 Окончание пребывания Энди Дериса в рядах Pink Cream 69 ознаменовалось записью, возможно, лучшего альбома в дискографии группы. Конечно, диск не то чтобы уж очень хорош, но ведь PC 69 звезд с неба никогда и не хватали. Группа по-прежнему играет добротный хард-рок, но уже менее коммерческий чем на первых работах и явно повзрослевший. Именно на этом альбоме команда записала свою лучшую вещь "Keep Your Eye On The Twisted", которая подкреплена успешными номерами "Shattered" и "Till You're Mine". |
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Третий альбом немецких мелодик рокеров стал во многом знаковым и пророческим. «Игры, Которые Играют Люди» подытожил первый этап в творчестве группы, и смею сказать подытожил его весьма провальной и безвкусной поделкой. Именно после этого диска и закончилось пребывание в стенах Пинк Крима замечательного вокалиста Энди Дериса. И, как всем известно, ушёл этот мастер микрофона и вокальных мелодий в очень известную банду Helloween, где обитает там и сейчас, радуя всех поклонников пауэр металла. Но пока что, конечно, я коснусь непосредственно последнего с ним альбома. Пластинка эта довольно-таки спорная, не совсем плохая, но и ощутимо безликая. Уж не знаю, что так повлияло на ребят, но то, что они сотворили кучу проходного материала - это точно. Качество записи отличное. Техничность музыкантов заметно возросла, поскольку стало выражаться развитие в лице более сложных гитарных риффов, да и барабанные партии приобрели более сложный техничный характер. И если раньше Пинк Крим брал своей мелодикой и душой, то сейчас решил выпустить на волю свою технику и использовать драйв, результатом чего стала полная деградация в музыкальных идеях и примитивизм, ранее от этой группы не виданный. Если брать во внимание то, что альбом слабеньким получился, то не мудрено, что из группы свалил Дерис, всё-таки Хеловин с его появлением, можно сказать, воскрес. На альбоме напрочь отсутствуют хиты и запоминающееся вещи. Даже при прослушивания диска, в целом, картина вырисовывается удручающая - музыкальный материал настолько беден, обделён яркостью и цепляемостью, что просто не хочется даже и притрагиваться опять к прослушиванию этого опуса. Единственное что я могу выделить из этого всего ненужного скопища музыкального хлама, это какую-то жутко неуверенную, серенькую и невнятную композицию «Still Alive», и простенький боевичок «Condemnation», которые на уровне со всем остальным материалом смотрятся просто-таки шедеврами музыкального искусства. Именно этот релиз и стал предтечей выпуска Пинк Кримом немного позже альбомов которые жёстко снизили уровень авторитета в глазах некоторых фэнов (к числу которых я причисляю и себя) и поводом для переоценки ценностей - действительно ли эта группа такая уж и важная? Земля под ногами банды уже началась шататься, но единственными людьми которые этого не замечали, были только сами музыканты. В целом, «Game Peoples Play» - это очень слабая и реально посредственная работа, годящаяся только для очень и очень упёртых поклонников коллектива. |
she sees blood on her fingers
I see fear in her eyes
she's changin'. she's changin'
see her bleached-out skin
she's cryin', she's dyin'
she can never win
and her eyes see truth
they fill up with sorrow
she looks straight at you
she won't see tomorrow
she gave in temptation
she just wanted to feel
she's at her destination
now it's all so surreal
that face in the mirror
lookin' back on you
that face always tell the truth
face in the mirror
what have you done?
face in the mirror
2. Way Down
there's an old man on a high chair
in the name of Jesus Christ
keep on preachin' that religion
though the past has often lied
sold his faith but could not face anyone
sold us hope but couldn't change what's been done
way down, way down deep in his eyes
how long, how long can he conceal the lies?
flew his jet to De Janeiro
to deliver peace of mind
kneels to kiss the burnin' pavement
all his hypocrites behind
tries to fake his way as God's only son
full of shit! you just can't fool everyone
way down, way down deep in his eyes
how long, how long can he conceal the lies?
tries to fake his way as God's only son
full of shit! you just can't fool everyone
way down, way down deep in his eyes
how long, how long can he conceal the lies?
way down, way down
3. Keep Your Eyes On The Twisted
turn on the blue, what do I see?
a bunch of hateful people talking to me
the crap they say's been heard before
and that's what started up the 2nd World War!
so many people see what's going on
heads should be lifted
keep your eyes on the twisted
we've seen it all before
little minds can't be shifted
watch out they're back for more
they call it pride to wave the flag
shaving the hair off of their brainless heads
I think the world has seen enough
there's too much talking now it's time to get tough
too many people see what's going on
heads should be lifted
keep your eyes on the twisted
we've seen it all before
little minds can't be shifted
watch out they're back for more
hey twisted - what's in your head - so twisted
hey twisted - go clear your mind - you're misled
steps should be taken to stop what they're makin
heads should be lifted... to see what's going on
they spread their mental disease
ignorance needs a leader to make their mass increase
so keep your eyes on the twisted..
