Gamma Ray
« Blast from the Past »
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| Disc 1
 | 1 | Welcome 00:57
 | 2 | Lust for Life 05:26
 | 3 | Heaven Can Wait 04:30
 | 4 | Heading for Tomorrow 14:59
 | 5 | Changes 05:29
 | 6 | One with the World 04:50
 | 7 | Dream Healer 07:35
 | 8 | Tribute to the Past 04:46
 | 9 | Last Before the Storm 04:57
 | 10 | Heal Me 07:34
 | | Disc 2
 | 1 | Rebellion in Dreamland 08:46
 | 2 | Man on a Mission 05:44
 | 3 | Land of the Free 04:38
 | 4 | The Silence 06:29
 | 5 | Beyond the Black Hole 06:00
 | 6 | Somewhere Out in Space 05:27
 | 7 | Valley of the Kings 03:50
 | 8 | Anywhere in the Galaxy 06:36
 | 9 | Send Me a Sign 04:06
 | 10 | Armageddon 08:50
 | | Total playing time: 121:29 |
   Kai Hansen - guitars, vocals
Henjo Richter - guitars, keyboards
Dirk Schlachter - bass
Dan Zimmerman - drums
Recorded & mixed at: Hansen Studio Hamburg
Produced & engineered by: Kai Hansen & Dirk Schlachter co-produced by: GammaRay
Cover painting & illustrations by: Derek Riggs
Digital Artwork & Booklet-design by: Henjo Richter
All songs arranged by Gamma Ray
Additional vocals on LAND OF THE FREE by Michael Kiske
Bass and Drums on THE SILENCE by U. Wessel and M. Burchadt |
 | 1. Welcome
[Music: Hansen]
2. Lust For Life
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
Comin' out of misery,
Back to the old energy,
Takin' part in our daily show.
Think of what has been before,
Made a move and slammed the door.
Future will remain in the unknown.
Face the |
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 Абсолютно не согласен с предыдущими рецензентами. Во-первых, я не понимаю ваших ярых критик в адрес голоса Хансена, как ни странно, но мне его голос нравится больше, а Шиперс, по большому счету, больше пищит и визжит. Ну, в общем-то, это неважно. По-моему, очень даже хорошо, что они выпустили сборник хитов, некий сборник лучших пауэр-металических песен… Также стоит отметить, что улучшилось качество записи, что не может не радовать. Если некоторые вещи альбома «Land of the Free» портили впечатление о себе именно из-за качества записи, то теперь этот недочет исправлен. Например, песни «Rebellion in Dreamland» и «Man on a Mission» после перезаписи стали слушаться намного лучше, так что общее впечатление от альбома очень и очень сильное. Советую слушать всем любителям пауэр-метала для ознакомления с группой. -1 балл за не совсем правильный, как по мне, трэк-лист. |
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Новое старое творение Гамма Рэя... Даааааа... Этакая HistoRay... Кай вероятно решил подзаработать деньжат, потому что не верю я, что можно гордиться новыми вариантами старых хитов. Просто требовался greatest hits album. Я наверное повторюсь сказав, что Кай Хансен всегда хотел заниматься всем и вся и влезть во все дырки во всех бочках. Когда он выгнал Ральфа Шиперса (действительно гениального мелодик металлического певца), я подумала: ну ладно... решил потешить себя вокальными упражнениями, попоет чуть-чуть и возьмет кого-нибудь другого. Мне тогда казалось смешным, как Кай пытается изобразить из себя вокалиста. А теперь, когда он возомнил себя настолько крутым, что может сравниться с Ральфом, это кажется печальным. Он просто обезобразил старые потрясающие песни своим "тощим" визгом, практически ни одной ноты не может спеть объемно и вытянуть, не сбиваясь на фальцет при этом. Ральф помнится использовал фальцет просто как еще одну фишку в вокале, исполняя все в основном на так называемом "головном вокале" и легком "драйве", а для Кая фальцет - это практически основное, при этом он у него не самый красивый. Да что это я все о вокале... Музыку он тоже местами изменил. Как и весь последний Гамма Рэй она стала какой-то "игрушечной", ненастоящей, и стало еще больше ощущения, что все записывалось в дурдоме, хотя в этом есть своя прелесть (кстати главный фэн-клуб GR называется Shizoid Clan), но зачем же это совать везде и всюду, тем более в более серьезных старых песнях. Все песни стали какими-то менее выразительными и потеряли былой шарм... В общем полный провал, хотя Гамма Рэй это всегда Гамма Рэй, пока в нем играет Кай Хансен (отдадим ему должное как отцу мелодик спид метала), только теперь это уже какая-то эрзац версия былого напора и эмоций. Насмешка над старой музыкой... Я могла бы отдельно разобрать каждую песню, но боюсь, я и так вышла за рамки обычной рецензии. |
