Lugburz Sleed
« ÖÖ »
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1 | •lunigguroth•
 | 2 | •the•king•of•the•world•of•tombs•
 | 3 | •mehetha•sattha•
 | 4 | •death•wishing•to•be•born•
 | 5 | •hebephrenia•
 | 6 | •MMXI, Pt. 3
 | 7 | •lugburz•sleed•
 | 8 | •zriz•h+-•her•
 | 9 | •reverse•
 | 10 | •voy•age•solus•ipse• |
"Chernihiv School": Doomed Atmospheric / Depressive / Raw Post-Black Metal / Space Ambient. Compilation 2008-2018 tracks. Remastered 2019. Each track (here) has its own art and history (also added as a bonus to a digital BandCamp-purchase). Click on them for more info!
"ÖÖ" in Estonian means "NIGHT". In the concept of the release date (April 30, 2019) of the album we(iam) are talking about the Walpurgis Night, also know as Вальпургієва ніч, Вальпургіева ноч, Вальпургиева ночь, Walpurgisnacht, Vappu, Nuit des Sorcières, Pálení čarodějnic, Chódotypalenje, Βαλπουργιανή Νύχτα, Valborgsnatten, Valborgsaften...
Images on the cover and tracks - "raw" photos from the Hubble Space Telescope, taken from open sources on the Internet.
Other FREE Streaming: distrokid.com/hyperfollow/lugburzsleed/33yYLoqETpt |
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просмотров: 1897 |
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