« By Time Alone »
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1 | At the mountains of madness 6:08
 | 2 | Five crystals 4:12
 | 3 | The dark side 5:14
 | 4 | Deceiver 4:56
 | 5 | Cliffs of moher 4:09
 | 6 | By time alone 3:28
 | 7 | Ancient rhymes 3:55
 | 8 | Odyssey 3:15
 | 9 | Requiem 5:26
 | 10 | Leafless 4:00
 | 11 | Deliverance 9:10
 | | Total playing time 53:53 |
   George Oosthoek - Harsh Vocals
Rosan Van Der Aa - Female Vocals
Guus Eikens - Keyboards
Lex Vogelaar - Guitars
Eric Hoogendoorn - Bass
Erwin Polderman - Drums |
DSFA Records
October 1996
Recorded in August 1996 at Studio Moskou, Utrecht.
Mixed in September 1996 at Studio 29, Waalwijk.
Mastered at Soundpalette BV, Utrecht.
Produced and mixed by Lex Vogelaar. |
 | 1. At The Mountains Of Madness
...the lavas that restlessly roll
Their sulphurous currents down Yaanek
In the ultimate climes of the pole
That groan as they roll down Mount Yaanek
In the realms of the boreal pole...
it's been not so long I accidently sold
my former frame of reference to t |
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 Мне кажется, что сегодня вряд ли можно найти более сильную группу в рамках doom-gothic, чем Orphanage. Их музыка - результат великого вдохновения. Многие группы будут забыты, но их музыка, хотя и очень постепенно, будет набирать популярность, потому что она прекрасна и божественна.
Не слушайте тех, кто говорит, что это рядовая и "монотонная" группа. У меня тоже вначале возникло такое впечатление, когда я их услышал несколько лет назад. Такое впечатление возникает из-за крайне брутального вокала и традиционно металлического саунда. Из-за этого, действительно, можно пропустить прекрасные, таинственные и величественные мелодии, необычный и прекрасный женский вокал. Особое внимание следует обратить на прекрасную по своей мелодии вещь Cliffs of Moher. Requem за счет мужского хора звучит величественно и зловеще. Однако при всей видимой тяжести и мрачности, в целом, их музыка очень энергетична и вселяет оптимистическое настроение.
Единстенно, что следует заметить, что их первый альбом Oblivion, пожалуй и не очень хорош и довольно банален. Но последующие два просто шедевры. Слушайте их и советуйте слушать другим. |
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Уже ископаемый, но по-прежнему любопытный альбом от прогрессивно-атмосферных дэтстеров Orphanage. Для голландцев этот диск не стал чем-то новым, почти полностью повторив уже пройденное на дебютном диске: не слишком тяжелый, мрачноватый дэт, «знойные» гитары, скрипучий низкий гроул в сочетании с тонюсеньким женским голоском, and so on, and so on… Примерно на 1996 год и пришелся пик такой музыки – можно вспомнить и еще более убойные топовые релизы от Crematory, Tower, Moonspell. Orphanage тем не менее еще со своим первенцем не пожелали оставаться в рядах «просто gothic» металистов, накрутив довольно дерганных риффов, полностью отказавшись от солирующей гитары и заправив это дело даже несколькими индустриальным примочками и танцевальным битом в некоторых отрывках, тем самым замахнувшись на пресловутую прогрессивность. Возможно, поэтому у Orphanage атмосферный дэт-метал звучит не очень-то плотно и вязко, а слишком сухо, что для подобной музыки несомненный минус. За мелодии у голландцев отвечает исключительно «симфонические» инструменты, что на фоне метаний «по-модерновому» отстроенной гитары выглядит слишком уж игрушечно. Малое отличие от «Oblivion» состоит в наличии целых двух новых шлягеров – «At the Mountains of Madnes» (1) и «Cliffs of Moher» (5), да приятной своим думовым саундом «Requiem» (9), где пионерку-вокалистку к стойке не подпустили вовсе, блюдя чистоту стиля… В остальном – просто чуть более смелая версия дебютника: приятненько, но никак не более, а вот что хитовей – это еще вопрос. |
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Фанаты Paradise Lost'91 =Gothic= могут писать кипятком от радости, чем они, вероятно, уже давно занимаются пр прослушивании этого диска. Всем, кто его не слышал: не верьте тому великолепному ощущению, которое вызывает первая песня на диске ("Mountains Of Madness"). Эта вещь действительно ШЕДЕВР, но она такая одна на весь диск. Все остальные песни крайне монотонны, невразумительны и скучны. Поверьте, и после десятого прослушивания эта ситуация не изменится. Резюме: перепишите у какого-нибудь страдальца, купившего этот диск, первую песню - она бесподобна, и радуйтесь, что избавлены от прослушивания всех остальных. |
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просмотров: 10441 |
thinking back, remembering, my tale seems so unreal
I'm closed up but the time has come to reveal
