« Yearning for the Grotesque »
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1 | Wormeaten
 | 2 | Devourer Of The Dead
 | 3 | Pale Red Blood
 | 4 | Sick Sick Sex
 | 5 | Daddy Stew
 | 6 | I Feel Good... Eating Human Flesh
 | 7 | Foetivorous Marriage
 | 8 | Morbid Chef
 | 9 | Cadaver Decapitado
 | 10 | Decrepit Sigh |
   Dave Rotten: Vocals & Lyrics
Juancar: Guitars
Cabra: Guitars
Furni: Drums
Tana: Bass |
Recorded, mixed & engineered by Christian "moschus" Moos & Oliver Philipps at
Spacelab Studios in Kempen (Germany) between 2nd - 17th of August 2002.
-Produced by Oliver Philipps, Christian "moschus" Moos & AVULSED.
-Mastered by Big Simon an The Noise Labs Studio in Madrid during September
-Cover artwork & all booklet art by BjпїЅrm Gosses from
-All keyboards arranged & performed by Oliver Philipps.
- Guest solo in songs #2 by Oliver Philipps.
- Guest vocals in songs #5, #6 & #8 by BjпїЅn Gosses from NIGHT IN GALES.
-Original logo by Luxi Lahtinen.
-Band photo by Toni.
-All music & lyrics by AVULSED.
-No vocal distortion has been used in this album.
The Digipack version of the album (released by Metal Age Productions in 2005)
contains the bonus tracks
Amidst the Macabre (Live)
Stabwound Orgasm (Live)
Exorcismo Vaginal (Live)
All live tracks recorded at Sala Coprenico Nova, Madrid 12/03/05
Last Avulsed album to feature long time member Furni |
 | 1. Wormeaten
[Music: Furni / Lyrics: Dave Rotten]
Sunk into a beautiful dream
Longer than ive ever been
it is so cool and pleasant
i wish this would never end
i feel warm and comfortable
Eeven a nice tickling inside of me
Never had this kind of sensations
Its like dreaming with my ope |
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 Трудно поверить, что Avantgarde заинтересовался Avulsed, поскольку, обычно данный лейбл выпускает группы, играющие не которого рода мистический black metal, а здесь выдвинут на спрос потребителю, этакий жирный увесистый кусок чистой формы без преувеличения в стилистическом аспекте крутого death metal из Испании.
Death metal из Испании? Да уж, редкостный экземпляр, но зато какой!!!
Откуда ж у этих испанцев корни такой жестокости, а ну-ка заглянем в историю. И так, Испания – страна корриды, бой быков как национальное колбасиво – не то; далее листаем – футбол, ну это уж точно не оно; каталонская школа живописи – не в ту лузу; свирепство испанской инквизиции – кажись оно. Так вот они корешки наследия, злобства и свирепства Avulsed.
Но вот какая досада Avulsed пока еще не добрались к тортурам своих праЩУРОВ, а по сему в основном пополняют свою лирику из увиденного в местных мясных лавках и скотобойнях, а вот Музычка действительно истерзает черепную коробку и то, что в ней осталось, по хлеще любой самой свирепой инквизиции.
Avulsed отнюдь не новички на death metal’ической сцене, вот уже пожалуй десяток лет стажа за спиной у этих людоедов, и за этот период времени успели приобщить к своему ополчению не малую общину таких же маньяков как сами.
И вот к вашим услугам новая работа «Yearning For The Grotesque».
«Тоска по гротеску» является довольно таки грандиозным и по-зверски динамическим альбомом в death metal’е и к тому же не имеет аналога с любыми другими произведениями искусства группы. Не стану утверждать, что Avulsed являться оригиналами в своем котле, но должен признать их бульон весьма изменился со времени выхода предшественника. Вот возьмем, к примеру, „Pale Red Blood” – довольно таки здоровый крен в сторону не дальнего Востока, или „Daddy Stew” – привлечен для записи кровожадный хор, в «Decrepit Sigh» свого рода новшество с симфоническим дрейфом напыщенности. Нужно отдать должное группе, сочетая фантастической красоты гитарные соло проигрыши (замете в brutal death metal’е) и при этом не дали повода ослабить нить до уровня мелодичного шведского death’а. Конечно же, с Avulsed возможно навести множество параллелей, типа Cannibal Corpse, Obscenity, Malevolent Creation, но все-таки это death metal по версии Avulsed.
