 В 1994 году английские вампиры зачем-то выпустили компиляцию “Содомия с девственными вампиршами”, состоящую из бутлега, записанного не иначе как в каком-то грязном, глухом подвале, и демки 1992 года “Total Fucking Darkness”. Я говорю "зачем-то", потому что тогда у ребят был всего один альбом, хоть и ставший популярным после выхода, но всё же не являвшийся достаточно весомым аргументом, чтобы выпускать после него подобные вещи. Под очень соблазнительной обложкой нас поджидает ну очень отвратительное зрелище. Если пройтись сперва по бутлегу, то возникает мысль: зачем? Зачем было такое выпускать, если на этой записи ничего, кроме синтезаторов и воплей Дани не слышно? Звук настолько отвратительный, что любой тру-блэкер потеряет сон от того, что ему такого андеграунда на своей записи в жизни не достичь. Может, для таких людей это и будет эталонным звуком, но для меня это простое убожество. Да и работа едва слышных инструментов иногда вызывает дрожь, особенно это заметно на песне “The Black Goddess Rises”, где одна из едва слышимых гитар издаёт такой амелодичный шум в середине, что песня вообще сваливается в чистую какофонию, хотя она (гитара) должна выполнять ни много ни мало лиричную роль в данном отрезке композиции. Бэк-вокал в этой песне, на альбоме принадлежащий Андреа Майер, тут исходит из глотки какого-то, простите за резкость, имбецила, которому по ногам проезжает асфальтоукладчик (знаете, мне показалось, что ЭТУ партию исполнил сам Дэни… Мда.). Но вот одного у этой записи не отнимешь – атмосфера создаётся что надо, чистейший подземный мрак, даже какое-то извращённое удовольствие от этого получаешь. Именно за эту черту я и немного подниму оценку в конце. Стоит отметить одну немаловажную деталь: вместо композиции под названием “Лес шепчет моё имя”, которая идёт третьим номером, мы получаем почему-то “Heaven Torn Asunder”, а вместо “Ночного Господства ” нам предложили “Haunted Shores”, которые вместе с “Готическим Романсом” впоследствии вошли на их альбом “Сумерки.… И её Объятия” 1996 года выпуска. Наводит на определённые думы: неужели у них уже тогда были готовы эти композиции на альбом 96-го? Хотя, возможно судебная тяжба с их тогдашним лейблом “Cacophonus Records“ помешала им воплотить эти песни в полноформатник намного раньше.
Ну а про легендарную демку “Total Fucking Darkness” я уже высказывался в отдельной рецензии. Скажу только, что она выглядит покраше бутлега.
Если подводить итоги вышесказанного, на ум приходят неутешительные выводы: ребятам надо было чуток подождать, и, возможно, они к тому времени и с инструментами научились бы обращаться получше (точнее, с их настройкой), да и запись смогли бы как-нибудь в студии выправить. А так, извините, но уж очень всё подземно и коряво. Но за обложку, вышеуказанную атмосферу, ну и за демо, присобаченное в конце, оценка будет вместо заслуженной тройки – четвёрки такой… |
From grace I fell in love with Her
Scent and feline lure
And jade woodland eyes that ushered in the impurest
"Erotic, laden fantasies amid this warm Autumn night
She lulled me away from the rich masquerade
And together we clung in the bloodletting moonlight"
Pearled luna, what spell didst thou cast on me?
Her icy kiss fervoured my neck
Like whispering waves 'pon Acheron's beach
In a whirl of sweet voices and statues
That phantomed the dying trees
This debauched seductress in black, took me....
In a pale azured dawn like Ligeia reborn
I tore free of my sleep - sepulchre
On the sea misted lawn where stone figures, forlorn
Lamented the spectre of Her
Bewildered and weak, yet with passion replete
I hungered for past overtures
The curse of unrest and her ardent caress
Came much more than my soul could endure....
I, at once endeavoured to see Her again
Stirring from midnight's inertia
Knowing not even her name
On a thin precipice over carnal abyss
I danced like a blind acolyte
Drunk on red wine, her dead lips on mine
Suffused with the perfume of night
For hours I scoured the surrounding grounds
In vain that we might meet
When storm clouds broke, ashened, fatigued
I sought refuge in a cemeterty
Sleep, usher dreams
Taint to nightmares from a sunless nether
Mistress of the dark
I now know what thou art
Screams haunt my sleep
Dragged from nightmares thou hast wed together
Lamia and Lemures
Spawned thee leche
To snare my flesh
Portrait of the Dead Countess
Deep stained pain that I had dreamt
Flaunted demise, life's punishment
Leaving little strength to seal this wretched tomb....
