 Удивляюсь, почему никто до меня не написал рецензию на этот альбом. Несмотря на то, что в среде блэкушников группу принято ругать, мне её творчество нравится, а этот альбом в особенности. Группа играет в меру мелодичную, в меру злобную музыку. Качество звука по сравнению с дебютным альбом значительно улучшилось. Хорошо работает драммер, гитара тоже неплоха. Вокал же, по-моему, просто великолепен. Сделано всё достаточно профессионально, но, к сожалению, довольно однообразно (ни одна песня особо не запомнилась, хотя и откровенных провалов нет). Но этим в последнее время грешат многие. Зато Catamenia хотя бы отличается от других новых black-metal групп, она легко узнаваема.
Мой вердикт: классный альбом хорошей группы. Слушается очень легко. Одним словом, добротная музыка, которая порадует многих любителей энергичной, злой, но в то же самое время и красивой музыки. |
Guide me burning sky, guide me
kiss goodbye the freezing night
northern lights, will you take me
guide me burning sky, guide me
Why is the sky so bright at night
who put the flames in our lives... northern lights
winds are so cold and he knows the only hope
is to follow the flames in the northern sky.
2. Talviyon Varjot
Varjot puista tielle hohtaa
joka meidat pimeyteen johtaa
katson ylos taivaaseen,
kunnes tahdet pilvien 'taa katoaa.
Hyinen tuuli yossa ujeltaa
kaikki valo lopulta katoaa
pian lumi maat syliinsa peittaa
kylmyys jarvet jaahan heittaa.
"Kuljemme yha syvemmalle pimeyteen,
kanssa varjojen jotka meidat
viittaansa katkee..."
Jo talvi saapuu pohjoiseen
vieden meidat ikuiseen kylmyteen
ja revontulet taivaalla loistaa
yha kirkkaimpina kuin koskaan.
"Kuljemme yha syvemmalle pimeyteen,
kanssa varjojen jotka meidat
viittaansa katkee..."
3. And Winter Descends
The hope turned to frustration
in the first night of the winter
a walk in dark forest
suffocates my own spirit
to break the cries of moon.
calmness turned to restlessness
in the first silence of winter
greedy thoughts and ego minds
are covered with shadows of lies.
The spells turned to curses
in the first storm of winter
lonely thoughts with endless fear
my night starting to fade out.
Calmness turned to restleness
in the first silence of winter
greedy thoughts and ego minds
are covered with shadows of lies.
The last mind was twisted
in the last days of winter
the souls couldn't scream
no they couldn't dream.
The hope turned to frustration
in the first night of the winter
a walk in dark forest
suffocates my own spirit
to break the cries of moon.
Calmness turned to restleness
in the first silence of winter
greedy thoughts and ego minds
are covered with shadows of lies.
The spells turned to curses
in the first storm of winter
lonely thoughts with endless fear
my night starting to fade out.
The hope turned to frustration
in the first night of the winter
a walk in dark forest
suffocates my own spirit
to break the cries of moon.
4. In Blood They Lay
I raise my sword to dance
and make disease like a caim
I travel with ancient gods
only silence above the stars.
Many years and patience past
hundred battles which shadows cast
the darkest one I have been
and like timeless I stand.
Vain hiljaisuus ylla yollisen taivaan saa,
syyshamaran varjojen alta
heidan verensa virtaamaan
ja katso, me naemme sen tulevan
ylla tuulten ja metsien
alla tulisen taivaan kuolemaa tuottaen.
Now it's silence in the sky
no more words, no more cries
dust descends to the ground
final sleep they were found
5. Beauty Embraced By Night
Like a mist on moonlit sky
mystified the essense of light
glorified never satisfied
beauty embraced by the night.
The one that lived in darkness
was harmed by bright innocence
Then the twilight of life turned
into black velvet unfoldt.
Lonely whispers of night... hear me and guide
Once so glorious will be passe
away to the dark river of time
once so mightfull washed
by the cold stream of life.
Like a mist on moonlit sky
mystified the essense of light
glorified never satisfied
beauty embraced by the night.
6. Passing Moment Of Twilight Time
Sometimes we forget, what has once been
and all the beauty we have seen
forlorn from our minds,
now twisted or disguised
what once gleames above the sky.
December loves the lonely souls
daughters and sons, that no one mourns
belief in life as soon it begins... to fall.
