« Demons of Insanity - Chapter Five »
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   Henning Basse - vocals
Matthias Lange - guitars
Lars Ratz - bass
Michael Ehre - drums
Guest musicians:
Don Airey - keyboards |
 | Earth In Pain
As we are standing here
After surviving endless tasks in many worlds of the past
from the Millennium Gate until we stood strong As One
Now, seeing that as the only race, Human is killing its own species,
Now, feeling the ignorance against all natural powers
Now, hearing the  |
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 Metalium - это, не побоюсь этого слова, уникальная группа. С самого первого альбома, вышедшего в конце 90-ых, сей коллектив преподносился общественности как нечто совершенно божественное. Погостить на альбоме Metalium считали за честь многие известнейшие музыканты из мира тяжелого рока, да и основные участники группы - далеко не последние лица на немецкой хэви металической сцене. Но при этом, собственно, музыка Metalium никогда не представляла из себя ничего особенного, и даже, на моей памяти, почти всегда издевательски оплевывалась во многих музыкальных изданиях. Но дух идейного лидера группы, Ларса Ратца, так просто не сломить! Вот уже в пятый раз он представляет нам очередную главу из нескончаемого цикла о злоключениях аццкого Металического Воина и его не менее аццкой Металичеcкой Подруги. На этот раз парочка, уже устав от бессмысленных шатаний по иным мирам, обратила свое внимание на нашу родную планету, матушку землю. А она, представьте себе, оказывается умирает! Да еще и от нашего же наплевательского отношения! Собственно, вся лирика и сюжет пятой саги Metalium и строится вокруг этих самых экологических проблем. Создается такое впечатление, что музыканты провели в анабиозе последний десяток лет и не знают насколько эта тема выработана и пережевана всеми более-менее популярными коллективами. Тем не менее, на "Demons Of Insanity" все это преподносится с потрясающим пафосом и размахом, хотя на самом деле весь сюжет идеально укладывается в две строчки из песни "Mother Earth" - "Earth is dying, we are crying". Все! Переходим к музыке. Да, собственно, и тут никаких сюрпризов - как Metalium играли пять лет назад свой энергичный немецкий хэви\пауэр, так и играют сейчас. Прогресса - ноль целых и ноль десятых. Все песни похожа одна на другую, и лично мне на альбоме понравились всего три вещи! Это весьма запоминающийся боевик "Cyber Horizon", средне темповый номер "Destiny", и готовый хит "Out Of Silence". Все остальное - безликие копии этих произведений, разбавленные жалкими попытками играть прогрессив ("Endless Beliver"), и не менее жалкими попытками спеть чувственную балладу ("Silence Of The Night"). Ну а запись и все технические аспекты, конечно же, на самом высоком уровне. Благодаря этому "Demons Of Insanity" и получает от меня целых шесть баллов. Рекомендуется всем любителям "тру" метала, которые способны выдержать почти 70 минут однообразной и скучной музыки. (Диск предоставлен компанией Irond) |
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Выход нового альбома немецкой пауэр металлической группы Metalium это, конечно, не такое событие как, например, выход нового альбом группы Iron Maiden или Judas Priest, однако я, как твёрдый и непоколебимый пауэрщик, всё-таки ждал выхода пятого диска рассматриваемой банды, и ждал очень сильно. Предыдущий диск коллектива получился очень сильной работой и можно сказать поднял статус группы ещё на несколько ступенек и одним из самых интересных вопросов интересовавших меня целый год это было «смогут ли ребята второй раз повторить свой яркий успех теперь уже на «Demons Of Insanity»?». Оказалось, что не смогут и былого уровня не достигнут. Альбом вроде бы неплох – это что касается первой половины пластинки, но вот вторая половина откровенно запущена и провалена, на ней вообще не за что зацепиться. И хотя я не разделяю мнение предыдущего рецензента относительно всего творческого наследия группы, но должен с ним согласиться что CD - это не самое лучшее время провождение для слушателя, даже, несмотря на мою привязанность и уважение к этой команде. Да, альбом весь выполнен в узнаваемой трушной манере немцев, однако буквально до седьмой вещи находятся композиции которые являются неоспоримыми хитами и даже можно сказать одним из самых лучших произведений металиумцев, но то что идёт после седьмой песни - это полный отстой, всё настолько однообразно и похоже друг на друга, что даже через десять прослушиваний остается непонятное чувство будто бы я и не слушал эти темы вовсе. Но не буду всё время о грустном. Качество записи отличное, вокал как всегда на уровне, а