« XIV »
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1 | Running Out Of Time
 | 2 | Burn
 | 3 | Holy War
 | 4 | 21st Century Blues
 | 5 | Orphan
 | 6 | Unknown Soldier
 | 7 | The Little Things
 | 8 | Chinatown
 | 9 | All The Tears That Shine
 | 10 | Fortune
 | 11 | Great Expectations
 | 12 | Bend (Bonus Track) |
   Joseph Williams – lead vocals
Steve Lukather – guitars, bass, vocals
David Paich – keyboards, vocals
Steve Porcaro – keyboards, vocals
David Hungate – bass
Keith Carlock – drums
Lenny Castro – percussion
Tom Scott – saxes and horn arrangements
Lee Sklar, Tal Wilkenfeld, Tim Lefebvre – bass
Martin Tillman - cello
CJ Vanston – additional synths
Michael McDonald, Amy Keys, Mabvuto Carpenter, Jamie Savko, Amy Wlliams – background vocals. |
 | 1.Running Out Of Time
I sense there's something wrong
Not sure what it is
And it grabs me and it's cold
I gaze into the sun
I see myself
I've been bought and now I'm owned
Surrounded by the madness
It throws me to the ground
And kick dust in my eyes
Then I hear a voice
Begging me  |
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 38 лет - это довольно большой срок для музыкальной группы, но именно столько времени легендарная группа Toto радует многочисленных фанатов по всему миру своей музыкой. Несмотря на то, что их лучшим и самым популярным альбомом считается "Toto IV", группа не выпускала слабых альбомов вообще, каждый раз представляя отличную музыку, невзирая на потерю популярности. И хотя Стив Люкатер несколько раз заявлял о том, что Toto могут завершить свою карьеру после выпуска "Falling In Between" в 2006, участники вновь собрались для записи нового альбома с названием "Toto XIV". Попрощавшись с вокалистом Бобби Кимбаллом и барабанщиком Саймоном Филлипсом, группа взамен вновь приобрела бывшего участника Toto - вокалиста Джозефа Уильямса и оригинального басиста Дэвида Хангейта. За барабаны для записи усадили Кита Карлока.
Если бы кто-то спросил меня о том, что лучше всего послушать у Toto, я бы, пожалуй, не смог определиться с их лучшим альбомом, той записью, которая лучше всего показывает их, как музыкантов, потому что на самом деле все альбомы хороши по-своему. Однако теперь я могу назвать такой альбом. "Toto XIV" - это эдакий сборник лучших хитов, отражающий каждую грань в бриллианте музыкального наследия группы, а их классическое звучание бережно перенесено в свежий и современный формат. Если с первого прослушивания эта музыка кажется простой - это ощущение обманчиво. Музыка, не побоюсь этого слова, многослойна, аранжировки утонченные и изящные. С каждым разом слушатель наверняка будет находить все новые ласкающие слух мелочи, которые раньше не были заметны.
Выделить слабую песню попросту невозможно - все композиции высочайшего уровня, начиная с открывающей альбом "Running Out Of Time" и вплоть до японского бонуса - написанной, спетой и сыгранной Стивом Поркаро сентиментальной "Bend". Будь то взрывающаяся в припевах "Burn", задорная, но мелодичная "Holy War", высмеивающая религиозное лицемерие и взывающая к миру, среднетемповая эпичная "Unknown Soldier", от которой мурашки бегут по коже, "Great Expectations" с галопирующими клавишными или же "Chinatown" с великолепным джазовым припевом и вокальной перекличкой между Уильямсом, Люкатером и клавишником Дэвидом Пэйчем - все они великолепны.
Сложная история группы полностью отражена в их музыке. Никто не умеет так это показывать, как Toto. И долгие годы ожидания между новыми альбомами однозначно стоят того. И сейчас Toto выпускают еще один альбом, достойный звания классики на все времена - альбом со стопроцентной хитовостью, альбом, прячущий всю свою глубину и многогранность под ликом на первый взгляд простых песен, в которых с каждым прослушиванием открываешь всё новые детали. Тем, кто считал, что Toto выдохлись, стоит послушать новый альбом хотя бы раз и убедиться, что группа еще многое может предложить в музыкальном плане. И будем надеяться, что так и будет продолжаться еще долгое время. |
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Поймав второе дыхание, молодость, силу и стремление вместе с очень удачным «Falling in Between» группа, по не очень понятным причинам, взяла почти бесконечную паузу. В 2008 году коллектив был распущен.
