 Третий альбом американских нарушителей закона и попирателей морали «Театр Боли», был посвящён погибшему "благодаря" Винсу Нейлу, барабанщику Hanoi Rocks. Продюсировал его вновь как и на предыдущем альбоме Том Верман, и добился он вновь отличного звучания и чёткости звука. Диск весьма прилично продавался, можно привести в пример хотя бы продажу более двух миллионного тиража экземпляров в США. Однако, несмотря на все эти исторические детали, должен самовольно заявить, что альбом смотрится достаточно бледно и слабо по сравнению с предыдущими двумя творениями. Видимо ребята несколько поисписались, и утратили некоторую часть искры. Композиции на пластинке поразительно похожи друг на друга и не очень то оригинальны, что заставляет меня прозвать «Theatre Of Pain» первым провалом группы. Доказательством этого я думаю, может служить так же усиленное продвижение по каналу МТВ таких беззубых вещей как серая баллада «Home Sweet Home», а также скучного и пресного рок-н-ролльного боевика «Smokin` In A Boys Room», которому «повезло» ещё больше и он попал в американский топ-20. Достаточно разительно смотрятся перемены с тематикой произведений. На предыдущем альбоме слушатель мог вдоволь наслушаться сатанинских росказней всякого рода, на рассматриваемой же работе музыканты решили сделать упор на рок-н-рольную концепцию, что непременно отразилось на мелодической стороне альбома. Кое-где заметны даже откровенные заимствования от грандов жанра. Это, например боевик «Raise Your Hands To Rock» (даже если это стёб, то смотрится он плоховато), очень сильно напоминающий Twisted Sister и их бессмертное творение «I Wanna Rock», тоже самое можно сказать и ещё об одном средне темповом номере «Tonight (We Need A Lover)», который кажется слишком похожим на ещё одну песню Извращённой Сестрёнки с подобным названием. В связи с такими ясными недостатками и минусами всплывает вопрос о том есть ли на альбоме удачные композиции? К сожалению, их очень мало. К числу самых интересных опусов я бы отнёс заключительную махину «Fight For Your Rights», уже упомянутую прежде «Tonight (We Need A Lover)», и заслужившую бешеную популярность балладу «Home Sweet Home». В общем, мнение по этому альбому у меня получается уж слишком субъективным, дабы быть правдой, поэтому, резюмируя вышесказанное, думаю что альбом «Theatre Of Pain» всё-таки найдёт заслуженное место у поклонников Мотли Крю, хотя и не у всех. |
But I just can't seem to find a clue
So I take a swig of whiskey
And jump into the saddle with you you you
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
Cats in the alley
Rats in my snakeskin boots
All my neighbors think I'm crazy
And my girl thinks I'm losin' my cool cool cool And I just can't seem to break the
shackles of the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
Don't look to Jesus to change your seasons
It's the American dream
Souls of gypsies, road of stone
Can't seem to find no peace so head out
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
I got the blues, I got the blues, I got the blues,
I got the blues
I got the blues, I got the blues, I got the blues,
I got the blues
2. Smokin' In The Boys Room
Sittin' in the classroom thinkin' it's a drag
Listening to the teacher rap-just ain't my bag
When two bells ring you know it's my cue
Gonna meet the boys on floor number 2
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
Checkin' out the halls makin sure the coast is clear
Lookin' in the stalls-nah, there ain't nobody here
My buddies Sixx, Mick & Tom
To get caught would surely be the death of us all
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school Put me to work the school
book store
Check-out counter and I got bored
Teacher was lookin' for me all around
Two hours later you know where I was found
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
One more time
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
3. Louder Than Hell
Some like the violence
Some like submission
Some use aggression
Some use a bullet in the head to be brave
Some like the evil
Some need the power
Some bleed in vain
Some get a bullet in the head instead
Some got the go
Some play the role
Some scream out in horror just for show
Some got no reason
Some got no hope
Some like it loud, some like it loud
We like it loud
We like it louder, louder than hell Some got the honey
Some hold the pistol
Some need no money
Some hang on the string of obscene
Some got the go
Some play the role
Some scream out in horror just for show
Some got no reason
Some got no hope
Some like it loud, some like it loud
We like it loud
We like it louder, louder than hell
4. Keep Your Eye On The Money
Black jack roulette
Losing high and low
She's cold as ice
Turn a young man old
Comedy and tragedy
Entertainment or death
Like sister morphine
Hooked on her game
Time to place your bets
If it wasn't for bad luck,
I'd have no luck at all
Keep your eye on the money
Keep your eye on the dealer's hand
Keep your eve on the money
Keep your eye on the lady's hand Queen of hearts