иногда Хеннинг даже использует какие-то новые интонации в своём голосе. Техническая часть пластинки развивает предыдущие альбомы с одним только отличием – большинство музыкального материала выдержано в явно энгри металлическом ключе, то есть если убрать все мелодии на пластинке, то слушать можно будет исключительно немецкий треш металл – такой напор, скорость, драйв и жёсткость риффов – ну прямо, музыканты озверели! Из самых лучших вещей я бы выделил открывающий стандартный, но цепляющий боевик «Power Of Time», потрясающий боевик «Cyber Horizon», заглавный драйвовый монстр «Demons Of Insanity» с очень прилипчивым припевом, злющая песенка «Ride On», прогрессивнный номер «Endless Believers» - очень даже ничего, ну и, конечно же, дьявольски энергичный зверь «Sky Is Falling». Также, как это не странно, в конце пластинки стоит ещё один и последний, причём, удачный номер «Visions Of Paradise», сделанный на манер заглавного трека из предыдущего альбома «As One» – такой же кач, такая же все сжигающая ненависть! В общем, альбом, конечно же, стоит приобрести всем поклонниками тру пауэра и фэнам группы, но сам диск мог бы быть и получше… |
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просмотров: 8591 |
Will man stand the test of time?
Don't you dare try to rewrite Genesis!
or you will become a DEMON OF INSANITY!!!
Power Of Time
Human race is about to invent themselves
Manipulating the genes of the Genesis
They make us believe
They are our saviours
Meant to receive
Countless betrayers
Feel the power of the time,
Learn the lesson, see the sign
Feel the power of the time,
Hear the message, fate is mine
Don't fear you're running against all the odds again
You see you're crumbling, avenging the swords
They make us believe
They are our saviours
Meant to receive
Countless betrayers
Feel the power of the time,
Learn the lesson, see the sign
Feel the power of the time,
Hear the message, fate is mine
The power of time, our earth in pain
The power of time, we'll go insane
Demons Of Insanity
Many ways lead to an aim
The matter is, what's got to be
Your mind can't play along their rules
You got an own opinion
Why don't you scream out loud
No longer wanna be their fools
Manipulated Medias
Look they are all around
But we aint puppets they will see
Can't you feel it
It's the time to break
Out of this cage
Demons rising
Trying to get a hold of you
Bear your fears and use your force
To escape of this human zoo
Don't get sacrificed, hunt them down, down, down, down
Whatever they will try to break you
Don't let them get you down
Making you stronger deep inside
Can't you feel it
It's the time to break
Out of this cage
Demons rising
Trying to get hold of you
Bear your fears and use your force
To escape of this human zoo
Don't get sacrificed, hunt them down
Cyber Horizon
No one can stop the wheels of time
And if you dare to you'll be left behind
The future is now – is this the deal?
fiction is real
You throw your life away – you're just living for the things that don't exist
You live a lie – you don't see that you're dismissed
And now you start to suffer
You have to pay the price
Already lost the balance
You realize
Cyber horizon
Is it worth dying for?
Communication denied
A world in silence
Break out forevermore
Reset your mind – tear down the wall
Cyber horizon encircles us all
Don?t lose your soul
Don?t lose your mind – don?t lose control
Don't you rely on something unreal
Stand your man stand the temptation
If you can don't lose your mind, don't lose your soul, don't lose control
And now you start to suffer
You have to pay the price
Already lost the balance
You realize
Cyber horizon
Is it worth dying for?
Communication denied
A world in silence
Break out forevermore
Reset your mind – tear down the wall
Cyber horizon encircles us all
Don't lose your mind
Don't lose your soul
Don't lose control
Ride On
Hear the charming voice out in the night
Sail on, don't go there you'll lose your life
They who are lost will find the spellbound sirens
They who seduce the blind
Ride on, into your ruin
Voices dictate your way
Ride on to where we are ruling
Our power is here to stay
Draw near stop thy ship and come to us
Dead man you will see oh what a loss
They who are lost will find the spellbound sirens
They who seduce the blind
Ride on, into your ruin
Voices dictate your way
Ride on to where we are ruling
Our power is here to stay
Ride on, into your ruin
Voices dictate your way
Ride on to where we are ruling
Our power is here to stay
Endless Believer
Like a hero, we won't die
Like the sunrise within a storm
In the morning, we hear them still mourn
In the dead end, we build to be strong...
