 “Да что же это такое! Сэм, ну вот обязательно рассыпать содержимое моего мешка, когда ты тянешься за кусочком свежей рыбы? Проклятье, ну все наружу вывалил, собирай теперь, увалень! А это еще что за кругляшок? Ты что, опять мотался без моего разрешения в Ширскую лавку? Ох, вон видишь, назгул пролетел? Тебя следует ему скормить, даже от глупого тролля пользы больше, чем от тебя! Ну и что это такое? Чего? Три барда из Швеции сочинили про нас альбом? А где это, Швеция? Даже дальше, чем Мордор? Вот это да! Я и не знал, что мы такие знаменитые! Ну ладно, ладно, не обижайся, ты ж меня знаешь, я отходчивый, лучше рассказывай, что за барды. Не очень известные, говоришь, тока в Talisman, да других шведских мелодик роковых ансамблях светились? Ну, значит и диск выкидывай, пусть его Горлум погрызет, он такие светящиеся побрякушки любит! Чего? Один из этих бардов сейчас служит при дворе самого Андре Андерсена? Ну что ж ты молчал, дурень, тогда надо почтить своим вниманием сей продукт немедленно! Как там его звать? Маркус Жиделл, ага... Ну что ж, доставай магический плеер, который ты спер у Гэндальфа по молодости. Ох, что будет, если он узнает! Ну да ладно, начинаем прослушивание...”
“Мда, Сэм, весьма и весьма неплохо! Ты особо громко-то не делай, а то рыщут тут всякие... Песни ведь, мой верный друг, не проклятый пауэр вовсе, чтоб ему в Мории сгинуть! Самый настоящий хэви, можно сказать, классический, тех времен, когда Саруман тока яблоки с деревьев мог своими спеллами сбивать. На великого мага Дио весьма похоже, этот певун, как его там? Якоб Самуэльссон, да… Очень старается малый! Можно было даже и не приглашать Дуги Уайта на одну песнь, и так бы справился этот чародей. Хотя, да, Сэм, это все для публики, для рекламы. Записано-то все как будто в моей норе, шаманские бубны, например, еле-еле слышны! Хотя вот арфы с клавесинами на славу работают! Очень, очень эпично! Ну и тексты, конечно, сильные! Разве не приятно вспомнить, как мы с тобой от всадников бегали? Тебе не приятно? И что ты ноешь - половина лирики не в рифму! Да, не в рифму, но зато про нас! Зато какие аккорды сочные и энергичные, никаких баллад, только размеренные марши! Красота! Если ты еще раз скажешь про однообразие, я тебя точно выдам с потрохами! Назгулы сегодня голодные...”
“И что - это все? А где продолжение? Говоришь, три части будет? А, ну тогда понятно, чего это все так внезапно оборвалось, аккурат там, где и диафильм про нас первый кончается. Как, какой? Который доблестный гном Джексон снимал! Ты что, забыл? И вообще, хватит уже сидеть, утро на дворе! Отвязывай этого лысика, собирайся давай, и в путь, нам еще пилить и пилить... Следующей ночью еще послушаем! Уж больно душевно!”
(Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
Hear out, hear out a promise was deceived
Beware, beware a warning was received
In his tower the dark lord is forging plans to fulfil
And if his will can be done his kingdom will come
Now fire and battles everywhere his spies and puppets cross the land
All free races have to answer to the threat and fight for their freedom
The missing pieces to this riddle must be found make this bane come undone
For those of knowledge signs would lead them on the way to break the spell they were under
Ride out, ride out follow the traces
Beware, beware bring light to dark places
Just remember when the end is near we must stand for the call
By the dawn that is rising his kingdom must fall
Beware, beware still after so much time
Get down, get down danger’s all around
Evil forces is on the move his spirit raises to try
to claim what is his- but this Kingdom and tyrant must die
2. Gathering Darkness
Look I tell you, the moment calls you though I hoped it would never come
Your part begins here, the final mist clear don’t wait ‘til tomorrow leave tonight
These are the days without a trust, and travel in secret, yes you must
Deny yourself now and all your fears how, be brave and great forces ‘ll be with you
I hear his voice in the night, a prophecy of no morning light
Unless we succeed to tie back the hands of hate in the gathering darkness
Be on your guard now, get out of Shire and stay of the roads, be still by night
at the homely inn is where I’ll meet you, good faith, don’t you leave him out of sight
I can’t relieve this burden that heavily rests upon your shoulders
I’m sad to leave you now but I will seek advice at the head of my order
He will help us to face our destiny
I hear his voice in the night, a prophecy of no morning light
Unless we succeed to tie back the hands of hate and the gathering darkness
I hear his voice in the night, this demon eye hunts across the sky
Shadows move in the dark the enemy rides again in the gathering darkness
I hear his voice in the night, a prophecy of no morning light
Unless we succeed to tie back the hands of hate in the gathering darkness
I hear his voice in the night, this demon eye hunts across the sky
His magic’s too strong my will come undone before this cold and gathering darkness
3. Voices Of The Fallen Kings
We are the silent riders we move like the wind
The nine in black we cross the night
Not dead and we’re not living, once great kings of man
Now we ’re the beasts inside your head
In shelter of darkness
Our terror is constant here
In league with all evil
all hope disappear
Ah- The Demons are riding, controlling the earth and sky
The Demons are flying, run for your life
We serve the great deceiver, enslaved by the eye
Behold our presence hear us cry
Our mission is forever, we will never stop
We hunt from low to mountain tops
Our arm passes swiftly
The strong will of our commander
Will be done within time
Just a matter of time
Ah- The Demons are riding, controlling the earth and sky
The Demons are flying, stabbing with steely knives
Ah- The Demons are riding, controlling the earth and sky
The Demons are flying, run for your life
Ahh- you see us coming, riders of darkness
Ahh- you feel our presence the riders of darkness will break you with fear
4. Into The Wild
I am the chosen to find and lead you I was sent here by the old and grey
We’re running out of time I won’t deceive you, trust me
I know the evil that is on your trail now, are you afraid? Not enough!
What you fear is what will never stop hunting you, you know I speak the truth
Into the wild, no one must know we are heading through peril land
Into the wild, danger might show we must slip through these groping hands
Keep up, stay close we must move out of sight now, change direction, lead them all astray. Mind the flashes in the night from the distant mountain top
Three more days and still no sign of rescue, I feel the enemy is drawing near
so light a fire gather ‘round we’re expecting company, let’s face our enemy
Five out of nine here in the wild, no retreat now we cannot fail
Five out of nine here in the wild, I know that danger is on our tail
My only protection- a flaming brand of wood
I put on my ring, I feel I should
With helmets of silver and steely knives
The pale king in lead he claims my life
Escape in the wild, fly to the ford No retreat now we cannot fail
Escape in the wild, from the Black Riders´ swords , they’re right behind my back
Escape in the wild, fly to the ford, we are heading through peril land
Escape in the wild, from the Black Riders´ swords, so close to rescue but still so far
5. Unite Or Fall
The air is cool and clear when we are gathered here
to find the answers to questions asked
Midgard is standing on the brink of destruction
There’s no escape it must unite us all
I was there so long ago along with the weakened king
At the crack of fire where it once was made
This opportunity he let it slip away
Is still the reason for this baneful gold
Can’t you see it’s a gift, we are all the foes of darkness
Let’s use it with its strength, surely that would bring Him down
No, this one you cannot wield - no one of us can
It turns your good intentions around
It leaves only one choice - a road hard unforeseen
We must return it to the fire it once came
This threat can’t be undone by any power we possess here
This failure must be redeemed in the boiling fires of doom
I’ll take the gold through peril land, weak as I am
I will surrender to my task
I’ll face the dangers you´ve foreseen, but for me yet unknown
I’ll go though I do not know the way
Now here is a resolution of what must come to be
You’ll have companions to walk with you
A fellowship of hope - each race will be included here
Wizards, dwarfs, elves and man will help you see your mission through
Wisdom and the brave will be your guide through peril lands
You all go freely with no oath will bind you to this quest
With you we send our prayers, hallowed be thy name
6. Halls Of Doom
(nifelheim andvari avathar taranis palantir)
One more defeat - it’s in the air,
one more retreat - another way
Now where to go, he blocks the east and the west,
north and south- who can tell us what’s best
...we go through the gates of doom
We tried the snowy mountains, a foul voice was on the air,
made rocks and ice come in our way, yeah
We had to go below it through the mines of Dwarfish Doom
Four days of darkness and who knows what
At the gates we stand, confusion in mind. Hope we’ll understand the riddle in time
Speak friend and welcome in to the darkness of Dwarfish Doom
Shine halls of mystery
King Sindri let you in to the darkness of Dwarfish Doom
Shine halls of mystery - a nameless fear is hiding here in the dark
No choice but to go ahead now through what looks more like a tomb
let’s hope our presence here will pass undiscovered yeah
At king Sindris´ grave We face our enemy, a cave troll nearly made our mission in vain
We run to the beat of drums towards the bridges of Glorian Doom
Shine halls of mystery
Shadows and flames appear from the darkness of Glorian Doom
Shine halls of mystery
The nameless fear gets a face in here in the deep Run, run, run,
Our hope so small our loss so great
We fall apart, we spread like seeds in the wind
Lead us on, we follow you crownless king
Towards the forest of Evergreen
We must be moving on now, so get on up and dry your tears
I’ll take you further so hold your fears.
