 Новый альбом Deep Purple имеет очень мало отношения к классическому хард-року, являясь по своей сути самой настоящей ретро-музыкой. Со времён "Rapture of the Deep" в музыке "пурпурных" с каждым разом всё больше и больше проявляются музыкальные корни каждого из участников Mark VIII, лежащие далеко за пределами тяжелого рока. Прибавляем к этому почтенный возраст музыкантов - и получаем на выходе альбом, в котором нет ни одной по-настоящему быстрой и тяжёлой песни (на "Infinite" хотя бы имелось исключение в виде "Time for Bedlam"). Deep Purple, при всем своём легендарном статусе, оставались группой для ценителей, но на "Whoosh!" выдали альбом, который может понравится только очень узкому кругу ценителей едва ли не музыки 50-ых.
Притом, у меня не повернётся язык сказать, что 21-ый альбом группы - проходняк, не заслуживающий внимания. Боб Эзрин, ставший по сути шестым участником группы, вновь проделал изумительную работу, поставив группе замечательный звук - насыщенный и прозрачный. Уже в третий раз подряд настоящей "звездой шоссе" является Дон Эйри. Подобно фокуснику из шляпы, он весь альбом демонстрирует всевозможные приёмы игры на клавишах, делая это так виртуозно и вкусно, что его игру хочется слушать ещё и ещё. Бас Роджера Гловера как всегда плотно держит на себе основу всех композиций. А вот остальным участникам хвалится особо нечем. Вечный, как скала, Ян Пейс после перенесённого инсульта, увы, заметно сдал, предпочтя весь альбом отбарабанить гораздо стандартнее, чем обычно. Гитары Стива Морса вновь гораздо меньше чем хотелось бы, а голос Гиллана, увы, давно превратился чуть ли не в "спокенвордовское" говорение, хотя местами и довольно красивое.
Но главным минусом альбома являются, всё же, сами песни. Сложилось ощущение, что за 3 года после выхода "Бесконечности" музыканты просто не успели накопить достаточно интересных идей, отчего на данном лонгплее песни стали короткими, а главное достаточно одинаковыми. Нет тебе ни баллад, ни эпиков (хоть с этой ролью попыталась справиться "The Power of thе Moon"), ни каких-либо экспериментальных вещей. Только ровненькие рок-боевички, из которых дай бог половина содержит интересные музыкальные ходы и решения. К таковым я бы не без натяжки отнёс открывающую "Throw My Bones", атмосферную (но не получившую должного развития) "The Power of the Moon", резвую "We're All the Same in the Dark", по-настоящему пробивную «Nothing at All» с красивым философским текстом, да симпатичную "Step by Step". Все остальные песни представляют из себя стандартный такой рок с налётом упомянутой ретро-музыки, не запоминающиеся даже после нескольких прослушиваний. Возможно, некоторые из них получили бы свежее дыхание сыграй их группа живьём, но в силу известных событий проверить это нельзя. Ну и вишенкой на этом сероватом полотне выступила перезаписанная "And the Address" с вкусной барабанной партией Пейса и чувством приятного символизма. Столь же красивый символизм я встречал только на последнем альбоме почивших Black Sabbath.
Отношения от альбома неоднозначные. Он слишком непритязателен, чтобы его ругать, но слишком прост для такого громкого имени как DP. Приятно осознавать, что любимые музыканты всё ещё в строю и способны творить - больше таких прецедентов, не считая Rolling Stones, я не припомню. Но всё-таки мне не хотелось бы, чтобы последним альбомом любимой группы был бы вот такой релиз. |
I hear the future is so divine
But I'll just wait until I get a sign
'Cause what I've got here, what I'm holding in my hand
Is better for me than some promised land
All I've got is what I need
And that's enough, as far as I can see
Why should I walk into the great unknown
When I can sit here and throw my bones
What's the rush, who's to say?
