 Очень обидно было смотреть, вроде и есть группа на сайте, а слов про неё совсем нет. Сия рецензия - попытка восстановить справедливость.
Итак, группа Chalice - это представитель Австралии, сразу скажу, что не стоит путать их с одноимённой группой из Германии, которая что-то типа прогового хеви играет. А что же слышим мы здесь? Очень красивый готик дум.
С одной стороны, данная музыка не представляет собой чего-то уж очень оригинального и сверх необычного. Ну разве что в отличии от многих подобных групп здесь присутвует исключительно женский вокал. Гроулинга нет. Для кого-то это плюс, для кого-то минус. Можно проводить параллели с The Sins Of Thy Beloved, Draconian и Silentium. Но в то же время, явного копирования кого-либо я не заметил. Итак, медленно, грустно, печально, красиво... В некоторых местах очень радует именно рояльный звук клавиш. Присутвет и ставшая ныне почти стандартной для подобной музыки скрипка, так же были услышаны и парочка несложных, но очень душевных гитарных соло. Из песен для себя бы выделил "Memorial Embers".
Итак, если судить объективно, то можно поставить 8 баллов с чистой совестью. Но так они меня очень зацепили, то ставлю 9. |
Does the joy of life from their spirits stem?
To grace the skies yet shy away
From the eyes that most adore them
All that is hurt and all that is loved are one
Does the blood on these hands
Now dry in the heat of the sun?
Admist a sea of tranquility
Must I writhe on a desperate shore?
A spirit and mind no longer aligned
With an honour I cannot restore
Guilt shall feed the nightmares
That I slumber with this eve
Tomorrow I must walk among the shame
How sad it is, a mind that
Harboured such control and pride
Is now the sickened brethren of the lame
2. Requiescat
3. The Amber Twilight
Darkness stretch these realms that taint me
On these sheets forever curled
She who drew the light from shadows
Never shall again be held...
Spectre of the idle hours
Rest upon this dying sun
We who touched the souls of all
In mortal life shall not be one
Life bereft of sight or reason
Save your gentle afterglow
I, beneath a placid dreaming
Cower when the soft winds blow
Cower for its all I know
Mourning shall I slumber always
Rise to wish of dreams that mend
The agony of your departure
Will this sadness never end?
Evergreen immortal pasture
Whence you rest, a dream below?
Do you live in timeless love
Or shall your pain I never know?
One day shall we grace these skies
Entwined again forever held
Together in the amber twilight
One within another world
4. As Powder Turns To Dust
When they finally claim you
All matter will cease, all dreams will expire
And with a dead angel's touch
And the loss of myself
The vapour will fade
Until the day that I join you
When you finally take yourself
Day will be night, all will be nothing
As the flickering candles that lit up our chess
Can burn no more
When the queen has fallen
Now I cower in this hollow room
Acutely aware that the time is approaching
When what I love above all else
Will be only my greatest memory
It's both tragic and symbolic
That in your darkest hour
You can still shine so bright
5. Solviegs Song
6. Interlunar Dreams
The night sky lights the fallen star
To hold us in its grasp yet mock us from afar
As cancer holds us all askew
To mourn the dying now and start a life anew
The shadows move the moonless breeze
Across the lustrous shore
As flames engulf
The anechoic halls forevermore
In fields the night is but
A thousand interwoven beams
To close my eyes and never rise
From interlunar dreams
My dying moment's searing kiss
The final proclamation
Of what I'll never miss
Beneath infinity I see
The radiance within
And what I loathe in thee
How did the source of all things grand
Become a mortal tomb?
How did such sadness stem
From love embodied in the womb
From earth the night is like
A calling home, or so it seems
To close my eyes and never rise
From interlunar dreams
The futility of being,
The heavenly despair
The gushing smears of pain
At last unfurled
As crimson love expands
Around a now eternal stare
I dream alone
For this is not my world
7. Memorial Embers
Where once a naive child learnt the ropes of life and pain
An ashen path has forged to view those remnants with disdain
As leaves descending earthward are a seasonal display
Within those trees and subtle breeze I fell to grace today
Where once a sheltered boy had learnt the sadness of his past
An ashen path has forged to burn the memories at last
As snakes discard their fettered skin and carry on the same
Without that flesh the life is fresh, as though reborn again
Shadows of a candle once adorned
With ambiance beneath a dying flame
Unending is the grief so long alone
The crying light to death reborn again
Reborn again
Reborn again
Today the snakes lie naked
And the land's adorned with leaves
And I rest upon the sunset
With a soul that's learnt to breathe
Today I fell to grace
Amongst a thousand rising embers
Beneath the sky they fade and die
At last... lest I remember