James LaBrie
« Elements of Persuasion »
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1 | Crucify
 | 2 | Alone
 | 3 | Freak
 | 4 | Invisible
 | 5 | Lost
 | 6 | Undecided
 | 7 | Smashed
 | 8 | Pretender
 | 9 | Slightly Out Of Reach
 | 10 | Oblivious
 | 11 | In Too Deep
 | 12 | Drained |
   James LaBrie (vocals)
Marco Sfogli (guitar)
Matt Guillory (keyboards)
Bryan Beller (bass instrument)
Mike Mangini (drums) |
 | 1. Crucify
Father watch me fall
Witness my mistakes
I have lost it all
I'm about to break
Before the sound of dawn
I turned my back on you
The life in me was gone
My consciousness withdrew
Fear... Tormenting me
Guilt... Won't let me be
I chose a different way
But there's nowhere  |
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 Выход сольного альбома Джеймса ЛяБри не должен был, да и не стал незаметным событием, поскольку за последнее время этот человек зарекомендовал себя как настоящий профессионал своего дела, кроме того, участие в других бэндах кроме законного Дрим Театра предоставили для него дополнительную известность. Однако не ждите от «Elements Of Persuasion» ничего похожего на работы Mullmuzzler, Frameshift, не говоря уж о Dream Theater. Рассматриваемый диск выполнен в совершенно другой манере и плоскости, хотя и выдержан в стилистике прогрессив метала. И как правильно заметил предыдущий рецензент о влияниях треша на музыку – это здесь действительно есть, но что меня приводит в замешательство, так это абсолютно неприятные клавиши сделанные в альтернативном ключе, а также голосовые синтезаторы, которые только портят голос Джеймса. Музыка необычайно драйвовая и жёсткая, при прослушивании басы прямо-таки льются из моих колонок, заполняя своим жирным и плотным звуком всю комнату. Джеймс ЛяБри очередной раз доказал какой он хороший вокалист и что годы работы в Театре не прошли для него зря. Интерес представляет буклет с разнообразными картинками и тексты, связанные в целом, одной идеей. Только одно НО – всё это меркнет перед тем фактом, что «Elements Of Persuasion» с мелодической стороны - полнейшее убожество, и что самое страшное, так это то, что музыкальный материал до ужаса занудный! Хуже не бывает…меня зацепили только две первые песни - открывающая ураганная «Crucify» (причём гитарное соло в начале на все сто идентично соло партии классиков прога Marillion в песне «The Lap Of Luxury» из альбома «Brave»), ну и вторая композиция это «Alone», чем-то похожая на творчество шведов Pain Of Salvation. Весьма странно, что диск от вроде бы НЕ новичков на рок сцене получился таким плохим и даже складывается ощущение, будто он был сделан просто на скорую руку. |
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Отличный альбом от вокалиста незабвенных мастеров прогрессива Dream Theater. Прогрессивные элементы есть, но их не настолько много, чтобы вешать ярлык progressive metal. Действительно, альбом демонстрирует нам жанровый разброс: ЛаБри то поёт красивые баллады, то выводит свои трели под почти трэшевые/альтернативные риффы. Нужно сказать, и то, и другое у него выходит хорошо, - отрадно видеть, что ЛаБри - довольно разносторонний музыкант. Альбом получился разнообразным и, что особенно важно, отличным как от всего творчества DT, так и от всего, что до этого делал Джеймс. Иными словами, у этой работы есть свое лицо. Качество записи не подкачало (да и кто бы сомневался), и с басами тут всё в порядке - даже ложка стоит. Хочется отметить замечательные баллады "Lost", "Smashed", "Slightly out of Reach", а также многие из быстрых треков, например, "Pretender" и т.д.
