« Close to a World Below »
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1 | Higher Coward
 | 2 | Father, You're Not a Father
 | 3 | Furthest From the Truth
 | 4 | Fall From a High Place
 | 5 | Unpardonable Sin
 | 6 | Lost Passion
 | 7 | Put My Hand in the Fire
 | 8 | Close to a World Below
 | | Total playing time: 42:01 |
   Ross Dolan - bass/vocals
Thomas Wilkinson - guitar
Robert Vigna - guitar
Alex Hernandez - drums |
Recorded at Millbrook Sound Studios - Millbrook, NY - June 2000
Engineered by Paul Orofino
Produced by Paul Orofino and IMMOLATION
Mastered by Paul Orofino
Cover art: Andreas & Alex Marschall. |
 | 1. Higher Coward
Cowards, with your empty hearts
And narrow minds...So bitter
our confusion is overwhelming
So aimless and misguided
Your search for a higher power
Something better than yourselves
In a perfect world, your perfect god
Is a coward just like you
Watch them gather, they flock |
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 Сравнивать Immolation? С кем? Такие "намудрённые" барабанные партии, столь атмосферные соло, по привычке "грязноватый" звук гитар, антихристианство как основная тематика, фирменный гроул Росса, великолепнейшие концовки большинства песен, роскошные "живые" выступления... Нет, всё-таки это только Immolation.
С первого раза альбом трудно понять. Точнее, трудно понять его истинную силу (словно фильм про джедаев). В отличии от большинства опусов брутальных команд, альбомы Immolation всегда были "вальяжными", неторопливыми, словно рассудительный мудрец. Но одновременно сочетать в себе и такую мощь - стоит уважения! Основной темой альбома почти сразу окрестили "Father, You're Not a Father". А для меня с ней конкурирует "Close to a World Below" - практически brutal-death баллада! И вновь концовка... Эти "наркоманские" концовки у Immolation, словно заставляют тебя слушать вновь и вновь. Мне, как барабанщику, очень симпатизируют абсолютно все темы американцев - Хернандез творил чудеса, его сменил Шэлати и продолжил это славное дело. Ну а по гитарной части - про Роберта Винью говорить-то нечего - его исполнение всё скажет за него, просто гений своего дела.
Ну, если не понять с первого раза альбом... Есть желание - надо послушать снова и обязательно понравится. Ну а если желания не появилось, лучше пока отложить этот альбом, видимо, эта музыка не для вас. Хотя у меня многие знакомые в восторге от выступлений Immolation, в особенности выделяют "Father, You're Not a Father". Интересно, собираются ли в будущем Росс и компания перезаписать данный опус? Я бы обязательно купил - для души и удовольствия. |
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Потрясающий death metal! Этот стиль музыки редко в последнее время чем-то меня завораживает, но этот альбом просто гениален. Я слышал из Immolation предыдущий, который "Failures For Gods", неплох, но не сравнить. Тут всё ещё брутальнее, сложнее, осмысленнее. Музыка безумная, переполненная хаосом, но хаосом очень упорядоченным, изысканным, множество тупых размеров и риффов, но и скупая мелодика сквозит местами. Треки 1-3 и последний безупречно великолепны, да и остальные хороши. Гроулинг Росса Долана очень внушителен, общий саунд просто убийственный, я зависал на этом альбоме очень долго, и сейчас время от времени люблю послушать. Единственное, что здесь мне несимпатично-это тематика текстов, тупое антихристианство, заезженное до дыр богохульство. В остальном-гениальный альбом, для меня один из самых лучших в death metal, каннибалы и морбиды далеко позади. |
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Новое лицо Immolation. Альбом, по своему, переломный, и поэтому, естественно, не лишен некоторых проблем переходного периода. Главное новшество: мы будем играть еще замороченнее и еще техничнее!... Ура, поощряется и принято! Звук просто улетный, особенно на фоне спорного продюсирования прошлых релизов! Все очень тяжело, ломано, пропитано болезненностью и парами адской серы. Что потеряли?... Потеряли напряженность, потеряли драйвовость, потеряли накал страстей и интересность треков...
