for the day that will come.
Wait for the sunlight, wait for the one.
You can do what you want with the sea, but the rest of the sun belongs to me.
The winter fell on me and ended my life.
The darkest hour is now here.
Yet one more frozen month, my Hell awaits me, out in the cold and windy night.
Still waiting for a sign.
I know there is still a day for me.
One short moment is still enough for me. Bring me life with your ray of light.
If only I found a small piece of the fallen sun...
I wait for the day that will come.
Wait for the sunlight, wait for the one.
You can do what you want with the sea, but the rest of the sun belongs to me.
I know there is still a day for me.
One short moment is still enough for me.
Bring me life with your ray of light.
If only I found a small piece of the fallen sun...
I wait for the day that will come.
Wait for the sunlight, wait for the one.
You can do what you want with the sea, but the rest of the sun belongs to me.
I wait for the day that will come.
Wait for the sunlight, wait for the one.
You can do what you want with the sea, but the rest of the sun belongs to me.
10. The Ruins Of My Life
The land was then young, I was fighting for it like everyone.
Ready to die for the cause, for my King, for my Lord.
You were my reason to live, to fight another day.
You were the only one for me, and you were only for me.
Another year I would be gone.
The war was leading us so far apart.
I built a house to keep you there.
Waiting for me, waiting...
No one remembers my face nor my name,
In a dream, I'd stay here forever.
Headstone on my grave, words carved in vain....
All these wounds only heal when I'm home.
The Taste of their blood in my mouth, and the scent of victory.
Scarred my soul for life, this man was not me.
Love is a game for the weak to play, they said.
I loved and love made me many times stronger.
Another year I would be gone.
The war was leading us so far apart.
I built a house to keep you there.
Waiting for me, waiting...
No one remembers my face nor my name,
In a dream, I'd stay here forever.
Headstone on my grave, words carved in vain....
All these wounds only heal when I'm home.
"Everything ends...Everything dies...
Now I know the Legends only lived in his lies"
My long and winding road, river and trees by the hills we lived on.
The ruins of my life I find, a signet ring on the ashes, I know my Lord betrayed me,
my reason to live was taken away.
I carry my loved one to the hills we loved, for the last time...
I close your eyes, kiss you goodbye.
The only one who ever loved me.
I'm crushed inside, darling, my life...It shall end here..
Headstone on your grave, words carved in vain...Now the darkness covers me...
11. Draw Me
Blessed with an eye to see things as they are, will you draw me?
Up there on the wall, looking down to us all, you never saw me..
I found a pen, and I outlined a life.
You've never cried, I think I saw a tear in your eye.
Your eyes tell the tale, I will not ask again.
Now I see what you've lost nothing is quite the same.
By the love of my heart, cut my drawing in half, for I think I'm like you... Should you draw me...
Waiting for my evenfall.
Farewell, my passion, you slowly turn pale.
I will long for you warmth, made me feel safe.
I will not draw again, 'till I know it's my time.
I have lived a long life, should I draw me...
Morning's here, I must have....failed