anxious, also ignorant, my investigative mind
had led me there and led me to be so blind
haunted are the mountains, I plead for your restraint
or hope for men's survival will be faint
all my days are nightmares and memories haunt my brain
my former mind of knowledge has gone insane
you'll never hear this twice лcause once I had seen
the sheen that filled the sky soon I'd die the mounts drew the bounds
and I climbed one step too high soon I'd die
the cold that had enwrapped my heart is bound to freeze my eyes
the truth that seemed on our side had covered all with lies
take off my hands, take off my feet take off my ears,
rip out my tongue but don't hurt my mind, don't hurt my sense
don't hurt my intellectual powers
what is frozen you don't feel, what hurts is what you lose
but at this moment I gave up, the ice had blown my fuse
made out of cold, made out of fear God's will attracts,
God; s will is here
all had begun, when led by fear, right at the end of the world
high in the sky, here at the end of the world
2. Five Crystals
evil roams the land of my dreams
onslaught is the onset of coma
ancients chase the crystals of black
magic is the secret I keep
searching in the land of my dreams
gazing in the eyes of my dying conciousness
I have to grasp the last stone
failing means I will never awake
slowly I drown in my sleep
hoping my brain will awake
my last crystal will fall in their hands
leaving me to die alone in my sleep
I hear hooves pounding
I see his mask, it's black!
I try escaping but I can't move
I'm doomed
sun will rise for you again
3. The Dark Side
suffer with me
or you will see the end of time
the figure you are dreaming of
the shapes of those are mine
come in my mind
coming with the tides
are roaring waves of doom
darkness we'll find, soon
if you listen to my cries then you won't miss
the prophecies I tell to everyone of you
I see you're frail, never have I seen my inner self so black
every twig I try to grab
is si fearfull it will crack
my lungs are screaming
because my heart is too shy to explain
you're born to fail
never will I find the rest
untill I'm lost and gone
and my blood poors down the drain
from beneath the earth I rumble and I bait
I've resigned myself without resistance to my fate
I drag you down
now I'm dead and what I did was useless to you all
you're down with me
the only thing I still maintain is making you even worse than me
and dragging you down within my fall
cry for me and for the world
because where I look it is black I find
cry for me because I have unfurled
I have found
the dark side of my mind
4. Deceiver
your spirit turns black
as sympathy of life declines
only selfish ways reign
in your sickened mind
your tears have dried
and floods of deceit are unleashed
upon all humanity
heed me from you, deceiver, make believer
you shattered my dreams in two
all trust lost in dust
I sweep and in agony I bleed
your honesty repressed by hypocrisy
mental thief, turning my life into disease
no paradise, in hell you'll see
internally I'm screaming
my fear of dying's dying
as compassion decays
tell right from wrong
words nothing more than vicious lies, betrayal
too late, I'm pissed off with violent rage
we call him traitor
Hate and fear united
won't turn into tranquillity
no sympathy for God or Christ
reality? It's all fantasy
life's washing away
forever caressing the bitterness
I'm roaming forever through my anger
5. Cliffs Of Moher
once there was a time
when no man had ever touched the earth
all that has been built was balanced
and so was man's birth
come with me
and you'll see
you've been put here for a reason
use your powers well
keep respect for all
because on my surface you will dwell
when the morning comes
we find our way in life
her powers make the trees look green
the sun will laugh to flowers in the sand
I came through
another night...
your disgrace for me
has brought up shame on my behalf
what we've seen so far
feels like you're tearing up my scars
on my recall
I've shown you all
you careless fools
I make the rules
the sun will laugh to flowers in the sand
I came through
another night...
6. By Time Alone
I prepared you with all I know
as I taught to you I watched you grow
changes in the heart and in soul
no one ever has got the strenght for that goal
you see...
time will tell it's tale to us all
the part that we play
will be told by time alone
and so we realize
our story will be told by time alone
those who see the shades understand
they're the ones who's fear won't get out of hand
when one relies too much on his hope
he won't search the area beyond his scope
follow the line
which one is mine?