Итого в сумме имеем буйное торжество индивидуализма и самонадеянности, и в данном случае приходиться смиренно склонить голову – у них это получилось на все 100.
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Этот альбом вызвал во мне столько положительных эмоций, что как-то даже не по себе стало.
Для этого альбома мы с друзьями, у которых он также вызвал массу эмоций положительного характера, придумали термин что-то навроде "романтический брутал-дэт".
Этот альбом представляет из себя колоритный и сочный дэт с вкраплениями испанских мотивов на акустике, оригинальных и запоминающихся соляков, мелодий и приятных текстов.
Его стоит послушать, потому что его стоит послушать на самом деле :) |
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Эта брутал-дэт команда всегда меня радовала, правда послушал я этот диск после "Gorespattered Suicide" (2005) и "Stabwound Orgasm" (1999) и могу сказать, что этот релиз известных испанцев является средним знаменателем вышеуказанных альбомов. Что мы имеем? Интересную, брутальную, но в тоже время мелодичную работу с соляками и акустическими вставками, мощными риффами, громоподобной ритм-секцией и зверским гроулингом вокалиста. Все это делает этот альбом элитарным в своем стиле. Записано и сведено все на уровне и оформлено в классическом дэтовом стиле. Так что этот релиз заслуживает внимания как поклонников интересной брутальной музыки, так и поклонников смежных стилей. Шедевр одним словом. |
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Наконец-то за всё время, что я увлекаюсь дэтом (это довольно небольшой промежуток времени), я услышал альбом, который целиком и полностью отвечает моему взыскательному вкусу. Здесь есть конкретное череподобилово, разбавленное мелодическими меланхолико-лирическими вставками, которые развеивают стремленье потянуться ко кнопке "стоп". Здесь есть грозный гроулинг, сравнимый только с рёвами вокалиста Kataklysm`а, перемежаемые эмоциональным скримингом, в стиле сошедшего с ума Йона из Dissection. Здесь есть даже соло. В общем очень качественный дэт-грайнд старой школы. Всем советую почитать тексты испанских ганнибалов (лирика Carcass, но в удобоваримой форме). Классный альбом! Наслаждайтесь! |
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просмотров: 16429 |
But something weird is going on
It is so real
For some reason i cant move
Im inside a coffin!!
I ignore why i am here
Perhaps a catatonic state
My family though i was dead
For how long have i been here?
Now i know what those ticklers are
And that warm feeling
Worms aer nibbling at my entrails
Im being eaten alive!!
I want to scream but i have no strength
My lungs are completely devooured
I think my only living organ is my brain
Perhaps they're saving it for dessert
I dont know what i did during my life
To deserve such a painful death
My silent screams of agony
Are tortured moans, music for the worms
I can evil smell the stench
Of my own decomposing organs
My arms and legs have disappeared
Soon my corpse will be no more
[Guitar solo: Cabra]
2. Devourer Of The Dead
[Music: Juancar / Lyrics: Dave Rotten]
Entering the cemetery like a furtive hunter
Hiding in the shadows where nobody can see me
Stalking out the tombs, the most recent ones
The smell of fresh cadavers helps me on my search
Digging six feet under, working over night
Waiting for a treasure made of flesh and bones
Atrocious desire for decaying corpses
Necrocannibalistic feast right before the dawn
Carrion is my delight
Putrid reek i enjoy
Devourer of the dead
Devourer of the dead
Coagulated blood, i masticate
Livid sweet eyeballs are my fave
Red meat from the knees, of godly taste
Rotting genitals, what i eat last
Hacking up the rests to bring them home
There shall be no remains left for the worms
[Guitar solo: Oliver Phillips]
Hacking up the rests to bring them home
There shall be no remains left for the worms
Coagulated blood, i masticate
Livid sweet eyeballs are my fave
Red meat of the knees, of godly taste
Rotting genitals, what i eat last
Carrion is my delight
Putrid reek i enjoy
Devourer of the dead
Devourer of the dead
Digging six feet under, working over night
Waiting for a treasure made of flesh and bones