4. Somedays I Sail
so slow anywhere the wind can blow
how it does I'll never know
and it never crossed my mind
red wine - can't you see I'm feelin' fine
smokin' with a friend of mine
leavin' our troubles far behind
lookin' out my window I find
there's a place beyond space and time
and then I sail
somedays I sail
downtown, gonna see who's hangin' out
good to see them all unwound
guess you know the way I feel
somedays I just gotta sail away
tell me why I should stay
life is really no big deal
lookin' out my window I find
there's a place beyond space and time
and then I sail
somedays I sail
in a world that's soon out of time
I release my soul and my mind
and I know my way I will find
and then I sail
somedays I sail
sailin' out on a memory
somedays I sail
5. Shattered
freeze a second, hold the moment
stop the hand of time
just a word, a thought is spoken
says my love was blind
now I stand all alone and wonder
why there's tears in my eyes
it's a spell that I been under
once again - don't know why
listen up, you better not talk
save your lies, I can't hear 'em no more
you shattered my heart
you shattered my soul
shattered my pride
met your goal
you shattered my heart
you shattered my soul
scattered pieces
you shattered my soul
Someday you were the one to count on,
You were friend and romance
All I hope is you burn your fingers
When you need someone's hand
listen up, you better not talk
save your lies, I can't hear 'em no more
you shattered my heart
you shattered my soul
shattered my pride
met your goal
you shattered my heart
you shattered my soul
scattered pieces
you shattered my soul
listen up, you better not talk
just shut up, go take a walk
listen up, you better not talk
save your lies, I can't hear 'em no more
you shattered my heart
you shattered my soul
shattered my pride
met your goal
you shattered my heart
you shattered my soul
scattered pieces
you shattered my soul
6. Monday Again
I spent my weekend blasted
out of my head
5:30 Monday morning
get out of my bed
old lady's out in the kitchen
bitchin' till I go insane
yes it's Monday, Monday again
yes it's Monday again
I stand in line, it's raining
my bus is late
elbow my way through crowds of people I hate
nobody pays attention
nobody knows my name
yes it's Monday, Monday again
yes it's Monday again
sit hypnotised by a computer
chained, I'm a slave to time
five days to go before there's freedom
I got the weekend on my mind
listen I'm sick of rejection
damn, how I wish I could say
no more Mondays, Mondays again
no more Mondays again
7. Dyin' Century
can't change the world we see
turn daylight
to darkness
the 20th century
dyin' century
see the devil with a look in his eye
laughin' at us and we all know why
got his eye on a big victory
dyin' century
walkin' in a world desolation
livin' in the waste of every nation
don't cry when it's all history
dyin' century
on your prime time tv
pure madness
brings sadness
the 20th century
dyin' century
see the devil with a look in his eye
laughin' at us and we all know why
got his eye on a big victory
dyin' century
walkin' in a world desolation
livin' in the waste of every nation
don't cry when it's all history
dyin' century
see the devil with a look in his eye
laughin' at us and we all know why
got his eye on a big victory
dyin' century
walkin' in a world desolation
livin' in the waste of every nation
don't cry when it's all history
dyin' century
now the devil is you and I
we're so blind now we can't even cry
have you heard the voice of history?
dyin' century
8. Till You're Mine
there's a girl from the far side of town
I tell you man, she's all I've been missing
got some bucks and her feet on the ground
she's so fine, I can't get her off my mind
I've got the time, she's got a place
I want to see her in black lace
I'm not her kind, but I don't mind
I gotta get her
girl, I can't stop till you're mine
till you're mine, till you're mine
girl, I can't stop till you're mine
home alone and I pick up the phone
I take a chance and dial her number
all she said was the name of her street
with a smile - you know where I'm gonna go
we've got time, we've got a place
I'm gonna see her in that lace
am I her kind? well, never mind
I'm gonna have her!
girl, I can't stop till you're mine
till you're mine, till you're mine
girl, I can't stop till you're mine
I'll keep tryin' till you're mine
I gotta get her
I gotta make her mine
shouldn't be long now
baby, I won't stop all you're mine
girl, I can't stop till you're mine...