In the Evergreen we can heal our wounds I sense she’s calling us the Lady of the starlight
It’s time to say goodbye to the darkness of Glimmering Dome
Shine halls of mystery
We leave you sad and grey in the darkness of Glimmering Dome
Shine halls of mystery
It’s time to say goodbye to the darkness of Glimmering Dome
Shine halls of mystery
We leaving, we leave you sad and grey in the darkness of Glimmering Dome
Shine halls of mystery
Shine forever, shine forever …
7. Signs By The Silver Stream
You can watch my mirror and the things you’ll see
They can lead to happiness break or set you free
Past, present or days to come what you find I can’t tell
I believe you pass the test, if you break your spell
What I see is an ocean in the gathering dark
It’s raging with a storm under blood red skies
A silhouette of a tall ship is coming in from the west
A city on a river with a seven-thorn hall
Then a hole in the ground black as black can be
And the eye that burns like fire closing up on me
My head is growing heavy from the ring that I bear
Like a chain around my neck, help I’m falling, I’m falling down
Rest your head you little one have some faith in me
All this pain and misery I have also seen
You are wise and you are brave and oh so beautiful
Queen of the morning – relieve me from this
For my mission I am weak I feel so tired and small
If you want It then you’ll have It you rise where I fall
I can still deny the temptation what would you think I’d be
A queen so cruel and beautiful this world has never seen
Can’t you see it’s destiny, what must be must be
You just wait there will be a King, carrier of The Ring
We will diminish and fade like writing in sand ocean sweeps away
The morning rise shiny and fair, we sail to the west leave but memories
8. The Chase
Whom do you serve, breed of my bad blood, stronger than steel, my evil kin?
My creed and my faith will build me an army strong to conquer and end the world of man
Hunt, hunt my whip on your shoulders
Hunt, hunt run like the wind
Hunt, hunt these are my orders
Hunt, hunt let the chase begin
Seek and destroy my savage warrior
With you I’m placing all my hope
To find the precious that will lift me to the sky
A new time will arise
Now track them down, they move from the Evergreen they are alone and afraid, like the fools they are
Make no mistake, kill them all spare no one and what they carry you bring it all to me, no plunder
Hunt, hunt my whip on your shoulders
Hunt, hunt run like the wind
Hunt, hunt these are my orders
Hunt, hunt let the chase begin
Seek and destroy my savage warrior
With you I’m placing all my hope
To find the precious that will lift me to the sky
A new time will arise
9. The Last Battle
My friend I know what you been thinking I see you suffer day by day
Let me ease your mind advise you in the choice you’re trying to make
‘ Course there are other ways to do this
Come with me my city waits for you, take the time to see things clear
Why throw away what once can save you
Stay away from me I don’t need your advice anymore
Can’t you see you’ve changed you´ve lost yourself
Your ambition is shining through but I know what I have to do
It’s only fear that holds me back
What do you mean, I’m not a thief but I won’t beg you
And watch you spoil the chance we have
It might be true that elves and wizards cannot use it
But won’t you have some faith in man
Behind whose protection you so long have slumbered
The Ring would give a the leader the power to command. If no one else why not myself?
All men would flock under my banner
Stay away from me I don’t need your advice anymore
Can’t you see you’ve changed you´ve lost yourself
You think your plan is cunning to but I know what I have to do
My mind is clear I’m on my way
Stay away my lad, this road I must walk all alone
Can’t you see I’m off on danger trail
Master I know that well enough but this road was meant for the both of us
May the others find a safer way, together we will stay
Goodbye until forever I’m afraid…Yet we may