« Classic Diamonds »
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   Doro Pesch - vocals
Joe Taylor - acoustic guitars
Oliver Palotai - piano
Nick Douglas - bass
Johnny Dee - drums
Guest musicians:
Udo Dirkschneider - vocals on "Breaking The Law" |
 | I Rule The Ruins
There's a tattooed
symbol underneath my sleeve
An iron glove over a hand of steel
You can't touch me
Don't touch me
All for one and one for me
Listen well and
I'll set you free
You can trust me
For eternity
No promise
Is honest
In a world of change
I rule the ru |
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 Признаться, этот альбом - мое первое знакомство с творчеством уважаемой Доро. Раньше я не обращала внимания на ее работы, привычно покупая очередной опус Darkthrone или Morbid Angel. Теперь же эта немецкая фрау займет почетное место в моей коллекции CD. “Classic Diamonds” – отличный альбом, в котором роковая составляющая, оркестр и женский вокал звучат необыкновенно гармонично и душевно. Добавьте к этому прекрасные мелодии и высочайшего, кристального качества запись – и вы получите некоторое представление об этой милой (да, именно милой!) музыке. Как бы возвышенно и торжественно ни звучал здесь оркестр, он не оставляет впечатления пафосности и показушности, как это иногда бывает. Альбом, начинаясь с быстрых, энергично-заводных вещей (в том числе и замечательного кавера на Judas Priest), вскоре начинает сбавлять темп, переходя на трогательные баллады. Думается, что баллад здесь многовато: уж очень мне понравился озорной девчоночий задор первых треков… Пара немецкоязычных композиций вносит некоторое разнообразие в музыку и освежает ее восприятие. Продуманные до мельчайших подробностей песни позволяют слушать альбом на одном дыхании, не отвлекаясь и ничуть не скучая. С большим вкусом оформленный буклет приятно брать в руки, а читать трогательно-глубокомысленные тексты – одно удовольствие. Может быть мне, далекой от этого стиля музыки, привыкшей терзать свои девичьи ушки долбой брутал дэта и блэкушным чесом, трудно адекватно воспринять этот альбом, но моя субъективная оценка в данном случае может быть только высшей!
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Ну вот и первая леди хэви-метал, единственная и неповторимая Доро Пеш, пала жертвой всеобщей повальной моды на альбомы с симфоническим оркестром. Грустно от этого или весело - сейчас попробуем разобраться. Для общей простоты поделим все эмоции на "черное" и "белое". Итак, что же в "Classic Diamonds" есть позитивного и хорошего? Очень хочется похвалить Дороти за сам подход к аранжировке всем известных хитов. Такого на моей памяти не делал еще никто - из стандартных роковых инструментов остались одни барабаны! Абсолютно ВСЕ партии гитар исполняет оркестр, и только в самых редких случаях возникают красивые акустические соло. То есть, в отличие от большинства подобных проектов, оркестр не сливается в экстазе с тяжелым звуком, а прекрасно обходится без него! Кому-то это точно не понравится, но лично я пришел в абсолютнейший восторг от совершенно вагенровских оттенков в "I Rule The Ruins", виртуозенейших запилов в "Metal Tango" и развеселых скрипочек в "Burn It Up". Ну и никак нельзя забыть главный сюрприз альбома - "пристовский" суперхит "Breaking The Law" в виде грустной баллады (!!!), постепенно раскачивающейся до полноценного боевика, со знаменитым риффом на скрипках и гостевым вокалом Удо Диркшнайдера! Напоследок отмечу весьма приятную новую композицию "Let Love Rain On Me". А теперь переходим к недостаткам, испортившим мне все впечатление от альбома. Во-первых, маловато будет. Не считая трех бонусов, продолжительность основной программы - всего-навсего 40 минут! Во-вторых, зачем было для десяти песен с оркестром, выбирать целых пять баллад? Они и в оригинальных версиях звучат почти так же. В-третьих, зачем было запихивать на диск три довольно слабых бонуса? Акустическая "Always Live To Win" и две весьма обыкновенных свежих песни ("I'm In Love With You" и "She's Like Thunder") смотрятся здесь абсолютно не к месту. В общем, если бы Доро убрала все бонусы, удалила пару баллад и добавила еще десяток старых активных песенок в великолепной симфонической обработке, этот диск ждала бы как минимум девятка. А так... P.S. Зато теперь я точно знаю, кому надо следующим записывать симфонику - "присты", вперед! (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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просмотров: 23733 |