Вообще, когда слушаешь подобные работы, то почему-то становится понятно, что не только в технической стороне музыкального прогресса кроется успех. Нужно просто чувствовать музыку. |
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В отличие от своих коллег по Dream Theater, которых хлебом не корми, а дай замутить очередной супер-звездный проект, вокалист Джеймс ЛяБри в своих работах вне своей основной команды полагается в основном на свои собственные силы. “Elements Of Persuasion” – это уже третья его сольная работа (правда, первые две выходили под вывеской Mullmuzzler), и из известных музыкантов на нем участвуют только клавишник Мэтт Гиллори (Dali’s Dilemma) и монстр-барабанщик Майк Манджини (Annihilator, Стив Вай и мн. др.). На этом диске Джеймс явно стремится усидеть сразу на двух стульях – с одной стороны, материал куда менее прогрессивен, чем работы Dream Theater, но с другой стороны, в песнях немало интересных фишек, которых не найти в обычном харде, хэви или трэше (например, внезапно возникающие клавишные на фоне металликоподобных трэшевых риффов в первом треке “Crucify”). Стилистический разброс альбома тоже весьма значителен – от современного трэша в духе вышеупомянутой “Crucify” до поп-роковых баллад вроде “Lost”, которые, впрочем, не редкость и у самих Dream Theater. Самое интересное, что альбом достигает своей цели – его действительно будут слушать и матерые прогрессивщики, и те, кому упражнения Dream Theater кажутся издевательством над слушателями. Причем и те, и другие будут получать удовольствие – “Elements Of Persuasion” действительно силен, разнообразен, очень современен и в меру наворочен. Браво, Джеймс! (Диск предоставлен компанией Soyuz Music) |
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Вокалисту Dream Theater Джеймсу ЛяБри удалось создать альбом, сочетающий в себе агрессию и мощь альтернативного металла, техничность прогрессивного металла, и мелодичность. Этот диск не имеет никакого отношения к прогрессив металлу - это альтернативный треш металл, скорее всего. Прогрессивность в нем создают только сам голос ЛяБри и вкрапления клавишных. Здесь все на высоте: запись звука, техника музыкантов, слова песен. Надо заметить, что эта запись сделана под лейблом Inside Out, что само по себе уже солидно. Именно поэтому ЛяБри выпустил диск под именем James LaBrie, а не Mullmuzzler (как это было в предыдущих двух альбомах). Особенного внимания заслуживает гитара в исполнении малоизвестного итальянского виртуоза Марко Сфольи - партии просто феноменальные! Тексты (которые в основном пишет сам вокалист) - о личных переживаниях автора. Итак треклист:
1. Crucify - Медленное начало с красивым соло сменяется быстрыми аккордами и ритмом, вся песня звучит в духе Annihilator, Megadeth, то есть в самом настоящем трешевом виде с умопомрачительным соло
2 Alone - не сильно заслуживающая внимания песни, сделанная в рамках треков а-ля Linkin Park.
3 Freak - жесткая альтернатива, порой треш, с видоизмененным голосом ЛяБри, и довольно неплохим припевом.
4 Invisible - среднетемповая композиция, тоже очень мощная и тяжелая, с вкраплениями синтезатора. Есть прогрессивные сбивки ритма.
5 Lost - уже лирический и не тяжелый трек в форме конфеты (обернутый с 2 сторон).
6 Undecided - средняя тяжелая песня
7 Smashed - очень неплохой трек с запоминающимся припевом
8 Pretender - более быстрая композиция, в духе Rage, с очень мощными риффами, с прекрасным припевом, не менее замечательным соло.
9 Slightly Out Of Reach - неплохой "медлячок"
10 Oblivious - опять-таки мощная альтернатива с мощным припевом
11 In Too Deep - не очень тяжелый трек, но довольно мелодичный
12 Drained - опять альтернатива с примесями синтезатора
Итого - эта работа является образцом современного метала высшей пробы, где каждый может найти что-то свое. Шедевр в стиел alternative/nu-metal.
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просмотров: 15343 |
From one end of the world
To the other side
I've never felt as cold
As I do today
There's nothing here to hold
No reason I should stay
Crucify... Resist, deny
Kill the pain that dwells inside
Send your word
From on high
So this part of me will die
Can you hear my thoughts
I know what I have done
You are all I've got
And I don't want to run
Surrender to your will
From the ashes I am new
Your presence is revealed
Showing all that's true
Fear... Tormenting me
Guilt... Won't let me be
Crucify... Resist, deny
Kill the pain that dwells inside
Send your word
From on high
So this part of me will die
Crucify... Resist, deny
Kill the pain that dwells inside
Send your word
From on high
So this part of me will die
2. Alone
Don't want to lie to you
Don't want to cause you pain
But it's all I ever do
And it's driving me insane
So how much deeper will I sink
So how much further will I dare to go
I've gone so far that I can't think
Can't take it all away
But I want you to know
I never meant to hurt you
What did I turn into
And now... I just have this feeling
Sorry's lost its meaning
And I feel alone...