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На Хансена не назжать! :) Я полностью разделяю мнение о том, что прект чисто коммерческий, я не понимаю зачем нужен был второй диск - по-моему аранжировки вещей не изменились совершенно, а с Land Of The Free вошли не лучшие, на мой взгляд, вещи. Но первый диск безусловно представляет интерес. Можно сколько угодно возмущаться, крича, что Хансен своим плоским вокалом он только похабит исполненые Шиперсом песни, но я знаю немало людей, которым Шиперсовский Gamma Ray не нравится из-за резкого, быстро приедающегося вокала. А Хансен своим ненавязчивым [ :) ] голосом это исправляет. Lust For Life в исполнении Кая звучет гораздор прикольней и веселее, чем на Heading For Tomorrow. Heaven Can Wait - по-моему не лучший выбор для сборника, лучше бы Space Eater воткнули. One With The World!!! С этой песни я до сих пор прусь как финский лыжник.. Прослушав ее несколько раз на Blast'е я достал Sigh No More сравнил и подумал: "Хансен рулит" Благодаря ему я понял эту песню - сейчас она входит в число любимейших моих песен Gamma Ray. Та же история с Heal Me...
Короче к чему это я все? Если вам не нравится ранний Gamma Ray послушайте первый диск Blast'а и может быть вы измените свое мнение.
Резюме: 6/10. Выше среднего. Гораздо. Но пару баллов скинул за явную коммерческость проекта и вторичность второго диска. По отдельности первый тянет баллов на 9...
ps: кстаи Киске предлагали после Land Of The Free петь в GR - он _сам отказался_!!! :) |
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Хм, Элис, тебе не говорили, что читать чужие мысли - не хорошо? :-)) В принципе тут уже всё сказано. От себя хочу добавить, что альбом действительно произвёл мрачноватое впечатление. Хансен конечно же до Шиперса не дотягивает, хотя если честно то я сомневаюсь, что хотелось бы другого вокалиста (зря Майкла Киске не взяли, думаю, он бы не отказался). У Кая конечно же голос улучшился (сравнить Хэлловские Walls Of Jerico и последние работы Гаммы - это небо и земля, в смысле голос). А классические вещи прекрасно спетые Шиперсом были конечно же просто уродски перепеты Хансеном. Единственное, с чего ты взяла, что Кай выгнал Ральфа? Это же Ральфу было в падлу переселиться поближе к студии, да и ещё надежды занять место Роба Хэлфорда в Judas Priest. Если его и выгнали, то он наверное был только рад :-) Хотя уверен, что вскоре пожалел об этом. Ну а диск так... с пивом пойдёт :-)) |
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просмотров: 17235 |
Why are we here and what do we want,
The answer is easy, let's spread it around.
Loud and proud, we're gonna say it now,
Many things to think about,
Bring me up or bring me down
A lot of things I hardly understand.
What is good and what is fair,
Problems solved, but I don't care
Sometimes it's just getting out of hand.
Face the face of the race, try to understand.
I know that you know that we can be strong
If we pull together, we can get along
Let us fly away, let us praise the days
When the lust for the life is stronger than the fear.
Though we shiver and shake and we sometimes need a break.
It's the lust for life that never disappears.
3. Heaven Can Wait
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
Too many people, too much trouble,
Too many problems in the morn.
Another sunrise in the rubble,
Another ship sunk by the storm.
Some little angel tries to tell me that it's over.
It's just a bad reflection from above.