Atrocious desire for decaying corpses
Necrocannibalistic feast right before the dawn
3. Pale Red Blood
[Music: Cabra / Lyrics: Dave Rotten]
Liquid of life of great value
Highly curative, bringer of strength
Heals my wounds and keeps me alive
Divine elixir but addictive
Pale red blood
Unlike a vampire, i hate warm blood
Im not a sucker, im not a leech
I dig fresh blood on a cold chalice
Slowly tasting its subtle flavour
Pale red blood
It purifies my soul
And makes me feel strong
I believe i am above
Of the average human
I dont need to kill
Not even soil my hands
I find it vulgar and crude
Others will do it for me
Addicted to blood i am, with no remorse
You can call me a modern vampire, i dont care
But i am not a stupid bat or a count
I just want to satisfy my bloody thirst
[Guitar solo: Cabra]
Unlike a vampire , i hate warm blood
Im not a sucker, im not a leech
I dig fresh blood on a cold chalice
Slowly tasting its subtle flavour
Pale red blood
It purifies my soul
And makes me feel strong
I believe i am above
Of the average human
I dont need to kill
Not even soil my hands
I find it vulgar and crude
Others will do it for me
4. Sick Sick Sex
[Music: Furni / Lyrics: Dave Rotten)]
Ive always been a quiet guy
An introverted personality
Never had a really close friend
Im difficult to deal with
Because of this my sexuality
Has always been an utopia
But in my inner self
I felt uncontrollable desires
I want sex!!
At any cost!!
Penetrating a cadaver
Right after disembowelment
Still feeling her warmy blood
In contrast to her cold skin
Embracing that inert body
Feasting on entrails
Sodomizing all her cavities
Pure gore insanity
Sick sick sex... Sick!!!!!!!!!
Because of this my sexuality
Has always been an utopia
But in my inner self
Felt uncontrollable desires
I want sex!!
At any cost!!
Penetrating a cadaver
Right after disembowelment
Still feeling her warmy blood
In contrast to her cold skin
Embracing that inert body
Feasting on entrails
Sodomizing all her cavities
Pure gore insanity
Sick sick sex... Sick!!!!!!!!!!
5. Daddy Stew
[Music: Furni / Lyrics: Dave Rotten / Guest Vocals: Bjoern Goosses]
When mommy died the family had to continue
Years passed and daddy got a hot new girlfriend
The two sons were not satisfied with the situation
Life at home was getting tensed and unbearable
The poor girl was a victim
The brothers were tracing a plan to make her life a hell
Submitting her to a psychic torture
Until her nerves could not resist and get her leaving home
And they did succeed; her nerves exploded
But not the way they wanted her to
Then she became a twisted psychopath
Thinking of a way to make them pay
Cooking a daddy stew
To celebrate their dads birthday she stabbed him
One stab for each year he has lived, namely fourty four
She cut his body off into countless bits and made a stew
Then she served it to the two brothers who ate it well
The poor girl was a victim
The brothers were tracing a plan to make her life a hell
Submitting her to a psychic torture
Until her nerves could not resist and get her leaving home
And they did succeed; her nerves exploded
But not the way they wanted her to
Then she became a twisted psychopath
Thinking of a way to make them pay
And they did succeed; her nerves exploded
But not the way they wanted her to
Then she became a twisted psychopath
Thinking of a way to make them pay
Cooking a daddy stew
6. I Feel Good... Eating Human Flesh
[Music: Juancar / Lyrics: Dave Rotten / Guest Vocalist: Bjoern Goosses]
Voracity for human flesh
Its something i cant help
Forbidden pleasure not for the weak
I get stronger with every bit
The vision of a cadaver
Unleashes my atrocious hunger
I devour it with anxiety
I cant resist this delicacy
"Pleasures of the flesh"
Is not just a phrase
It has a meaning for me
I really enjoy that meat
I feel good... eating human flesh!!!!
[Guitar solo: Juancar]
Ive never felt stronger
Since i eat human meat
Addicted to cannibalism
Thats what i am
I feel good... eating human flesh!!!!
[Guitar solo: Cabra]
Human ghoulash, my favourite dish
And a good female roasted rib
Childrens meat is tender and sweet
Im proud to be an anthropophagus
I feel good... eating human flesh!!!!
