 Молодой коллектив Dyspanic, выпуская этот альбом, явно не побоялся экспериментов. Вдохновляющая, агрессивная, и в то же время приносящая так необходимый иногда покой, музыка на "Enuma Elish" погружает в атмосферу диссонансов, спорных мыслей и чувств. Море драйва, энергии, настоящего металла, притом не лишенного души и особой красоты. После странного ощущения от первых прослушиваний альбома, определенной растерянности по причине неожиданности материала, приходит просветление и желание вслушиваться внимательнее. Каждый трек имеет свое настроение, свои краски и оттенки. Яркое переплетение жанров. С новым, пересведенным звучанием, альбом открывает уже известный публике "Geiger", который Dyspanic выпустили еще два года назад. Вокал добавляет песне мелодичности и эмоциональной полноты. Мощно, громко, крышесносно. Диссонирующее вступление в "Kernel Panic", с мощным "BOOM!!!", вызывает истерику и желание крушить. Сложные переходы и маткор-элементы трека формируют уникальные качества Dyspanic. Удивили старой школой грува композиции "DNA Replication" и "Cube", последняя - с эпичным соло в финале. В "Enuma Elish" резко меняется стилистика жанра с экстремального маткора на прогрессивный метал. До мурашек. Песня цепляет с первых нот, а в последствии вообще уносит в облака. В ней слышна свобода, это отличное чувство. Никаких экстремальных приемов и технических наворотов, все лирически красиво. Пик погружения в альбом вносит инструментальный трек "Brain Damage". Вырезки из фильмов меняют интересные и ломаные мысли. Следующим идет "Tribal Ritual Burial", который нагнетает атмосферу перед последней чумовой вещью, под названием "Polymorphism Influences". Трек производит очень сильное впечатление. Агрессия, мощь, ядерный реактор альбома с очевидным влиянием Meshuggah и Vildjharta, завершающийся эмбиентным ландшафтом, ставит жирную точку в альбоме. За оригинальность, качественную запись и высокую технику музыкантов ставлю 9 из 10. Обложка и логотип альбома - единственный недостаток, но не настолько существенный. Альбом "Enuma Elish" однозначно подпадает в личную домашнюю аудиотеку. |
With one arm tied
Say how long have you been to the Truth,
And wasted the precious days of youth,
You grew up with no demons, in innocence,
No righteousness for you ever since
Stay awake with your eyes close,
Stay vigilant, sway in hypnosis
With one arm tied behind your back,
They say it’s white but all you see is black
Kernel Panic
Fatal Error pierced my screen post-mortem program debugging
Waiting system, fuck regime, Fix the bugs and quick restarting
virtual address always achieve paging and fuck segmentation
Fatal Error pierced my screen post-mortem program debugging... Waiting system… Waiting
Fault detection mechanism
Crash dump crash dump crash dump crash dump
Source code compiling normalized
Drive device missing an again
Crash dump crash dump crash dump crash dump
Boot resulting is a common problem
Kernel incorrect
Failed.. No init found
Attempting defaults... Terminated
Shotgun... Debugging
Check process thread blocks
Error message show my pc
Abort, Retry, Fail? what need to be?
Software patches fix all my dreams
To change the kernel
File not found... What a fuck?
Syntax Error... Not a typewriter
Access denied.. Nope, its bug
Pop-up message.. Error message
Bad command.. I Can't extend
Lp0 on fire .. Shit, what's a message?
File not found... What a fuck?
Syntax Error... Not a typewriter
Impact assessment... environmental mental? mental mental? mental beans
Impact assessment
Panic may occur a hardware failure result
or a software bug in the operating system
Using a software-simulated interrupt
Virtual address spaces may be different for processes
Check the file log, incorrect buglog
type cat var syslog
Source code fragments
Fault tolerance
Error message show my pc
Abort, Retry, Fail? what need to be?