The load upon my shoulder makes me stronger, even bolder.
Oh no no, I haven't had enough.
Heaven can wait, 'til another day.
Cause there ain't no reason to leave.
The world is a stage where we all can play.
Another fine reason to live,
And heaven can wait, heaven can wait.
Each day a new reason to give up,
Each day another reason to sigh.
A hundred thousand ways to live up,
A hundred thousan ways to try.
Hey, little angel, don't you tell me that it's over.
You're just a bad reflection from above.
The load upon my shoulder gives me reasons to get older.
Tell the boss I haven't had enough.
Our eyes are close but they should be open wide
Let's listen to the voice that's calling from inside.
Let's stay alive and move on, on our way
And heaven can wait, heaven can wait.
Heaven - can wait ...'til another day.
Heaven - can wait ...'til another day.
4. Heading For Tomorrow
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
We are heading for tomorrow
But we don't know if we're near!
Well, we back of still abhorrow
Will we ever loose the fear?!
[musical intro]
Time has passed in the modern world
Where the madmen live and speak their word.
Life in hand they deal with god
Put a trademark sign up on everyone.
God bless the children, freedom is their word.
Freedom, freedom 'til they learn to obey.
Here come the liars, reason is their name.
Reason, reason, play a silly game.
Where will the children go tomorrow?
Is anybody there to claim
That he understands our human game?
We can make a prophecy,
Oh we can't say what is going to be.
Where are we going, and what is our aim?
Freedom, freedom locked inside our brains
So many answers, reason is their name,
Reason, reason, questions will remain
Where will the children go tomorrow?
(Longing for the future... we never look back
We're heading for tomorrow... we look straight ahead
Where will the children go tomorrow... tomorrow...
Where will the children go tomorrow... tomorrow...)
(There is a light
Uh, I can see a light
Yeah, I can see a light
Oooh, can you see the light?
It's shinig for tomorrow
Tomorrow... tomorrow... tomorrow)
Hey you, hey you, hey you
Hey you, where do you go? - Heading for tomorrow
Hey you, hey you, hey you
Hey you, where do you go? - Heading for my life
Hey you, where do you go? - Heading for tomorrow
Hey you, where do you go? - I'm heading for my life
Hey you, where do you go? - Heading for tomorrow
Hey you, where do you go! - I'm heading for my life
When we are born, tell me what is our aim?
And what will be when society fails?
We are heading for tomorrow, we don't know if we are near.
When we are gone, tell me what will remain?
And what will be when society fails?
We are heading for tomorrow but we don't know if we're near!
5. Changes
[Music: Hansen, Scheepers, Schlachter, Wessel/Lyrics: Hansen, Wessel]
I need a new direction
Another thought to serve me right
My mind has got an infection
And there's nothing that seems to help,
(I need to grow an eye there,
Somewhere inside my head)
Where nothing can disturb me,
Where I am free, where I'm forever set
Maybe it's not important
If we are dead or alive.
I never ever wanna listen to the sirens
As I'm still alive.
Who says: we are not guilty
I say: we never know the way it goes
Changes - all around me, all inside my head
Changes - changing face, still remaining mad.
Changes - in all day routine.
Hard to enjoy the good times,
Decay is what I feel
Oh God, it's makin' me porous, vanish in haze,
I wonder, wonder if I'm real.
Newflash - under the new regulations
Non-conformity will be punished by law.
Relax - and don't forget to turn on your TV set!
Sigh no more!
For you, you are not guilty,
Oh no, you're not responsible at all.
Changes - all around me, all inside my head
Changes - changing face, still remaining mad.
Changes - changing systems, still insane.
Changes - and the madness will remain.
Who is the man who says I'm never gonna cry?
It's a lie, it's a lie!
And who is the man who says, I never have to sigh?
I'm alive, still alive!
Oppression, resistance
We will never change our way,
The island in my mind is growin'
More and more, day after day.
Changes - all around me now, all inside me now
Changes - wanna cry no more, sigh no more.
6. Rich And Famous
[JAPANESE bonus track]
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
I don't believe in fame, I believe in music.
I don't believe in money, I believe in the power of love.
I know I got a brain and I know how to use it.
