Nine Inch Nails
« With_Teeth »
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1 | All The Love In The World
 | 2 | You Know What You Are?
 | 3 | The Collector
 | 4 | The Hand That Feeds
 | 5 | Love Is Not Enough
 | 6 | Every Day Is Exactly The Same
 | 7 | With Teeth
 | 8 | Only
 | 9 | Getting Smaller
 | 10 | Sunspots
 | 11 | The Line Begins To Blur
 | 12 | Beside You In Time
 | 13 | Right Where It Belongs
 | 14 | Home |
   Trent Reznor – lead vocals, songwriting, arranging, performance, production, engineering, 5.1 surround mix, sound design |
Alan Moulder – production, engineering
Atticus Ross – programming, additional production, sound design
Leo Herrera – engineering, project coordination
James Brown – engineering, 5.1 surround mix
Rich Costey – engineering
Tom Baker at Precision Mastering – mastering
Adam Ayan for Gateway Mastering – surround mastering
Gem Archer – production, engineering
Rob Sheridan – design
Jeremy Berman – drum technician
Gerch for Drum Fetish – drum technician
Dave Grohl – percussion (1), drums (2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11)
Alien Tom – turntables (1)
Rupert Parkes – additional programming (1)
Jerome Dillon – live drums (7, 14), additional drum programming |
 | 1. All The Love In The World
watching all the insects march along
seem to know just right where they belong
smears a face reflecting in the chrome
hiding in the crowd I'm all alone
no one's heard a single word I've said
they don't sound this good outside my head
it looks as though the p |
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 Взгляните на календарь и попытайтесь вспомнить сколько лет назад вышел последний альбом Nine Inch Nails? Получается цифра пять, не правда ли? Можно проделать операцию "вычитание" и с датами предыдущего и предпредыдущего альбомов. И снова вы получите цифру пять плюс-минус пара месяцев. Это если не вспоминать, что грэмминосный Broken был всего-то ЕР, что дает такую же разницу между первым и вторым альбомами. А теперь прикиньте, какими же такими свойствами должна обладать группа, чтобы выпуская альбомы раз в пять лет, каждый раз попадать на самую верхушку чартов?
Сведения о том, что Трент Резнор что-то записал и даже собирается поделиться этим с общественностью, начали доходить до меня еще в начале прошлого года. Отдаленно, как громовые раскаты приближающейся грозы, они доносились даже до моей изолированной от масс-медиа конуры. А уж если об этом стало известно мне, то можно представить, что слухи ползали с редкостной упертостью. Первоначально альбом должен был называться Bleedthrough, но что-то ему помешало и синенький, оформленный в фирменном НИНовском стиле, альбомчик обрел виртуальные зубки.
А теперь глянем, было ли оправдано это нагнетание ожидания. В отличие о предыдущего Fragile, который растянулся на два диска и имел претензию на некоторую эпохальность, данный релиз уместился минут в пятьдесят с кусочком. Но при этом без колебаний можно сказать, что это НИН. Ооо, в этом-то никаких сомнений! Есть у них какая-то неуловимая фишка, которой группа отличиается от всего прочего около-индастриала. Впрочем, говоря так, с какого бока здесь припаян индастриал, я лично уже не знаю. Альбом почему-то больше всего похож на первый и самый легкий для вопроятия Pretty Hate Machine, но тем не менее, имеет некоторые фишки и с последнего, да и своих фишек тоже в рукаве припас. Тут вам и бОльшая рок-н-рольность, и симпатичные клавиши, и упругость, с позволения сказать, звучания, (что дурно, на мой взгляд, сказывается на вокале, загоняя его на фон) и еще что-то.
Альбом симпатичный... именно так. Никогда бы не подумала, что использую по отношению к НИН такое определение, но он настолько точно выверен, хитов и аккуратен, что хочется его погладить по шерстке, дать ему конфетку и подарить новый ошейник. Очевидное-невероятное, но несмотря на общую легковесность, я его все равно не рискну поставить в моменты плохого настроения. Славившая НИН магнетическая депрессивность почти незаметна, но на самом деле она просто завуалирована, скопилась в невидимых трещинках дорожек диска, в интонациях Резноровского голоса и его же somewhat desperate пианино, и непременно выползет оттуда, если вы захотите ее увидеть. Некоторая явная ее часть осела в последних двух треках - это почти те самые Nine Inch Nails, от которых некогда душа просилась в необъятные просторы горизонта, пораженная этой бесконечно прекрасной музыкой.