It's not the same tonight
And will never be again
I was wrong and you were right
Now I have this mess I'm in
I can't continue on my own
The guilt I carry now is much to bare
For Heaven's sake answer your phone
Can't take the past away
But honestly I swear...
I never meant to hurt you
What did I turn into
And now... I just have this feeling
Sorry's lost its meaning
And I feel alone
[spoken words/samples]
Uhh, uhh
Uhh, uhh
Uhh, uhh
I never meant to hurt you
What did I turn into
And now... I just have this feeling
Sorry's lost its meaning
And now...
I never meant to hurt you
What did I turn into
And now... I just have this feeling
Sorry's lost its meaning
And I feel alone
3. Freak
You see it - I'm in it
One man freak show
Walk by me - Excite me
Moving real slow
Can't accept it, a comical parade
Can't accept it, part of the charade
Just hangin' by a thin thread
On borrowed time, think you've got it
The same habits, sure you won't mind
Can't accept it, a comical parade
Can't accept it, part of the charade
You think I don't know
What you're thinking
With my outreached hand
Yeah you think
You're the better man
The look in your eyes
What do you care
Look at all us freaks
Cluttering your city streets
You don't know me
Nor my history
What brought me here
Walk right past me
And avoid me
Drag I'm even there
Can't accept it, it doesn't have to be
Can't accept it, don't want your sympathy
Was tired
Of the fast pace
The direction
Then I landed
Right on my face
Poor perception
Can't accept it, the comical charade
Can't accept it, badly written play
You think I don't know
What you're thinking
Yeah I might look weak
But I'm right where I wanna be
Got my piece of the wall
Got my corner
I don't want bi nire
I'm right where I wanna be
Can't accept this
Your comical parade
Can't accept this
Oh the sweet charade
I know you are thinking
The same thing
Waking everyday
Know the character you play
I left mine
With complete abandon
Don't regret it none
Left my wife
Daughter and my Son
You think I don't know
What you're thinking
With my outreached hands
Do away
With this retched man
The look in your eyes
What do you care
Look at all us freaks
Your city streets
4. Invisible
Look in the mirror
Does it look familiar
Cannot put my finger
Why he kinda looks like me
Used to like hooking up with you
After waking first thing I'd do
One sided sensation
Watching me watching you
Now I'm stuck how I feel
I don't know if it's real
I'm trying to find someone
Who's invisible
Now I'm stuck in the middle
My life is the riddle
Trying to find someone
Who's invisible
No way
I cannot lie
I haven't felt right
And I don't know why
No coming up for air
And part of me
Just wants to be left there
Living a constant lie
How much longer
I'd rather die
So bitter
Tongue twisted
Has me paralyzed
They claim they know me
Who I'm supposed to be
A quick fix sure remedy
Another needly plunges deep
Now I'm stuck how I feel
I don't know if it's real
I'm trying to find someone
Who's invisible
Now I'm stuck in the middle
My life is the riddle
Trying to find someone
Who's invisible
No way
I cannot lie
I haven't felt right
And I don't know why
No coming up for air
And part of me
Just wants to be left right there
No way
I cannot lie
I haven't felt right
And I don't care why
No coming up for air
And part of me
Wants to be left right there
No way
No way
No way
No way out
No way
No way
No way
No way out
5. Lost
Sometime after five
I don't know what I've done
But I put my car in drive
And I'm blinded by the sun
In my rearview mirror
The colors start to fade
My past just disappears
And I am so afraid
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Thought I saw the sign
Perhaps I should have turned
I really see just fine
Guess I'm not concerned
Maybe I'll forget
The way things were before
It's too late for regrets
Cause I've opened up the door
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Show me the way
I'm lost
Show me the way
6. Undecided
Seems that we've lost our innocence
The pulpit the teachers
Have warned us
Blindly accepting
Their words as truth
And taking advantage of our trust
Don't expect an answer
Can't help that you're suspicious
Something is missing
So you can't decide
But you're letting them guide you
How can you listen
These empty words
In their messages meanings
Where's the beginning
If there's no end
Seems you're undecided
Fancy dress
Contrived rhetoric speech
The unlettered masses conforming
Rank and file members
Fearing change
But questioned their own faith
This morning
Don't expect an answer
Can't help that you're suspicious
Something is missing
Still you can't decide
But you're letting them guide you
How can we listen
These empty words
In their messages meanings
Where's the beginning
If there's no end