I don't want no one to stick his finger in my pie.
You think you put your best foot forward
But it is moved by someone else.
In blind belief you follow every path that says:
I lead you to a universe of fortune, fame and luck.
Do you really wanna be - rich and famous, rich and famous.
Do you really wanna be - rich and famous now.
I don't believe in Rock 'n' Roll illusions.
I don't believe that what they say must always be the truth.
I don't believe in good guys against bad guys.
I just might as well say I believe in Santa Claus.
Mr. Big shot wat is your game
Mr. Big shot what is your final aim.
Now you wonder who is to blame.
Mr. Big shot what is your final aim in life.
Rich and famous, house with two hours, big jacuzzi, car with TV.
Private airplane, furs and diamonds, seafood cocktails-
7. One With The World
[Music: Hansen, Wessel/Lyrics: Hansen]
Do you think there's a chance
For this world to live in unity as one?
I can try to believe
But I feel it's like a view into the sun.
Blinded by the light everything will look so fine
But still I feel the rays are burning my soul.
So you say you believe
We can change the world together if we try.
I know we won't change.
When it comes to the point
Do you think we reach an aim that is too high?
I know we won't arrange.
But I know we're all the same
When the final curtain falls
And the sings on the way
Are leading us home
When I'm one with the world
I am one with my mind
Forget all the fury there's no need to cry
There's a place we all go, salvation to find
There's freedom to come
When I'm one with the world and my mind.
Do you feel, do you know?
There's an answer to the question when you're gone.
You're not alone.
You will see, we will see
Is there nothing or a better place to go?
We can't go wrong.
There are echoes in the wind
And they say don't be afraid
'cos the signs on the way
Are leading us home
I'm one with the world
I am one with my mind..
I am one with my heart..
8. Dream Healer
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen, Scheepers]
Who will creep inside your mind at night,
Who makes your wildest dream arise?
Who makes you see what you can't see,
While you're awake but in your dreams?
Out of a world we call the twilight zone he comes,
Out of a world where all your reason is a lie.
Dream Healer - he makes you see what you can't see
Dream Healer - reflecting your identity.
Shout at the morning when the red sunrise awakes,
The call of reality is all what you hear.
Gaze at the stars, when the night comes down again
Then you begin to see through all of your fears.
Out of a world where you can see what is inside (inside, inside...)
Out of a world where all your reason is a lie.
Dream Healer - he makes you see what you can't see
Dream Healer - reflecting your identity.
I see red and I see blue, I see green and I see yellow - yellow lights.
One day black another day white. He's one day quiet
Another day he calls my name
Oh..... hey.... yeah!
He's comin' out
He's comin' out
He's comin' out
He's comin' out!
Listen to dreams - they always tell you the truth.
Listen to dreams - oh that's your heart that's speakin' to you
Listen - listen - listen to the dream healer.... oh!
9. Tribute To The Past
[Music: Hansen, Rubach/Lyrics: Hansen]
He who found a way to leave to somewhere far from now
Traveling in his time machine a dream that had come true
Fly my friend, you will see, something called reality
I feel good, I'm alright, doing what I please - I travel time
Far beyond the rising sun - I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs - back to the past again
I just want to save the universe for all mankind
He wants to save the future of the earth
Step by step surroundings change as years go passing by
He only stops to gaze a little while
I push the button further on, I just can't get enough
I know I will return again but still I'm movin' on
Far beyond the rising sun - I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs - back to the past again
As I movin' on I see things to come,
I see fears and I hear laughter
Curiosity, comin' over me,
What is next and what will happen
And I see the lies and I hear the cries
And the marchin' of the people
As they go to war, heaven knows what for -
God I think I've had enough now
Too late, too late - I can't go back no more!
I lost control of the engine
No light, no light -
Can't see where I have gone can't see where I have gone to
Where am I now -
Stranded in time
So many years have passed since I had gone
And I have seen what's gonna be
But now I know it is useless to travel on
And I will return to the time and place I belong to.. oh!
