Dim Mak
« Enter the Dragon »
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1 | Spirit of the Dragon 03:24
 | 2 | Defy the Clouds 03:36
 | 3 | Level the Plane 04:33
 | 4 | Cobra's Eyes 03:06
 | 5 | Between Two Fires 04:12
 | 6 | Royal Ass Whipping 03:14
 | 7 | Insect to Insect 04:35
 | 8 | No Rope a Dope 03:41
 | 9 | Warchild 03:57
 | 10 | Sorry 03:57
 | 11 | Tribulations 03:43
 | 12 | Gas Poured on Flame 03:50
 | 13 | Drunk with Demons 05:05
 | | Total playing time 50:53 |
   Scott Ruth - vocals
Shaune Kelley - guitars
Dennis Carroll - bass
Brandon Thomas - drums
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Sound Spa Studios. |
 | 1. Spirit of the Dragon
The little dragon
Taught me well
How to find the strength inside
And how to use it well
The little dragon
Taught me well
How to focus and deliver
All my power held
Little dragon
Taught me well
How a dragon sometimes
Must whip it's tail
Dragon's will
Dragon's |
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 От трущоб Нью-Йорка до задворок Нью-Джерси тематика боевых искусств привлекает музыкантов от хардкор-рэпа до дэт-метала. Ореол высокой духовной дисциплины и физической силы и ловкости, кажется, не может не облагородить любое творчество. Бравые мужики из Dim Mak, образовавшейся на развалинах дэт-трэш-легенды Ripping Corpse, предлагают как раз-таки максимально цепкий и проворный дэт, чтобы удовлетворить потребности рвущейся наружу лирики. Звучание команды вполне самобытно и ни разу не затаскано. Выдающий будто речевки в уличном стиле вокалист Скотт Рут знаком нам еще по RC и здесь заряжает музыку невероятной энергией и железной харизмой, приближает ее к простому люду отчаянными рефренами. Не убоюсь продолжить: этому мужику даже на хип-хоп вечерах в стиле "Открытый микрофон" было бы комфортно где-то рядом как раз с участниками Wu Tang Clan. Про гитарную начинку тоже разговор особый. Не силясь и надрываясь оригинальничать, гитаристу удается играть очень непринужденно, сбалансировано и неглупо не в чьей-то традиции, а в своей собственной, замешивая в одном котле дэт, трэш и хардкор в своей медленной ипостаси, пока вокалист и барабанщик флиртуют с рэпом и джазом соответственно. Брэндон Томас предлагает лучшие из возможных ритмических сопровождений: постоянно деятельно участвуя, но никогда не выпячивая свой вклад более чем нужно, он прекрасно и ненавязчиво отыгрывает прямолинейные скоростные пассажи, прыгучие коровые моменты и может навалять сколько угодно сбивок, когда того требует момент. Момент в "Sorry", когда он создает джазовитый ритмический фон с райдом и добавляет колотушек на рабочем барабане, меня покорил. С другой стороны, его гипербласт не хуже канадских в "Drunk with Demons". Это в целом определенно одна из лучших драммерских работ в жанре. Басист долго прячется, но потом cполна раскрывается в "Gas Poured on Flame".
В общем, знаете что, именно с такими ребятами, как этот квартет, я бы пошел в разведку. Логично, что люди, повязанные общими интересами еще и помимо музыки, могут сделать что-то необыкновенное путем сложения талантов. За весь альбом мне ни разу не захотелось, чтобы он скорее закончился, хотелось возвращаться к каждому трэку снова и снова. Количество интересных решений в плане риффов и интенсивность ритмо-паттернов это позволяет. Прослушать на одном дыхании – это, бесспорно, клише, но в реальности случаи оправданного его употребления можно пересчитать по пальцам. Конечно, именно спортивный азарт музыкантов повинен в крутости этого релиза, но он и привносит в него один небольшой недостаток. Натаскивающий воспитанников как сэнсэй/тренер Рут порою порою до изнеможения тиражирует одни и те же слова рефрена: “Dragon's will”, “I've fallen”, “Weak won't survive” – это со временем начинает немного напрягать. Но это, как я уже сказал, издержки эстетики. Восточный колорит можно было бы усилить сэмплами, но американцы пошли по суровому пути рубить с минимумом украшательства.