Software patches fix all my dreams
To change the kernel
Fatal Error pierced my screen post-mortem program debugging
Waiting system, fuck regime, Fix the bugs and quick restarting
virtual address always achieve paging and fuck segmentation
DNA Replication
Rise Rise Rise dark lord of Science Science Science
Split me into atoms Turn me into Demon of knowledge
Take my soul
Code defines sequences
Of these nucleotide triplets
Amino acid will be added
Next during protein synthesis
Slow mutation
Change in sensory
New creation
Blood began to mercury
I swim with sulfuric acid
My flesh slowly dissolves
Repeat again reaction
Watch the pieces of revolves
Take my genetic material and
Translate it into proteins by living cells
Generate three codons
Despite the redundancy of the genetic code
I hear the inherent noise ... Solubility
Information theoretic approaches see the genetic code as an error-prone information channel
I hear the inherent noise
Let's break our DNA
As we break time signatures
let the future generation
Born mutants
I am stuck in a cube
My thoughts take me away
Clerics can not cure me
I'll run away from you today
I'm a schizophrenic
white four walls .. I'm tired
my mind is infinitely empty
as well as let people inside
go on and cry through my mind and
my ears over by the side though some of us
could die,some of us should die
Sweet dreams of death
Taste of life forever gone
Blowing breath of death
It feels every bone
Cold, pain, break me, every day
I forgot your scent
God help me, destroy this world
leave this world forever
I can't hear the voice, I can' see the stars
But I know I have the choice
Live within four walls
Or die of blood in the throat
Endless insomnia poison
Four corners full of freaks
Memory of life disappears
How long am I here, how much weeks?
Sweet dreams of death
Taste of life forever gone
Blowing breath of death
It feels every bone
Cold, pain, break me, every day
I forgot your scent
God help me, destroy this world
leave this world forever
I can't hear the voice, I can' see the stars
But I know I have the choice
Live within four walls
Or die of blood in the throat
Enuma Elish
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was without form and void,
and darkness was over the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light
Heaven and Earth show me a way
to open my eyes open my mind
show me my path
Babylonian creation our founders
Give us the knowledge give us strength
the great gods of our planet
We really need your hands
When the sky above was not named And the earth beneath
did not yet bear a name,
And the primeval Apsû, who begat them,
And chaos, Tiamat, the mother of them both,
Their waters were mingled together, And no
field was formed, no marsh was to be
seen; When of the gods none had been called into being.
e-nu-ma dingir dingir la šu-pu-u ma-na-ma!
I often ask the question
Who created the world,
Darwin's theory incorrected
The path is Accadian words
Enuma... Enuma my path
Accadian, where are you?
Take me away, Take me in your world
Brain Damage
Tribal Ritual Burial
Forgotten lessons, forbidden pleasures
Take your time
Denying my death, Injecting new breath
Was not right
Bring me back – no other way to leave me
Now I’m here for the taking
I don’t need anything that you’re faking
You better let it all die
You want to get me back like your playpet
Too bad, you can never forget. This will never be right.
(with all this madness) I will rise
Before you take my blood You know it’s not enough to
Just wipe away the guilt you wear for me
So tear me all apart, proceed with all you wait for
And I will rise through all this Tribal burial
Bring me back , It was never enough to keep me
Severe my flesh and set my skin aside but you won’t get my soul
Before you take my blood You know it’s not enough to
Just wipe away the guilt you wear for me
So tear me all apart, proceed with all you wait for
And I will rise through all this Tribal burial
So this is where is starts – lost soul knows no remorse
The pieces of my broken…
Your deadly wish to reconsider my demise
Will get you torn apart as soon as I will rise
‘Cause I still hate you, ‘Cause I still hate you,
You brought me back, but you still wearing all your sins
Just die.
Polymorphism Influences
Ability to appear in many forms
Biodiversity, genetic variation and adaptation
Sexual dimorphism
Takes place in panmictic population
If a neutral trait is pleiotropically linked to an advantageous one,
it may emerge process of natural selection
For that trait there can be only one
It was selected but this doesn't mean it is an adaptation
Evolution change my thoughts and my desires
It's an endless cycle of biological
Mankind is constantly progressing
Where will this lead?
You hear this heartbeat?
This heartbeat of my son