Or Ace of spades
I'm dancing on the blade
Freak show, goin' broke
The crowd screams on for more
Electric shock won't bring ya back
You've gone over the boards
Can't beat the clock the deck is stacked
The crowd looks on in horror
If it wasn't for bad luck,
I'd have no luck at all
Keep your eye on the money
Keep your eye on the dealer's hand
Keep your eve on the money
Keep your eye on the lady's hand
5. Home Sweet Home
You know I'm a dreamer
But my heart's of gold
I had to run away high
So I wouldn't come home low
Just when things went right
It doesn't mean they were always wrong
Just take this song and you'll never feel
Left all alone
Take me to your heart
Feel me in your bones
Just one more night
And I'm comin' off this
Long & winding road
I'm on my way
Well I'm on my way
Home sweet home
Tonight tonight
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home
You know that I've seen
To many romantic dreams
Up in lights, fallin' off
The silver screen
My heart's like an open book
For the whole world to read
Sometimes nothing-keeps me together
At the seams
I'm on my way
Well I'm on my way
Home sweet home
Tonight tonight
I'm on my way
Just set me free
Home sweet home
6. Tonight (We Need A Lover)
Ninety thousand screaming watts
Honey dripping from her pot
Fill the cup to the top tonight
This deadly sin is all we know
Pleasure victim, who's next to fall
The question is will you please us all tonight?
Tonight tonight tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover
Stand tall and ring the bell
The final stroke sends you to hell
Take your body like a hammer and a nail
The taste of love, it might be yours Slide down my knees taste my sword
Can you feel the power inside tonight?
Tonight tonight tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover
Tonight, we need a lover tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover tonight
We need a lover
Tonight tonight
7. Use It Or Lose It
Ragtime fast lane another overdose
You know James Dean wasn't playing the role
I said hey, you, what-cha gonna do
When time runs out on you
Use it or lose it
Sweet pain is the name of the game
I said hey hey hey hey hey
You better use it before you lose it
You better use it don't throw it away
JFK, Marilyn Monroe
Street walking gypsy-Margaret Trudeau
I said hey, you, what-cha gonna do
Time's run out on you Use it or lose it
Sweet time is it on my side?
I said hey hey hey hey hey
Better use it before you lose it
You better use it don't throw it away
Sweet pain is the name of the game
I said hey hey hey hey hey
Better use it before you lose it
You better use it don't throw it away, hey
Better use it before you lose it
You better use it don't throw it away
Hey hey hey-don't throw it away
Hey hey hey-don't throw it away
Don't throw it away
8. Save Our Souls
Black Angels laughing in the city streets
Street toys scream in pain and clench their teeth
The moonlight spotlights all the city crime
Got no religion, Laugh while they fight
Save our souls for the heavens
For a life so good it sure feels bad
Save our souls for the heavens
Save our souls for the promised land
Sweet tarts play the game and shoot to thrill
Runnin free through the trash, dressed to kill
The midnight show-stoppers, it's a funny money game
A hundred thousand bleeding hearts, put us in our graves Save our souls for the
For a life so good it sure feels bad
Save our souls for the heavens
Save our souls for the promised land
It s been the hard road, edge of an overdose
No matter how high you re still too low
I've been the dancer, the wicked romancer
It's a never-ending nightmare, edge of disaster
9. Raise Your Hands To Rock
Sometimes I feel turned around
And upside down
And sometimes maybe I drink too much
But my heart's still in touch
I remember standing tall telling you
I'm gonna be a rock n roll star
When someone said Sit down, boy
"You already are"
Raise your hands to rock (rock)
Uh-huh Summertime was always right
Just me and you
Sixteen and dealing with
Those summertime blues
I was Young and restless
Living on the edge of a dream
When someone somewhere said
Ya just gotta believe
And raise your hands to rock (rock)
10. Fight For Your Rights
Can't break the chains
Can't solve the pain
Can't rhyme problem with reason
Not taking sides
Just asking why
Does the pain eat the children
Who wrote the Bible
Who set the laws
Are we left to history's flaws
And if you're out there
Then let me hear (hey)
And take a look in the mirror
Fight fight for your rights
Fight fight for your rights
Can't name no names
Of who's to blame
For cries out in the sky We're all slaves to time
No color's right
Throw our hate into the fire
Martin Luther
Brought the truth
The color of our blood's the same
So break the chains
And solve the pains
And we all become one race
Fight fight for your rights
Fight fight for your rights
Oh people people
Is the scar too deep
You can't hold a man's soul
By the color of his keys
A tear o' blood runs from my eye
But somehow I can never
Make you...cry...
