 80-е годы стали, пожалуй, самым тяжелым периодом для арт-рокеров. Сначала их немного подкосила популярность диско, потом появилось MTV, крутившее в основном поп-музыку коммерческой направленности. В столь трудные времена мало кто из титанов мог устоять. Стали более попсовыми Genesis и Yes, и даже Jethro Tull и King Crimson не избежали в то время подобного влияния. То же самое можно сказать и о Manfred Mann’s Earth Band. Прекрасный арт-рок с элементами харда и джаза стал у них гораздо слабее. Справедливости ради следует заметить, что «Шанс» – альбом еще достаточно неплохой. Да, попсоватый и не сравнится с более глубокомысленным ранним творчеством, однако все равно со множеством запоминающихся композиций, половину из которых по-прежнему занимают каверы.
1) «Lies (Through the 80’s)». Быстрая и энергичная песня под стремительные клавишные и изредка жесткие гитарные риффы, особенно хорошо звучащие в соло. Лирика является размышлениями о том, что же ждет человечество в 80-е годы. Несомненно, технический прогресс, но будет ли в нем настоящее «светлое будущее»? (Кстати, спустя два года участники группы вступили в коммунистическую партию, так что для них эти слова звучали не так иронично, как для нас сейчас.)
2) «On the Run». Размеренная композиция с отличным перкуссионным ритмом и соло на саксофоне. Текст повествует о преследуемом человеке, однако почти никаких подробностей его преступления не сообщается.
3) «For You». Хиты следуют один за другим. Отличный кавер на Брюса Спрингстина. В куплетах – фортепьянная баллада, ближе к припеву музыка становится энергичнее. Отличное соло на клавишных, а потом и на электрогитаре под мощно звучащие ударные. Текст достаточно суровый – лирический герой сопровождает в больницу свою девушку, причем, видимо, к этому состоянию привел ее он сам.
4) «Adolescent Dream». Романтическая тема, основанная на весьма тревожных клавишных. Ближе к концу появляются просто-таки галопирующие ударные, словно кто-то бежит. Пожалуй, это лучшая композиция на альбоме, жаль только, что очень короткая (менее 3 минут).
5) «Fritz the Blank». Инструментал – достаточно медленный и оптимистический. На первый план выходят то клавишные, то гитара.
6) «Stranded». Через всю композицию проходят переговоры по радио, иллюстрирующие похождения лирического героя в Айове. Размеренная вещь, основанная на клавишных, но в них вплетаются и гитарные риффы. Немного затянуто – почти 6 минут.
7) «Hello, I Am Your Heart». Медленная тема с призывными клавишными и жесткой гитарой. Кавер на песню Денниса Линде с текстом, представляющим собой монолог человеческого сердца, обращающегося к своему владельцу.
8) «No Guarantee». Размеренная композиция с достаточно тревожной атмосферой, создаваемой как вокалом (мужским и женским, который иногда переходит на более высокое пение), так и инструментами, а также звуковыми эффектами (типа взрывов или криков толпы). Текст представляет собой почти что выдержки из контракта при найме на работу, в который вставлены фразы «Мы можем дать вам спокойствие духа» и «Мы можем дать вам любовь».
9) «Heart on the Street». Еще одна размеренная вещь с хорошим гитарным соло и лирическим фортепьянным проигрышем в конце. Лирический герой песни желает, чтобы разные люди обрели взаимопонимание и были более терпимыми друг к другу. |
All through the Eighties
Information - there'll be more and more
All through the Eighties
Will the man on the street finally know the score
But I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
I've lost my hope there isn't anywhere to play
(Pull up the trees and put up a parking lot)
The play's been written we'll all be in the cast
All through the Eighties
And our feet are gonna point away from the past
All through the Eighties
Will supersonic travel be our ticket to ride
We'll have cruise missiles, they think as they fly
But I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
I've lost my hope there isn't anywhere to play
(Pull up the trees and put up a parking lot)
Time will go and the years fly by
All through the Eighties
And we'll have another slice of American Pie
All through the Eighties
Credit card living, push button cash
All through the Eighties
We'll pay our money and we'll take our trash
All through the Eighties
And another generation will "Talk about their Generation"
But I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
I've lost my hope there isn't anywhere to play
(Pull up the trees and put up a parking lot)
I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
Written by Manfred Mann/Tony Ashton/Florrie Palmer
You're on the run from the Law
You weren't happy, had to have much more
Now the heat is on
The heat is on
Don't look back
You keep going, just another day
'Cause the heat is on
The heat is on
You know you're in the hands of fate
You've done the worst
You must appreciate why
The heat is on
The heat is on
Run away on the night flight
Oh they got you on the run
You gonna live in the twilight
Oh the heat is on
Took your gold, took your chance
You got the money
And you got romance
Now, the heat is on
The heat is on
The time has come for you to go
You keep running
But it seems so slow
'Cause the heat is on
The heat is on
[repeat to fade]
Written by Bruce Springsteen
Princess cards she sends me with her regards,
Oh, bar-room eyes shine vacancy
To see her you gotta look hard
Wounded deep in battle, I stand stuffed like some soldier undaunted
To her cheshire smile I'll stand on file
She's all I ever wanted
You let your blue walls stand in the way of these facts, honey
Get your carpet baggers off my back
Girl give me time to cover my tracks
You said, "Here's your mirror and your ball and jacks"
But they're not what I came for
Oh I came for so much more
And I know you that too
And I know you know that's true
I came for you
I came for you
I came for you
For you
I came for you
Crawl into my ambulance
Your pulse is getting weak
Reveal yourself all to me now
While you've got the strength to speak
'Cause they're waiting for you at Bellevue
With their oxygen masks
But I could give it all to you now
If only you could ask
Don't call for your surgeon
Even he says it's late
It's not your lungs this time
But your heart holds your fate
Don't give me my money back
Don't want it anymore
It's not that nursery mouth I came back for
It's not the way you're stretched out on the floor
I've broken all your windows
And I've rammed through all your doors
Who am I to ask you to fight my wars
And you should know that's true
You should know that too
I came for you
I came for you
I came for you
For you
I came for you
Don't call for your surgeon
Even he says it's late
It's not your lungs this time
But your heart holds your fate
Don't give me my money back
Don't want it anymore
It's not that nursery mouth I came back for
It's not the way you're stretched out on the floor
I've broken all your windows
And I've rammed through all your doors
Who am I to ask you to fight my wars
You should know that's true
You should know that too
I came for you
I came for you
I came for you
For you
I came for you
Written by Manfred Mann
- Published Scalehand Ltd.
