« 1992-1994 Discography »
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1 | Rain Wound 06:14
 | 2 | The Siege 06:54
 | 3 | Gutspawn 06:15
 | 4 | Infinity Coda 06:06
 | 5 | Boiling in the Hourglass 08:29
 | 6 | Occurence on Mimas 10:41
 | | Total playing time: 44:39 |
   Tumultuous Travelings demo lineup:
Tony Holman - drums
Jeff Hayden - guitars, vocals
Chad McNeely - bass
Mike Stevens - guitars
Panaramic Twilight demo lineup:
Tony Holman - drums
T.J. Oldani - guitars
Gordon Blodgett - guitars
Jeff Hayden - guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass |
Tracks 1-4 are from the Tumultuous Travelings demo, originally released in 1992.
Tracks 5 and 6 are from the Panaramic Twilight demo, originally released in 1994. |
 | 1. Rainwound
Here my bones bleach
Before the blazing light of purity
Chained to the mountain top
The waste of heaven falls upon me
My wrists are a grisly red
From the bonds of justice
Now I understand
Why men look to the ceaseless sky
I toyed with the mortal gift of thought
I pondered  |
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 Интересная группа, чье творчество так никогда и не разрослось в полный формат. Перед нами сборник двух демок 1992 и 1994 года. Timeghoul играют взрывной дэт, нацеленный на рассказывание историй и уже заматеревший концептуально – взявший на вооружение не самую избитую тематику. Этой элитарной задаче вовсе не мешает масса разудалых бластов... В остальном американцы не упускают возможности начинить художественными элементами свой шумный и мясистый метал, в скоростных пассажах обладающий шармом раннего Atheist, особенно это касается скорости подачи текстов. Постепенно Timeghoul причесывают остатки хаоса и подстригают их до структуры, находят более разумное соотношение оголтелости и интеллигентности.
На четырех трэках 1-ой демки трэшевый забой уравновешивается дум-дэтом с гроулом и порою томными чистоголосыми мантрами, на двух трэках 2-ой приходят уже к более структурированному и плотному дэт-звучанию, разбавленному мечтательной, прямо-таки думовой элегией лид-гитар. Флажолеты безраздельно властвуют в гитарных делах Timeghoul да и вообще техничности в опусах американцев хватает (также и в игре баса, если мы правильно разобрались в том, что смогли услышать при имеющемся качестве). Экстремальный результат закрепляет уверенный и мощный гроул, так что в чрезмерной мягкотелости музыку американцев упрекнуть не получится. Но компиляцию Timeghoul можно послушать хотя бы из-за двух последних трэков и талантов чернокожего барабанщика Тони Холмана, отпечатавшихся в них: как бластбиты, так и фаршировка медленных этюдов группы брейками ему удаются идеально. Да и в целом демка "Panaramic Twilight" есть цвет качественного, окультуренного мяса, технично сыгранного и пропитанного настроениями и дыханием Космоса. Помимо чистого вокала и завывающих хоррор-сэмплов, временами в игре музыкантов возникают тревожные гитарные темы в стиле саспенсовых фильмов 70-80-х ("Infinity Coda", "Occurence on Mimas"). Кто знает, вдруг Timeghoul осилили бы даже полноценную космическую дэт-оперу, сюжетно близкую "Чужим" или "Хищнику" или чему-то более созерцательному, ведь искусство повествования в быстрых и медленных метал-формах у них уже было поставлено хорошо. Со звуком же данных демозаписей все просто – пещерность превращает грязь в мощь (наиболее показательна в этом отношении выпуклость барабанных партий), мелодическим кускам саунд придает ореол пыльной (и благородной) архаичности.