But poised nectar within my stirs
Up feverous desire and morbid purpose to search
Through cobwebbed drapery to where she swoons
Goddess of the graveyard, of the tempest and moon
In flawless fatal beauty her very visage compels
Glimpses of a heaven where ghost companies fell
To mourning the loss of god in blackest velvet
Enrobed in their downfall like a swift silhouette
"Fleeting, enshadowed
Thou art privy to my sin
Secrets dead, wouldst thou inflict
The cruel daylights upon my skin?
Dost thou not want to worship me
With crimson sacrifice
So my cunt may twitch against thy kiss
And weep with new-found life?"
Red roses for the Devil's whore....
Dark angels taste my tears
And whisper haunting requiems
Softly to mine ear
Need-fires have lured abominations here....
Nocturnal pulse
My veins spill forth their waters
Rent by lips I cherish most
Awash on her perfidious shores
Where drowning umbra o'er the stars
Ebon's graves where lovers whore
Like seraphim and Nahemah
Pluck out mine eyes, hasten, attest
Blind reason against thee, Enchantress
For I must know, art thou not death?
My heart echoes bloodless and incensed....
Doth temptation prowl night in vulvic revelry
Did not the Queen of Heaven come as Devil to me?
On that fatal Hallow's Eve when we fled company
As the music swept around us in the crisp, fated leaves
Under horned Diana where her bloodline was sewn
In a graveyard of Angels rent in cool marbled stone
I am grieving the loss of life in sombre velvet
Enrobed in Death's shadow like a swifter
2. The Black Goddess Rises
Thee I invoke, bornless one
all woman, pure predator
wherein conspiracy and impulse dwell
like a seething fall from grace
Thee I worship...
Thou art darkest Gabrielle
no church shall bar our path
seductive Evil drink your fill
of the bleeding Christ in your arms
You are in my dreams
the darkness in my eyes
the rapture in my screams
Black Goddess arise
Nothing will keep us apart
we could kill them all
if our desire tore free
Our union is one, sweet, sinful Eve
And the night draws in beside her
as we embrace the dark side by side
I pour my soul to those eyes full of fire
to harvest the seed ploughed inside her
Archangel, snare the flesh
suck dry the ebbing wound
leave them lifeless and broken
my beloved...
Oh, how I have craved for you
You so pure and other-worldly with your scent of Winter
am I to bleed myself just dry to see your delight?
And the fear retreats forever
(come to me...Black Goddess arise)
when my secrets are buried in thine
(come to me...Black Goddess arise)
under seven stars we came together
(come to me...Black Goddess arise)
to plot the new age's decline
(come to me...ARISE!)
Ishtar my Queen
come forth to me
and help me seize
my future from the House of Death
That in the release of immortality
I should slay their fucking Nazarene
Ah...the lies...the jew...I kill for you
Hidden lusts will break the gates and swarm
as love secretes the thrill for war
the virgin raped shall seek to whore
She-wolf bare your snarling jaw
3. Of Mist And Midnight Skies
We, the nocturnal few
bound by other laws
to the service of the enemies of god
are silent and hidden
yet our exquisite fire burns on
poised to engulf...
Tie a man to his god
he may not walk for fear
of falling foul to temptation
where once faith stood her ground
Renounce the guilt, ignite the flame
cast the fetid virgin back from where she came
drink deep of the promise in my eyes...
of mist and midnight skies
I drown in fathomless dreams
and in the reeking mire of virtue scream
I yearn to sell my very soul
(And you shall
for none so dark & sinister
will arise to embrace the Arts)
Do What Thou Wilt
until the stones in my heart stand still
regardless of the cost to your repugnant god
The last May frost may blight the crops
and will never be ascribed to be heavenly dog
or nature, but infernal tasks...
"By your cursings and imprecations
you wrong both Man & beast
by whatever whim you serve
of the Devil your leige"
Tie belief to the trinity, and seven ways
will be wrought to condemn thee
conspiring to cull the pagan ways
Twist back their lies, personify their needs
the war begins by Satanic decree
if Evil we be, we will our lives...