Музыка и творчество никуда не делись из жизни музыкантов, правда изменились ориентиры, ценности и стремления. Люкатер серьезно увлекся прогрессивной тяжелой музыкой, добавил к себе в портфолио работы с Дереком Шеренианом, Тони Левином, не забыл о джазе (Ларри Карлтон, Джордж Бенсон), поработал и с экс-битлом Ринго Старром. Пейтч всерьез взялся за поп-музыку (работы с Pink), музыку к телевидению, аранжировки и многое другое. Саймон Филиппс, и без того сессионщик «на разрыв», окончательно погрузился в мир техничной рок-музыки Шерениана, Стива Хаккета, а для противовеса – с джазовой пианисткой Хироми. В итоге Саймон к 2013 году покинул коллектив. Не удержался в составе и Бобби Кимбелл, в очередной раз отправившийся строить сольную карьеру. Наиболее ярким моментом у него стала совместная работа с ныне покойным вокалистом Survivor Джими Джемисоном.
К 2014 году в студии случилось маленькое чудо: под одной крышей и с одной целью собрался состав, очень близкий к классическому: вернулся Джозеф Уильямс, басист Дэвид Хангейт (спустя 30 с лишним лет), клавишник Стив Поркаро. За ударную стойку сел Кит Карлок (работавший со Стингом, Крисом Ботти, Джоном Мейером и не только).
Дэвид Пейтч метко назвал студийный процесс «завершением цикла»: группа собралась в студии, которая была всего-то в километре от той студии, где они записывали дебютник, а стилем альбом оказался ближе всего к первым двум работам коллектива.
Положа руку на сердце, «XIV» получился очень крепкой записью. Несколько грубоватым показался только открывающий трек: «Running Out of Time» оставляет ощущение лишнего металла и легкой неуклюжести. Попытка сыграть в тяжелый рок напомнила о неудаче времен «Turn Back». А вот дальше... дальше – это совсем другая история.
Друг за дружкой в ряд следуют очень яркие, цепкие, с интересной аранжировкой и приятным флером ретро-песни. «Burn», «Holy War», «Orphan», эффектные «Chinatown» и «Great Expectations». Уильямс, справившись со своими внутренними демонами (и пристрастием к горячительному), выдал не только хорошую вокальную работу, но и выступил соавтором большинства песен.
У альбома есть одна беда. Звук. Он чудовищный. Он режет, потрошит, терзает, колет, медленно перемалывает ваш разум и делает всё, чтобы ваши уши кровоточили: сведение альбома – это один сплошной «Крик» Мунка. Современный подход к звукозаписи испортил многие толковые альбомы, однако получить такой подвох от группы, которой вручали «Грэмми» (в те времена, когда эта награда была действительно «знаком качества») в области звукозаписи и сведения – обидно втройне.
Релиз альбома был опечален смертью Майка Поркаро. К этому добавились и проблемы со здоровьем у Дэвида Пейтча. Тем не менее, серия концертов в Европе и Японии прошли с немалым успехом. Как показало время, это – еще не конец истории. |
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просмотров: 20686 |
For the truth that's inside
Salvation isn't far
Time is getting short
As the canyons open wide
No more waiting (boy you're running out of time)
Time is wasting (it's time to stop and start your life over)
Start life over (just turn around and you'll be on your way)
Like hungry rabid wolves
We devour anything
And everything in sight
We kneel like corporate beggars
Dream of only riches
You're never less at night
Anything we want...
Anything we need...
We're addicted to greed
There might be one more chance
If we listen to our hearts
And throw away the crown
Just tell her what you want
Show her how you feel
And slow the moment down
No more waiting (boy you're running out of time)
Time is wasting (it's time to stop and start your life over)
Start life over (just turn around and you'll be on your way)
No more waiting (boy you're running out of time)
Time is wasting (it's time to stop and start your life over)
Start life over (just turn around and you'll be on your way)
Time is wasting...(boy you're running out of time)
No more waiting...