Итак, 6 трэков наследия Timeghoul, оформленные в дискографию, позволяют американцам не краснеть за свой краткий творческий путь, сыграли критический минимум, не исписались, вот только подобающего для прогрессивных форм дэта звука их музыка так и не нашла. Тем не менее (или благодаря этому), определенный и неслабый хайп вокруг группы имеется. |
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просмотров: 7115 |
I scoffed at the altar of solace
In the ruins I dreamt nothing
I raised my lance to the sky
Curing those dust covered statues
Then a raindrop stuck brow
And the oceans of the sky fell
The mountains sank into the sea
The crumbling earth had betrayed me
Fleeing to nowhere sanctuary barred
The rainwound begins to bleed
Grim haunts of the heavens and hells
Emerged from the cracks in the sky and the rocks
A mob of fiends encircled me
Through undivine ascension I was taken to the gods
I was made to kneel
Before the gods
Their stares peeled flesh and bone
Bludgeoning my soul
For insolence in denial
I was to make penance
And my legacy was to grasp my kind
On the mountaintop I was put
An iron chain bore into the wound
Linking my mind with the heavens above
Forever thought was taken from us
2. The Siege
Look over the battlements
At the burning countryside
There the army of wicked madness
Besieges this castle of will
Feel the frozen wind
From the bleak outer world
The banner twists in agony
Tortured from the world around
The wind seeps through the walls
Whispering revelations of despair
It skulks in high lofted ceilings
A messenger of the fallen realm
The moat displays whitened bloated corpses
A cesspool where the slain float
For miles back their casualties are strewn
Ours burn on pyres smoke replacing sky
Listen to the sound of the pounding
Battering rams
Their black winged echoes
Fly down these desolate halls
Each catapult stone defeats the walls
We labor to repair what falls upon us
The bringers of insanity
Dance bizarrely
In celebration
Of their coming conquest
Look and see their campfires
Like obscene stars fallen to the ground
Wallow in dread at the moment's peace
For the battle always resumes
No shining army will rush to our aid
We are to die in this crumbling tomb
I'm being driven mad
Specters of bitterness and confusion
Circle my head
The mist goes in my ears and exits my mouth
And within they destroy all they can
The bringers of lunacy have breached the walls
Remnants of innocence put to the sword
Engulfed into the kingdom of the mad
My psyche lays in ruins but now I'm born
3. Gutspawn
In the land of abhorations
Through the Versian mountains
Birthplace of the Gutspawn nation
Their evil king's a bloated creation
Stomach with a mouth liquefying crematorium
He ingests the dead for incubation
In the gut starts the deformation
In his swollen innards the creatures go through
A twisted genesis to be born anew
Vomited up
Grotesque mass
Ill contorted
Body parts
If their mutated misanthropomorphic form survives
They owe fealty to their father
The detached womb of hell
Now a vessel to the king of defiled flesh
Allegiance to the army
A child of the gut
In older times an order arose
The vanquishers of chaos came to dispose
The lord and his children
And their appetite for carrion
Armor and swords facing
Exoskeleton, tentacle and claw
The instrument to kill the creator demon
Was an ancient blessed weapon called the spear of Gan
The spear was lost for thousands of years
The knights sought council with the sage in stone
They found him weeping imprisoned in rock
For a stroke of mercy the spear shall be yours
It's in the rotting mountain
And eldritch giant beast
Forever decaying in the subarctic ice
Crusade to
Unholy land
Swallowed up
By destiny
Through the cavernous mouth they entered
Into a tunnel like digestive tract
The temperature rose in the hollows
Seeing worms as thick as trees
There was the spear
Held by the maggot god
Warriors yelled their war cry
Let your sons bore into you
Their banner on the spear
The mighty host entered the Gutspawn pits
Past vaults of the dead
They marched in groaning silence
Steel flashed
Visors down
Abattoirs made
Battles begun
Through the brutal assault wading through the gore
The spearman went the Gut he stood before
Before he could strike the mouth ejected spittle
Bathed in acid screaming without a throat
The hero on his knees threw the spear
His arm went with it eaten at the socket
He want down halved at the shoulders
But the spear struck home
In the volumous belly
Vomited up
Grotesque mass
Ill contorted
Bodily parts
Atrophied limbs flailed in agony
Gaping mouth splattering blood
Croaking and wheezing dying in seconds
Vile blubber shuddering in anguish
Watches his empire crumble
Through rolling blistering eyes