To mist and midnight skies
(I will avenge the deaths of a thousand burning children)
Be bound to a covenant with us in our hellish league
and bring the host of the Nazarene to their knees
breath the life of an entity never-born
darkness now descend in raven form
the words, the burning rasp, vibrate the cosmic thread
Arcturus is risen Queen, hold forth the severed head to me
I pour my lovelorn kisses at your feet
raper of all my worldly enemies
Lycanthropy, please poison me
send acausal instincts crawling my brain
take me, Mistress, until perversion is fed
Dark Magick pleasures weaved under the jewelled moon-head
the cross-stick will fade when the usurper hangs
for now we congregate where once my angel sang
That night they came and took her away from me
I lost the woman I loved and I learned how to curse
and to spit in the face of their... "god"
We will ride again
in the midnight skies
4. The Forest Whispers My Name
Black candles dance to an overture
but I am drawn past their flickering lure
to the breathing forest that surrounds the room
where the vigilant trees push out of the womb
I sip the blood-red wine
my thoughts weigh heavy with the burden of time
from knowledge drunk from the fountain of life
from Chaos born out of love and the scythe
the forest beckons with her nocturnal call
to pull me close amid the baying of wolves
where the bindings of Christ are down-trodden with scorn
in the dark, odiferous earth
We embrace like two lovers at death
a monument to the trapping of breath
as restriction is bled from the veins of my neck
to drop roses on my marbled breast
I lust for the wind and the flurry of leaves
and the perfume of flesh on the murderous breeze
to learn from the dark and the voices between
This is my will...
The forest whispers my name...again and again
I walk the path
to the land of the Dark Immortals
Where the hungry ones will carry my soul
as the wild hunt careers through the boughs
Come to me, my Pale Enchantress
In the moon of the woods we kiss
Artemis be near me
in the arms of the ancient oak
where daylight hangs by a lunar noose
and the horned, hidden one is re-invoked
The principle of Evil
evolution has been recalled
Beneath the spread of a Magickal Aeon
I stand enthralled
...In the whispering forest
5. Nocturnal Supremacy
Weak midnight promises of love
Were wept upon Her grave
And shunned by stars above
In mortal life lurks my dismay
An Angel stole my heart
and Death took Her away
She sleeps beyond the grace of god
A dreaming beauty
If wishes could only fray that bond
The dead would sing for me...
Twelfth moon arose with ghostly voice
A poet's serenade
Her name a whisper 'pon my lips
And lo, Rorasa came
Fear me not my grieving King
Funereal in breath
The secrets of the dark I know
And thus, we shall cheat Death"
My promises wrought though despondence that night
Have delivered me gifts from the grave
Rorasa enshadowed and eternal life
Never a Devil so vain
The Angel is fallen, for I thought her lost
And no heaven would silence the pain
Teach me these secrets, the sensual frost
Desire for warm blood again
Princess lay down thy florid cheek
In drunken splendour
Tonight rare regal fate has cast
The wolves among the sheep
Dark nature clasp my soul
Around Her throat mine arms enfold
To sleep, perchance to dream
And then...
To dusk and flesh ascend
The Sun descends, magenta spirits fill the skies
and wreak erotic maladies where sex and Death abide
From writhing tides where gothick siren weave their song to shore
Through the ashes of the battlefields where ravens and angels war
As phantoms we have fled the basilisk of day
To rise as phoenix taloned, nightly taking prey
We rule like the red and risen moon upon the sea
The stars of judgement silent, for we share joyous
Stigmata plague
The wine of Bacchus flows
Listen to the thunder rage
Deceivers dragged before their cross
I am He that vanquished Death
And bore the sting of loss
What vulgar Christ will unprise my grasp?
His temple, ruined, burns
And sweet Rorasa laughs
I am enamoured and imparadised
To catch the fires dancing profanely in her eyes
"I will crush them all
If this holds thy delight"
Rather dead forever than to lose her
Nymph-lascivious Aphrodite
6. The Black Goddess Rises
Thee I Invoke, bornless one
All woman, pure predator
Wherein conspiracy and impulse dwell
Like a seething fall from grace
Thou art pale hecate
Rising from thessaly
You're in my dreams
The Darkness in my heart
The rapture in their screams
Black Goddess Rise...
7. Unbridled At Dusk
A celebration of the damned
The unfettered few who choose to roam
Sharing more than sexual excess
Sowing more than vexing stones
Favourite haunts of deprivation
Where the morning fears to tread
Covenant revere the sullen cain
Strike the tethered liar dead
Dark solstice fever burns in me
Like the tugging of my veins to feed
Ravaging Raven-Lust
Unbridled at dusk
8. The Raping Of Faith
Flowers lift your precious head to me
I have come to her warm embrace
The gentle touch of surreality
A sweet kiss from beloved faith
The gardens swim with fervent life tonight
I sense the beauty that waits for me there
Dancing with the statues in the pale moonlight
The velveret whisper at play with her hair
9. As Deep As Any Burial
Thrill, kill the black cult
Walk among the weak by night
Deep as any burial
Take their worthless lives...
10. Fraternally Yours, 666
Pour submission into me
No church shall bar our paths
Seductive evil drink...
your fill of the bleeding Christ in your arms
Where scorn is fed in the blackest fucking soul!