with passion and pain
I rule the ruins
Sinner or saint
Fortune or fate
Alive and well
in this livin' hell
I survived it all,
now it's time to tell
Can you hear me
Do you hear me
Once a tattered soul
on bended knees
With one hand to God,
I felt the devil's breeze
I begged help me
Won't you rescue me
One promise dishonest
And everything will change
There's a tattooed symbol
underneath my sleeve
Iron glove over a hand of steel
I rule the ruins
I rule the ruins
I rule the ruins
With passion and pain
I rule the ruins
Sinner and saint
I rule the ruins
Metal Tango
My hands are in motion
My wheels do not change
My pain I turn into heat
Inside these flames
When time has no meanin'
Where seasons don't change
I dream with the heart of a thief
And I don't feel no shame
There's an island
In my soul
There's desire
Burnin' deep down, down below
Dance demons
Lose control
This is a metal a metal tango
Dance demons
Don't you know
This is a metal a metal tango
This is a metal...tango
The sky is cryin'
The tears fall like rain
The wind it gave me the key
To unlock these chains
There's an island
In my soul
There's desire
Burnin' deep down, down below
Dance demons
Lose control
This is a metal a metal tango
Dance demons
Don't you know
This is a metal a metal tango
This is a metal...tango
There's desire
In my soul
Burnin' deep down, down below
Dance demons
Lose control
This is a metal a metal tango
Dance demons
Don't you know
This is a metal a metal tango
This is a metal...tango
Don't you know
This is a metal tango
This is a metal tango
Don't you know
This is a metal tango
Breaking The Law
There I was completely wasting
Out of work and down
All inside it's so frustrating
As I drift from town to town
Feel as though nobody cares if I live or die
So I might as well begin
To put some action in my life
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
So much for the golden future
I can't even start
I've had every promise broken
There's anger in my heart
You don't know what it's like
You don't have a clue
If you did you'd find yourselves
Doing the same thing too
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
You don't know what it's like
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
Breaking the law
All We Are
All we are
All we are, we are
We are all, all we need
All we are
All we are, we are
We are all, all we need
There's beauty in the heart
of the beast
Fear behind the eyes of the thief
I know you know
we're all incomplete
Let's get together
and let's get some relief
Stronger than a mountain of steel
Faster than hell on wheels
We've got we've got all
the power we need
Let's build a playground
on this old battelfield
Now we're stronger
We no longer want you
bringin' us down
We've got the magic
So we're gonna spread the magic
around yeah!
Now we're stronger
We no longer want you pushin' us
All we are
We are all, all we need
Für Immer
Bleib' Dir treu
niemals auseinandergeh'h
werden zueinandersteh'n
für immer
Keine Macht
wird uns jemals trennen
werde wie ein Tier drum kampfen
Du lernst mich kennen!
Denn Freunde geh'n mir über alles-immer-
Ich werd' immer fur Dich sein -für immer-
Deep inside my heart -für immer-
Deep inside my heart -für immer-
Deep inside my heart -i see you and me
So lange Zeit
sehn' ich Dich -Geborgenheit-
in Freiheit
Mut und Kraft
führen mich durch jeden Tag
begleiten uns in tiefster Nacht
-bald geschafft!-
Ich würd' mein Leben
fur Dich geben -immer-
werden alles übersteh'n -für immer-
Deep inside my heart -für immer-
Deep inside my heart -für immer-
Deep inside my heart...