Time of darkness tears it down
what is now buried down below
7. Cast The Stars Beyond
Under the raven black sky
she revel with the wolves of night
following the moonshadow
embracing the winter frost.
Six stars in northern sky
gathers with the wind and light
set the fire behind the mist
wings before the darkest death.
The beauty of eternal dark
lurking in the shadows of trees
forever burning wisdom is free
cast the stars beyond this dream.
Every weakness of her sight
as confused as day and night
she's passing the light of mountain so bright
with these feelings sun will die.
Night, the garden of divine
stands alone in twilight
like roses of breeze they die.
As darkness falls inside the halls
walls of reality will be torn
down under and up again
lady winter leaves her mark.
Burning in the astral winds
under the cold silvery moon
upon the clouds of black, deep sky
cast the stars beyond the night.
Night, the garden of divine
stands slone in twilight
like roses of breeze they die.
8. Morning Crimson
Red suns burning slow
inside the night, soft whispers echo
tides of darkness flowing like stars
crimson colours, paint our hearts
behold the sky so distant and bright.
Screams whispered, memories won
we are free to roam, destination never shown
gaze those in mist, gleam in night
without battles we dominate.
The dying light of eternal grey
above it all creations fall
thunderstorm of rage, lead us to the void
thorns and stones, swords for the moon.
Screams whispered, memories won
we are free to roam, destination never shown
gaze those in mist, gleam in night
without battles we dominate.
Under the clouds, in grace of night
we walk through the ashes and dust
in the failing light of the stormy day
born out of thorns from dragons kiss.
Screams whispered, memories won
we are free to roam, destination never shown
gaze those in mist, gleam in night
without battles we dominate.
9. The Forests Of Tomorrow
Searching the truth in the forest
denying the story that believes in past
knowing there's something imposing to come.
Moon, you are my goddess
night, you are my hope
trees are the shades behind me.
Wolves, you are my courage
ravens, you are my sight
winds are the strength in my mind.
Frozen ground saves me from the past
close your eyes, look into the stars
feeling the truth coming out from the dark
suprised by the greatness of might
and I look for the forests of tomorrow.
Moon, you are my goddess
night, you are my hope
trees are the shades behind me.
Wolves, you are my courage
ravens, you are my sight
winds are the strength in my mind.
10. Towards The Winds Of Winter
In the shadows with moonlight
beauty of darkness raped by the light
born where the flames never die
and falled in throne of night.
Shadows wandering over the land
with coldness they come among burning path
winds of winter so cold and dark
revel with storms in northern sky.
Dark waters flow away from Kamaar
to the eternal seas of frozen Sendar
dawn of freezing moon shall rise
in land of ravens and fallen light.
Black sun is rising from sky azure
infinite darkness cast the stars beyond
horizon of Sendar will burn in black
and died in frozen streams of Borda.
11. When The Frost Took The Lakes
It all started when the frost took the lakes
it all ended at the same time
it all lasted for a second or two
it all lasted for eternity...
I saw all the source of life fading away
the sun will forget to rise tomorrow.
Spending the rest of my time strolling in woods
I saw the moon crying again...
It all gave rise to wintry snowstorm
it all stopped the wind, the silence came in
it all blinded us, it all took the sight
it all was the vision of the last winter...
I saw all the source of life fading away
the sun will forget to rise tomorrow.
Spending the rest of my time strolling in woods
I saw the moon crying again...
It all started when the frost took the lakes
it all ended at the same time
it all lasted for a second or two
it all lasted for eternity
12. Shadeweaver's Season
It is the shadeweaver's season,
the widowmaker's fall
and it takes no reason to tear you apart.
Cast a side your enlighted soul
I'll tell you story untold
throw away your mask so proud
I'll do it with or without.
As came the time shadows seize the day
without passion, life went on anyway
thought it should end, and my soul descent
on my throne of thorns, under crown of sin.
The convex tears of infinity, there wept
before dawn of time...
As came the time shadows seize the day
without passion, life went on anyway
thought it should end, and my soul descent
on my throne of thorns, under crown of sin
13. Winternacht
Als ich dich sah in dieser Nacht
so schon, zart, vollkommen
das Eis in deinem schwarzen Haar
...und ich gab dir neues Leben
Ich formte deinen wei?en Korper
mit meinen eisigen Handen
Lippen rot wie Blut
...und ich gab dir neues Leben