« Bent Out of Shape »
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1 | Stranded (4:30)
 | 2 | Can't Let You Go (4:24)
 | 3 | Fool For The Night (4:04)
 | 4 | Fire Dance (4:30)
 | 5 | Anybody There (2:44)
 | 6 | Desperate Heart (4:37)
 | 7 | Street Of Dreams (4:28)
 | 8 | Drinking With The Devil (3:44)
 | 9 | Snowman (4:33)
 | 10 | Make Your Move (5:25)
 | | Total Time: 42:35 |
   Joe Lynn Turner - vocals
Ritchie Blackmore - guitars
David Rosenthal - keyboards
Roger Glover - bass
Chuck Bergi - drums |
Produced by Roger Glover |
 | Stranded
Dog night, I'm so alone
A million miles out on my own
No one to talk to, no one to care
Searching for someone, they could be anywhere
Magic and madness, it's so very strange
Sometimes I think it's all pre arranged
That same old feeling hits me again
Just th |
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 В 1983 году на свет появился третий (как показало время и последний) студийник Rainbow с Джо Линн Тернером у микрофонной стойки. Обратите внимание - нас опять завлекают названием. Если прошлый альбом обещал музыку "прямо в лоб", то сейчас нас уверяют что сей диск сильно "выбивается из общей массы". Советую не верить - ничего экстраординарного на "Bent Out Of Shape" услышать нельзя. Хотя некоторые изменения, конечно, присутствуют. Ну, во-первых, очередная смена состава - на этот раз Ричи чем то не угодил Бобби Рондинелли, и за барабаны сел новичок по имени Чак Берджи. Ну а во-вторых, саунд команды стал ощутимо качественней. Сама стилистика не претерпела изменений - в основе все тот же коммерческий хард рок, но на этом диске он стал, каким то, взрослым что ли. Звук значительно уплотнен, все инструменты четко прослушиваются, и самое главное - появилась какая то мрачноватая атмосфера, что радует больше всего. Ну а окончательное понимание того что "Bent Out Of Shape" это лучшая из всех работ группы с Тернером, приходит после прослушивания абсолютно великолепного материала. Тут не то что нет проходных треков, тут такое впечатление что все - рукотворные шедевры. Например, если хочется послушать скоростной и очень энергичный боевик, то можно смело выбирать между "Make Your Move" или "Drinking With The Devil". Для красивейших эпиков тоже место найдется - грустная и потрясающе атмосферная "Stranded", запоминающийся мелодичный трек "Fool For The Night", наконец, гроза всех радио эфиров - мега попсовая, но в то же время чертовски красивая баллада "Street Of Dreams". Ну в качестве полного П присутствуют парочка совершенно заоблачных песен. Имеется в виду супер хитовый шлягер на все времена "Can't Let You Go" и не иначе как гениальная песня "Fire Dance", завлекающая не только необычно-мистическим текстом, но и умопомрачительной техникой игры всех музыкантов (а в особенности Дэвида Розенталя). В итоге мы имеем лучший альбом Rainbow с Джо Линн Тернером, которому я без зазрения совести ставлю девятку. Поскольку группа распалась годом позже, то "Bent Out Of Shape" приобрел и еще один титул - достойнейшее завершение карьеры. |
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Очень неровный альбом: от скучных номеров до номеров категории "best of the best". По сравнению с предыдущим лучше стали ударные, клавиши теперь почти на своём месте, только вот с вокалом проблемы... Если пройтись по вещам, то инструменталки традиционно на высоком уровне - это "Anybody There?" и "Snowman". Весьма хороши "Can't Let You Go", на которую снят очень стильный клип, "Stranded" (кстати, советую сравнить с диппёпловской "Anya"), "Fire Dance", "Desperate Heart" и "Streat Of Dreams". В качестве среднего по альбому, пожалуй, надо поставить "отлично". |
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Данный альбом - третий (и последний) у группы с пришедшим после Дио, новым вокалистом - Джо Линн Тернером. Все эти 3 диска сыграны в одном ключе и посему мне очень трудно выделить какой-либо из этих трех. Все они очень хороши по-своему и похожи. Ну а как же может быть по другому - когда это группа Ритчи Блэкмора - моего любимейшего музыканта всех времен!? Касательно звучания, то конечно же "этот" Rainbow очень трудно сравнивать с "ранним" творчеством эпохи Дио. Здесь звучание раза в три мягче. Музыка стала сильно коммерческая и жесткости практически не осталось. Ну да ничего страшного... зато Блэкмор проявил себя в новом свете. Из песен мне очень трудно выделить что-то, поскольку нравится АБСОЛЮТНО ВСЕ, но попробую. Есть 2 красивейших инструментала "Anybody There" и "Snowman". Из быстрых вещей выделил бы "Fire Dance", "Desperate Heart" и развеселую "Drinking With The Devil". Кстати, я не думаю, что приход Тернера так повлиял на смену стилистики. Rainbow - это детище Блэкмора, который практиковал в группе практику "вращающейся двери" (все альбомы группы записаны разными составами). Думаю, Ритчи просто задолбался играть тяжеляк (что он и говорил неоднократно в своих интервью) и мнение того же Тернера или других музыкантов его мало парило :) |