В отличие от своего друга и коллеги тов. Уорнера, Трент Резнор, тоже в середине девяностых неплохо заигрывавший с имиджем, выбрал из двух стульев правильный. Или, по крайней мере тот, у которого не подломятся ножки. И поэтому мы видим то, что видим. Хороший, хуковый, детально продуманный альбом с хитро замаскированным двойным дном.
Да, это, по большому счету, поп музыка. Об этом вам скажут цифры продаж, физиономия Резнора с досадливо падающей на глаза челкой по американскому тв и статьи в журналах. Но по своей сути это рок - тащащий за собой шлейф мрачных воспоминаний, и оттого еще более культовый.
... Возможно когда-нибудь вы взглянете на календарь и поймете, что прошло еще пять лет. И если судьбе не изменит чувство юмора, в музыкальном магазине как раз появится еще один альбом НИН. |
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Честно говоря, это не тот альбом, к которому возвращаешься снова и снова, чтобы просто проникнуться его атмосферой, его звуками и даже образами...Зато это альбом, который удобно слушать в метро. Это наверное, не так уж и плохо. НО! Меня не пёрло, как говорится, ни на одной песне. Почему так? Я думаю, это потому, что слишком уж много всего там. На альбоме много всего хорошего, но в таком громадном количестве, что уж мой по крайней мере скудный разум не в состоянии все это адекватно воспринять. Надо вникать, думать, пытаться понять.
"Ха!" - скажете вы. "Это тебе на химы всякие и не эванэсенсы!" Я все прекрасно понимаю, но ведь музыка по большому счету делится на ту, которая трогает, которая заполняет тебя, и которая не трогает и не заполняет. И над той и над другой нужно думать, но первую ты воспринимаешь легко, она так ложится на твоё Я, что кажется, что эта музыка исходит изнутри...В общем, пыталась я тут всего навертеть. Можно сказать проще: как по мне, так это НЕ МОЁ.
Но альбом сделан качественно (не удивительно!), есть запоминающиеся мелодии и фразы из песен, есть красивая обложка и громкое имя. Этой пластинкой можно делиться, хвастаться... Но мне кажется, что дальше метро она у меня не уйдет.
Может, у вас все по-другому будет! |
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просмотров: 18436 |
I've become a million miles a...
why do you get all the love in the world? [repeat]
all the jagged edges disappear
colors all look brighter when you're near
the stars are all afire in the sky
sometimes I get so lonely I could...
why do you get all the love in the world? [repeat]
2. You Know What You Are?
I tried to send myself through -- tried to get to the other side
I had to patch up the cracks and the holes that I have to hide
found a little bit of time even made it work okay
just found enough to make it really hurt
when they figured me out and it all just rotted away
don't you fucking know what you are?
you all get back to where you belong
you better take a good luck because I'm full of shit
don't rebuild my heart I don't try to believe in it
you can push it all out -- you can try to pretend
but you can't change anything -- you can't change anything in the end
don't you fucking know what you are?
you all get back to where you belong
don't you fucking know what you are?
remember what you are
remember where you came from
don't you fucking know what you are?
you all get back to where you belong
3. The Collector
I pick things up... I am a collector
and things... well things tend to accumulate
I have this net... it drags behind me collecting feelings for me to feed upon
there are times... plenty of times I wish I could let it go
It's time to breathe and it's time to grow inside me
there are times... plenty of times I wish I could let it go
but this time too many to think... things I don't want no
I'm trying to fit it all inside
I'm trying the whole thing on my plate
I'm trying not to choke and swallow it all... swallow it all... swallow it all... swallow it all...
I am the pig
I am the swarm
all your heart sticks on me and I'm keepin' it raw
they will make me stay
they won't let me leave
there are so goddamn many of them it gets so hard to breathe
I'm trying to fit it all inside
I'm trying the whole thing on my plate
I'm trying not to choke inside
I am a big boy and I will swallow it all... swallow it all... swallow it all... swallow it all...