There's a message in this sound
Hay una promessa en el sonido
Für immer zusammen
werden uns niemals trennen
-uns niemals trennen!-
Für immer
Let Love Rain On Me
Please forgive me for calling
In the deepest dead of night
But I found a million ways that
I could try to make tings right
I want to bring you magic and
Sprinkle you with rain
And give you more than reasons
To take me back again
Let love rain on me
Like it did before
Let love rain on me
I can't take it anymore
Drown me in a sea
Let love rain on me
I had walked through miles of desert
And drenshed them with my tears
In these days I've been away
From you I've aged a 100 years
So please don't keep me waiting
Withing on the stars above
Just give me your forgiveness
I return it with my love
Let love rain on me
Like it did before
Let love rain on me
I can't take it anymore
Drown me in a sea
Let love rain on me
Let love rain on me
Like it did before
I have been through fire
I can't take it anymore
Drown me in a sea
Let love rain on me
Burn It Up
A heartbeat like thunder
Burning down under
Ready to fly into the great sky
When the flames getting higher
You're feeling the fire
You know it's our turn
We're ready to burn
Burn it up
Bird of fire
Come on and set this place on fire
Burn it up
It will take you higher
Feel the heat and feel the fire
A body of iron
Hits harder then lightning
He's got a sharp sense
That's his best defense
He's a natural born leader
Fast as a cheetah
He's ready to win
Come on let's begin
Tausend Mal Gelebt
Ich war schon so oft hier
wohl tausend mal und mehr...
ich war mein Freund
ich war mein Feind
gefangen und verlor'n
Versuchung macht mich schwach
hab's wieder nicht geschafft
gekämpft ein Leben lang
letzt fängt wieder alles an
Tausend mal gelebt
als hätt' ich tausend mal geliebt
Tausend mal ein Leben
lang nur dich gesucht
Tausend mal gelebt
als hätt' ich tausend mal gekillt
hab' dich tausend mal begehrt
es hat mich tausend mal zerstört
Ich hab' immer viel gegeben
und doch war's nie genug
hab' ein Leben lang geweint
und nur unter Qualen
wurd' ich weich...
Denn ich kam um in Feuer
und ertrank im tiefsten Meer
doch nichts schmerzte mich mehr
denn ich liebte viel zu sehr
Tausend mal gelebt
als hätt' ich tausend ma! geliebt
tausend mal vergebens
nur nach dir gesucht
tausend mal gelebt
als hätt' ich tausend mal gekillt
hab' dich tausend mal begehrt
es hat mich tausend mal zerstört
Ich hätte alles darum gegeben
um dich nur ein einziges Mal zu lieben...
hätte dir ewige treue geschworen
hab' meine Seele total an dich ver!oren
Tausend mal gelebt
hab' dich tausend mal geliebt
hab' dich tausend mal begehrt
es hat mich tausend mal zerstört
Tausend mal gelebt
hab' dich tausend mal geliebt
hab' dich tausend mal begehrt
es hat mich tausend wal zerstört
I'm In Love With You
Night after night, stroll out in the darkness
Demons in my head got me hanging by a threat
Time after time, year after year
On my own it's such a lonely road
Wanna let you know how I feel for you
Wanna let you know I'd die for you
I'm in love with you
You are all I need
I dream you put your arms around me
And set my spirit free
I'm in love with you
You mean all to me
I've been longing for your loving
And hoping you will see
I'm in love with you
Day after day struggle to get through
Feel so alone without you
Tear after tear falling from my eyes
I'm so afraid you might not want me too
Got to let you know my need for you
Got to let you know I'd die for you
I'm in love with you
You are all I need
I dream you put your arms around me
And set my spirit free
I'm in love with you
You mean all to me
I've been longing for your loving
And hoping you will see
I'm in love with you
Like an angel turning dark to light
You come to me in my dreams
Your caresses in a lonely night
Bringing kisses bitterswett, yes kisses bittersweet
Bringing kisses bittersweet makes me feel better
But it's not real
I'm in love with you
You are all I need
I dream you put your arms around me
And set my spirit free
I'm in love with you
You mean all to me
I've been longing for your loving
And hoping you will see
I'm in love with you
Lately I've been thinking