Listen to the core of your heart
Endless believers, made to survive
Endless believers, to realize
The human fever, will turn back time
To kill deceivers, we'll return to send you a sign
Smell the breeze through your hair
Feel the battle of despair
Like these heroes of all time, ohh
Wandering out, to see the sign
Listen to the core of your heart
Endless believers, made to survive
Endless believers, to realize
The human fever, will turn back time
To kill deceivers, we'll return to send you a sign
The way of a believer does not always follow the mind
Often the path will lead through a mental storm of rain and thunder
But the passion in his flaming soul
is heating the heart, to take over control
Endless believers, made to survive
Endless believers, to realize
Endless Believers, will turn back time
To kill deceivers, we'll return to send you the sign
Ouohhhhhh, Believers
Endless Believers
The human Fever Ahhhhhaaaaaaouooooohhhhhhh
Listen to the core of your heart
But the passion in his flaming soul
is heating the heart, take over control
Sky Is Falling
In deepest night, there is no chance to escape
Don't ever dare
The power of the earth
First out of sight
it'll get you down
To where our species does belong
So watch the Sky falling,
down to the Earth,
There's nowhere for you to hide
The sea swallows lives and daylight, bringing fear to the night
And all you can do is stand and stare
Our ignorance and our jealousy
Makes us believe
We rule our fate
We try to rewrite
And change the Genesis
But soon our weakness will be for all to see
So watch the Sky falling
Falling down to the Earth,
There's nowhere for you to hide
The sea swallows lifes and daylight, bringing fear to the night
And all you can do is stand and stare
Choir: The power of the earth
Ohhhhooooooouohhhhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhooooooouohhhhhhhhhhh,
So watch the Sky falling
Falling down to the Earth,
There's nowhere for you to hide
The sea swallows lives and daylight, bringing fear to the night
And all you can do is stand and stare
Stand and stare yeahyeahheheeeeeeeeeee
Stand and stare yeahyeahheheeeeeeeeeee
We don?t trust in destiny
We don?t trust in the hands of time
We just try to push it further
Everything?s under control
Everything seems to be fine
But we?re still not satisfied, no
And now I hear you say
That?s the way it should be
Don?t you care what we leave behind
Can?t you see the signs
come and take the time look behind
Come and follow me, because we hold the key
Spirit of our time
Unholy or divine
there is no end in sight
Don?t close your eyes
Don't believe all their lies
Can you read between the lines
Will we stand the test of time
If we don't stop what we have started
When will we learn to read the lines
When will we learn to feel the signs
if you don't believe, just take a look to the sky
Can?t you see the signs – come and take the time look behind
Come and follow me, because we hold the key
Spirit of our time
Unholy or divine
there is no end in sight
Don?t close your eyes
Don't believe all their lies
Don't you dare to rewrite Genesis, or you will become a Demon of Insanity
Spirit ouf our time
Destiny, dont believe all
Unholy or divine
there is no end in sight
Destiny, dont believe all
Don?t close your eyes
Don't believe all their lies
Unholy and divine, there's no end in sight
Don't close your eyes don't believe their lies
Mother Earth
Something's calling, Skies are falling
Darkening day and night
Now we stand here, feeling our anger
Releasing the pain inside
You are
Take it all away
No matter what they say
You'd better stay away from the night
It's hunting me
God can't you see, this pain in me
All The blood that has been wasted in your name since ever
God can't you feel
Tears have been wasted since you were here, ohooooooooo
God can't you see
Earth is crying, we are dying
A part of you and me
Nature's screaming, violence is teaming
Soon enough we'll see
You are
Take it all away
No matter what they say
You'd better stay away from the night
It's hunting me
God can't you see, this pain in me
All The blood that has been wasted in your name since ever
God can't you feel
Tears have been wasted since you were here, ohooooooooo
God can't you see
God can't you see, this pain in me
All The blood that has been wasted in your name since ever
God can't you feel
Tears have been wasted since you were here, ohooooooooo
God can't you see, this pain in me
All The blood that has been wasted in your name since ever
God can't you feel
Tears have been wasted since you were here, ohooooooooo
God can't you see
Out Of The Silence
Human Species, special kind
The world has never seen before
Only ourselves, on our mind
We will kill our own mankind
Rest in peace, no other chance
Will be given to us in this lifetime
Watch out for the heavens signs
Almighty and divine
Listen to the shadows fall
Erasing us all
No other is like us, there is no doubt
No one could create
Could create what we have done
Hate and greed will force its way
To poison our minds, we won't stay
Watch out for the heavens signs
Almighty and divine
Listen to the shadows fall
Erasing us all
There is no existing creature on this planet
which will annihilate themselves
except the human race.