You can't escape tomorrow, it's another day
I'm hanging here, I'm here on solid ground
'Cause heaven's full, or closing down
All I've got is what I need
And that's enough, as far as I can see
Why should I walk into the great unknown
When I can sit here and throw my bones
Oh yeah
2. Drop the Weapon (4:23)
Everybody shouting, working up a sweat
Stepping over lines, you know what happened next
More trouble, than anyone can use
It's a pre-determined thing, you lose your right to choose
No way to turn it around
You got no more time, no time to calm yourself down
Once you press the button man it's coming to a head
Pretty soon babe you'll be a long time dead
Little brother I'm telling you now
Your pride can take a hit
Little brother take a deep breath
Cool off man, forget about it
Drop the weapon
Kick it away
Drop your gun
Look the other way
Drop the weapon
Live another day
Drop your blade
Listen, to what I say
Who you trying to impress, you making a bid
To be a big shot brother, but you're just a small kid
Now your reputation got a minor stain
It'll be washed away by tomorrow's rain
Little brother I'm telling you now
Your pride can take a hit
Little brother take a deep breath
Cool off man, forget about it
Drop the weapon
Kick it away
Drop your gun
Look the other way
Drop the weapon
Live another day
Drop your blade
Listen, to what I say
No sound of silence
Just streets of violence
We're in overload
Wrong side of the road
Oh San Francisco
Where the hell did you go
We have enough of that
Peace and love
Drop the weapon
Kick it away
Drop your gun
Look the other way
Drop the weapon
Live another day
Drop your blade
Listen, to what I say
No sound of silence
Just streets of violence
We're in overload
Wrong side of the road
Oh San Francisco
Where the hell did you go
We have enough of that
Peace and love
Come and hold my hand
Then we can all stand
And say a prayer
To someone out there
Anyone out there
3. We're All the Same in the Dark (3:44)
Baby won't you be my friend?
And love me right until the end
I don't care what shape you're in
What you've done or where you've been
I've got nothing to hide from you
We can sit and talk about the past
We don't need to tell the truth
To tell the truth now
We're all the same in the dark
Baby won't you be my friend?
And love me right until the end
I guess we'll never know
What happened down in Mexico
Like what I see, I like the view
We can stay as long as it lasts
There's no difference 'tween me and you
To tell the truth now
We're all the same in the dark
I don't need to see a doctor
I know exactly who I am
I'm just like you
Baby won't you be my friend?
And love me right until the end
You know, that fashion come and fashion go
Melting like the summer snow
I don't know what you see in me
Some would say that we're miles apart
But when everything is said and done, and the lights go down
We're all the same, we're all the same in the dark
4. Nothing at All (4:42)
I'm talking to myself again
And waving to a passing friend
I've known her since I don't know when
Ah, it's nothing at all
Just a few of us walk arm in arm
It's innocent and charming
But the children seem to be getting alarmed
Don't worry kids, it's nothing at all
When I hear about the doom and gloom
That's around the corner, and coming soon
I take a sip of mother's ruin
And sit with my back to the wall
It's nothing at all
Nothing at all
And the old lady smiled
It's nothing at all
Then she blew all the leaves off my tree
And the junk that sails our seven seas
Is very nearly up to my knees
But the platitudes and pleasantries
Keep saying it's nothing at all
I'll deal with it on another day
If I close my eyes it'll go away
So, bottoms up boys, and what do you say?
Really, it's nothing at all
It's nothing at all
Nothing at all
And the old lady smiled
It's nothing at all
And the summer passed away
Nothing at all
It's nothing at all
And the old lady smiled
It was nothing at all
Then she blew all the leaves off my tree
5. No Need to Shout (3:30)
You stand there on your soapbox without fear
Like a chanting wild demented auctioneer
It's just a bunch of crap
You're talking out your hat
And, I don't want you chewing off my ear
(No need to shout)
I'm hearing what you say
(No need to shout)
Just shut your mouth and go away
You preach to the converted, it's insane
We're here already swinging like a train
I can only hope, that you won't
Ram it down my throat
Don't make me swallow it again
(No need to shout)
Alright, I'm hearing what you say
(No need to shout)
No, no just shut your mouth and go away
Your manifesto, stuffed inside your suitcase
Blah, blah, blah you're never wrong
And even when you're stooping, tying up your shoelace
You keep droning on and on and on and on
I got your message loud and clear
The meaningless is ringing in my ear
Oh, what a bunch of trash
You got exuding from your ass
That's not the shit I want to hear
(No need to shout)
No need to shout
Man, I'm hearing what you say
(No need to shout)
No, no, wrap it up
On your way
(No need to shout)
Woo-ooh-ooh (No need to shout)
No, no just shut your mouth and go away
6. Step by Step (3:34)
Step by step
Rattle through the night
Don't look now
There's no end in sight
Step by step
Moving on, through the graveyard shift
No way out
That's the truth, 'bout the size of it
Inch by inch
Shuffle through the heat
Stay in time
Don't you miss a beat
Inch by inch
Stay in line never dance alone
Stand close
Holding on to a bag of bones
Worming your way into my life
Little by little we're getting too tight
Taking me over and stealing my soul
Oh oh, stealing my soul
Step by step
Step by step
7. What the What (3:32)
We goin' out tomorrow, gonna do it right
Celebrate the fact that we're still alive
In that case, we better make it tonight
I'll drink for us all and you can drive
My mojo working, I paid my dues
I'm gonna break out my dancing shoes
I'm gonna do what I do best
I'm gonna spend my money till there's nothing left
So bad
I've been so bad
I've been so bad
What the what happened to you last night?