That forever is just a lie
'Cause I've remembered all the pain I felt
When my only true love died
But last night I got the feeling
There was a spirit in the air
I lit a candle and I held my breath
I swear I saw you standing there
You spoke to me in whispers
And I melted at what I heard
There were echoes from the other side
In each and every word
Said love is undying
True love never dies
We'll meet up again
'Cause love has no end
Love is undying
I'm so glad I saw you
I shivered inside
When you closed your eyes
But love is undying
And last night I dreamed a dream of you
Where you took me to the other side
You looked so happy, not a trace of tears
And I could not help but cry
You said I wasn't ready
To tell my world goodbye
But you'd wait for me until the end of time
And forever is not a lie
Love is undying
True love never dies
We'll meet up again
'Cause love has no end
No love is undying
I'm so glad I saw you
I shivered inside
When you said goodbye
But love is undying
Love is undying
Love is undying
True love never dies
We'll meet up again
'Cause love has no end
No love is undying
I'm so glad I saw you
I shivered inside
When you said goodbye
But love is undying
Love is undying
There's no denying
You're heaven sent
You came and you went
But love is undying
Love is undying
Love is undying
Love is undying
Love is undying
Love Me In Black
Didn't they tell You the way that it's gonna be
You asked god for a woman and ended up with me
Maybe I'll love you maybe I'll pull you apart
We live in darkness l've pulled you into my friend
There's no escaping this hell that I've put you in
You must forgive me but loving me is a sin
Are you ready for me
Do you love me in black
I'll will push you away
Then make you come back
I can make you feel love
I can be so detached
Do you really want me
Do you love me in black
When I first met you I thought there was a mistake
How could you want me, you made such easy prey
Didn't they teach you loving is nothing but pain
What do you see when you look in my eyes
A sea of blue, a place where your heart could lie
Where it could drown, where it will never survive
Are you ready for me
Do you love me in black
I'll will push you away
Then make you come back
I can make you feel love
I can be so detached
Do you really want me
Do you love me in black
I keep reliwng the moment we said goodbye
You didn't kiss me, you didn't even try
You said l made me feel like you were barely alive
In another lifetime maybe another place
Maybe i'll find you. l could be tempted by fate
And try to reach with too little kindness too late
Are you ready for me
Do you love me in black
I'll will push you away
Then make you come back
I can make you feel love
I can be so detached
Do you really want me
Do you love me in black
Always Live To Win
Feels your life is just a living hell
But you know that you can
That you'll do it well
Come on
You only live to tell
Always live to win
Say never die
You know that's the way
You will always try
Come on
You only live to win
Cos this life is a game
Where you only live to win
Life is a pain
But it pays off in the end
Life is in vain
If you don't give everything
Life is a game
And you always
Always life to win
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Many times is just a mile away
You know that it's now
That you reach your aim
Come on
You only go ahead
It's getting harder
More and more you try
It takes what it takes
In an endless fight
Come on
It's only one more step
She's Like Thunder
Goddess of thunder
She's fatser than the wind
And I know she's going under
She's going under your skin
Crual as a tiger
You know she will win
She's like thunder and lightning
She's always fighting
There's no denying
Oh, she's like thunder and lightning
Yea, always fighting
She's like thunder and lightning
In a ring of fire
You know she'll take you
By surprise
Walk on a wire
No way out
You better run for life
Nowhere to hide yeah
So you better give in
She's like thunder and lightning
Goddess of thunder
She's fatser than the wind
And I know she's going under
She's going under your skin
Crual as a tiger
You know she will win
She's like thunder and lightning