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 Очередной отчет о работе по патологической анатомии и психиатрии от французских представителей альтернативной медицины с дэт-грайндовым уклоном. Несколько новых мамаш залюблено свои непутёвыми детишками, не менее сотни черепов брутально вскрыто, эпидемии тошнотворных болезней и пандемия деградации человеческого общества освещены под достойными углами, приятно знакомыми фанатам разнообразных слэшеров и постапокалиптического арта.
К сожалению, по уровню упоротой бодрости и парадоксальной хитовости материала "Obscene Repressed" несколько уступает тому же "Necrobreed". Чуть менее дифференцируемыми одна от другой стали композиции, отличающиеся нынче разве что отдельными штрихами, будь то акустическое интро и франкоязычная лирика в "Brutus", активный клавишный фон в духе поздних Cattle Decapitation в "Casual Piece of Meat" или мелодические изыски "Mom, I Love You the Wrong Way" (призрак дедушки Фрейда утёр эктоплазмическую слезу, вытекшую из глазницы). Переходы с риффа на рифф чуть более хаотичны, повысилось и количество бластодолбы во имя... во имя ничего, на самом деле. Быть может, чуть меньше сочности стало в слэмовых и грувовых кусках.
Благо, старичок Жюльен не теряет бодрости духа, вываливая вокальные партии за пятерых, от бодрого хардкорового крикуна, минуя скримера и пару - насколько это возможно - разноплановых рыкунов к истовому любителю жизнерадостных поросячьих визгов. "Ого, он даже под Джейми Джасту может косить", - подумал я, слушая "Implore the Negative". Но вот ничего подобного - в этой песне таки засветился сам Джейми, наверняка по количеству фитов вырвавшийся на уверенное первое место на хардкор- и металл-сценах что твой "Ливерпуль" в Английской премьер-лиге. Кстати, сама песня, на поверку, едва ли не наименее типичная для Benighted изо всей подборки - уж на больно серьёзных щах записана.
Кстати, на альбоме есть ещё парочка гостей чуть меньшей звёздности: Гримо из помешанных на чернобыльской тематике Cytotoxin да Карстен Ягер, вокалист Disbelief и - некогда - Morgoth, но эффект от их участия сравнительно ничтожный.
Итоговый вердикт - хорошо, но недостаточно хорошо. Наши герои удержались от падения в невнятную жанровую серость (привет, Aborted), но по собственным же меркам отметились далеко не самым сочным релизом. Даже после нескольких прослушиваний далеко не все местные композиции удержались в памяти - при том, что "Necrobreed" въедался в мозг с одного-двух раз. Ну и многовато стало абсолютно взаимозаменяемых кусков в разных треках... |
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Je ne veux pas que tu me voies
La fente se veut traîtresse et perméable,
Laisse couler le fiel de ce que je voudrais garder
Obscene Repressed
Tes yeux clos de honte lisent
Je te désire de toute ma haine
De tes paupières transsudent la bave de mes angoisses anaclitiques
Visqueuse et mensongère
Devant ton impudeur que j’exècre
Et les gémissements dérobés qui infectent les murs
2. Nails 03:21
Feeling paralyzed, crossed by waves of radiation
Malevolent roots invading the structure
Corrupted DNA
Dark essence of the centuries running through contaminated grounds
Threatening trees, carapace of bones, sharp and poisoned
Digging the surface
The mud filling the wounds
Merciless nature
Your treachery hidden behind a friendly face
Mutating, my skull wide open to the world, defenseless
Annoying sounds never stop, they consume my nerves
I broke them a thousand times,
Cracked the ruins of my nails
Your yellow horns appear, greedily gnawing my feet
Feeding my genetic curse
Defying my bodily integrity
Like the claws of the sleeping beast inside your trunk
You crack the ruins of my extremities
Turn the scared child into a monster
Cracked the ruins of my nails
Enslaved to your will, in this new-born corrupted form
A tortured silhouette
A thick and cracked bark
Covering the fake scars inherited from a manipulated genealogy
Where lies become a legitimate truth
Where “who I am” can finally be buried
To endure the simple fact of being alive
3. Brutus 02:49
Sur tes terres ambrées ou périssent les vents de ma fureur
La morsure béante des sentiers flamboyants
Je la vois errer au centre des colonnes
Une âme opaline éructant sa rancune
Elle régurgite la splendeur des lueurs nocturnes
Succombant aux liqueurs du bourreau
Elle n’a pas vu l’imposteur faire rougir sa lame
Elle n’a pas vu le sang marquer sa peau
Elle n’a pas vu son abject vide de sens
Ses viols lunaires et récidivistes
Tu quoque mi fili
Le pathétique tableau de mon père défiguré
Brume consolatrice, lorsque les chiens s’abstiennent
Que les ruines irradiées se taisent enfin
Le dessein obscur surgit des hybrides