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просмотров: 61018 |
Oh, feel like I'm stranded out here
Oh, think I might disappear
No, don't leave me stranded out here
Oh, it's just the loneliness I fear
Lonely window, fading star
You never felt so near, yet so far
Tried to forget you, the best that I could
Don't try to find me, it won't do any good
Caught in a dream, so hard to locate
I'm just a captive of my own fate
No turning back, no, not tonight
You're moving on, way out of sight
Oh, feel like I'm stranded out here
Oh, think I might disappear
No, don't leave me stranded out here
Oh, it's just the loneliness I fear
Oh, feel like I'm stranded out here
Oh, think I might disappear
No, don't leave me stranded out here
Oh, it's just the loneliness I fear
Can't let you go
Day after day I'm waking up
To find that you're slipping away
Night after night I can't fight
The emptiness inside
There's nothing I can say
Now I know you're turning me away
It's all wear a disguise but you don't have to hide
The truth is in your eyes tonight
I don't wanna live a lie
But I don't wanna say goodbye
And I can't let you go
Even though it's over
I just can't let you go
I know your love is growing colder
One look in my eyes and you'd realize
You got my heart in your hands
Won't you let me know something more?
Where did we go wrong?
I don't wanna fight
All I wanna do is try to understand
I'm reaching out for you, babe, what can I do?
I've been holding on so long
I don't wanna live a lie
But I don't wanna say goodbye
I can't let you go
Even though it's over
I just can't let you go
Though your love is blowing colder
And I can't let you go
Even though it's over
I don't wanna live a lie
But I don't wanna say goodbye
I want you by my side
And I can't let you go
Even though it's over
I just can't let you go
I feel your love is blowing colder
And I can't let you go
Even though it's over
I just can't let you go
Feel your love growing colder
Fool for the night
I know just what you're thinking
I know just how you feel
Something somewhere inside you
Says you can't believe it's real
So you're gonna play the game
All the faces and the names
You know you're never gonna change
Fool for the night
And you don't believe it
Fool for the night
And you just can't see it
Running through the shadows
Like a phantom through the night
And as the curtain raises
You get ready for the fight
Say you want to even up the score
Don't know what you're doing it for
Too much but you still need more
Fool for the night
And you don't believe it
Fool for the night
And you still can't see it
Ain't gonna try and tell ya
You know the story, oh, so well
Everybody's out to buy and sell ya
You're gonna wind up by yourself
Oh, here it comes again
No, it's never gonna end
I must be dreaming
Fool for the night
Fool for the night
Ain't gonna try and tell ya
Know the story, oh, too well
Everybody's out to buy and sell ya
You're gonna wind up by yourself
Oh, here it comes again
No, it's never gonna end
I must be dreaming
You love the night life
All the neon and the noise
And underneath the spotlight
You keep rocking with the boys
So you're gonna keep it while you can
Don't you're never gonna understand?
Nobody really gives a damn
Fool for the night
And you don't believe it
You're fool for the night
Why don't you see it?
Fool for the night
And you don't believe it
Fool for the night
Why don't you see it?
Fool for the night
Fool for the night
You're just a fool for the night
Fool for the night
Fool for the night
You're just a fool for the night
Fool for the night
Fool for the night
Fire dance
Visions of Artemis
Goddess of the moonlight
The spell remains unbroken
The lost and the wrong will begin the rite
Of the fire dance
Standing strong and steady
Waiting for the right sign
Helix has risen
Now we have no choice but to drink the wine
For now's the time of the fire dance
The fire dance
Black hearted woman
Creature of the deep night
Darkness in your soul
I'm hungry and searching to find the light
Now you're in sight
You have control
I am in your power
The bell has tolled
I know the hour is near
As I burn with fear of the fire dance
The fire dance
Gyptic queen
You're my desire
You have feel
All there is fire speed
You are my destiny
Dharuba's voice
The wind is calling
I have no choice
For am falling again and again
Again in flames of the fire dance
Yes, I am, no, no
Fire dance
Fire dance
Fire dance
Anybody there
Instrumental track
Desperate heart
Yesterday you were here by my side
Nothing to prove and nothing left to hide
You promised me there would be no goodbye
But now I find another set of lies
Babe, you must be crazy
How could you be so blind?