Every bar in London had an old Joanna
And cats who could play rock and roll piano
No one cared a few teeth gone missing
Everybody got up to sing
Five string guitars and old skin drums
On a river boat shuffle, bunch-a drunken bums
No way of knowing when the temperature dropped
The moment was hot, there was no time to stop
So bad
We were so bad
We been so bad
What the what happened to you last night?
Long, tall, Sally and short, fat, Dave
Arms and legs going every-ways
They didn't care about shape or size
The fever of love was in their eyes
Called every bad name under the sun
They did the same to us, we was just having fun
He went up and she went down
It didn't really matter, they just went to town
So bad
They were so bad
They been so bad
What the what happened to you last night?
I was so bad
I been so bad
I been so bad
What the what happened to you last night?
8. The Long Way Round (5:39)
You can't get me down
I got the "Things are looking up" blues
I know it happens
But it never sticks to my shoes
It's been a long time coming
I never thought it would last
I think about the future
Who knows what might have happened in the past?
And nothing is real
But it feels pretty good all the same
I know you from somewhere
But I can't remember your name
I don't need much space
But you don't have to step on my toes
I was looking over there
And all the time it was under my nose
I should have known
Which way the wind was blowin'
I was facing the wrong way
Always taking the long way round
Never looking the right way
Always going the wrong way
Always taking the long way round
Never looking the right way
Always going the wrong way
Always taking the long way round
You can reel me in slowly and surely
But there's a catch to this deal
It's not over yet
I get one more spin of the wheel
I promised myself
I would not get trashed again
But the way I'm feeling right now
That promise is going down the drain, yeah
I should have known
You were coming and I was gone
I was facing the wrong way
Always taking the long way round
9. The Power of the Moon (4:08)
Who am I to say things may not all be what they seem?
And how can I disturb the facts of life?
And who am I to speak about the fabric of a dream?
And who's to say that dreams cannot be right?
It's the power of the moon
The power
Who am I to talk about the lunacy at hand?
Burnishing the madness in my head
And who am I to mention that before it all began
Everything I heard was never said at all?
It's the power of the moon
The power
Ah, it's a green balloon that travels so benign
On a path that goes along the shoreline
Ah, it's a green balloon that travels so benign
It's the only thing that's keeping me in line
Oh, the tides will rise and then they fall on time
And everything on earth begins to rhyme
10. Remission Possible (1:38)
11. Man Alive (5:35)
Sun sets in the West
The boy has gone to rest
Mama clutch her breast
All creatures great and small
Graze on blood red soil
And grass that grows on city streets
It's been a quiet town
Since the juice went down
Now something's washed up on the beach
A man alive
After some thousands of years
Fewer than the smallest imaginable intake of breath
The wisest guys in the evolution of humanity became extinct
Mother Nature loves a vacuum
And so, the earth was cleansed
In no time at all
All creatures great and small
Graze on blood red soil
And grass that grows on city streets
It's been a quiet town
Until the word got round
And something washed up on the beach
A man alive
A man alone
Washed up on the beach
Just a man
12. And the Address (3:35)
13. Dancing in My Sleep (3:51)
I'm flying through the night
To the rhythm of the street
I don't know what happened, baby
But my blood rise every time we meet
I come alive
I get the feeling everything will be alright
Lights are pure magenta
There's something going down
I don't know what happened, babe
I'm in the right place, my feet don't touch the ground
To my surprise
I'm all alone
Dancing in my sleep
Oh-yeah, dancing in my sleep
Don't you love my fancy footwork
I ain't no Fred Astaire
I can tap into your life, babe
I can take you anywhere
I come alive
Oh, yes I do
I get the feeling (Ahh-ha-ahh)
I come alive (Oh-whoa)
And when I get the feeling, I'm dancing in my sleep
Dancing in my sleep
I'm dancing in my sleep
I'm dancing in my sleep