La métamorphose parricide crève la surface
Lacère aveuglément, découpe les excroissances
Savoure la bave aigre qui s’épaissit dans sa bouche
Et tombe en écume
Il rit aux décombres vaincus des cloportes insignifiants
Lèche la victoire qui lui caresse le museau
Rêve de douleur paroxystique
Là où le silence s’abstient de murmurer aux braises
Entrés dans la pénombre, irascibles et belliqueux
Les mains souillées de larmes creusant les cicatrices
De la poudre des ombres, ils ont piétiné mes terres
Érigeant la potence et la guillotine
Tu quoque mi fili
4. The Starving Beast 03:07
Silent crowd staring, aligned in a deadly regularity
Pride of place, sense of solemnity
A taste of sweat, funeral atmosphere
Gathered to feed the lion with impure
It’s happening again
All the bloodthirsty witnesses waiting for fluids to get spilled
Barbaric admiration
Stitched mouths and dead eyes with cruel glances
The alpha-male untied
Reach satisfaction, where the world ends
Every tension gone only remains the shame
Surrounded by emptiness
Again, darkness settled upon the place in a hoarse rumbling
Majestic beast appearance, freed from its unspeakable dark, in its glorious height
Harmonious moves, vice dancing in violence
Chaotic rhythm of the strong grip
Reflections of deformed grimaces
Echoes of the untold
While mute witnesses are stained with fluids
And time comes to turn off the lights
The starving beast
5. Smoke Through the Skull 02:59
Skeletal nature, so vulnerable
Control of threatening cloud shapes, drawn against me
Skin penetration, sarcastic intrusion
Taking away my thoughts through an innocent mouth
Piercing virginity
Tracing with a vicious scalpel
On the black cephalic domain
Special tools for a flowing paint
Skies changing according to my will
Cards become precisely exciting
With such a chaotic disharmony
That I drown in it with pleasure
They entered, forced me and I subdued them
Intruders vaporized in toxic air
Crossing the open door to the soul
The smoke through the skull
Magnetic control attempt
The smoke through the skull
A delicious, tamed haze that can bite at any time
My skin liquefies, falls to the ground and infiltrates the mud
The gases burn the disintegrated tissue, show them the dark design
Savor my dripping flesh while the master climbs to the top of my fortress
The closed box of unbearable memories covered with dust
He shatters the already cracked door
And the child cries
Schizophrenic influence syndrome
Dimensions where the mind can travel
Human condition sometimes asks for anesthesia
Says the smoke
Swimming in the ocean of anguish
Disturbed by articular crepitation
Seeking oxygen when the invisible gags you
When you can’t breathe anymore
6. Implore the Negative 04:05
I implore the negative
I implore the negative
I cast you out of my mind
I implore the negative
I woke up running through that bright hallway
Incapable of distinguishing the end
Shiny walls of organic matter
Spread the sickness
Forgotten passenger lights
Drowning, I implore the negative
Spread the sickness
I hear in the distance the howling of my memories,
smothered in the galloping darkness i want to run away from (No!)
They try to instill their poison in me again (No!)
Contaminating the cave where the darkness lies that I don’t want to see
I cast you out of my mind
I implore the negative
I implore the negative
They try to instill their poison in me again (No!)
Contaminating the cave where the darkness lies that I don’t want to see
I cast you out of my mind
I implore the negative
Cold promising hand
Stray thoughts slow down
Falling piece by piece
My carnal prison floats in the air
Bare walls whisper indistinct words to me
Stay away from reality
I forgot any reason to live
The black claws sink into the flesh, reveal the light from below
An endless fall towards a deliverance i didn’t want
Even though i begged for it
I fucking begged for it
There is no turning back
I won’t run anymore
Indistinct words from invisible mouth
Unspoken language sliding behind my eyes, silent and parasitic
Threatening dimension through the hole
Unable to make a rational choice
My lips burn as the passenger smiles in the mirror
They try to instill their poison in me again (No!)
Contaminating the cave where the darkness lies that I don’t want to see
I cast you out of my mind
I implore the negative
Spread, spread the sickness
Spread, spread the sickness
Spread, spread the sickness
Spread, spread the sickness
7. Muzzle 02:43
Congenital malformations
Ugly and repulsive, hostage of my deformity
Genetic curse oppressing me
I see the disgust in her eyes, even more when she tries to hide it
Humanoid tumor torn from her womb
Or am I delusional?