Why would you deceive me?
Now you're saying that you're leaving me behind
So strong, I'm not gonna run away
Want you to know that I'm gonna break through
How long can I go on this way?
There's nothing I can do
Desperate heart, think you better hold out
Torn apart, I was left to bleed
Don't start feeling you were sold out
Now you better face reality
Did my best, did the best that I could
It's all been wasted, just misunderstood
You keep on talking, your words are sounding so smooth
Why don't you say it? You just want to cut me loose
Oh, don't say that you love me
Don't wanna hear that you tried
Oh, don't tell me that you need me
Don't wanna hear none of your alibis
So strong, I'm not gonna run away
Want you to know that I'm gonna break through
How long can I go on this way?
There's nothing I can do
Desperate heart, think you better hold out
Torn apart, I was left to bleed
Don't start feeling you were sold out
Now you better face reality
So strong, I'm not gonna run away
Want you to know that I'm gonna break through
How long can I go on this way?
Tell me what can I do? Nothing I can do
Desperate heart, think you better hold out
Torn apart, I was left to bleed
Don't start feeling you were sold out
Now you better face reality
Desperate heart
Desperate heart
Desperate heart
Desperate heart
Street of dreams
I heard the sound of voices in the night
Spellbound, there was someone calling
I looked around, no one was in sight
Pulled down and I kept on falling
I've seen this place before
And you were standing by my side
I've seen your face before tonight
Maybe I just see what I want it to be
I know it's a mystery
Do you remember me?
On a street of dreams
Running through my memory
On the street of dreams
There you stood, a distant memory
So good like we've never parted
Said to myself - I knew you'd set me free
And here we are right back where we started
Something's come over me
And I don't know what to feel
Maybe this fantasy is real
Now I know I see what I want it to be
But it's still a mystery
Do you remember me?
On the street of dreams
Running through my memory
On the street of dreams
You're in every face I see
On the street of dreams
Something's come over me
And I don't know what to feel
Maybe this fantasy is real
Now I know I see what I want it to be
But it's still a mystery
Do you remember me?
On the street of dreams
Running through my memory
On the street of dreams
On the street of dreams
I know you have always been
On the street of dreams
Will we ever meet again, my friend?
On the street of dreams
Do you know just what it meant to be?
On the street of dreams
Never know just who you'll see, do ya?
On the street of dreams
You can be who you wanna be
On the street of dreams
I can hear you calling me
On the street of dreams
I can feel you haunting me, haunting me
On the street of dreams
Drinking with the devil
I never felt like this before
I think I'm gonna explode
Had so much, I couldn't take no more
I'm heading for an overload
Oh no, here I go
I can see the end
Looked around and I heard the sound
Of have one more, my friend
Drinking with the devil
Gonna raise some hell
I'm just a rock 'n' roll rebel
Got my soul to sell
Out all night 'till the sun comes up
You know I'm never gonna learn
Raise my glass, fill my cup
I'm playing with fire and I'm gonna get burned
And again he walked through the door
A glass was in his hand
Sat me down and he poured one more
Said: "I'm at your command, yes, I am"
Drinking with the devil
Gonna raise some hell
I'm just a rock 'n' roll rebel
Got my soul to sell
Out all night 'till the sun comes up
You know I'm never gonna learn
Keep raising my glass, filling my cup
I'm playing with fire and I'm gonna get burned
Oh, here I go
Looks like it's the end
I turned away but I heard him say:
"Come with me, my friend"
Drinking with the devil
Gonna raise some hell
I'm just a rock 'n' roll rebel
Got my soul to sell
Drinking with the devil
You know I had my fill
Drinking with the devil
He sticks me with the bill
(Blake, arranged by Blackmore)
Instrumental track
Make your move
You better not mess around with me
You know that you better think twice
'Cause I've been running on a really bad streak
And I'm looking for a fight
So you took me by surprise
Thought I was gonna run
The crossfire is in my eyes
My body holds the gun, here I come
You better get ready to make your move
Got my finger on the trigger and I'm gonna shoot
You better get ready, make your move
Got your name on my bullet and my aim is true
You better not mess around with me
I've got you in my sights
I've been running on a really bad streak
Gonna shoot you down tonight
My back's against the wall
You know that you better think twice
One of us is gonna fall
I'm looking for a fight and the time is right
You better get ready to make your move
Got my finger on the trigger and I'm gonna shoot
I say you better get ready, make your move
Got your name on my bullet and my aim is true
Come on, make your move
I know I'm ready to do it, make your move
You gotta make your move
Come on, come on, make your move