Then it explodes starting a cave in
Killing all but the world survives
4. Infinity Coda
Confronted with things that are finite
Logic deals with all that ends
Confounded by infinity
Man's great ignorance
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Warp
Concept deleted mortal minds
Denied godliness mortal pox
Fettered by the riddle of foreverness
Thorned wall around paradise
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Warp
Enlightened to the point of bewilderment
Deaf to the song of creation
Blind to the light of the afterworld
What has always been shall always be
Confronted with things that are finite
Logic deals with all that ends
Confounded by infinity
Man's great ignorance
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Warp
Concept deleted mortal minds
Denied godliness mortal pox
Fettered by the riddle of foreverness
Thorned wall around paradise
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Coda
Infinity Warp
5. Boiling In The Hourglass
Man’s betrothed to time
Life a pageant of decay
All have a grain of sand
In the shower of the hourglass
Born was an idiot savant
Spared the bane of logic
Feeble minded yet gifted
Redemption of the curse
Conception of infinity
Dwell in lands man shuns
Poisoned fruit of Ambrosia
Chemistry of the divine
Granted fellowship only of dogs
Scorned as befits the dullard
Each act of cruelty towards him
Built his keep of vengeance
Falling further into the inverted pit
Broadening cognition
Plunging off the cliffs of impermanence
He became a god
Mortals float the river of time
While he drowned in its current
Clutching the dimensional roots of the shore
He stepped into the ceaseless beyond
Turning away from the flow of time
To a peak that pierced the bubbling sky
Grynpholg Mountain, lair of the Timeghouls
Blackest of hells, the fledgling god’s home
The tribes of Pulk
Black hearted Timeghouls
Loose knit marauders of the time procession
Banded together under the god’s sword
To wage a holocaust verse the age of man
Up and down streams of humans’ feeble course
Grandiose massacres retrograde things to be
Burning paths of future souls
Erasing those that are
Last clock’s reading: 11 past 11
I am a god, the prime being
I shall impale you
On the crumbled pillars of the millennia
Pendulum swings cutting the thread of continuum
The heavy hands of clocks strangle babes and men
Bells hang still and silent falling on the faithful
Earth’s matter and light mathematically blur
The battered refugees of the prime dimension
Fall from the decayed, weathering remnants of stone
Ravaged epoch of the infinite truth becomes extinct
A tornado of eroding sand
Boiling in the hourglass
6. Occurence On Mimas
“Transmission 82-09-4
From the imperial archeologist Beznan
On the cadaver world Earth
Concerning data in the fossilized brain
Of the last human being”
Upon the initial strata scan
No brains were found intact
Until the crystallized corpse
Was found in a mineral pool
A male homo sapien, face down, floating flat
Hulking blackened carcass
Fossil anchored to the bottom
With a brain tissue sample using memory chambers’ blood
Paint the research grid regard Earth’s history
Extract the tale of extinction of the timid human race
A titanic war verse a non-indigenous
Alien scourge
Behold Mimas
Shrouded moon of Saturn
Brandishing a crater
The girth of a mountain
Two warring nations
Ecology based on war
Underground dwellers
Infinite conflict
The one race smaller
With a larger frontal lobe
Mastered explosives
Severed their enemies’ world
Like a rotting useless limb
Causing the crater
Now an asteroid
Nomadic home drifts to space
And Mimas died
Earth’s gravity
Beckoned the meteor
Pierce the skin
Of atmosphere
Atlantis sunk
Dinosaurs cease
Landing in the Himalayas
Parasite world
Lie dormant
On the surface man thrived
While beneath him
In the flesh of the Earth
The scourge of Mimas became strong
Through instinct
The hordes from beneath emerged to murder
After the sun had fallen, up through the ground
Like stigmata
Dug through soil like blood
A poison from below
Tainted well spring of the planet
On crooked gait
They conquered, dragging corpses
Into the Earth for food
Remains reemerging, clogging the seas
Alien invasion from within their fortress
The Earth lay siege to home
Valiant struggle against oblivion
Mounted on evolved dinosaurs
Or on human ferocity matched ten fold
Swarms of fiends under the moon
The rapacious season of the dwindling age
Billowing clouds in the sky
Are gasses from the rotting creates of Earth
Cities collapse from below
The dove lies crushed under heavy laden foot
Victory adorns the horde’s sword
But the heaps of corpses poison the world
The soured filth purges the crust’s wounds
And underneath they parish from the blackened bounty