Far beyond the rising sun - I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs - back to the past again
Far beyond the rising sun - I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs - back to the past again
10. Last Before The Storm
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
Who's controlling all the misery and pain
When the error signs are lighted in the masterhall
And from the start the action is in vein
Cause the beast is always careful to avoid the fall
We crawl up to the skies. We'll never return again
We're the last before the storm
Watching the sun going down on us
We wish we had never been born
To be the last before the storm
Who's ever gonna change the world
I don't understand what we are fighting for
The truth is sad, no lying, we are cursed
I don't really know who ever made the law
We cry on for more, we wonder what's next to the world
We settle the score, we never look back
We're the last before the storm
Watching the sun going down on us
We wish we had never been born
To be the last before the storm
Cry out for the people who don't know the world
They don't understand what they say and they're cursed
Lying for reasons in search for the truth
Mephisto - we comin' down
Mephisto - we comin' down
We cry out for more, we wonder what's next to the world
We settle the score, we never look back
We're the last before the storm
Watching the sun going down on us
We wish we had never been born
To be the last before the storm
11. Heal Me
[Music: Schlachter/Lyrics: Hansen, Schlachter]
When I wake up at the end of the day
The moon comes out, the sun fades away
I get myself out of my bed and feel I die
Is it really me now - could this be the real thing
Is there someone else to ease the pain
So easy, so easy now, has it really gone too far
It don't matter anyhow, sometimes I feel like an
Echo in the wind, that's not coming back again
I look inside my head and what I see
Are the reflections of the world.
And I see genius and insanity
Say you're alive - you're part of the show
You came to foresee the signs on the wall
So many tried in vain - they know the truth
Learn - how to live and fight and learn-
How to fight them right and learn - how to live and take it all
You can be strong if you know who you are
The signs on the wall say move on before it's too late
Can you see them? Do you want to be the one who's creeping on the floor?
Could it be forever? Could it all be lies?
The chaos is a killer and he knows who will fall
Help me - I need some help
Now is there someone out there
What are you waiting for
You're on the road to nowhere
The only way I know
Maybe I'm wrong, I haven't got a clue
Don't know where I belong - tell me what is true
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Are you out there?
Won't you help me?
Don't know where I would go
Is there real life... forevermore?
And remember... "Keep smiling... Jesus loves you!"
That's what they say...
Can you cry forever?
It's just a matter of taste
But you say, "Do you, do you know what the truth is?"
Think don't think - what can you see
Our life is just a fantasy of someone we will never see
Therefore I break down in laughter
Now as I change my point of view
There's nothing left to make me blue - never again - no more
Come on in my friend and join the ball
Everything is beautiful - even the band - it's magic
Imagine you're a superstar you gonna fly
You gonna go far - so far
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Heal me! Heal me! Heal me!
12. Rebellion In Dreamland
Oices are calling from somewhere bellow
Melting on the eastern shore
Rain is falling down on me,
Been waiting for eternity...
I'll be there!
Freedom for us all!
And I wonder why, why my heart still yearns
And I wonder why, why the earth still turns
And I wonder why, why the sky turns black
Still I wonder why, but there is no turning back
For all eternity, for all the world to see
We're riding high across the wind
And when the storm begins, to wash away all sins
We'll find a place where we'll begin
There's something wrong with the world today,
Only the people that are fighting for...
...a better place in the world today,
They don't believe that they gone too far,
...they're falling down.
By moonlight there's a way... for rebellion
Here, the world has gone astray... revolution
Now, the time has come to pray... hallelujah
Deep, inside our minds we wait... for rebellion
Here in dreamland we will not obey the masters
... and the earth still turns but I'm on my way,
He is on the way, as my heart still yearns
... I'm on my way, now he is on the way,
And I cry for more
Yes I'm on my way, now he is on the way,
Gonna find the secret wall
I have seen the secret dreams
Of those who know eternity
And makes me feel like a shadow sneaking in
In my sleep I'm searching for a way to find
The open door leading me to where it all begins
There's nothing wrong with the world today...
By moonlight there's a way... for rebellion
Here, the world has gone astray... revolution
Now, the time has come to pray... hallelujah
Deep, inside our minds we wait... for rebellion
Here in dreamland we will not obey the masters
So now I'm riding through the air
Going to where no one dares
On the way I'll cross the line forevermore.