Every last one...
4. The Hand That Feeds
you're keeping in step... in the line
got your chin held high and you feel just fine
'cause you do... what you're told
but inside your heart it is black, it is hollow and it's cold
just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off you knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?
what if this whole crusade's a charade?
and behind it all is a price to be paid
for the blood, on which we dine
justified in name of the holy and the divine
just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off you knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?
so naive...
i keep holding on to what i want to believe
i can see...
but i keep holding on and on and on and on and on...
will you bite the hand that feeds you?
will you stay down on your knees?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
5. Love Is Not Enough
the more that we take
the paler we get
i can't remember what it is
we try to forget
the towel on the floor
so cold it could sting
in your eyes is a place worth remember
for you to go and take this and smash it apart
I've gone all this fucking way
to wind up back at -- back at the start
hey the closer we think we are
well it only got us so far
now 've you anything left to show?
no... no.. i didn't think so
hey the sooner we realise
we cover ourselves with lies
but underneath we're not so tough
and love is not enough
well it hides in the dark
like the withering vein
we didn't give it a mouth
so it could not complain
you never really had a chance
we'll never really make it through
an everything i believe
i believed i could get better with you
hey the closer we think we are
well it never got us so far
now you've got anything left to show?
no... no.. no... no.. i didn't think so
hey the sooner we realise
we cover ourselves with lies
but underneath we're not so tough
and love is not enough
love is not enough...
6. Every Day Is Exactly The Same
i believe i can see the future
because i repeat the same routine
i think i used to have a purpose
then again that might have been a dream
i think i used to have a voice
now i never make a sound
and i just do what i have been told
i really don't want them to come around
oh no...
every day is exactly the same
there is no love here and there is no pain
every day is exactly the same
i can feel their eyes are watching
in case i lose myself again
sometimes i think I'm happy here
sometimes... yeah, i still pretend
i cannot remember how this got started
oh... but i can tell you exactly how it will end
every day is exactly the same
there is no love here and there is no pain
every day is exactly the same
I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday you might find
well I'll hide it behind something they won't look behind
i am still inside...
a little bit comes breathing through
i wish this could've been any other way
but i just don't know... i don't know what else i can do
every day is exactly the same
there is no love here and there is no pain
every day is exactly the same
7. With Teeth
she comes along
she gets inside
she makes you better than anything you've tried
consealed in her kiss
the blackest sea
and it runs deeper than you dare to dream it could be
wi-th tee-th...
wave goodbye
to what you were
the roles are changed
the lines begin to blur
she you hard
it comes on strong
you finally found the place where you belong
wi-th tee-th...
i cannot go through this again...
wi-th tee-th...
she'll will not let you go
keeps holding on
this time I'm not coming back
she'll will not let you go
8. Only
I'm becoming less defined as days go by
fading away and well you might say I'm losing focus
kind of drifting to the abstract in terms of how i see myself
sometimes i think i can see right through myself
less concerned about fitting into the world
you're world that is
'cause it doesn't really matter anymore
none of this sh...
and yes i am alone then again i always was
as far back as i can tell i think maybe it's because...
you were never really real to begin with
i just made you up to hurt myself
yeah, i just made you up to hurt myself
and it worked... yes it did
there is no you
there is only me
there is no fucking you
there is only me
well the tiniest little dot caught my eye
and it turned to be a scab
and i had this funny feeling like i just knew it's something bad
i just couldn't leave it alone... picking at this scab
it was a doorway trying to seal itself shut, but i climbed through
no I'm somewhere i am not supposed to be
and i can see things i know i really shouldn't see
and now i know why... n-now i know why
things aren't as pretty on the inside
there is no you
there is only me
there is no fucking you
there is only me
9. Getting Smaller
getting a little erratic here
and i don't know who to trust
i guess they got a way of reading my mind
i guess I've got to adjust
I've got my arms that flip flop flip flop flip
i got my hair on a spring
well i thought i got you on my side...
i haven't got fucking anything
I'm just a face in the crowd
nothing to worry about
not even try to stand out
I'm getting smaller and smaller and smaller
and I've got nothing to say
it's all been taken away
i just behave and obey
I'm afraid I'm starting to fade away
uh huh..