Итого -- альбом весьма неплох, но если сделать шаг назад к Failures For Gods, или шаг вперед, к Unholy Cult, то легко понять, что альбом бледноват, и является самым слабым у моей любимейшей группы.Тем не менее, оценка... |
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Превосходный релиз. Можно не слушать их предыдущие албомы, а этот послушать обязательно!!!! Очень техничные ударные, ритм гитара и басс, правда, немного страдают, но зато холодные гитарные соляки приходятся очень кстати! В лирике-непрмиримый скептицизм во взглядах на религию, читать лирику более чем интересно. Вообще, не нужно сравнивать Immolation ни с кем (тем более с Morbid Angel), они в сравнении абсолютно не нуждаются. Immolation во всех альбомах демонстрировали свой уникальный саунд.
Короче..если вам по душе death metal, то этот альбом вы просто MUST HAVE!!! |
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Прогресс по сравнению с предыдущим альбомом заметен, хотя до совершенства еще далеко. В целом, конечно, до морбидов им расти и расти, но все равно они достаточно техничны. Есть одна просто выдающаяся песенка под названием Father, You are not a Father. А весь альбом послабже, послабже. Но, как говорится, с пивом пойдет. |
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просмотров: 25804 |
For in numbers they feel strength
Will you find your way to paradise,
Through the darkness within your light
To the children, they feed his body
Peel his flesh from off the cross
In his blood they'll wash away
All the dirt from their souls
Obedient young, they'll join the flock
With minds like clay and hearts so pure
Fill them with his words and fears
And feed them to the waiting beast
His open arms and splendid brilliance
Devours those who can not see
The dimming light from high above
Vanquished by their higher coward
How can you glorify and praise
One so weak, imperfect and insane
The magnitude of his madness is so clear
In the eyes of the herd that he keeps
Look what you have become
Just another like all the rest
2. Father You're Not A Father
Bless me father
For you've sinned against me
It's been one week
since you've raped me
holy Father, your spirit inside me
Holy Father, robbed my virtue
Holy Mary, mother of Christ
The fruit of thy womb has poisoned me
Father, you're not a father
Rapist, selfish taker of youth
The fires you cast out
I promise you for eternity
Our father who aren't in heaven
Inside of me, my soul is lost
My manhood, so miniscule, was stolen
The Rosary has gripped tight around my neck
I hailed Mary...Over and over again
You've failed Mary
You've raped Mary...Over and over again
You've walked beside me, but I was alone
You've walked on top of me, crushing me
My innocence and my emotions
Were wiped away and you didn't care
You just hid behind your collar
The hardest time, I was helpless
And it was too late, much too late
Touch me I'm warm, but not alive
Feel my hot breath, but I'm not living
Dead inside, Alone forever
Father why...Father why
Father, you're not a father
Rapist, selfish taker of youth
The fires you cast out
I promise you for eternity
3. Furthest From The Truth
Son of highest
You are falling
You are falling
Not floating from out of the sky
You deceive us
You betray us
You will not lift our hearts to eternity
But leave a hole with despair
We waited and waited
Our crosses born
And still you did not come
And how does it feel
As life passes by
We will not know until we pass
that you are a lie
Will we receive the mark
Of those who did not believe
The temptations that are burning us alive
But you tell us that there's sin in what we think
For forgiveness we'll believe your every word
but will you show us what our souls cry out to see
Son of man, are you the son of God
did you die to cleanse this world of sin
Will you return from the dead to
save the world again
Has the blood you shed turned the darkness into light...No
Son of highest You are falling
You are falling
not floating from out of the sky
We waited and waited
Our crosses born
And still you did not come
4. Fall From A High Place
Messiah or man
To me you gave this bloodied crown
And with it came such tragic folly
such strong devotion from those so weak
Lend me your soul...I'll fill it with fear
Carry you high to where you can see
The fall that awaits, so inviting and cold
From the high place we'll fall below
In death I am born
From man to God
Through blindness
Your suffering
Forced upon this cross...High above in shame
Forced upon this pedestal...High above the blame
Your blood holds my Kingdom high
A kingdom built on fear and lies
So sour has this bread and wine become
For I am not a God, a martyr or a king
I've bled as you bleed
I've cried as you cry
I've sinned as all of you
