 Небольшая, но очень продвинутая в плане brutal death'а страна Словакия порадовала нас еще одним внушительным куском музыки, от которой ангелы способны не только заплакать, но и собственноручно удавиться. 12 убийственных треков, исключительно эмоциональных и сложных, в течение 44 минут будут неумолимо терзать ваши уши. Сложное построение композиций, множество сбивок, интересных запоминающихся приемов, порадуют тех, кто предпочитает интеллектуальный дэт, но и любителям злобного рубилова альбом подарит множество приятных моментов. Музыканты снова были замечены в пристрастии к восточной культуре. "Арабское" intro и некоторые риффы напоминающие Nile тому пример. Вообще же, в музыке этой славной банды можно проследить влияние всех групп, которых ребята упомянули в буклете к альбому. Получился своебразный дэт-микс, похожий на все известные группы, но ни одну из них конкретно не напоминающий. Ну что ж, с миру по нитке - голому рубашка. И все же у Contempt есть и доля оригинальности, и отличный уровень владения инструментами. Особенно приятные эмоции вызывают разнообразная по стилю звучания гитара и сочный гроулинг. Будь запись получше, мы смогли бы в полной мере насладиться и ураганными барабанами, но приходится довольствоваться лишь резко выдвинутым вперед вокалом. Вообще же, запись - единственное слабое место альбома (не считая гнусно оформленного буклета). Ну, будем считать это своеобразной "фишкой" группы, благо что музыа как таковая - выше всяких похвал. В конце концов, мы слушаем brutal death не для того, чтобы оценить возможности современной аудиотехники. А для чего именно мы его слушаем, любой death-маньяк сделает вывод сам, поставив диск в проигрыватель. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
I have walked
The earth always searching
For that which
Will free my home
Deep within
The mountains I look
For my sanctuary
Defending the vulnerability
They have been trying
To break me
But I shall rule unchallenge!!!
A pale morning
The suffering lasts
The beginning
Of the end is coming
Your pain stays nonunderstood
Your sacrifice was useless
We aren't such as
We would have to be
We are evil!
We are all evil!
People are evil!
Silly and proud laugh
Ending through
The bloody tears
Falling from the high
Sucked by arid earth
In these tears is our
All and our nothing
Our pride and stupudity
Our unnecessarity
We don't understand
We aren't kings
Death Is Eternal
I saw your blood
Running from your hair
Down to your halfopened mouth
Withering all over your face
The right is long
Celebrate the death
You've been drinking
The mother's blood
Your kisses were so long
The love is death
Death is eternal
The death will
Never wake up again
Celebrate the eternity
Celebrate the death
Le roi est mort – viva le roi
Take the sceptre
From dead hands
You're the next
From a many of others
How long?
You're alive?
How long?
Death is eternal
The death will
Never wake up again
Celebrate the eternity
Celebrate the death
Filthy world's full
Of evil and hate
It's hard to adapt
Only those up high are fine
Those motherfuckin' fat pigs
That live in wealth
On your account
No, you can't do nothing to
Make you happier
In this fuckin' misery
Only hate keeps you alive
Idea that everything will be all
Rights get stronger
The whole world is sick of hate
It's worse then pestilence
People are mad
And they hate
We'll self destroy
Ourselves, all of us
Hate is growing!
We'll destroy everything
Under the flag of hate
The whole world is crumblin'!
Envy and hate rules!!!
Holy Lies
Idea and dream like a glory
Reality of bitterness like a pain
Snatched hearts
Prayers for the living bodies
Are slowly devoured by rats
To fly to the heaven
Dumps of ripped spirit
Or to crowl in a svamp
By the way of snakes in ruins
Through barbed wires
The torn nude bodies
Holy hurts!! Ooh mother!!
Tears in the trampled faces
Like diamonds
Of the fallen dream pigs
Burnt!! Wings of angels
In the rotting dumps
Burnt golden roses
In the gardens of truth
Burnt rosary
In the holy lies!!
Once You All Will Die When Our Overcast Day Shall Come
We, the new-born devils
Not burnt and undead
Stay with us and live for us
Rise against us and die
We are forever free
We are strong
And our strength grows
Our justice clears
Twilight of gods
The gloomy days are coming
There is no hope
For the weak ones
The ancient world is arriving
Ancient ones shall revive
Eternal winter is coming
And you, the ewak ones
You all will die
When our overcast
Day shall come
You have come up here
No words, no money
Twinkling of pictures
You are not alone
We are all there
It's one of our essence
We live it and it lives in us
It will be neverending
The surprise, shadows and
Twinkling of pictures
Around you
Even if we are not in the end
Even if we are there
Never, but only once
Shining warm light
At the end of your imagination
Even if we have come up here
You're on your own
Pissed off of this world
Only burnin' pricklin' feeling
Somewhere in your brain
Satisfies you
Bloody tears rollin'
From your new eyes
The only thing you sense is the
Beating of your heart that gets
Weaker and weaker
And the fog that surrounds you
Gets greater and darker
So pull the trigger
Of your gun that aims right
Into your mouth
Shoot your head and finish
Your fuckin' misery
Bam! Your eyes still lookin
Towards emptiness
But they percept no more
You're only one step
Far from all the evil that scares
You, so make
A fucking step and fly
Fly like a bird, it'll take only
A while till you fall
You're receiving your whore
Misery life again
What you're thinking about?
You wanna come back?
No fuckin' way!
You're dead!!!
When Angels Begin To Cry
When the gates will open
When creeking shall
Turn into silence
When the eternal
Silence shall set
When eternity shall meet
With the suffering
When death will meet
With eternity
When the pains shall
Be neverending
When the merging shall set
When angels begin to cry
When the day will
Become to be the night
When the light
Shall be the darkness
When there
Will be only one might
When the world shall extinct
When the bodies
Will stay without souls...
Then angels begin to cry!!!
Who Is The Untrue?
You impotent god's disciples
Listening to lies
Of fucking fanatics
False fucking preachers
Want you to die
They have many insignificant names
How many of those imbecil
People have died?
How many of them have to die
Till you open your eyes?
You don't deserve regret
But contempt
I laugh at your stupidity
So, go and inhale death
Die together!
Shall you come to the kingdom?
Destroy sects!
Destroy the false fathers!
Get this world rid of the impotent witnesses
Of the "truth"!
Go to hell!!!
Fortune Will Be Gone
Error and blunder
Cove of conscience
Controls my mind
I'm drowning by being worried
About destiny
Time turned to enemy
It's pouring away to the past
Second after second that last
Forever are being stored to the
Archive of unpleasant memories
Messages and intolerance of
Egoists are graved into the brain
That is dulled by being sad
Of misunderstanding
Temptation achieved dusky and weird aim
Hope is gone forever
Words are now destroying the content
Fragile and nosy like
A castle made of glass
Crushing and... destroying!
Spoiling me from
Inside and outside
Children of self'love
And cupidity
No indication of happiness that
Was lost before a while
The content is gone
I'll be gone
Fortune will be gone...
I Am The Truth Of Life
Welcome my dear chosen ones!
Open your stupid minds and
Listen to my pathetic bullshit
You're brainless
And I will take your
Property and maybe your lives
I don't want your goodness
And I do not even believe in the
Bullshit I ramble all the time
I just want your money
I'm so glad that there are so
Many brainless people in the world
You will be gassed
And given tablets
I will poison you, but before
That I will exploit you
For this and that you
Will adore me, because
I am the light of life
I will fuck all the nice girls
Best about it is that you will
Be thankful
I am the truth of life
I will take your lives