And they did succeed; her nerves exploded
But not the way they wanted her to
Then she became a twisted psychopath
Thinking of a way to make them pay
7. Foetivorous Marriage
[Music: Furni / Lyrics: Dave Rotten]
The passion for cannibalism was their mutual like
Two twin souls that found a common way
They got married with the aim of procreating
Countless children to satisfy their needs
Severed child sawn in two
Its micro-brain for a mousse
Its extremities are like hot-wings
Its intestines are for croquettes
They had to beget a new child every six months
Time enough to get a new tasty foetus
In the meantime they had to feed themselves like normal humans
But every six months they had a gourmet foetus dinner
Unstoppable yearning
Carnivorous lust
Infanticidal instincts
Foetivorous marriage
Severed child sawn in two
Its micro-brain for a mousse
Its extremities are like hot-wings
Its intestines are for croquettes
Toasty foetus on a grill of salty crispy texture
Delicious tender meat from the ribs, tex-mex styled
There was not too much meat on such a small creature
But as always good things, if brief, twice as good
In their behaviours there couldnt be any criminal act
Since nobody would ever know she was pregnant
Unstoppable yearning
Carnivorous lust
Infanticidal instincts
Foetivorous marriage
8. Morbid Chef
[Music: Tana / Lyrics: Dave Rotten / Guest Vocals: Bjoern Goosses]
Chef in a restaurant
O f the highest class
Refined gourmet
He was responsible
Of choosing the food
They had to use
He had a special secret related to meat
He personally was taking care of it
The restaurant was famous for its meat
People came just to eat its steak tartar
Nobody knew the special touch that this chef
Was putting on to achieve such a flavour
Meat balls, muffled brain, sirloin in sauce, human kebab
Marinaded ribs, hamburgers, bilis cream, tongue stew
Sadistic mind, perverse menu, morbid chef
The more people ate
The more often they returned
And they didnt know why
It was so delicious
That it was really worth
To pay any amount
Human meat is an addictive drug
Once youve eaten a bit you wont resist anymore
[Guitar solo: Juancar]
Meat balls, muffled brain, sirloin in sauce, human kebab
Marinaded ribs, hamburgers, bilis cream, tongue stew
Sadistic mind, perverse menu, morbid chef
9. Cadaver Decapitado
[Music: Furni / Lyrics: Dave Rotten]
Cadaver decapitado
Asesino compulsivo
Sin razon para matar
Era como un deporte
Se tenia que realizar
Buscando una presa con toda frialdad
Pensando una muerte con gran crueldad
Con un hacha en su mano tiene que esperar
Un golpe certero tiene que asestar
Cadaver decapitado
Atacando por la espalda
Hachazo en la cervical
Cuerpo paralizado
Facil de rematar
Herido de muerte, sin poder gritar
Un destino fatal
Casi sin parar, le volvio a asestar
Con sana brutal
Puesto de rodillas
Le iba a ejecutar
De un solo golpe
Le iba a decapitar
Sentia el poder y superioridad que
Le daba su hacha
Sin dejar de jadear, no podia frenar
Su ansia de matar
Puesto de rodillas
Le iba a ejecutar
De un solo golpe
Le iba a decapitar
Sin pensario dos veces se la iba a cortar
Lleno de sangre el disfrutaba
Un sentimiento de felicidad
Tenia su trofeo, era su cabeza!!
Cadaver decapitado
10. Decrepit Sigh
[Music: Furni/Cabra / Lyrics: Dave Rotten]
Darkness surrounds me
In my sorrowful agony
I feel my death is near
And its corroding my mind
Tormented thoughts
Invades my head
The final day has come to me
I just have to wait
Laid down on my bed waiting
For my final breath
I have no strength to control
My dismal thoughts of demise
Certain death
Dark decay
In peace i die
Slowly i rot
My body is passing away
But my soul still remains
It is just longing for
My last decrepit sigh
Tormented thoughts
Invades my head
The final day has come to me
I just have to wait
Laid down on my bed waiting
For my final breath
I have no strength to control
My dismal thoughts of demise
Certain death
Dark decay
In peace i die
Slowly i rot
My body is passing away
But my soul still remains
It is just longing for
My last decrepit sigh
[Guitar solo: Cabra]