« Instinct »
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1 | Set me free (3:10)
 | 2 | Show your fist (3:28)
 | 3 | Instinct (3:58)
 | 4 | Burn (4:16)
 | 5 | The holy noise (3:42)
 | 6 | Fuck you all (3:10)
 | 7 | United Nations (5:04)
 | 8 | Land of pain (2:12)
 | 9 | I break you (3:50)
 | 10 | You get what you give (2:47)
 | 11 | Until the end (3:55)
 | 12 | I will (3:52)
 | | Total playing time: 43:24 |
   Zoltan - vocals, guitars
Tamas - guitars
Csaba - bass
J.C. - drums |
All lyrics and music by Zoltan Farkas
Produced by Tue Madsen and Ektomorf
22 November - 7 December 2004, Antfarm Studio, Denmark
Preproduction produced by Boris Balogh and Ektomorf, September 2004, Union Jack Studio, Gyula
Cover artwork by Mircea Gabriel Eftemie |
 | 1. Set Me Free
It's the land of the hate
The frustration is growing
I loose control, no hope
Our father in heaven look at me
See the pain, see the suffer
I can't take this anymore
Set me free
Set me free
Set me free
Set me free
Human race it's a disgrace
Arrogant, fucking fake
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 Агрессивно-мистический, шаманский modern death в исполнении этой группы, в которой большинство музыкантов – цыгане, проникает в каждую клетку тела, побуждая к жизни самые архаичные, первобытные эмоции. Название альбома идеально отражает суть музыки, это – чистый инстинкт без тени цивилизованности. Тяжеловесные мелодии словно дошли до нас из глубины веков, а элементы народной музыки напоминают о том времени, когда боги жили в ветвях деревьев. Безумно динамичный ритм композиций не позволяет усидеть на месте, а отличная техника игры требует постоянного внимания. Медитативно-злобная гитара, невероятно экспрессивная ритм-секция и до предела насыщенный эмоциями вокал вряд ли смогут оставить кого-нибудь равнодушным. К записи придраться невозможно – настолько все звучит четко и гармонично. Оформленный в «диких» земляных тонах буклет не содержит ничего лишнего, но все что нужно любопытному фэну, там есть. В качестве бонусов на диске имеется пара клипов, смотреть которые – одно удовольствие. До предела напористая и эмоциональная работа, к тому же профессионально реализованная. Думаю, этот альбом стоит послушать даже тем, кто прохладно относится к стилю группы: возможно им, как и мне, захочется устроить ритуальную пляску у костра. (Диск предоставлен компанией Irond) |
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Поклонники культовых групп делают в точности то же самое, что и их кумиры. Ektomorf - это почти-что Soulfly, с вокалом от Machine Head! То есть драйвовый и качёвый трэш (иногда настолько качёвый, что напоминает рэпкоровые банды) отличного качества, но зато практически бездушный и безрадостный. Не могут меня Ektomorf взорвать изнутри, как это делают Sepultura и Soulfly... Но и особо горевать тоже не стоит - несколько хитов ("Show Your Fist", "Fuck You All", "I Break You") вполне скрасят впечатление от хиловатой остальной части диска, которая получилась очень скучной и однообразной. Очень круто попрыгать и послэмовать под них на концерте, но дома все изъяны музыки обрисовываются намного яснее. |
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просмотров: 12743 |
Our father in heaven
Look at me, see my pain
Don't let me feel this hate
Set me free
Set me free
Set me free
Set me free
2. Show Your Fist
You're born like this
You live like this
Raise your voice
And show your fists
You're born like this
You live like this
Stand up for your right
Go, fight for your life
You're born like this
You live like this
Feel the power
Get stronger
You're born like this
You live like this
Raise your voice
And show your fists
Show your fists
You're born like this
You live like this
Freedom fighter
With primal instinct
You're born like this
You live like this
Without brains
Without fear
You're born like this
You live like this
No matter what they do
No matter what they say
You're born like this
You live like this
No one can stand anymore
In your way
3. Instinct
I am who I am
Walk on my own way
Follow my instinct
I am the target of your jealousy
I am the one who you just wanna be
Look, look in the mirror, what you see
You full of shit why can't you see
I am the target of your anger
I am the one who you call danger
I am the one who believe in destiny
You motherfucker I am your enemy
Your worse enemy
I am who I am
Walk on my own way
Follow my instinct
I am the target of your jealousy
I am the one who you just wanna be
I am the one who believe in destiny
You motherfucker I am your enemy
I am who I am
Walk on my own way
Follow my instinct
You just wanna be
You're full of shit
You just wanna be
You're fucking envy
You just wanna be
4. Burn
It's always the same
You will never change
You come around