For once in life, I do not care
Nothing matters, now I dare
On the ride I'll cross the line
Forever to be free
Have no fear, Rebellion is here!
13. Man On A Mission
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
I'm a man on a mission
And my deligence won't wait
There are supersonic killers in the sky
Everything you do will be analyzed,
They control every step of your life
Well, mankind has gone to a high extreme
To the dark side on the way
All I see is a masquerade
And the termination waits
Oh, I've seen the faces of a million leaving here
Abandoned times and places of a world
Built out of fear
The quest is drawing near
The mystery of fear is just about to clear
What we need right now, is a miracle on earth
Let out hearts cry out, so our voices can be heard
Let us walk away together
From the never ending rain,
'Til the sun will shine for all of us again
So we travel on at the speed of light
And the gods will light our way
Gotta change our part in the masterplan
For another break in the race
And the trumpet sound will soon be heard
As the dead in mind awake
And the joyful saints will guide us
On the onward fight that we take
Oh, I've seen a million
Leaving right away from here
Abandoned times and places of a world
Built out of fear
The quest is drawing near
The mystery of fear is just about to clear
What we need right now, is a miracle on earth
Let out hearts cry out, so our voices can be heard
Let us walk away together
From the never ending rain,
'Til the sun will shine for all of us again
Take my hand and you will see
The mirror of your destiny
So many came to read the signs,
To understand their meaning
Now I see it's you and me,
So try to understand
And we will walk the road of life
Together hand in hand
I do not dare, I do not dare
But something's calling me
For those who dared could not break free
The one who will succeed,
I wonder, is it me?
Give us a chance to live
Give us a chance to die
Give us a chance to be free
Without fire from the sky
Give us a chance to love
Give us a chance to hate
Give us a chance, before you kill us all
Before you kill us, kill us all
Before you kill us, before you kill us all
Before you kill us
14. Land Of The Free
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
Somewhere in the desert of the void
Beyond the wall
We're the last survivors
We're the ones who'll never fall
Men inside the circle leave the night!
Darkness all around us
Not a single beam of light
All we have is our faith
Waiting for the fight
The time has come to break the outer wall
Grab your heart I'll show you the way
Hold you head up high
High above at the edge of the world
We're searching for glory and peace
When the time has come, you will see
Our return to the land of the free
Men inside the circle
Tell me what you feel and see
Delusions of reality
The mirror of your dreams
Hold you ground
And I'll show you the way
Now hold your head up high
High above at the edge of the world
We're searching for glory and peace
When the time has come, you will see
Our return to the land of the free
And when the cracks appear upon the wall
We know the moments here to see it fall
And as the sunlight appears again in our sky
No wall, no more, no more will darken our life
High above at the edge of the world
We're searching for glory and peace
When the time has come, you will see
Our return to the land of the free
15. The Silence
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
When you're drowning, when you're freezin', when you're feeling cold
There's a light in the darkness as the elder always told.
When the winter's coming closer and the autumn's passing by,
Then the world will sink in silence and I think we all should try.
Oh, I wanna live my life in a fairy tale
Where the end is always good and never sad.
Show me the way to another world
Where the sun is always shining in the end.
And we fight back the tears, and we lose our fears.
Let the world remain in silence for a while.
Sun in our minds in a world full of ice,
Let the silence remain for a little while.
Somebody came and slammed the door took the feelin' away from our hearts;
And the horror took hold of a place in our hearts filled with love.
What is left behind the ice, behind the make up and the lies
Tell me what goes on inside our minds.
There is a hole in our sky, getting bigger growing wide
No more answer but we hold the line - - uh, yeah - - -
See and hear what we have done to us all, we wanna be free more than anything,
Do you hear what I say to you?
We will make it through, the sun shall shine.
Hear the words we say and see the light of day
We never will be free until the sun is shining for us all
Carry on, carry on and make our dreams come true
And for a little while we stay together.
Carry on, carry on, may all our lovin'stay
And for a little while we stay together forever,
Together, forever.