Все-таки есть в [экстремальном] искусстве такой момент: самые сокровенные произведения создаются на пересечении традиций и новаторства, ни там, ни там в полной мере, а именно в какой-то общей точке. Примеров не столь и много, и безмерно предсказуемо названный для избранной тематики «Enter the Dragon» один из них. |
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просмотров: 5764 |
Dragon's spirit!
Dragon's will
Dragon's will
Dragon's spirit lives!
The little dragon
Taught to me
How to open up your eyes
And absorb all you see
The little dragon
Taught to me
Absorb all
Be aware of the periphery
The little dragon
Taught to me
How to make a circumstance
A possibility
[Repeat 2nd Verse]
Exploding forth from a dragon's will
Flowing forth from a dragon's will
Intensity born from a dragon's will
The Faijing born from a dragon's will
Dragon find it's pain
Dragon whips it's tail
Dragon spirit lives!
[Repeat 4th and 5th Verse]
2. Defy the Clouds
Sky has fallen
And it's knocked me down
Clouds just crush me
Down to the ground
Cloaked in thick air
I can't be found
Clouds have sunk
They're like a shroud
I had no hope then
Can't help me up
The can was smoking
Can't help me up
The skin was broken
Can't help me up
No words were spoken
Can't help me up
Storm survivor
Defy the clouds
Pain may soak me
But I won't drown
Phenoix Rises
From bloodless ground
Cause I've fallen
I've fallen
I've fallen
Fallen down
I fell down
Man I got back up
Sky has fallen
Phoenix rises
3. Level the Plane
Straight up front and proper
I got no truck with you
I've got important knowledge
I must impart to you
I got a shot of anger
Pointed straight right at your face
You can gain respect
Or you could learn disgrace
I came to level the plane
Level the plane
I came to level the plane
Hell you know you're guilty
Your favorite of your sins
It leaves you feeling empty
Still you'll do it again
Don't cross a man who's righteous
It's thicker then the skin
Just like a ghost in heaven
Man they'll never let you in
Like an empty vampire
Looking for someone's blood
Cannot seduce
Man you killed the love
I came to level the plane
Level the plane
I came to level the plane
You've taken liberties with my trust
You kill the love in me
Can't kill my spirit thief
You've lost all measure of respect
You kill the love in me
Can't kill my spirit thief
You have my loathing and disgust
You kill the love in me
Can't kill my spirit thief
A shallow hole, a soulless husk
You kill the love in me
Can't kill my spirit thief
Blown away by so much dust
You kill the love in me
Can't kill my spirit thief
Kill my [2x]
Best you keep your distance cool
Play yourself a fool
A lion doesn't play with lambs
When they step across his land
A scrap or two
To make it through
And no love you seek
And no honor for a thief
If you can walk away, then walk away
If you can walk away, just walk away
If you can walk away, then walk away
If you can walk away, just fucking walk away
4. Cobra's Eyes
Cold, so cold they can forget
All the violence beget in the name
Faithless, pure existence left
No soul was ever there to be saved
Cold like cobra's eyes
Cold like cobra's eyes
Clarity, purity of intent
Fear is just a weapon for the brave
Emotionless, frozen weapon set
Glacier slicing like a blade
Stoic in a bitter winter staved
Resolute, sentinel at the gate
Silently internalizing rage
Cold like cobra's eyes
Cold like cobra's eyes
Look into the cobra's eyes
A cobra's eyes
Look into a cobra's eyes
In a cobra's eyes
There is purity
Cold, so cold they can forget
All the violence beget in the name
Faithless, pure existence left
No soul was ever there to be saved
5. Between Two Fires
How many times, have I been caught,
Between two fires
How many times, how many wars I've fought
Between two fires
How many times, how much my blood has cost
Between two fires
How many times, have I been taught
How many times, how many times
How many times, have I been burnt
How many times, how many times
How many times, I've walked unscathed
Between two fires
How many times, my flesh has payed
Between two fires
How many times, I've cried for war
Between two fires
How many times, strength in siege were born
Between two fires
[Repeat 2nd Verse]
My wounds justify me
My scars justify me
With a bombs conviction
To kill a generation
No excuse except I might hate them
There's no revelation, like devastation
I must take righteous action
Immortal satisfaction
Martyr of decimation
There's no revelation, like devastation
Between two fires that burn for war
Dry the blood of war
Lick the bones of war
The other side of fire is peace
The Sherman march of war