Redefine and hide my face
Wear My Muzzle, no lips, no kiss
Wear My Muzzle, chase away the unknown
The son of disappointment stands in front of you, far from being your ideal reflection
I can’t believe you, you are my emotional slave
We are chained to each other and the first one dead will drag
The other into his fall
Redefine who is sick…
Odious features distort my face
Dressed with discordance
You don’t fool me
Realm of the monster, stench of urine and feces
Pity dripping from her heart and crashing pathetically on the board of my disfigured self
Realm of the monster, stench of urine and feces
Discordant caress of her trembling hand
Tightens my throat and it’s hard to breathe
I smile with hatred, nourished by the manipulation that dwells in me and keeps you close to me
against your will
Future promise of many lies
8. Casual Piece of Meat 04:04
Here you stand again
Above the degenerated cradle
Admiring your work of art
Just a casual piece of meat
Sweet finality, dancing under the knife of irony
Enjoy your meal, mom
It’s just a casual piece of meat
Rotting before your eyes
So special and so common
The face of your filthy burden revealed
Smiling in obscurity
The mass is formless, moving
A delicious aroma that makes you salivate
Addicted to discordant affection
The tortured path turned to happiness
So vile, so vile…
Here you stand again
Above the degenerated cradle
Admiring your work of art
Casual piece of meat
Sweet finality, dancing under the knife of irony
Enjoy your meal, just a casual piece of meat
Maternal teeth close on the child
it disappears into the abyss,
Slowly decomposed by corrosive liquids
The most vicious gift that binds us forever
Some Stockholm syndrome that can’t be cured
Taste it, it’s so good….
You’re going to taste me in spite of yourself, and you’re going to love it
The deepest kiss you’ve ever had
In this saving depression that saw me grow and die in your womb
9. Scarecrow 02:57
Imperceptible threat
His hideous facial features
Faceless terror
Projective inversion
Cracked skin, nocturnal sweat
Stench of pee and excrements
Pale light dancing, lamp swinging,
Unstable balance that can break at any time
Hidden under the blanket, feeling his glance on me
His skepticism stinks of ignorance
Internal reflection of the monster
Through a window that never existed,
Compelling me
My hateful friend, may you never leave, never leave
Artificial treacherous light, scarring the dark
Fear the scarecrow
His regular and putrid breath invades the room
Absent flowers fade away
My beautiful straw doll
Cold smile, wormed body without ends
No sound as starts the decomposition
Waiting for the cleaver of the promised and lethal dissociation
That will split the child’s will into two,
Leaving him abandoned
To the precipice that his mind refused to see
Leaving me as a placid witness
10. Mom, I Love You the Wrong Way 03:56
Mom, I love you the wrong way
The sprawling beast, infested bowels
Needs to be fed
Parasitic colonization
Its claws pierce me from the inside
Absorbing the vital essence
Phantasmatic tapeworm serving its desires beyond mine
Individual will dissolved, desecrated nature
Mom, I love you the wrong way
Poisonous snake, raised from sleeping ashes
Cancerous womb, primal hybridization
True face of evil forever unknown
At least I experienced its touch inside
Unsuccessful relentless resistance, filling a bottomless abyss
An acute sense of perversion
Acid secretion discharge, corrode the mucosa
Constant narcissistic need to become someone I can’t be
Unstoppable appetite, maternal digestion
Illusions forgotten, it will never leave
The oedipal parasite never sleeps
It enslaves me, submits me to its needs
Spreading guilt through my guts
11. Undivided Dismemberment 02:28
Accablés et morcelés des craquements involontaires
Articulations lâches de tiraillements invisibles
Tordues des pressions internes
D’une sentence imminente, châtiment inéluctable
L’enfant de la honte se dresse, souille la demeure inhabitée
Les membres l’abandonnent, pièces de chairs et de tissus jaunis
Le souffle des chevaux résonne et pervertit la vision sur le monde noirci
Insupportable battement de l’essence synthétique qui brûle veines et artères
Undivided dismemberment
La vibration traverse le corps, s’insinue dans les bruits sourds osseux
Undivided dismemberment
Des oeillères de la tumeur humanoïde, esclave de l’ipséité dominatrice
Prolifération des idées sombres
Purifiées dans la douleur
Qui s’écrasent pathétiquement
Sur le sol corrompu noyés aux liquides chauds déversés
Les sons caverneux deviennent des râles lointains
Les vertèbres tombent en ruines, amas de cendres informe
Sur lequel la terreur souffle
Tétanie macabre aux relents de tétrodotoxine
12. Bound to Facial Plague 03:29
The exhausting languor of apotemnophilia,
The unbearable expectation of a life-saving amputation
Unholy burden to carry, such a heavy weight
Disgraceful atrocities feeding on the matrix
Coronation of the child of shame
Secretions flow from this legitimate cancer
When wild impassibility reveals murderous impulses
Continuation of the evil
Abhorred extension, adored extension
Behold the persecutor
Its darkness contaminates the structure, it colonizes the needs
In aborted mercy, she tries to saw this dead branch
Looks around are heavy
Constant judgment is a scourge
Born from congenital malformations
Necrotic blackness of the extension
Nourishing destructive fusion
Bound to facial plague
Hidden in the sleeping shadow, he watches every single of her gestures
He studies the discordant flame he desires
He is always here
His inexpressive face consumes her a little more every day
Still demonic commissures hiding emotions
She tries to forget the tingling in this tiny member
Bound To Facial Plague
Processing the inversion of empirical partitioning