i cannot see through the cracks
when i was up on the wall
I'm not looking to stand up real high
I'd be happy to crawl
i think I'm losing my grip
but i can still make a fist
you know I've still got my one good arm
and i can... mmm i can beat myself for this
I'm just a face in the crowd
nothing to worry about
not even try to stand out
I'm getting smaller and smaller and smaller
and I've got nothing to say
it's all been taken away
i just behave and obey
I'm afraid that I'm starting to fade away
hey and for what it is worth
i used to really believe
but maybe that's some great thing
that we could achieve
and now i can't tell the difference
don't know what to feel
between what I've been trying so hard to see
and what appears to be real
I'm fading away...
my world is getting smaller every day and that's okay...
10. Sunspots
sunspots cast a glare in my eyes
sometimes i forget I'm alive
i feel it coming and I've got to get out of his way
i hear it calling and i come because i can't disobey
i should not listen and i should not believe but i do
she turns me on
she makes it real
i have to apologize for the way i feel
my life it seems has taken a turn
why in the name of god would i ever want to return
peel off our skin we're gonna burn what we were to the ground
fuck in the fire and we'll spread all the ashes around
i want to kill all the rest of what's left and i do
she turns me on
she makes it real
i have to apologize for the way i feel
and nothing can stop me now
there is nothing to fear
and everything I'd ever want
is inside of here
no... no... no... no... inside of here
now i just stare into the sun
and i see everything I've done
i think i could have been someone
but i can't stop what has begun
when everything is said and done
and there is no place left to run
i think i used to be someone
and now i just stare into the sun
11. The Line Begins To Blur
there are things that i said i would never do
there are fears that i cannot believe will come true
so my soul is too sick and too little not too late
and myself... i have grown too weary to mate
the more i stay in here
the more it's not so clear
the more i stay in here
the more i disappear
as far as i have gone
i knew what side I'm on
but now I'm not so sure
the line begins to blur
is there somebody on top of me?
i don't know... i don't know...
isn't anyone stopping me
i don't know... i don't know...
why am i trying to hold my breath
i don't know... i don't know...
just how far down can i go?
i don't know... i don't know... i don't know...
as i lie here in still
the fabric starts to tear
it's far beyond repair
and i don't even care
as far as i have gone
i knew what side I'm on
but now I'm not so sure
the line begins to blur
12. Beside You In Time
i am all alone this time around
sometimes on my side i hear a sound
places parallel i know it's you
feel the little pieces bleeding through
and on... this goes on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on...
this goes on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on...
now that I've decided not to stay
i can feel me start to fade away
everything is back where it belong
i will be beside you before long
and on... this goes on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on...
this goes on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on...
we will never die...
beside you in time...
13. Right Where It Belongs
see the animal in his cage that you built?
are you sure what side you're on?
better not look him too closely in the eye...
are you sure what side of the glass you're on?
see the safety of the life you have built?
everything where it belongs...
feel the hollowness inside of your heart
and it's all right where it belongs...
what if everything around you isn't quite what it seems?
what if all the world you think you know is an elaborate dream?
and if you look at your reflection, is that all you want to be?
what if you could look right through the crack?
would you find yourself... find yourself afraid to see?
what if all the world's inside of your head?
just creations of your own...
your devils and your gods and the living and the dead
and you really are alone
you can live in this illusion
you can choose to believe
you keep looking but you can't find words
are you hiding in the trees?
what if everything around you isn't quite what as seems?
what if all the world you used to know is an elaborate dream?
and if you look at your reflection, is that all you want to be?
what if you could look right through the cracks?
would you find yourself... find yourself afraid to see?
14. Home
[bonus track]
Is catching up with me
I awake
To find I'm not at all where I
Should be
And it feels
I'm getting to the end
And it's hard
To figure out what's real
And what's
To break from what
We're tied to
God knows
How much I've tried to
And I am still inside you
And I am still inside you
I escape
Every now and then
And to think
I find myself
Back here again
And again
I used to know who I was
Untill you came along
I return
To the only place
I've ever felt
That I belong
To break from what
We're tied to
God knows
How much I've tried to
And I am still inside you
And I am still inside you