Start life over...
You'll be on your way
I can hear you cry
From behind the door of your troubled mind
You locked yourself inside
A lonely prison of your own design
Do you feel the burn?
Does it ease the pain when you close your eyes?
Do you give in to your desire
Or live inside your tower of endless nights
I would burn it down for love
Watch the smoke roll out of my broken heart
Burn it down for love
There's no force on earth can keep us apart
Take my hand I'll lead the way
Through the darkest parts of these castle halls
No more masquerade
We'll fight ghosts and demons
And we'll breach these walls
I know you're still afraid
I'll guide you through these crumbling spires
Trust in me to light our way
With these glowing flames that only you inspire
I would burn it down for love
Watch the smoke roll out of my broken heart
Burn it down for love
There's no force on earth can keep us apart
Pure of heart and innocent
I can hear your voice from afar
I've had my share of loneliness
Can you hear me now, where you are
I would burn it down for love
Watch the smoke roll out of my broken heart
Burn it down for love
There's no force on earth can keep us apart
I would burn it down for love....
3. Holy War
Run... they say it's Armageddon
Hide... we're very near the end
Fear... the promise of a nation
It's getting harder to defend
Come in, come in
Relax, relax
There's no sweets
Please give more than I have
I know, I know
You are, you are
Trying to scare me
I got nothing to spare
Save all the shit about love and freedom
Sounds like shit to me
Holy war...
Show me what you've been concealing
All in the name of peace and love
What are we fighting for
I thought the point was healing
Clearly I was did wrong
Truth... beyond your comprehension
Lies... above and far beyond
I think that every execution
Will be televised onto your phone
Come in, come in
Relax, relax
There's no crime scene
'Cause I am what I am
I know, I know
You are, you are
Trying to shock me
I don't easily scare
There are, the shit about love and freedom
It's a shameless lie to me
Holy war...
Show me what you've been concealing
All in the name of peace and love
What are we fighting for
I thought the point was healing
Clearly I was did wrong
Holy war...
Show me what you've been concealing
All in the name of peace and love
What are we fighting for
I thought the point was healing
Clearly I was did wrong
4. 21st Century Blues
Used to be you could trust what you heard
The channels were three
When news didn't seem so absurd
The words set you free
Now they tell you what to think
And that the sky is green
Am I the only one to see that it's a big machine
Someone tell me...
How can we believe the world is round
(I just can't conceive it)
All we see and hear the truth has drown
(It's all but disappeared)
How can we believe the world is round
(It's hard to perceive it)
Shake your head and scream but there's no sound
(We've got the 21st Century Blues)
Now here and now everything's upside down
It's all a big lie
Some with suits will shoot up the town
They won't be denied
How many people got to die before we lend a hand
I can see myself living in their promised land
Someone help me
How can we believe the world is round
(I just can't conceive it)
All we see and hear the truth has drown
(It's all but disappeared)
How can we believe the world is round
(It's hard to perceive it)
Shake your head and scream but there's no sound
(We've got the 21st Century Blues)
Now they tell you what to think and that the sky is green
Am I the only one to see that it's a big machine
How can we believe the world is round
(I just can't conceive it)
All we see and hear the truth has drown
(It's all but disappeared)
How can we believe the world is round
(It's hard to perceive it)
Shake your head and scream but there's no sound
(We've got the 21st Century Blues)
5. Orphan
You're never alone in the world
You're never alone in the world
You believe in each and everyone of us
You're never alone in the world
I was born in the lost and found
Often raised in the underground
Then one day I opened up my eyes
Looked around and I realised
No mother
No father
No sister
And no brother
So I cry out
To the heavens
Could this be all there really is then someone said
You're never alone in the world
You're never alone in the world baby
You believe in each and everyone of us
You're never alone in the world baby
Someone said we were family
Can that be with all this poverty
Time to reach out and make a start
Hold each others hands and lift each others hearts
If you're thirsty drink the water from my hand
If you're hungry take my bread I'll understand
If you're lonely you can always share my bed
Could this be all there really is then someone said
You're never alone in the world
You're never alone in the world baby
No you're never alone
You believe in each and everyone of us
You're never alone in the world baby
If you're thirsty drink the water from my hand
If you're hungry take my bread I'll understand
If you're lonely you can always share my bed
Could this be all there really is then someone's dead
You're never alone in the world
You're never alone in the world baby
Never alone
You believe in each and everyone of us
You believe
You're never alone in the world baby
If you're thirsty drink the water from my hand
If you're hungry take my bread I'll understand
You're never alone in the, you're never alone in the
Could this be all there really is then someone said
6. Unknown Soldier
Thousands of my brothers lay before me
A hallowed ground like ghosts I hear them cry
Young men taking bullets fordstrum blood smoke and fear
As I enter the valley of death and heartache
A river of blood as far as I can see
Angry and confused it's hard to stand and walk the line
Shine on unknown soldiers
They fought and died at Gettysburg and Shiloh
They're still fighting in the town where I was born
Nothing seems to change in this world that we see
Sail on unknown soldier
Only God knows all the unknown soldiers
How did they learn to hold a gun?