Seems we're undecided
And those that will listen
They see their world
In these messages meanings
But I can't accept this as proof
I know
Neither one's provided
7. Smashed
I lay awake
I'm feeling weak
Not sure I can go on
Please take me far
There's nothing I can give
All I had is gone
Buildings fell
Stealing people's dreams
A way of life
Guess we don't fit
Fit their plans
Familiar streets
Familiar sites
Places where friends meet
It's been a while
So much has changed since then
The future seems so bleak
Nothing stands
All's been lost
They silence our despair
Keep your cool
World is watching you
Act as though you care
Buildings fell
Stealing people's dreams
A way of life
Guess we don't fit
Fit their plan
Watched so many of my
Loved ones fall today
It's like I'm standing here
With all of my past erased
The man I have become
Is not walking away
It is the memories
That makes the man you see
Buildings fell
Stealing people's dreams
A way of life
Guess we don't fit
Fit the plan
Our buildings burn
Can't comprehend
The loss surrounding me
And does it end
When no one's left to bleed
8. Pretender
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Lead me to the oceans white sands
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Where I can catch myself
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Let the water cool and soothe me
Ahh, ahh, ahh
A steady rhythm flows
I cannot deny it's holy
I know who you are
I can feel - You know me
Send your pretender
A man divine his power
Who dares judge or question
His words scripted by liars
Gross intervention
Proclaims their one desire
Distorting the facts
Ancient voices tired
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Forgotten words from long ago
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Speak volumes to me now
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Plagiarism is our truth
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Allegiance to a hoax
So these chosen few are holy
Perpetuate fear
Til the guilt consumes me
Send your Pretender
Designed for one Empire
Erase the offenders
Persecuted fires
They will not answer
For wars which they inspired
And those who surrender
Their voices growing tired
Each one of us
Shadows of the
Third century
Our fate
A fatal error
Created our
Tragic history
Buried message
The writings of truth
Religions challenged
There not amused
Transformed vision
This truth recognized
No further deception
Their pious position
Send your Pretender
Designed for one Empire
Erase the offenders
Persecuted fires
Who dares judge or question
These words scripted by liars
They will not answer
For wars which they inspired
The message is clear
Fanned into full flame
Beliefs in a system
Unlike philosophy
The failure to listen
9. Slightly Out Of Reach
Working so hard
What are you getting out of this
Commitment, have many nice things
But there's no time to take a rest
And you're spent
In the moment, you never seem to be
That time will come
Taken from those
You should be here, you look on
But you're not part of anything there
The days and the years are passing
Quite the man
With your worldly possessions
The crown upon you in all its glory
Driven around
Down these same ole roads
You've known far too long
Turning around's
Not an option in front of you
You're too far gone
And all the signs are warning him
A dead end street
Taken from those
You should be here, looking on
But you're not part of anything there
The days and the years have passed you
Getting old
With your worldly possessions
The crown upon you in all its glory
Not sure that you know
Any more, what you feel right now
To look back when you dreamed
That you'd have everything you want
It's so hard to just to get through
So much of the time
You were not here, you looked on
But were not part of anything there
The days and years have passed you
Now you're old
All your worldly possessions
Now all of your time is spent there
They moved on
And they're not part of anything here
The days and the years have passed you
And you're old
With your worldly possessions
All crumbling round you
And all it's glory
10. Oblivious
Like a stranger in the waiting
Her arrogance a sure foot in
Could blow her cover
If I warned them
Letting them know
She's not who she pretends
My stomach in knots
A relentless force
Consumed with these thoughts
That kept on playing over
I sway back and forth
My face it contorts
Interpret obscene
Oblivious I seem
It never will end
Look at what I am
I have no more pride
It ditched my ride
I'm useless
It happened so quick
It makes me feel sick
A sheer heart attack
I guess I got my wish
Now - Where are you now
Now - Where are you now
So you think that you can handle her
She's not your type
But man she's pulling you in