. You're not the great romantic
Crystal juke-box queen
You're not my old adolescent dream
You're not my spiritual gypsy
My fifty Chevy Machine
You're not my old adolescent dream
Oh no my friend
You stand above all that
You're my life
My love
My blood
My soul
You're not the way I planned it
The way it's meant to be
You're not my old adolescent dream
Oh no my friend
You stand above all that
You're my life
My love
My blood
My soul
Oh no, you're not my old adolescent dream
Written by Manfred Mann
Written by Manfred Mann/Mike Heron
Stranded in Iowa
Stranded in Iowa
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I can't keep my thoughts out of sight
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I need to feel the stars sleep by at night
I'm stranded all night, stranded all right
Stranded in Iowa
Stranded in Iowa
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I can't keep my thoughts out of sight
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I need to feel the stars sleep by at night
I'm stranded all night, stranded all right
Mayday, this is Echo Hotel
Mayday, this is Echo Hotel
Mayday, this is Echo Hotel
Hotel Echo, this is Mike November
I can hear your call
Mayday, this is Echo Hotel
Mayday, this is Echo Hotel
Hotel Echo, this is Charlie Delta
I can feel the fear
Mayday, this is Echo Hotel
[repeat to fade]
Stranded in Iowa
Stranded in Iowa
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I can't keep my thoughts out of sight
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I need to feel the stars sleep by at night
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I can't keep my thoughts out of sight
Better get the Breakdown squad out
Get me rolling on
'Cause I need to feel the stars sleep by at night
I'm stranded all night, stranded all right
Mayday, this is Echo Hotel
[repeat to fade]
Written by Dennis Linde
Hello, this is your heart
You got me broken one too many times
Hello, this is your heart, speaking
You got me tired of one too many lies
Goin'away, taking your emotions
Leaving you as cold as ice
If you intend to keep on fooling
You must expect to pay the price
Goodbye, this is your heart
'Cause you got me going one too many times
So long, this is your heart, leaving
Wish you the best of loving
Till I'm coming home
Hello, this is your heart
You got me broken one too many times
So long, this is your heart, leaving
Wish you the best of loving
Till I'm coming home
Gaining love under false pretences
Lying with your eyes
So when you feel me moving out
It will come as no surprise
Been around too long
I've been around too long
Been around
[repeat to fade]
Written by Manfred Mann
We don't guarantee
Any work caused by or arising out of the failure of the owner
to comply with the instructions or recommendations
We don't guarantee
Any work caused by the failure of the water supply, any damage
resulting from a fire explosion or civil disorder
We can give you peace of mind
We can give you love
We don't guarantee
Making good damage resulting from fire, flood, storm or lightning,
frost or solar eruptions, or dynamite fire
We don't guarantee
The corporation may at their discretion refuse or may grant such renewal with additional conditions, including inspection
We can give you peace of mind
We can give you love
We don't guarantee
Any work caused by the failure of the water supply, any damage
resulting from a fire explosion or civil disorder
Written by Tom Gray
I lay dreamin'
Electronic healer
Plugged in the groove
Not a thought in my head
Oh, you shook me away girl
Remember words that you said
Have a taste of another kind of fruit boy
Why not make all your dreams come all real
It's easy just keep your eyes open
Put your shoulder to the wheel
It's not my feet
It's just a heart on the street
Blue, Black and White
Can't we get anything right
What's the matter with you
What's the matter with me
It's just my heart on the street
I know, I know I'm just a John to your TV
I know, I know I'm just a radio Joe
But, pull me out the socket
And away we go
It's not my feet
It's just a heart on the street
Blue, Black and White
Can't we get anything right
What's the matter with you
What's the matter with me
It's just my heart on the street
Blue, Black and White
Can't we get anything right
What's the matter with you
What's the matter with me
It's just my heart on the street
Blue, Black and White
Can't we get anything right
What's the matter with you
What's the matter with me
It's just my heart on the street