« Engraved in Black »
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1 | Dreaming Into Reality
 | 2 | Legions Unleashed
 | 3 | Renaissance in Blood
 | 4 | Thorns of Desolation
 | 5 | Abhorrence
 | 6 | Losing My Religion
 | 7 | Drowned in Fear
 | 8 | Beauty of Malice
 | 9 | Apparition of Sorrow |
   Stefan Fiori - vocals
Stefan Unterpentinger - guitars
Eric Righi - guitars, bass
Sabine Mair - keyboards
Martin Innerbichler - drums |
All music, lyrics and arrangement by Graveworm
except "losing My Religion" by R.E.M.
Guestmusician on "Thorns Of Desolation": Herman Kuhebacher (irish whistle, flute, bagpipe)
Recorded at Stage One Studio in March 2003-03-26
Produced by Graveworm and Andy Classen
Cover by Kristian Wahlin
Single pics by Sitzmann Barbara (Foto Rapid)
Bandpics by Alex Kuhr |
 | 1. Dreaming Into Reality
[Music and Lyrics by Graveworm]
Moment of silence - blackened my eyes
Come through your dreams - voices from beyond
Call your name - envoke your pain
Guardian angel sleep - tears in their eyes
Deep from the shadows - the shadows arrives
While the wall of glas |
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 Погружение в готическую колыбель атмосферного Sympho Black пространства. Релиз “Engraved In Black”, от итальянской команды Graveworm, представляет собой потрясающее симфо-блэковое произведение с параллелями к doom’овым и готическим окрасам музыкальных плоскостей. Музыкальная картина насыщена плотными красками саунда и изобилием красивых оркестровых мелодий, которые завораживают слушателя, и уводят его в царство кромешного мрака и темного романтизма. Настроение альбома включило в себя сочетающиеся помпезность и грусть, радость и отчаяние, окутанные в клавишные партитуры звуковых зарисовок. Вокальная линия, с переплетениями глубокого гроула и скриминга, витающая в композиционных лабиринтах, создает неповторимую атмосферность всему произведению, превращая его в мрачную сказку, заканчивающуюся инструментальной сюитой великолепной клавишницы Sabine Mair. В программу включена вариация композиции ‘Losing My Religion’ команды R.E.M., выполненная в цветовой гамме черного поднебесья и придающая альбому определенную изысканность.
Работа отличается безукоризненным мастерством музыкантов и выдающимися композиторскими способностями, и таланта участников коллектива. Любителям черных сказок рекомендуется… |
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Не все то золото, что блестит - очень правильная русская пословица, которую так и хочется процетировать с умным видом после первого прослушивания Engraved In Black. Диск прекрасно упакован и мастерски прописан, здесь подкопаться не к чему, можно даже и не пробовать. Но вот по качеству преподносимого материала есть серьезные вопросы, и я так понимаю не только у меня. За все время прослушивания альбома, а он длится практически час я не смог зацепиться хотя бы за одну мало-мальски вкусную мелодию, а на Scourge Of Malice вышедшем в 2001 их было можно солить...Жаль, но червячки своим последним альбомом пополнили список импотентов от симфо-блэк сцены, где первое местно уже давно и заслуженно занимают Dimmu Borgir со своим выкидышем в ажурных кружевах под названием Death Cult Armageddon. Искренне скорблю... |
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Альбом замечателен!
Мне не ясно, почему кто-то не доволен тяжестью? Это красивый (отчасти melodic) black, он не доолжен быть легким. Но тяжесть отлично уравновешивается мелодичностью.
Так же удивляет, что в некоторых рецензиях говориться об отсутствии "цепляющих композиций". А разве "Renaissance in blood", "Legions unleashed", "Losing my religion" такими не являются (но все же до "Fear Of The Dark" с "Scourge Of Malice" им далеко).
Особенно меня позабавил кавер на R.E.M "Losing my religion". Слушаешь после Graveworm'а R.E.M., и таким жалким кажется последний...
