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28 àïð 2019 : Íîâîå âèäåî SAVAGE MESSIAH
13 ìàð 2019 : Íîâîå âèäåî SAVAGE MESSIAH
13 äåê 2017 : Íîâîå âèäåî SAVAGE MESSIAH
Àëüáîìû Íàéòè ìóçûêó



Îñíîâíîé ñòèëü
Äîáàâèòü â TOP10

Savage Messiah

« Insurrection Rising »

Savage Messiah "Insurrection Rising" Ãîä



CD Album

Power Thrash Metal

Candlelight Records

N Íàçâàíèå
1Insurrection Rising
2Corruption X
3In Absence Of Liberty
4The Serpent Tongue Of Divinity
5Vigil Of The Navigator
6Enemy Image (Dehumanization)
7Silent Empire
8The Nihilist Machine
9Who Laughs Last
Ñîñòàâ ãðóïïû->
Dave Silver – Vocals, Guitar
Sy Taplin – Guitar
Sasha Cron – Bass
Ernie Nogara – Drums
Produced and engineered by Chris Tsangarides
Mixed, mastered and additional engineering by Scott Atkins
Additional keyboards by Chris Tsangarides
Backing vocals by Savage Messiah
Recorded between January and March ’09 at the Ecology Rooms, Deal, England
Mixed between April and June ’09 at Grindstone Studios

Artwork by Marcelo HVC
Layout and design by Adrian Wear

All songs arranged by Savage Messiah
Published by Abstract Sounds LTS
Òåêñòû ïåñåí
1. Insurrection Rising

[Music: Silver, Cron, Lyrics: Silver]

Parasites have lauded victory
Scorching permeations blaze to seize the day
Felt like an eternity, penance has been paid
So here it is for all to see, your judgment now is scathed

Judgment now is scathed!

Nevermore the demoÑêðûòü/ïîêàçàòü


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ïðîñìîòðîâ: 3745    


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