David Bodie ‒ Drums, Percussion
Toby Driver ‒ Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Glockenspiel
Mia Matsumiya ‒ Violin
Terran Olson ‒ Piano, Organ, Harmonium, Synthetizer
Daniel Means ‒ Saxophone (tenor), Clarinet |
 | I will exalt my throne above the stars of God
Will chain the stars and pull down the heavens
Will sow the seeds of corruption -
They are many and always in their season,
And the fruits that swell on the Tree of Knowledge
One tree grew on Golgotha, I cut me a staff therefrom
And I wept as I m |
And I travel the course of time, and I tread the bones of the dead
No love, no freedom, no joy
No mind, no thought, no reason
Bound we are by nails
Broken we are by the broken
And the devastation that followed
I have garmented myself with the garment of excess
And have drunk deeply from the chalice of want
These profited me not, and are as sand poured into my throat
I sat me down for an age and denied the cloak of the world
In the end I denied my own life, and all was as it ever was
Remember all ye that though the body falls among the years
It is as a discarded walking staff on the hedgerow beside the Path