 Французский лейбл Adipocere выпустил в свет переиздание первого полноформатника итальянской банды Forgotten Tomb "Songs to Leave" в формате digipack. Альбом 2002 года дополнен более поздним бонус треком "Desolated Funeral", в связи с чем общее время звучания диска зашкаливает за один час. Forgotten Tomb, в лице единственного на то время участника Herra Morbid-a, играет депрессивный и довольно монотонный doom metal, с упором на чистые и многократно повторяющиеся в разных тональностях гитарные риффы и едва заметной примесью "примоченного" black metal, что порой приближает композиции к известной всем работе Burzum "Filosofem", а временами вызывает ностальгические ассоциативные воспоминания с ранними альбомами классики средне темпового doom metal - Katatonia или Anathema.
Придавленный и неразборчивый вокал, вероятно частично пропущенный через дисторшн, также напоминает вокальные изыскания Графа на Filosofem. Атмосфера музыки крайне болезненна, суицидальна и мизантропична, что гармонирует с довольно жуткой фотографией на обложке, где изображен замученный Herr Morbid, одиноко и безучастно развалившейся в грязной ванне, обмазанный непонятными пятнами темного цвета (вероятно, кровью).
Невзирая на уже упомянутою монотонность звучания, музыка не отягощает и не надоедает, а успокаивает и вызывает чувства печали и отрешенности от земных радостей и, что немаловажно, желание разделить незавидную участь Herr Morbid-а.
Вывод: Добротная, самодостаточная работа для мизантропов и женоненавистников. Подозреваю, что на следующем альбоме Herr Morbid поместит в ванну какое-то незадачливое существо женского пола... |
The acrid taste of rotting takes my breath away
My violet lips covered with frost
The paleness of those walls is lost...
It's fucking lost
The winter grows cold
It takes me into the frame of dust and old
The silence in me...
Please Death set me free
Fallin' upon my buried coffin
the snow freezes my last smile
And the tears are crystallized
But the pain remains in me
Still and cold and dead
My body lies under the ground
A withered flower falls on me
Upon the ice of my grave
Memories of life, times lost in my mind
Ages of a forgotten existence, so far now
Dusty shells of pictures buried by years
Tell me who i am
Tell me how to see my dawn...
Were we born to struggle and suffer ?
Happiness is a short while
Where we forget to be humans
Hate is only a waste of time
The cold is growing, end of days
Hold my body and take me far away
Far away from this grave of frost
We must enjoy these moments of inhumanity
Before they take our dream away...
2. Solitude Ways
[Music and Lyrics by HERR MORBID, Autumn/Winter 2000]
Last night I walked again that soil,
places in my mind
Remembrances as cold pieces of glass
Blood red stained mirrors
lie broken upon the floor
A time so far - Something we can't recall
I'll take your hand towards the night
where our souls will be as one
I can't describe the day
when we crossed our solitude ways
Deserted houses - Haven of mine
Tombs under eternal fog and frost
The pool of blood is turning cold,
as we watch our reflection
becoming red as December dusk
I'll take your hand towards the night
where our souls will be as one
You'll never cry alone in the rain
The sleep will heal our solitude days
They'll never live the meaning of parting
Souls left alone in the night
as tears flow with the pain
Loneliness, coldness and bloodlust
Alcohol, razorblades and the same old places
Blood, tears and semen
the only human things will be left of me?
I love the night as I love your eyes
You'll burn inside the cold lands of my heart
Our way together towards inhumanity
Our dreams without any God above
I'll take your hand towards the night
where our souls will be as one
We'll never cry alone in the rain
Only Death now could divide our solitude ways
3. Steal My Corpse
4. No Way Out
[Music by HERR MORBID - Winter 2000/ Lyrics by Kiara Barbieri - Winter 2000]
Darkness enshrouded from within
Bitter rest in overwhelming solitude
Sleeping aeons and mountains
To conceal the tearing grief
A human life is not worth more
Than a tear stolen in a frozen dawn
(Than) a drop of blood on a yellowed paper
(Than) a shiver in the sharpened rain
No way out of this terror
Distance like an empty winter night
Pieces of me randomly scattered on the floor
Shrieks of dying animals inside my soul
Trapped among the mortal ones
My mourning is in vain
Unveiled dreams have turned to nothing
Fed on the wrecks of unanswered questions
A human life is not worth more
Than a tear stolen in a frozen dawn
(Than) a drop of blood on a yellowed paper
(Than) a shiver in the sharpened rain
No way out of this terror
Distance like an empty winter night
Pieces of me randomly scattered on the floor
Shrieks of dying animals inside my soul
Silence is trembling, screaming its rage-
5. Disheartenment
[Music and Lyrics by HERR MORBID - Autumn/Winter 2001]
Lying in a dark corner
The black candle light is dying out
Trying to refuse this suffering
As coldness burns my pale naked flesh
I faced my fears a thousand times
Endless doubts - Life of paranoia
I try to find a way out
From this state of suicidal urge
I watch with empty eyes the blade
As tears begin to fall down my face
Another night alone with myself
At one with melancholy and depression
I bleed because the dark is near
I cry as i realize you can' t be here
I need to caress your skin in the night
But now my only friend remains this knife
Why must i live with these fears?
I know my only tragedy is my mind
Sometimes i think i'm wasting all the joys
And with this bitter thought i fear to die
I feel so jaded now, so far away
I can't face next morning with this pain
Another cut lacerates my flesh
Sometimes i think it will be the last
I'm only trying to objectivate this hate
I prove towards myself and life itself
I only need to watch these fifty wounds
I opened upon my body in the night
I only need to stop these sick death thoughts
And cry for joy when you'll be here again
I'll watch you sleeping naked at my side
I'll kiss you and this blood will stop to flow
Everyone can kill himself one day
Life brings pain and suffering on our way
Cut your wrists, it's simpler than it seems
But in death you'll know...
Disheartenment wins