16. Beyond The Black Hole
[Music: Hansen, Zimmermann, Schlachter/Lyrics: Hansen]
I have come from so far away
From the sunlight of my home
And I have seen it's the only way
Now my sun is dead and gone
I raise my head in silent anger
Seems there is no place for me
The only way out is to go
Where no one's gone before
Fly - Beyond the gates of space and time
Another universe is mine
And I can't wait until tomorrow
Ride - There's a call from deep within
No I won't return again
`Cause I will dive into the black hole
Don't wait for me, 'cause I won't come back
Oh don't wait for me, no I won't come back
Oh don't wait for me, no I won't come back
Oh, oh, oh ...
Thunder and lightning and fire
Are guiding the trip of my life
Insatiable burning desire
As into the unknown I dive
I raise my head in silent anger
Seems there is no place for me
The only way out is to go
Where no one's gone before
Fly - Beyond the gates of space and time
Another universe is mine
And I can't wait until tomorrow
Ride - There is a call from deep within
I know I won't return again
`Cause I will dive into the black hole
Don't wait for me, 'cause I won't come back
Oh don't wait for me, no I won't come back
Oh don't wait for me, no I won't come back
Oh, oh, oh, don't wait
There was a trigger, for my decision
It's right behind my eyes
Into the darkness of my vision
I let my spirit rise
I wanna see the black hole, into the dark
I wanna dive into the black hole, down into the dark
Into the black hole, into the dark
Into the spiral, Into the dark, the dark, the dark
If there's a possible chance for something that can be
Called future behind the spiral
The only way to find out, is to leave the final frontier
To eternity and fly
I will fly - Beyond the gates of space and time
I leave the universe behind
And I can't wait until tomorrow
Fly - Beyond the gates of space and time
I know the universe is mine
`Cause I will dive into the black hole
Ride - And there's a call from deep within
I know I won't return again
`Cause I will dive into the black hole
Don't wait for me, 'cause I won't come back
Oh don't wait for me, no I won't come back
Oh don't wait for me, no I won't come back
Oh, oh, oh, don't wait
17. Somewhere Out In Space
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
I'm trapped in a castle of illusions out in space, - no more illusions -
Out on a journey, on a mission for the human race
Terrified, I had to realize that I've been talkin' to the gods of fire
I got nowhere to stand, 'cause I'm a running man... to get away
All that I see is the years... somewhere out in space
And it's time for deliverance
Tomorrow, I'll see it, another day's rise ... right before my eyes
Been sinking in sorrow, but now I'm gonna rise
No more reasons why
I'm a watcher in the dark, I'm so cold inside my heart
I'm a temple in the storm, and I'm bound to be reborn
Take me down to the underground, let me see the gods of fire
'Cause I know where they live and I know where they stand,
Another reason there to leave
Take me down, take me down, take me to the underground
I wanna meet the gods of fire
And all of their intention is the center of it all
All that I see is the years ... somewhere out in space
And it's time for deliverance
Now that I know I've got to get away
Time for deliverance now
And as the sun appeared, up in the sky
I saw another day, that's drifting by
I saw my people cry, a million tears
Into eternity they disappeared
Now it's time to say goodbye, or we will sink in sorrow
No, we don't know the reason why, another day, tomorrow
Oh, I thank you for giving me hope
Oh, follow me into a new life
All that I see is the years, all that I see is the tears
All that I see is the years... somewhere out in space
And it's time for deliverance
All that I see is the fear... somewhere out in space
And it's time for deliverance
I wanna know how to get away, I wanna know how to get away
Come set me free, just set me free, just let me go
I wanna get away, get away
Somewhere out in space
18. Valley Of The Kings
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
Father can you hear me, did you talk to mother earth
What did they say, what did they see, now ... is it time for your rebirth?