Лучший их альбом. Всякий любитель Black'а должен попробывать "Червей" на вкус. |
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Если после прослушивания сего материала я бы не знал, что это Graveworm, то тут же бы воскликнул - "Ну нихрена себе, как в последнее время поднялась Tristania, если стала выдавать такие альбомы". Ха, но нет, это не Tristania, это банда покруче в сто раз (хоть их стили, конечно, и различаются, но все-таки). На этом релизе поменьше различных симфоний и органовских вставок, здесь больше блэковой ярости и напора. Гитарные риффы здесь значительно злее и замысловатей, темп музыки тоже ускорился (правда процентов на 40), ударные стали чаще и мощнее, клавиши стали практически не выводиться на передний план. А вот обложка просто нечто, такой похоронно-готический пейзаж заведет любого металлиста. |
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Замечательный альбом. Больше всего радует то, как в музыке "могильных червей" сочетаются элементы самого брутального метала и нежного мелодизма. В отличае от многих "поп-металл" групп типа Dimmu Borgir, Graveworm не отступает от основных принципов хорошей тяжёлой музыки - они остаются максимально мелодичными и максимально тяжёлыми. Если взять, например, тот же "Death Cult Armageddon", то в нём максимум 3 запоминающихся песни, остальное - мусор для людей, которые восхищаются DB потому, что просто не слышали других гораздо более интересных (в плане музыки) групп. Так вот, Engraved In Black - ещё один хороший пример того, как металл может быть красивым и мощным (у тех же DB к таким можно отнести только EDT). |
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Ух, ох! Новый альбом Graveworm обернулся лёгким разочарованием. Куда делись виолончели с As the angels...? Почему мы слышим едва ли не топорный тру блэк? Конечно, это справедливо не на 100%, есть и здесь образчики прежнего великолепия. Хотя если воспринимать эти изменения как эволюцию, а не случайный провал, то с ними можно смириться, тем более что качество никуда не делось, и даже самые брутальные (для Graveworm) треки звучат достаточно мягко и даже в чём-то ласкают слух. |
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просмотров: 23982 |
See the death in your eyes
I feel how my strength is growing
I wait for the dawn to come
The earth of mankind is bleeding
For the last sentence of mortal life
Emptiness, fear and despair
Shadows move where light should be
Feel and see this dying world
Through demon eyes I cry - cry!
Through demon eyes I die - die!
By life betrayed to endless sleep
To live without a dream
Once stands straight with faith and pride
Now drenched in blood I lay
Dark dreams of the past, calling back to me
Shadows that embrace me, with wings of frozen fear
Hear the silent whispers, which makes my dream come true
Feel the darkest velvet, breath between the dreams
When the veil of death covers up your mind
Once again the path of dark painted in blood
Kill or be killed, live for the ancient ones
Guardian angel found their end
As blood rains from the sky
Demons on the ancient world
Sacrifice their soul
Across the waves the dragons fly
Bringing the evil sight
See the fearsome death
Reflecting in your eyes
2. Legions Unleashed
[Music and Lyrics by Graveworm]
I crying to the night - Legions unleashed!!!!
Screaming in pain, spitting the blood to the god
Destruction of the dying has begun
Forces of evil, raise the sword to the sky
Fire in the night, the demons arrived
In the arms of the ancient beast
Fire, death and fear
The darkness spread their wings of death
The horned one implore
The legions waked up from the graves
To be unleashed by their clame
Demon of the ancient world
Invading darkest skies
Forest whispers laments of pain
Blood flows on the ground
Fear, the only way to see
The essence of life ends
Breathe the stench of buried soul
Pleasure of the death
When the stars falls like tears from the sky
Devoted to the powers of black northern might
Wolves howl to honour the moon
Awaits the reign of dark
Creatures of the night arrived
Embraced by darkest might
Blood their only trace to kill
Between the dreams they ride
Marches straight to end the life
Mankind of foible faith
Beyond the temple of the lost
Arrival of plague and death
The garden withered into dust
Might of spell take life
Nocturnal eyes reflects the flames
Ancient race of the gods
Masterpiece of destruction
The agony and pain
The end of the world begun
The time has come: Legions unleashed
3. Renaissance In Blood
[Music and Lyrics by Graveworm]
Bleed for the death
From the river of pain
And the stream of fear
Another fight for revenge
Marching to the lines
Buried in dust
Only death remains
Sacrifice, death for human race
The end of all life
Covered in blood
The comin of destruction
Deadly touch of hell
Mist of the dawn
Revel in flesh
A wind of powers blows from the sky
Raging fury, the enemy arrives
Riding straight with hate in their soul
PAIN - Renaissance in blood
Blood will flow, screams in the sky
Fire enlightens the blackest night
The gates of the damned opened their arms
DIE - Renaissance in blood
Bleed for the death
From the river of pain
and the stream of fear
another fight for revenge
marching to the lines
buried in dust
only death remains
Sacrifice, death for human race
The end of all life
Covered in blood
The comin of destruction
Deadly touch of hell
Mist of the dawn
Revel in flesh
A field of frozen tears remains
Darkness reigns the crumbling sky
the storm of death screams for revenge
FEAR - Renaissance in blood
Shadows and dust lies on the ground
Across the sky they are flying high
And soon the world will cease to be
DIE - Renaissance in blood
4. Thorns Of Desolation
5. Abhorrence
[Music and Lyrics by Graveworm]
A bloodred darkened sky
This day hereafter dies
Falls swiftly into deepest night
And stay within the evil sight
Evil thunder breaks the night
Breathless silence might
Sacrifices human kind
Envoke malicious of her mind
From the ashes of the graveyard
Sacrament and pain
Lamentous screams of tortured souls
Temptation of their gods
Hungry for essence of life
Sorrow and weeping words
Step by step the daylight leaves
Hallowed shadows of fear
Shall wither in her raven arms
Shall perish in embrace
Her love, her tears - the evil side
Shall vanish for her thirst of blood
Shall shrivel for delight
Her love, her tear - the evil side
Among the tomb of stone
Frozen hand of death
Where hungry lovers wait
Carry may soul to bed
Descent the path of fear
No birds in death trees
Where the mistress of life
Redeem me from my sin
Blessed by their beauty
Mysterious sign
Candles flickers through the hell
Wolves howl by her side
I rise before the queen
In evil feathured dress
When she locks through my eyes
Vanish my sin of life
6. Losing My Religion
[By R.E.M.]