And you take what you want
I'm sick of you
I show you my fire
I'll burn you
You promise this
You promise that
You lie to everyone
Motherfucker hypocrite
I'm sick of you
I show you my fire
I'll burn you
Now listen to me
And look straight in my eyes
Stay away from me
Get out of my life
I'm sick of you
I show you my fire
I'll burn you
5. The Holy Noise
Can you fell it
Can you hear it
I'm gonna show you now
Catch the rhythm and jump
Jump till the sky, come on jump
Open you heart and we give you the strength
This is the holy noise
We make this holy noise
This is the holy noise
It's not a religion
It just make you feel fine
It's the one god and your free mind
Come on move
We give you the groove
Let's smash together
This is the holy noise
We make this holy noise
This is the holy noise
Just stay as you are
Just stay as you are
Just stay as you are
So I said
Just stay as you are
Just stay as you are
Just stay as you are
This is the holy noise
We make this holy noise
This is the holy noise
6. Fuck You All
There is the motherfucker look at me
He has got a big car and money
He is sure that he can be anything
He want everyone and everything
There is the gurk off look at him
Sitting the whole day in the fucked up office
His name is Boss he wanna fuck me up
I have a message to them
Fuck you all
There is the motherfucker look at me
He thinks that he is so important
But he is a loser, he is just a slave
And he wanna tell me how I have to live
There is the gurk off look at him
He wanna stand above everyone
I've got a message to them
Fuck you all
I'm fed up with them I don't want more
I'm fed up with them, fuck you all
Fuck the society, fuck the system
I destroy them all
I destroy them
Poser motherfuckers, fake wannabes
I can't stand anymore all this shit
They piss me off, they make me mad
I've got a message to them
Fuck you all
7. United Nations
Skin colour, racism and prejudice
This world will never change
The roots of the hate to deep in our lives
And we have to much pain
I see it
I was born for what I was born
And you can't bring me down
I don't believe in your society
I only believe in god
I feel it
I see discrimination in the United Nations
8. Land Of Pain
9. Break You
Don't fuck with me
I'm sick of all your shit
You make me mad and it is all your fault
You say you are my friend
And now you leave me in shit
What the fuck you thing
Who the fuck are you
I bring the pain
I make you bleed
I destroy it all
I break you down
You talk shit about me
You talk behind my back
Here I am, tell me face to face
Why don't you go away
Never come back again
I'm sick of you
I hate you
I bring the pain
I make you bleed
I destroy it all
I break you down
Not anymore you can lie to me
My eyes are open I can see
My anger is rising I am full of hate
This felling is too much I can't take
I – break – you
You cut my vains with all your lies
My respect for you it dies
You motherfucker you are not a man
I spit in your eyes when I see you again
I – break – you
10. You Get What You Give
Listen to me now
I say face to face
I can't stand you lie to me
Couse you even can't lie
I see through your eyes
I see you're fucking weak inside
You get what you give – from me
You treat everyone
Like you are the one
The only one for everyone
I don't need this
Fuck all your shit
You fucking spineless leech
You get what you give – from me
You cannot fight
And you can hide
You hide couse you know that I am right
The karma will find you
There is nothing to rescue
And than you know, will of god
You get what you give – from me
11. Until The End
All in my life I walked on my own way
I never followed rules or trends
I left behind all the hypocrites
I as never pretending
Look at me
I am free
No one can tell me
What is good for me
Couse only I know what I fell inside
I believe in my dream
I know my destination
I don't need promises
Look at me
I am free
Go ahead
Don't look back
Fuck the rest
Go ahead
I follow my heart until the end
Survive this world
This is the only way
I believe in my dreams
I believe in god
I walk on my own way, follow my heart
12. I Will
I will break the walls
I will move the rocks
I am here to stay
Till my dying day
In every way you try to stop me
Explain me where I have to stay of go
But my life is something what you
Will never take away or control
Blame me, hate me
Tell me what the fuck you want from me
Hate me, chain me
Do what you ever want
I am free
I will break the walls
I will move the rocks
I am here to stay
Till my dying day
Many years with so much pain
I fight, I don't give up
The fire burning in my vains
And pumping in my heart
Blame me, hate me
Tell me what the fuck you want from me
Hate me, chain me
Do what you ever want
I am free
I will break walls
I will move rocks
I am here to stay
Till my dying day