 Очень символичную фразу выбрал Роб Хэлфорд в качестве названия второго студийника своего проекта Fight. Не иначе как "маленьким и удушливым пространством" атмосферу в коллективе середины 90-ых и не назовешь. Несмотря на все ухищрения музыкантов в работе на стыке стилей, а также активные гастроли по Америке, продажи дисков и посещаемость концертов были абсолютно не впечатляющими. Но видимо чувство собственной важности у Роба уже тогда закаливало за все разумные пределы, потому что он быстренько пригласил в группу нового гитариста Марка Шауссе, взамен покинувшего ряды Fight Расса Пэрриша, и невозмутимо выдал на суд публики новый альбом. Который провалился с таким оглушительным треском, что судьба группы была предрешена уже через пару месяцев после выхода "A Small Deadly Space". Fight прекратили свое существование, а оскорбленный Роб на некоторое время ушел в подполье. В чем же причина столь прискорбного конца такого талантливого коллектива? На мой взгляд, она исключительно в публике, которая просто не воспринимала никакие эксперименты и желала услышать от Хэлфорда классический хэви. Которого на данном альбома практически и не осталось. Стиль данной работы - очень причудливая смесь гранжа, огромная доля энгри метала, перманентно возникающая трэшевая агрессия и скорость, плюс - абсолютно психопатические тексты и аранжировки. Лично я от такого интересного коктейля пребываю в полном восторге, мне очень нравятся безумные по энергетике и напору монструозные боевики "Beneath The Violence" и "Never Again", мощнейшие и пробирающие до костей своим мрачнейшим ореолом медляки "Human Crate" и "Small Deadly Space", наконец, я искренне восхищаюсь убийственно грустной рояльной балладой "In A World Of My Own Making". Запись и сведение просто великолепны, атмосфера постоянного напряжения и какого то потустороннего ужаса чувствуется в каждой ноте альбома, лирика совершенно бесподобна, ее можно разбирать часами. В общем, выражаю свое полное несогласие с людской массой, которая втоптала сей диск в грязь, и убила на корню дальнейшее творчество столь интересной и развивающейся группы. Восемь баллов - только за парочку досадных проходных треков. Искренне рекомендую "A Small Deadly Space" всем любителям экспериментов. |
Look in my eyes, I'm every man
Feel what I see inside you
A damming of the facts
A way that's negative
Inside we're all the same
We have one life to live
The virus in the heart
Enough to seal your fate
Look deep at what you are
It's time to kill the hate
A narrow mind will give
A poisoned point of view
Take care of what you saw
The next one could be you
By opening the door
The end could be so sure
A joining of the hands
To seek and find a cure
I am, I said
I am, I said
I have a dream
I am alive
When did you last look at
At where you are?
Did, did you ever think
You'd get this far?
Low mind
Have, have you realized
Just where you're from?
Will the choice be, be right
By what you've done?
Low mind
What about the point of
Of no return?
Whiling time on bridges
That, that you burned
Low mind
Legacy of hate
Raised by you, you made me
In your shadow, angry
Like father
Like son
Like father
Like son
Mirror of your image
Victim of your damage
Like father
Like son
Like father
Like son
Like father - you gave me nothing
Like son - but these memories are full
Like father - is the back of your hand
Like son - all that I'll pass on?
Here's what you've created
Shattered, cracked and wasted
Like father - I wanna know why
Like son
Like father - the way that you treat me
Like son
Like father - eats away at your soul
Like son - and what's left is your conscience
Like father - that's a cancerous hole
Like son
I wanna know why
What have I done?
Were you a victim?
The cycle goes on
Blowout in the radio room
Tripping out, oh yeah!
I'm freaking out
This sound is bouncing me
Right on the wall
Lose myself
I can't control myself
I'm a radio head
That's in free fall
Gets me high
Hazy man, oh yeah!
I'm blasted man
Out there flipping
Through my paisley mind
Ride the wave
From cradle to the grave
Breathe it in
With my own kind
Gets me high
Boned with sound, oh yeah!