Oh life is bigger
Its bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you crying
I thought that I heard you Scream
I think I thought I saw you Die
Every whisper of
Every waking moment I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep
An eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
Consider this
Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip
That brought me to my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you Crying
I thought that I heard you Scream
I think I thought I saw you Die
But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
But I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you Crying
I thought that I heard you Scream
I think I thought I saw you Die
But that was just a dream
Die Cry Why Die
That was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream
7. Drowned In Fear
[Music and Lyrics by Graveworm]
Dark powers manifest
Spiteful horrors crush the sky
Escape from the twilight of a blackened mind
Blood of our enemies
As time shows no change
Embrace by the veil of malicious death
A story told of suffering, blood and pain
Screaming of hate the demons now descend
Smell of dying flowers
Enchanted voices dies
War cry from the darkness, loud and weird
Resistance of mankind
A small flame of hope
Show no mercy, the time has come to fight
The world is dying and here we all die
Screaming, crying, fighting with fear
Into silent shadows
From nowhere to the deep
While the wicked soul are still crying in despair
Children of the night
They shall rise again
Shining like the blood of forgotten unlight
By nocturnal powers fall into the abyss
Slaves of gods - prepare to die
Prepare to die
Darkness hold the secrets of every human fear
Beside the ancient lake - beneath the spelling moon
Prophecies in blood - thunderstorm and rain
Across the field of burial ground
Storm of death swept away defence
Fight for the truth, die for the faith
Damned in fear, fall into the depths
They coming again and again
For victory we ride
Revenge of our land
The time when we will strike back
With swords in our hand
With straight in our heart
Again we march side by side
Remember the last breath
Of killed human friends
Remember the pain in their eyes
For revenge of their life
We fight until the end
With honour and pride we die
8. Beauty Of Malice
[Music and Lyrics by Graveworm]
Turned to the hours of deepest despair
Ancient mystic world surrounds my mind
Hear the sweetest symphonies, betrayed by own dreams
Temptation of the beauty, I have tasted her tears
I?ve tasted her tears
She filled my dreams, surrounds be her grace
The gift of their life runs slowly through my veins
By darkness seducted, her cold veil of death
Malicious beauty, obsession of my sins
Craving hands crawls in my neck
I reached the throne of death
I kiss and embrace the dreaming
Devils dance by her side
Embrace the flowers of fall
Drops of blood falls from my hand
I hear the song of the dying ones
Rapes my sin of life
I feel the end of life
Your look stained my soul
I see the dance of flames
Losing my existence
I see the darkness falling on my skin
The cold hand of the beauty might
The claws of death crushes my mind
I raise my hands toward the sky
The kiss of my life and the kiss of my death
Embraced by the stigma of her sweetest voice
Bewitched the sense of the faith to my god
Disarmed the fear of all pain have to come
9. Apparition Of Sorrow
[Closing instrumental]
10. It's A Sin
[Limited Edition Bonus Track]
[Pet Shop Boys Cover]
As I look back upon my life..
it's always with a sense of shame..
I've always been the one to blame...
For everything I long to do..
no matter when or where or who..
has one thing in common too..
it's a.. it's a.. it's a.... it's a sin....
it's a sin..
My father taught me how to be
So pure of thought.. and word and deed..
he didn't quite succeed........
for everything I long to do..
no matter when or where or who..
has one thing in common too..
it's a.. it's a.. it's a....... it's a sin...
everything I've ever done..
everything I'll ever do
everyplace I've ever been..
everywhere I'm going to........
it's a sin.....
Father forgive me...
I tried not to do it....
Turned over a new leaf...
then tore right through it...
Whatever you taught me...
I didn't believe it...
Father you fought me..
cuz I didn't care.. and I still don't.. understand.......
Now as I look back upon my life..
it's always with a sense of shame..
I've always been the one to blame..
for everything I long to do..
no matter when or where or who..
has one thing in common too..
it's a.. it's a.. it's a......... it's a sin...
it's a sin....
everything I've ever done..
everything I'll ever do..
every place I've ever been..
everywhere I'm going to.....
it's a sin...
it's a sin...