I've seen things clear
no I won't fear
7. Ancient Rhymes
ancient rhymes infest my brain I go insane
old spells are cast ancient rhymes unleash the pastо
(Charles Dexter Ward)
thragta I memoria, ersensa nova nom
a ritmica ghidana, yog sodomae sabadomо
ancient rhymes I hear pounding in my ears
in vigatha worthanathas, ghafili commosthiо
walls are trembling, fog is thickening
dust regains it's life, fear grows in my mind
who recalls me from the grace?
Once again I'm king of all, bow and obey? о
vocum envocathae, confilae maghaesthiо
walls are trembling, fog is thickening, ancient rhymes I hear
voices, I don't know from whom, are pounding in my ears
resting I won't do again now ancient rhymes I hear
the knowledge that it came to life still
chills my blood in fear
8. Odyssey
лt was pulled away by force
when I began this quest
they took away the spark
my future, life of bliss
face of blood they left me
near death but full of hate
to leave without a trace
and take away my mate
journey of my major decline
minor of joy tears to dry
I seem to fly
drifting through space and time
flying to my destiniy
I can't seem to find
anyone who's in my way
will know the price to pay
I'm numb but don't count me out
my odyssey will end one day
the quest has made me tough
entombed in solitude
I reached my goal and thus
a better man saved you
it was a conspiracy!
9. Requiem
rex tremendae maiestatis
qui salvandos salvas gratis
salva me fons pietatis... amen
the trumpet scattering it's awful sound
across the graves of all lands
summons all before the throne
death and nature shall be stunned
when mankind arises
to render acount before the judge
the written book shall be bought
in which all is constained
from the depths of hell
and the bottomless pit
deliver us from the jaws of the lion
lest hell engulfs them
confutatis maledictis
flammis acribus addictis
voca me cum benedictis... amen
oro supplex et acclinis
cor contritum quasi cinis
gere curam mei finis... amen... requiem
10. Leafless
in my roots underground, bits of grief still remain
lingering memories, replacing joy by pain
in my roots underneath my silent cries grind and burn
shaping my own defeat to the point of no return
you are leaving me to cope with my scars
ignoring me for what? I don't know
former joy burnt down and decayed,
all that might have been turned to hate
dew washed away by the rain, acid bitterness eats me
it burns a hole in my crust,
seedlings of our trust won't grow no more
leafless you left me as leaves fell down to earth
naked I became when you left,
lonely is the woods of my trunc
where in the whirl of your thoughts was the reason anyway?
Seasons nature's cure for my shame,
in time my branches will grow again
spring, winter's foe has arrived,
blooming I once did... and will do again...
what did I do wrong to lose your trust?
the tree that's me was shook
you turned your back and left,
can't you see I was afraid of you
and of that higher tree that took the sun away
it all happened much too fast for me
and what you didn't know:
your tears were acid rain browning my green
11. Deliverance
[Dedicated to Opa van der Aa]
remembering the day we took eachother's hand
but in our minds we knew we would lose a friend
out here we think, we gaze and look above
every star for everyone we've loved
I don't hear and I don't see but
as my guardian he is here with me...
we are what you'll lose
deliverance is what you will gain
nothing else to choose
but deliverance from the pain
my feelings are mixed, like living apart together
but in my sleep I know he's with me forever
this time it's him who's says that it's OK
helping me to get over the previous day
lacrimosa, dies illa
in heaven reunion will take place
so take my hand have no fear
lacrimosa, dies illa
through my laughs and through my tears
I'm overwhelmed by memories
not in one day nor in years
we will forget you've disappeared
12. The Crumbling Of My Denial
what are you, where do you come from?
Your appearance hits me like a bomb
the words I say seem to stammer my mind
all you do makes my spirit wind
from your head to your feet it's all fine
and your eyes shiver down my spine
make my day, make my life worthwhile
you must teach me again how to smile
how to cry, how to feel what's inside
and to know that I'm dignified
I want love but I do want pain
come to me лcause I am insane
I take the step now
we know what to do
you understand my call
it's the crumblings of my denial
no one sees how we play this game
slowly we fan eachother's flame
we want love and we sooth our pain
we feel fine лcause we are insane
screaming out, see my rage
feel my flesh, thickened by my age
hear the tone of my call
it's the crumbling of my denial
you will be mine!