Scorch the loam of war
Parch the rivers with war
The other side of fire is peace
Raze the plane with war
Cleanse the earth with war
Blacken the skies of war
The other side of fire is peace
Beckon the beast of war
Apocalyptic war
Misanthropic war
The other side of fire is peace
[Repeat verses 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
6. Royal Ass Whipping
Same old stories
Same old lies
They complicate
Our simple lives
They undermine
They push our pride
We're not the kind
To let it slide
We're built like bombs
You light the fuse
Human nature
Will not refuse
Straight from the heart
Comes a royal ass whipping
Eye to eye
Toe to toe
Then it's done
Straight from the heart
Comes a royal ass whipping
Strike the flesh
With the bone
Damage done
Straight from the heart
Comes a royal ass whipping
Open wide
Deep inside
Violence sung
Straight from the heart
Comes a royal ass whipping
Code of rage
Heart of rage
Honor one
We use our fists
To communicate
Battle royale
Just escalates
A savage lurks
Beneath veneer
It lies in wait
Born of fear
We clench our fists
We grit our teeth
The well of violence
Is pure and deep
It will arise
It will command
Honor won
Honor lost
By the hand
[Repeat 2nd verse]
We can see no other way
When the blood runs to our face
When the blood gets in our eyes
When this anger makes us blind
It takes control
It takes control
It takes control
7. Insect to Insect
Insect to insect
Existing with no blood
So cold and void
Living in dung
Iridescent liars
So full of poison thoughts
Denial haunts
Their puny hearts
Insect to insect
No need for prophets now
Blind eyes don't roam
Feet hold the ground
Insect to insect
Living a bloodless life
Insect to insect
So many ants in line
Insect to insect
Are we just killing time
We're killing all for ourselves
We're killing all for ourselves
We're killing all for ourselves
Insect to insect
Blue exoskeleton
Some hide below
Some take to flight
Crawling, surviving
Eyes closed to the sky
Solitary wasps
Born to defy
Flight is freedom
Wings spread defiantly
The warrior soars
While Eden dies
Black wings above
The skies are angerless
Earthbound and stricken
Without hope
Solemn they fly
Solitary wasp
Strength of one
Strong in flight
There is a strength to be found
That we can't deny
8. No Rope a Dope
Sick of these emotions
Sick of these conclusions
Sick of these solutions
No rope a dope
Thinking of the past
Thinking of the crimes
Thinking of the guilt
No rope a dope
Cold with no concern
Cold with no respect
Cold with no reflection
No rope a dope
Twisting in our sleep
Twisting in our sweat
Twisting in our skin
No rope a dope
How wrong can I be
How wrong can I be
How wrong can I be
How strong can I be
How strong can I be
How strong can I be
Tired of provocation
Tired of all the tension
Tired cause it's senseless
No rope a dope
Raging all the time
Raging so we're blind
Raging we can't see
The rope a dope
Grind a person down
Grind them if their proud
Grinding down belief
No rope a dope
Hopeless without pride
Hopeless without a soul
No rope a dope
The more you look
The more you're forced to face it
The more you hope
The more you're forced to chase it
The more you hate
The more you're gonna find it
I can see it right now
We don't respect each other
The message is clear
We do not love each other
We're all for ourselves
So we can fuck the other
Don't be a fool
We never will relate
Don't be a fool
We'll never separate
Don't be a fool
We won't survive the hatred
9. Warchild
Womb of a whore child
Child of a crack vial
Born into a blackhole war
Born addict
Born with a habit
I didn't want it
This misery you've passed to me
Disgrace me
How much you hurt me
Then you blame me
For the sickness in your blood
Watch my flesh scorch
Sell my life short
Cook it up, tear me down
You raised me with trouble
Raised me with pain
Raised me up twisted
But won't take no blame
I'm full of your evil
Even devils are made
I'm full of your evil
You made me hateful
So I'm ungrateful
This is shit you taught me
Demean me
You didn't want me
You wouldn't free me
From this hell you built yourself
I got your problems
Your fucked up problems
But I can't solve them
I can't give them back to you
Not hoping
Never hoping
I am not hoping
For me to hope would be too much
[Repeat 5th verse]
I won't forgive but I will repay
All the damage caused to me
I won't forgive, I won't forgive
Won't forgive, and I won't forget
I won't forgive, and I won't regret
I won't forgive, I won't forget
And these paybacks for damages done [4x]
[Repeat verses 11 & 12]
[Repeat verse 13]
You made me hateful
So I'm ungrateful