Was it just that got the oil to keep the enemy off our shores
Sail on unknown soldier
The tears that fall for innocence around us
The cry for peace is truly never heard
Why can't we see that history tells us
Nothing's ever learned?
Shine on unknown soldiers
Sail on unknown soldiers
7. The Little Things
Times like these shake up the world
When you can't find the pearls
You once held in your hand
How can all these things keep changing so fast?
You can't count on anything to last
I just don't understand
How it can keep evolving?
I'm in a trace in a smile in a photograph
When I'm down and we talk and you make me laugh
That reminds me it's the little things in life
Ooh That matter
Through the window I can see
Sky's stretched to eternity
It's so easy to feel so lost
All around there are people full of fear
Inside things they've seen it clear
But the noise comes at a cost
And you're lost in a bad dream
Then a trace of a smile in a photograph
When I'm down and we talk and you make me laugh
That reminds me it's the little things in life
Ooh That matter
If you were standing here you'd take me in your arms
And hold me
And nobody can hold me closer
What I've been looking for all my life
Is right in front of me
It's how the sun bounces off a blade of grass
It's the memories that are in your past
Matchbox car with the wheel gone
Tub of ice cream with your favorite song
I'm in a trace in a smile in a photograph
When I'm down and we talk and you make me laugh
That reminds me it's the little things in life
That matter
Matchbox car with the wheel gone
Tub of ice cream with your favorite song
I'm in a trace in a smile in a photograph
When I'm down and we talk and you make me laugh
That reminds me it's the little things in life
That matter
That reminds me it's the little things
I'm gonna try
That reminds me it's the little things
That matter
That reminds me it's the little things
That matter
Now I know everything that I'm looking for
It's the sound of your key turning in the door
Now I know that it's the little things in life
Ooh that matter
Yes I know it's the little things in life
8. Chinatown
Take the cable car to Jackson
It's a Friday night affair
Madam Rose's legendary honeycomb
With an ounce of intuition
You can feel it in the air
This working boy has found a place to roam
As some familiar faces
Watch every move you make
And at midnight games are snaking through the alleyway
Where they used to play
Down in Chinatown..woah
Where the nights are always longer than the days
Down in Chinatown..woah
With the dragon eyes that overlook the bay
Hey yeah
There's a lair below the city
Where the bottom dwellers go
Trying to find that thrill they've never known
A woman bores the absinthe
As the paper lanterns glow
I think Ms. Jones is better left alone
The corridors are endless
It's not hard to lose your way
Where old men smoke and gamble into Saturday
Do you want to play?