9. Still Alive
intoxication, running through this veins
he feels cold, is he insane?
deep in his brain the knows it all
but can't explain
running on empty, almost out of bread
giving all that he's got, taking all he can get
feels the end is near as the foreign dreamlands disappear
now he's back again, blind with open eyes
still alive, still alive
leaving once again, can he still deny
he's still alive, still alive
wish you could see him as he slowly dies
to the shame and pain
we close our eyes and pass by
but the end is near
and we know it's his world that we fear
now he's back again, blind with open eyes
still alive, still alive
leaving once again, can he still deny
he's still alive, still alive
see how we got through the stages
soon we'll be turning the pages
still alive, still alive
need is a hurting desire
life is a walk through the fire
still alive, still alive
intoxication, running through his veins
10. Down On Your Luck
in a time when the world seems unstable
feels like the worst has the best of you and nothing goes right
cause you're not alone
have you ever seen hunger?
or have you ever seen anyone with nothing at all
take a look at the one or the other
there's only one thing I can say
you're not down on your luck
down on your luck
take some time to look around
got no reason to be down
so down on your luck
down on your luck
might be rainin' in your bed
but you've got a place to lay your head down
you're a man not a shell made of crystal
you could be broken in pieces but you mend back again
and you'll always have somebody waitin' for you to come home
got a life, got your mind and your body
there's so much more that you can say
so you're not down on your luck
down on your luck
take some time to look around
got no reason to be down
so down on your luck
down on your luck
might be rainin' in your bed
but you've got a place to lay your head down
you're not under pressure
your life is so long
always got something to say
fear no destruction
you just can't go wrong
lucky to be here today
so you're not down on your luck
down on your luck
11. Backflash
12. Condemnation
wise men say
listen to your heart
don't throw your dreams away
mad men play
with power and they say
blow those fools away
we don't need power play people
they piss me off
we don't need condemnation
we're not breakin' the law
we don't need condemnation
leave us alone
fools have shown
what everyone had known
and all have known the truth
lovers fight
they lie to make it right
the truth can sometimes hurt
we don't need power play people
they piss me off
we don't need condemnation
we're not breakin' the law
we don't need condemnation
leave us alone
you don't have time
so open up your mind
no two think the same
let them be
maybe then they'll see
there's no one to blame
we don't need power play people
they piss me off
we don't need condemnation
we're not breakin' the law
we don't need condemnation
leave us alone
13. Don't Let It All Come Down
if the night falls like a hammer
hits a nail into your soul
if the rain beats on your window
and you lose control
hold your tears back for a moment
light a candle to the night
al you gotta do is call me
and I'll arrive
don't ever let it all come down on you
why don't you open up your eyes and see
don't ever let it all come down on you
'cause you got me
why don't you open up your eyes and see
take a ride into the future
come with me to wonderland
can you see us when we're older
walkin' hand in hand
so the sun don't shine forever
but you're not alone tonight
and I'll be here with you tomorrow
in the morning light
don't ever let it all come down on you
why don't you open up your eyes and see
don't ever let it all come down on you
'cause you got me
why don't you open up your eyes and see
don't ever let it all come down on you
why don't you open up your eyes and see
don't ever let it all come down on you
'cause you got me
why don't you open up your eyes and see
14. A Good Waste Of Time
live through the changes
day into night
one chance to prove that
life is a good waste of time
on the highway
to a new place
count the passing lights
day is breakin'
now I'm takin'
new road into life
don't need to try
I'm doin' fine
I'll live through the changes
day into night
life for the moment
when it feels right
one chance to prove that
life is a good waste of time
empty pockets
young and able
see it in my smile
night has broken
doors are open
runnin' like a child
once in a lifetime
I'm doin' fine
live through the changes
day into night
life for the moment
it's gotta be right
one chance to prove that
life is a good waste of time
somebody said to be cool
watch out and don't be a fool
the times can kick you around
so keep your feet on the ground
but I know life is just
a good waste of time
I'll live through the changes
day into night
life for the moment
it's gotta be right
one chance to prove that
life is a good waste of time
a good waste of time
I'm gonna waste my time