Open up the silent center of your mind,
I now want to know the future of your kind
In the valley of the kings, when the storm breaks loose again
Then the gods return to fight, for the future of their lives
In the valley of the kings
Oh mother do you hear me, did you talk to father moon
I don't want to leave my brothers in this temple of their doom
Open up the silent center of your mind,
I now want to know the future of your kind
In the valley of the kings, when the storm breaks loose again
Then the gods will spread their wings, in the valley of the kings
Ra vite, deus sanktus, ra vite
Ra vite,revertate, ra vite
Oh mother earth do you believe there is a place for us to go
Come set us free again and let us fly away and give us hope
There'll be a time for us to fly to our thrones up in the sky
In the valley of the kings, when the storm breaks loose again
Then the gods will spread their wings, in the valley of the kings
19. Anywhere In The Galaxy
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
Staring out the window
At places in the starlit horizon
I'm waiting in the darkness
For arrival
But the sands of my time are running low
Lost and stranded far away from home
Peeping through window in the darkness
- parted our hearts
Glowing turning circles where we go
- no, they won't let go, let go
Blindour souls with raging burning madness
Out in the heavens we're ready to fight
The final conclusion is roaring inside
Gaze at the stars, the glowing god of mars
Is shinning for us, anywhere in the galaxy
Time is right for us to see
The world will long for liberty
The fallen heroes calling me
Anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere... in the galaxy
Anywhere... in the galaxy
And now our blood is boiling
On the edge of life
Where is the place for our survivor
Up to the stars, we have come from the night
The final conclusion is roaning inside
Gaze at the stars, the glowing god of mars
Is shinning for us, anywhere in the galaxy
Time is right for us to see
The world will long for liberty
The fallen heroes calling me
Anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
We will fight for our destiny
Anywhere in the galaxy
We will always run free
Anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
20. Send Me A Sign
[Music: Richter/Lyrics: Richter]
Out of the dark
He came without a warning
The guarding light
I didn't see...
On a story tellers night
He spoke his words of wisdom
The tales he told from far beyond
That no one understood
He had the gift of prophecy
He wove a web of mystery
A thousend lifes shone gracious in his eyes
Send me a sign
For too long you kept me waiting
Send me a sign
From the eternal skies
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
He disappeared
In the early haze of morning
And with him left his prophecies
They didn't care...
All the years that passed away
He'slocked inside my head
His tales became reality
The prophecies he said
He was the choosen one to see
His words will burn eternally
It hurts, that no one understands
Send me a sign
For too long you kept me waiting
Send me a sign
From the eternal skies
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
He had the gift of prophecy
He gave a guarding light to me
I know, he set my spirit free
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
For too long you kept me waiting
Send me a sign
To open their eyes
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
21. Armageddon
[Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen]
Now all you sinners this is the prophecy
The revelation of your own destiny
You had a dream once
A dream that you have sold
And now my brother
Annihilation is foretold
Will you remember ancient times
When we rode across the air
When the day of judgement comes
And when your world is gonna blow
Through your heart and take your soul
In th twilight of the sun
I believe there's no tomorrow
When we all will sink in sorrow
When the day of judgement finally comes
It's the end of the world as we know it
And it's only just begun
The eyes of the world are closin' forever
When the day of the judgement will come
Won't you help me now
Now tell me mother earth
Oh, we went wrong
In the heart of everyone
Do you remember how it had begun
In the desert in the twilight of the sun
All dead and gone
Can you heal me, I am not the only one
Can you feel me, I don't want to be undone
I'm everyone
Save me from this living hell
I don't wanna know another tale
Someone help me through this on the way
Hear me now
It's the end of the world as we know it
And it's only just begun
The eyes of the world are closin' forever
When the day of the judgement will come
Won't you help me now
All gods creation is finally dead and gone
Our revelation, the day of the judgement comes
Forevermore I stand alone
The final fury has begun
When the day has come
Guardians of the monsters of the earth
Take our lives away
And you forever will be crushed
Keepers of the darkness in this world
We will not surrender to the evil of your birth
Hope will never die
And the clear blue sunny sky
Will ease the pain
Guardians of the monsters of the earth
Lead us not into the temptation
Save us from the revelations
I stand alone, I stand alone
I stand alone, inside my head
Noone can hear, noone can hear
Noone can hear, my little word
Holy father take me on your wings of love
The eyes of the world are closin' forever
When the day of the judgement has...
It's the end of the world as we know it
The eyes of the world are closin' forever
When the day of the judgement has come
Won't you help me now
Now all your sinners
This is the prophecy
The revelation of your own destiny
Sleep well and dream on
The dream that you have sold
And now my brothers
This world is slowly getting cold