11. Home Sweet Home (Demo)
[on re-released disc]
You know I'm a dreamer
But my heart's of gold
I had to run away high
So I wouldn't come home low
Just when things went right
It doesn't mean they were always wrong
Just take this song and you'll never feel
Left all alone
Take me to your heart
Feel me in your bones
Just one more night
And I'm comin' off this
Long & winding road
I'm on my way
Well I'm on my way
Home sweet home
Tonight tonight
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home You know that I seem
To make romantic dreams
Up in lights, fallin' off
The silver screen
My heart's like an open book
For the whole world to read
Sometimes nothing-keeps me together
At the seams
I'm on my way
Well I'm on my way
Home sweet home
Tonight tonight
I'm on my way
Just set me free
Home sweet home
12. Smokin' In The Boys Room (Demo)
[on re-released disc]
Sittin' in the classroom thinkin' it's a drag
Listening to the teacher rap-just ain't my bag
When two bells ring you know it's my cue
Gonna meet the boys on floor number 2
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
Checkin' out the halls makin sure the coast is clear
Lookin' in the stalls-nah, there ain't nobody here
My buddies Sixx, Mick & Tom
To get caught would surely be the death of us all
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school Put me to work the school
book store
Check-out counter and I got bored
Teacher was lookin' for me all around
Two hours later you know where I was found
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
One more time
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
13. City Boy Blues (Demo)
[on re-released disc]
Fireflies and dogfights
Runnin' hot in the heat
Street noise, another bribe
Things too hard to believe-
so head out
My heart's in the country
My feet's in the city with you
All my friends are eatin' sushi
Talkin' bad about you know who who who
My tongue's talkin' riddles
But I just can't seem to find a clue
So I take a swig of whiskey
And jump into the saddle with you you you
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
Cats in the alley
Rats in my snakeskin boots
All my neighbors think I'm crazy
And my girl thinks I'm losin' my cool cool cool And I just can't seem to break the
shackles of the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
Don't look to Jesus to change your seasons
It's the American dream
Souls of gypsies, road of stone
Can't seem to find no peace so head out
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
I got the city boy blues
And I just can't seem to break the shackles of the city boy blues
I got the blues, I got the blues, I got the blues,
I got the blues
I got the blues, I got the blues, I got the blues,
I got the blues
14. Home Sweet Home
[on re-released disc]
15. Keep Your Eye On The Money (Demo)
[on re-released disc]
Black jack roulette
Losing high and low
She's cold as ice
Turn a young man old
Comedy and tragedy
Entertainment or death
Like sister morphine
Hooked on her game
Time to place your bets
If it wasn't for bad luck,
I'd have no luck at all
Keep your eye on the money
Keep your eye on the dealer's hand
Keep your eve on the money
Keep your eye on the lady's hand Queen of hearts
Or Ace of spades
I'm dancing on the blade
Freak show, goin' broke
The crowd screams on for more
Electric shock won't bring ya back
You've gone over the boards
Can't beat the clock the deck is stacked
The crowd looks on in horror
If it wasn't for bad luck,
I'd have no luck at all
Keep your eye on the money
Keep your eye on the dealer's hand
Keep your eve on the money
Keep your eye on the lady's hand