This is shit you taught me well
Not hoping
Never hoping
I am not hoping
For me to hope would be too much
10. Sorry
Are you sorry
Sorry that you're playing the sheep you fool
Just a reflection in a shallow pool
Are you sorry
Sorry that I'm seeing right through you too
All smoke and mirrors It's nothing new
Are you sorry
Sorry that you get no respect it's true
Your masquerade isn't helping you
Are you sorry
Sorry that you're sick of your weakness too
Don't have the courage to see you through
Are you sorry
Sorry while you slept the cancer grew
Devoured what spirit was left in you
I've seen your lies, devoured
Seen your disguise, devoured
I've seen your pride, devoured
Seen your spirit die, devoured
I've seen hope, devoured
Your will to cope, devoured
Your spirit broke, devoured
Neck is in a rope, devoured
I've seen your soul, devoured
No longer whole, devoured
Alone and cold, devoured
In the blackest hole, devoured
I've seen your faith, devoured
You dug the grave, devoured
Buried your fate, devoured
Made yourself a slave, devoured
Are you sorry
Sorry when I look you in the face
All I see is your disgrace
Are you sorry
Sorry that you can't look me in the eye
Your eyes just dart, but won't meet mine
Are you sorry
Sorry that you're really alone you see
A ghost of flesh is all you'll ever be
Are you sorry
Sorry that you never could find the strength
Tough motherfucker you must be
[Repeat 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th verses]
You're just digging graves
You don't exist
You can't be saved
Weak won't
Weak won't
Weak won't survive
11. Tribulations
Turn my back
What do I see
A fucking fascist light show
Cruising up to study me
Broke no laws
That they can't see
Still they'll harass
Because I have a certain look you see
I've lost all respect
Cause All I see
All my freedom
Being slowly torn away from me
I don't feel free-5 times
Perverted freedom
Or none at all
They have my numbers
And they're always at their beck and call
Can't hide in freedom
Can't build a wall
Big Brother finds you
So many eyes to see it all
Their power sickens
Enslaves us all
Nothing short of revolution
Will ever cause the beast to fall
I don't feel free [6x]
Free from a system
That keeps us servile
Keeps us in line
All they do is hold me down
Free from a system
So suffocating
Setting morals
To keep us guilty
A petty minion
All they do is fuck with me
Free from a system
So despotic
So fucking greedy
All they do is take from me
I don't feel free at all
Back against the wall [2x]
Stone by stone we fall
And I don't feel free at all
[Repeat 5th verse]
[6th verse 2x]
12. Gas Poured on Flame
I've lived and suffered
I've lived through pain
I've lived an angry life
Gas poured on flame
Flame burns within me
So I won't be played
I possess a faith in fire
That fire being faith in me
And my faith can burn you
And my faith burns strong
And my faith is only mine
So I feel I don't belong
Molotovs are flying
Shattering in my mind
Thought just fuels the fire
Burns away my time
So hot makes me blind
World around me dies
I've a soul that's tortured
Fir ekept me sane
Angry fire of resolve
No anger lost in vain
A fire pure and silent
A fire cloaked in ice
A fire worth one thousand words
A fire of my device
With the fire conviction
Of one soul alone
When the smoke finally clears
One conscious to atone
To me the earth is cinder
I remain the flame
Whoever dare comes close
Forever burned away
[Repeat verse 4 and 5]
I have contempt for this world
Angry fire in this world
I'll make a pyre of this world
Burning alone in this world
Burning alone in this world
Burning alone in this world
I have no heart for this world
No part of this world
No heart for this world
Burning alive in this world
Burning alive in this world
Burning alive in this world
I can survive I can dissent
I can survive I can dissent
I can survive I can dissent
I can rise I can burn it
13. Drunk with Demons
With demons
In tongues
On pyres
With hell
In my thoughts
Turned water
Turned hell
And purging
Away my life
But no one
Burning higher
Let the alcohol
Fuel the flame
Burning higher
Burn my flesh
My flesh away
Burning higher
Burn a drunkards
Sins away
Burning higher
Let the ashes blow away
Of liquor
Dousing my flesh
On Fire
While I slept
My disease
For murder
For dying
While I lived
[Repeat 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th verse]
White fire purify, purify
White fire purify
The streets are my graveyard
The gutter is my tomb
My mind it grows weaker
There is nothing I can't lose
All my honor all my meaning
All my youth all my worth
Burn me bone to cinder
Release me
From this earth