Armageddon is steaming like a train down the track
straight into mankind's face!
into mankind's face!
into mankind's face!
Armageddon, straight into mankind's face!
Ignorance is all around,
Human losses get to show
Planets fade without a sound
While others start to grow
Start to grow
The end seems near, to be seen
Raising biggest fears in me
Pollution here and brainless rules
But I will soon escape this sea
All Nations – impossible
To find a unique way
I see now what I got
We see here, what we got
It's killing me
Revulsion is what we see
Stealing time in me
Earth is shaking
Hate is Fate
Armageddon is getting near
Be sure the devil won't be late to get you
Steering up your fear
Surrendering, cant be my case
Aint my way that it should be
I see now what I got
We see here, what we got
Chor: It's killing me
Revulsion is what we see
Stealing time in me
I see now what I got
We see here, what we got
Chor: It's killing me
Revulsion is what we see
Stealing time in me
Silence Of The Night
Oh I've prayed for so long, now
To keep these tears
Inside of me
Isn't there really another way out?
If we could turn back time
It wouldn't be the same for sure
No chance to touch the ground, once again
We once knew how
Let her rest in the deepest silence of the night
Forever sleeping, feel her pain inside
Silence of the night
Lord we're dying, but we don't know why
Reality – so cold -Abolishing Mother Earth so old
Explain to the curious eyes of a child why
If we could turn back time
It wouldn't be the same for sure
No chance to touch the ground, once again
We once knew how
Once again
Let her rest in the deepest silence of the night
Forever sleeping, feel her pain inside
Silence of the night
Let her rest in the deepest silence of the night
Forever sleeping, feel her pain inside
Once again
Let her rest in the deepest silence of the night
Forever sleeping, feel her pain inside
So let her rest in silence ohoooooo
So let her rest in silence forever
So let her rest in silence
Pain inside
So let her rest
Silence of the night
Visions Of Paradise
Come and take your fears away
Don?t be locked forevermore
You will see how it could be
There?s a world that we don?t know
A better one for all of us
Would you join me for a ride?
Something is calling for me
No matter if you're gonna fear it
Let`s take a ride – you will see
Visions of paradise
Pictures we see inside
Now?s the time that these dreams come true
Visions that shine so bright
Pictures we have in mind
And they?ll lead us out of the fire
Now we leave our world behind
We will find another way
Just to travel space and time
Don?t stay waiting for the end
You'd be acting like a fool
The future is in our hands
Something is calling for me
No matter if you're gonna fear it
Let`s take a ride – you will see
Visions of paradise
Pictures we see inside
Now?s the time that these dreams come true
Visions that shine so bright
Pictures we have in mind
And they?ll lead us out of the fire
One By One
Only a fool would dare
To tease the gods and offend their sons
Too proud to understand
Danger for men, their time has come
Don't ever underrate their might
You pray for mercy loosing all your pride
One by One
Will be gone
One by One
End has come
They took revenge
For disrespectful words she's ever said
Her flesh and blood died in pain
They took all she ever had
Now after all she stands alone
Her graceful body trapped in stone
One by One
Will be gone
One by One
End has come
And now her graceful body trapped in stone
One by One
And now her graceful body trapped in stone
One by One
And now her graceful body trapped in stone
One by One
And now her graceful body trapped in stone
One by One
And now her graceful body trapped in stone
And now her graceful body trapped in stone