I've died, as you will too
But I see through your blindness
And I wait for your fall
Resurrected by your faith
But I'll never walk this world again
Hang me high above all and nail me to forever
Never let me fall from this highest of places
5. Unpardonable Sin
Take your heaven
And your hell
And leave them for the children
I refuse to believe these lies
Show me you're real
Prove your greatness
Can you show me that you really loved us
That you really died to save us from damnation
I don't think you can, I don't think you will
Divine illumination sees no path to forgiveness
When the one who defies the lord i
s cast out forever
Banishment from the house of
God is not what I fear
For his kingdom is divided
and his people shall stray
I commend myself for this unpardonable sin
For now more than ever I see clearer than before
One above, how mighty are your wonders
Your kingdom is everlasting, yet so empty
Your saints have chosen sin over glory
Your strength has diminished...My fallen one
The misery that surrounds me,
I'm repulsed by your name
Your images has brought despair
to the ones you've forsaken
Your death I'll rejoice as you sickness disappears
Lament in your own failure,
for in death there is rebirth
i commend myself for this unpardonable sin
For now more than ever I see clearer than before
6. Lost Passion
Lay your hands...Your healing hands
Upon my flesh...My sinful flesh
And heal this soul...My tormented soul
For I am lost within this place
The light I've seen for my entire life
Won't guide my way...It's failing me
You're failing me...And soon I'll see
That with your death this passion dies
My devotion to you was complete
I've carried the weight of your cross
The burden of life presses me
These nails are in too deep
My passion suffocates me
Jesus you suffocate me
Help me down
From my cross
I'm dying here
My faith it fades
I've suffered long
My passion
Lost in prayer
I lost my soul
Lost my way
I followed you
you led me deep
Into despair
Where there was hope
Gloom was waiting
My devotion to you was complete
I've carried the weight of your cross
The burden of life presses me
These nails are in too deep
My passion suffocates me
Jesus you suffocate me
7. Put My Hand Into The Fire
I know this is my chosen path
To believe in no one but me
I know this is my chosen path
You've always kept the promise
You've always kept the faith
Well I never will and never had to
I've sinned and sinned
I've sinned and I will again
According to your higher standards
For this I'll go to hell
You hypocrite, you never did
Your truths are lies
Your lies are so pathetic
I'll never give up my soul for you
I've sinned and sinned
I've sinned and I will again
To you I am darkness
To you I have no soul
The smoke from the flames
Will rise up forever
Put my hand in the fire
Put my head in the flames
I can believe
I know it hurts
My skin is melting
I know its real
My skin is melting
And it feels so right
To you I am darkness
To you I have no soul
the smoke from these flames
Will rise up forever
8. Close To A World Below
Silent is the storm that awaits
As our crumbling world starts to give way
Falling around us a new kingdom rises
billions of souls sinking and sinking
The flames from below dance at our feet
Soon to rise up and carry us through
The burning gates ablaze in glory
Marvel at the fall of man
Glorious flames...Rise above
Show us pain...and cleanse our world
Our selfish eyes see no wrong
Closer and closer to God we believe
But farther and farther from grace we'll fall
Closer and closer to our kingdom of fire
Comfort us with words of hope
We stare into the coming dark
Blanket us with eternal night
The sweetness of death upon our lips
Far are we...From everlasting joy
Close are we...To a world below
A world of hate...A world of pain
A world too blind to see
A world of judgments ...A world of sadness
A world void of truth
A world of the power mad...A world of corrupted lives
A world destroying itself ahead of its time
A world of lust...A world of corrupted lives
A world destroying itself ahead of its time
A world of lust...A world of greed
A world with no hope
Bastard son, you spread your arms to save us from ourselves
This weak attempt has failed us so, just like your fabled father above
This shadow you've cast upon our world still conceals the light
So pick a God, for there's no one left that can save us from our end
We'll beg for life
We'll beg for forgiveness
We'll beg for pity
We'll beg to be closer to God
Foolish souls will never see
The closer to God the closer to our end
For Christ can't undo this sorrow and pain
For when he died his soul went below
Glorious flames...Come us all
Bring us closer...To a God Below
Far are we...From everlasting joy
Close are we...To a world below