I've seen the look
Think you've got her all figured out
But you don't know
It's her who's pulling your strings
Your stomach in knots
A relentless force
Consumed with these thoughts
That keep on playing over
You sway back and forth
Your face it contorts
Interpret obscene
Oblivious I seemyou
It never will end
Look at who I am
I have no more pride
It ditched my ride
I'm useless
It happened so quick
It makes me feel sick
A sheer heart attack
I guess I got my wish
Now - Where are you now
Now - Where are you now
Hey Dad
Did you get my picture
Your girl turned out
Being just like you
You bought my love
And I'm rotten to the core
Don't know what's love
It's my tribute to you
My stomach in knots
A relentless force
Consumed with these thoughts
That kept on playing over
I sway back and forth
My face it contorts
Interpret obscene
Oblivious you've been
It never will end
Look at what I am
I have no more pride
You ditched my ride
I'm useless
Entangled in this
You know you're the prick
And can't take it back
Hey Dad but you knew best
Now - Where are you now
Now - Where are you now
Now - Where are you now
Now - Where are you now
11. In Too Deep
Know how it came to this
The hit on me his kiss
Stripped of all dignity - The Man
I set him up - He brought me in
Portrayed the goon to trust - Befriend
Fed the machine - And lived the lie
Concealed the truth to stay alive
Two faced - Can't trace
Convinced what they see
Thick skinned - I'm in
Can't risk - Transparency
Rehearsed - well versed
Who I'm supposed to be
My nerves - I mask - Silence
The fear in me
This plan had better work
Their tapped I'm wired research
No swear I'll blend right in - Right in
Set them up - Knock em dead
Hesitate it's me instead
Lose my nerve - I'll take it all
And I pray he takes the fall
Two faced - Can't trace
Convinced what they see
Thick skinned - I'm in
Can't risk - Transparency
Rehearsed - well versed
Who I'm supposed to be
My nerves - I mask - Silence
The fear in me
Digging in
I'm digging further
I know I'm In Too Deep
Now in the game
I must deliber
To end what's happening
Digging in
I'm digging further
I know I'm In Too Deep
And I intend
To blow their cover
To end what's happening
Keep talking this way
Got something to say
Information you want more
Just gotta even the score
Can't stop the balls in play
Their trust they'll make you pay
White shark loans you
White shark owns you
Which side's gonna save you
Which side's gonna play you
Shake down won't take long
Bulletproof vest on
Witness prorection
Gave me their direction
You fucking moron - Defecting
Digging in
I'm digging further
The dampness setting in
Six feet too deep
I feel the madman
Slowly creeping in
Digging in
I'm digging further
The worst is happening
I lie, I breathe the air they feed me
Would welcome smothering
Digging in
I'm digging further
The dampness setting in
Six feet too deep
I feel the madman
Slowly creeping in
12. Drained
The air's so thick
It blurs my vision
I can't think straight
In this condition
This dim lit hall
Is stretching further
Not knowing
What I might discover
Through a door half open
A painted light bulb swings
Casting someone's shadow
Reaching towards me
Something draws me here
Not sure
Feeling Drained
Still I am curious
Haunts me
Taunts me
Now I start to Gravitate
Remain composed
I hear some laughter
The darkness in me
Moving faster
A handle turned
A door is opened
Cigarettes still smoking
And there again before me
The painted light bulb swings
And see I cast the shadow
The one I saw moving
Cannot catch my breath
Can't cope
His face turns toward me
Can't be
Not me
The man in the mirror
It's all too clear
As I stood there
Acknowledged him
In reflective glare
I don't quite understand
Why any of this
Is who I am
I'm damned cause I doubt
It's part of me
Trick of the mind
Pschitso you see
It's like awakening
I'm in
Someone else's skin
Molds me
Holds me
Left me Drained and empty
I peer inside
Like quicksand
You pulled me
Down deeper
All twisted inside of me
13. Understand
Give me all the now that I can borrow
Let me have this moment for a while
This storm will be here at this time tomorrow
And I'll have just a memory of her smile
And ill be left to wonder
Could I've done more?
Fighting the stress and under
Waiting for control
Let it out
Let it out
Let it out
I accept the circumstance of truth now
Too petty I'm facing it alone
I've got to summon strength within me somehow
As I head into a future thats unknown
And ill be left to wonder
Could I've done more?
Fighting the stress and under
Waiting for control
Let it out
Let it out
Let it out
More down then I'm up untied
It makes no sense The mess that I'm in
But I can't give up till the both of you
Are here in my life again
Let it out
Let it out
Let it out
Let it out
Let it out