Down in Chinatown..woah
Where the nights are always longer than the days
Down in Chinatown..woah
With the dragon eyes that overlook the bay
Hey yeah
If the California street line
Is the only way you know
You might want to play it safe
Down on Grant Avenue
Where he waits for you
Down in Chinatown..woah
Where the nights are always longer than the days
Down in Chinatown..woah
With the dragon eyes that overlook the bay
Hey yeah
9. All The Tears
Every time you wake
I can see the smile in your eyes
How long will it take
Before I finally realize
It's time to let you go
And still my heart keeps holding on
And will I ever know
That the thought of loving you was right or wrong
I never meant to make you cry
And then to cause you pain
And if I had just one more chance
It wouldn't be the same
No it wouldn't be the same
All the tears that shine
Just the rain that's in your eyes
All the tears that shine
Reflections of your face and mine
All the tears that shine
(Tears that shine)
Every time you sleep
Do you ever dream of me?
Am I in too deep?
Having you is all I need
And every time you wake
I can almost read your mind
Is it a mistake?
To err is human, to forgive divine
I look into the pool
Ripples form in soft salt water
And all I see is you
And a fool in love
Just a fool still in love...
All the tears that shine
(Tears that shine)
Just the rain that's in your eyes
All the tears that shine
(All the tears that shine)
Reflections of your face and mine
All the tears that shine
I look into your eyes
Ripples form in soft salt water
And all I see is you
And a fool in love
Just a fool still in love...
All the tears that shine
(Tears that shine)
Just the rain that's in your eyes
All the tears that shine
(All the tears that shine)
Reflections of your face and mine
All the tears that shine
(Tears that shine, all the tears that shine)
All the tears that shine
10. Fortune
Mmmm... yeah yeah
Judy can't you look at me
Or take the opportunity to work it out
You said you won a bet on me
Then you say you think my luck is running out
It must have been a fantasy
I believed I was the only one
I thought I was a worldly man
But boy I learned a thing or two when I met you
I wagered big you took me down
Since there's more for me and it's like deja vu
There's always been a part of me
Baby that knew you'd run away
Fortune favors unprepared
(Ready or not you fall in love)
Fortune favors unprepared
(Are you prepared for a broken heart)
Fortune favors unprepared
Ready or not...
You say you've had a tragic life
I could never understand just how bad you feel
It cuts you like a rusty knife
Circumvent the storm and let me take the wheel
There's always been a part of me
That's been waiting for the rain
Fortune favors unprepared
(Ready or not you fall in love)
Fortune favors unprepared
(Are you prepared for a broken heart)
Fortune favors unprepared
I took for granted
That you'd be here waiting
Why am I forsaken
While another fool abandons you
(Guitar Solo)
Fortune favors unprepared
(Ready or not we all fall down)
Fortune favors unprepared
(Are you prepared for a second love)
Fortune favors unprepared
Ready or not...
Fortune favors unprepared
(Ready or not you fall in love)
Fortune favors unprepared
(Are you prepared for a broken heart)
Fortune favors unprepared
Ready or not...
Ready or not you fall in love...
Ready or not...
Don't be afraid of a broken heart....
11. Great Expectations
I have great expectations for you and me
And there's no obligations my love
We have sailed across the waters of a raging sea
And it's you that I'm thinking of
Hello to you good people everywhere
New world children handle her with care
There's no end to the challenges we face
Tight tide on the shores we navigate
We stand clear to the edge
So we won't hang by a thread
So raise your hand take a stand for each other
Lo let us share the waters
I've got one million reasons for us to believe in
There's nothing we can't change my friend
I've got great expectations for now and forever
There's no stopping the games you like to play
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is a game
Have you already heard
Live and die by our word
So raise your hand take a stand for each other
Lo let us share the waters
I've got one million reasons for us to believe in
There's nothing we can't change my friend
I've got great expectations for now and forever
I've got one million reasons for us to believe
There's nothing we can't change my friend
I've got great expectations for now and forever
12. Bend (Bonus Track)
Out of the darkness
A light appears
Better angels fly
Moments of redemption
Between you and I
Over and over and again
We all just have to bend
So many hard lines
Are flexible
What would it give to take
Only need a moment
For it to snap and break
Brother or lover or a friend
We all just need to bend
'Cause if it breaks
We lose the power to learn from our mistakes
But if it bends
Then you and I can try to make amends
As better friends
It's almost over
We're older now
Better angels stay
Searching for an answer
And then it comes to me
Over and over and again
We'll all just have to bend