I'm stoned on sound
No one gets to me
Inside this room
Spacing out, oh yeah!
I'm racing here
This sound gets in my head
My head goes boom
Gets me high
Never again
Mind's eye in darkness
See how they run
Fools search for nothing
Stare at the sun
See how they run, there's none for me
I stand with you
Stare at the sun, we take them in
And we turn the screw
Talk to the madmen
Fill them with lies
Now pay the piper
Honesty dies
See how they run, there's none for me
I stand with you
Stare at the sun, we take them in
And we turn the screw
Never - blood on their hands
Never - into quicksand
What's left to dream for?
This endless line
Ladders to nowhere
Blind lead the blind
See how they run, there's none for me
I stand with you
Stare at the sun, we take them in
And we turn the screw
See how they run
Stare at the sun
Fill them with lies
Honesty dies
Never - blood on their hands
Never - into quicksand
Small deadly space
Think I'm possessed by demons
I do their dirty work
They use me like a zombie
Headaches is all I get
Lock myself up in my own room
Ain't coming out of my cage
They're full of shit and no feeling
I'll always be in a rage
Small deadly space
Sympathy cries for the devil
I dance to the music he makes
Chemical daze, my salvation
Destroy these losers and fakes
Fist in the wall, care of family
Swallow and suck 'till I'm full
I need their love and attention
Like I need lead in my skull
Small deadly space
Small deadly space
Leave me alone to my own type
They say: Stupid is a stupid does
I ain't a part of the rat race
A numberless face, just because
I'll play along with these demons
Possessed by them every day
Don't try to reach out and console me
I'll bite at what gets in my way
Small deadly space
Small deadly space
Gretna Green
A purple bruise, a fractured limb
All covered up with lies
A swollen face, a bloody tongue
This violence denied
Empty now and meaningless
Ridiculed in shame
Until death do us apart
Who should take the blame?
To live a lie
Forgive or die?
A stricken look, a lowered head
Reflections turning back
A trembling hand, a quickened step
The dreaded next attack
Turning from the holy ghost
Light and spirit fade
Waiting for deliverance
Everything betrayed
A vacant stare, a beat up faith
The book of truth reviled
A prayer to God, a plea for help
Held ransom with the child
Wide awake and holding tears
Fear that never sleeps
Curled up in the bed at night
The virgin gently weeps
To live a lie
Forgive or die?
To live a lie
Forgive or die?
Beneath the violence
Closed into self asylum
On ice that's paper thin
Wrapped up for good protection
Keep that from getting in
The shadows bring the shelter
Some refuge from the storm
Brakes on the helter skelter
To let these nerves reform
Retreat out from the madhouse
Stop foaming at the mouth
Hang up this strange behavior
Cut through the overgrowth
Watch from a safer distance
Observe the next offense
See how the hands do murder
Then try to make some sense
Black vision
Dead body
Shock system
These acts of tender mercies
Work on the purest soul
They tease and trap remorseless
'Till six feet in the ground
Shut down 'till all is silent
Be still, this seething blood
Turn off, release the trigger
Let numbness do some good
Human crate
There's a man without a home
With a girl who has no name
There's a face in every town
Underneath we're all the same
She has come and gone
He is always moving on
When the man felt down and low
The girl was by his side
And they walked a broken road
With a hope that never died
She has come and gone
He is always moving on
If the man should find a home
Then the girl would take his name
But they need their open road
For their journey is the same
She has come and gone
He is always moving on
She has come and gone
He is always moving on
In a world of my own making
If I could find a place
To leave this world behind
Somewhere in time and space
Where I could ease my mind
I'd take you there
Where we could be alone
No one can find this place
The secret will be ours
With no more pain to face
We'll live amongst the stars
In solitude and we can wonder free
Alone at last, just you and me
Our island universe
A world unto its own
Forgetting all the worst of times
They're gone
You know we are as one to make a life of peace
Escape into eternal sleep