« A Day at the Races »
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1 | Tie Your Mother Down 4:46
 | 2 | You Take My Breath Away 4:40
 | 3 | Long Away 3:55
 | 4 | Millionaire Waltz 4:52
 | 5 | You and I 3:23
 | 6 | Somebody to Love 4:57
 | 7 | White Man 4:56
 | 8 | Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 2:54
 | 9 | Drowse 3:41
 | 10 | Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) 5:51 |
   Freddie Mercury - vocals, piano
Brian May - guitars, vocals
John Deacon - bass
Roger Taylor - drums, vocals |
Produced by Queen
Engineered by Mike Stone
Recorded at The Manor, Wessex Sarm East July-November 1976
Cover concept by Freddie Mercury |
 | Tie your mother down
Get your party gown, get your pigtail down
Get your heart beating, baby
Got my timin' right, got my act all tight
It's gotta be tonight, my little schoolbabe
Your momma says you don't
And your daddy says you won't
And I'm boilin' up inside
Ain't no way I'm g |
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 Ребята решили повторить успех предыдущего альбома, и даже название альбома, «День на бегах», – это еще один фильм с участием комиков братьев Маркс. Вроде бы снова удивительное разнообразие, снова весьма пиететное отношение к аранжировкам, но все равно половине песен чего-то не хватает, да и невозможно же выпускать высококачественную продукцию постоянно, от альбома к альбому. Но по порядку. 1) «Tie Your Mother Down». Гонг, жесткое гитарное начало, звонкий удар, долго отдающийся эхом, откуда-то издалека идут звуки, напоминающие о какой-нибудь ярмарке, затем раздается гитарный риффинг и идет энергичная тема, напоминающая первый трек с предыдущего альбома. Отличное соло. Лирический герой предлагает своей девушке связать маму, запереть папу и утопить братишку, чтобы они не мешали им весело проводить время. 2) «You Take My Breath Away». Долгий вокал без слов («у-у-у»), вкрадчиво вступает фортепьяно, которое так и останется почти единственным инструментом, занятым в песне (лишь в конце словно просыпается гитара). Вокал очень проникновенный. После этой вещи долго остаешься в ступоре: «Я не засну, пока тебя не найду, чтобы сказать, когда найду: “Я тебя люблю”». Наверное, вообще одна из самых лучших песен о любви! 3) «Long Away». Вещь Мэя, напоминающая «‘39», но не такая цепляющая, хотя тоже есть запоминающееся соло и хороший припев. 4) «The Millionaire Waltz». Фортепьяно, под которое действительно хочется танцевать вальс. Хор (причем это один голос Фредди). Жесткая гитара в середине. Довольно интересная, но и несколько сумбурная композиция. 5) «You and I». Размеренная песня Дикона, которая почти совсем не запоминается, хотя и здесь есть и гитарное соло, и неплохой хор. 6) «Somebody to Love». Попытка повторить что-то вроде «Богемской рапсодии». Отличное фортепьяно, запоминающийся хор, поющий в стиле госпелз: «Может ли кто-нибудь найти мне кого-то, кого бы я любил?» Настоящий гимн для всех одиноких людей, жаждущих найти свою любовь. 7) «White Man». Моя любимая тема на альбоме, вышедшая из-под пера Мэя. Начинается с пения под электрогитару. Весьма жесткая и эмоциональная вещь, представляющая собой диалог индейца, обвиняющего белых людей в том, что они принесли с собой лишь смерть и разрушение. (Что удивительно, но большинство фэнов Queen именно эту песню считают самой худшей на альбоме. Как лестно узнать, что ты отличаешься от толпы!) 8) «Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy». Задорный поп-рок-н-ролл под фортепьяно. Хорошее соло. 9) «Drowse». Тейлор выдал нечто размеренное и достаточно красивое и романтичное, но незапоминающееся и скучноватое. Да еще и название такое: «Дрема». Вот это точно худшая тема. 10) «Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)». Грустная композиция под фортепьяно с припевом на японском языке. В середине звучит детский хор, а в конце – гитарный инструментал, снова напоминающий о ярмарке (или карнавале) и словно призывающий последовать за ним – может быть, для того, чтобы послушать песню «We Will Rock You» (первую на следующей пластинке Queen). Что ж, альбом действительно оказался несколько хуже предыдущего, но все равно весьма достоин того, чтобы обратить на него внимание при знакомстве с творчеством Queen. |
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У этой великой группы нет плохих альбомов…
Именно так обычно начинают писать о далеко не самых лучших альбомах по настоящему великих групп и именно так следует начать писать об альбоме “A Day At The Races” группы QUEEN.
Действительно, по ряду внешних признаков (например, обложка) этот альбом, вышедший в октябре 1976 года, смахивает на предыдущий, однако повторением он не стал. Достаточно сравнить их открывающие песни, что бы убедиться в этом.
“Tie Your Mother Down” – довольно популярная вещь, которую группа очень долго включала в свою концертную программу. Ее очень простой и заводной хоровой припев как будто специально создан для подпевок зала. Но, на мой взгляд, она совершенно не типична для творчества группы периода 70-х – слишком прямолинейна (в полную противоположность к первой вещи с альбома 1975 года – “Death on Two Legs”), и лично меня она совершенно не цепляет.
Лучшей вещью на альбоме, безусловно, является песня Меркьюри “Somebody to Love”, вышедшая синглом чуть позже самого альбома. Пожалуй, что только она здесь принадлежит к нетленным хитам QUEEN…
В остальном выделить что-то отдельно довольно сложно. Следует отметить, что большинство песен отличается довольно ярким вокальным «исполнительством», но при этом не обладают такими красивыми и легко запоминающимися мелодями, какими обладают настоящие шедевры. Пожалуй, это и все, что хотелось бы отметить. Хоть альбом и неплохо продовался, он стал разочарованием для поклонников группы, ожидавших второго “A Night At The Opera”.
В целом, следует признать этот альбом одним из наименее удачных из всего наибогатейшего наследия QUEEN. |
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просмотров: 41374 |
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Lock your daddy out of doors
I don't need him nosing around
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight
You're such a dirty louse, go get outta my house
That's all I ever get from your family ties
In fact I don't think I ever heard
A single little civil word from those guys
But you know I don't give a light
I'm gonna make out all right
I've got a sweetheart hand to put a stop
To all that snipin' an' grousin' goin' on all night
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Take your little brother swimmin'
With a brick, that's all right
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Or you ain't no friend of mine
Your momma and your daddy gonna
Plague me 'till I die
They can't understand it
I'm just a peace lovin' guy
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Get that big big big
Big big big daddy out of doors
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight
All your love tonight
Give me every inch of your love
All your love tonight
Yeah, gotta get my timin' right
You take my breath away
Take it, take it all away
Take my breath away
You take my breath away
Look into my eyes and you'll see I'm the only one
You've captured my love, stolen my heart, changed my life
Every time you make a move you destroy my mind
And the way you touch I lose control and shiver deep inside
You take my breath away
You can reduce me to tears with a single sigh, please, don't cry anymore
Every breath that you take, any sound that you make is a whisper in my ear
I could give up all my life for just one kiss
I would surely die if you dismiss me from your love
You take my breath away
So please, don't go, don't leave me here all by myself
I get ever so lonely from time to time
I will find you anywhere you go
I'll be right behind you, right until the ends of the Earth
I'll get no sleep 'till I find you to tell you
That you just take my breath away
I will find you anywhere you go
Right until the ends of the Earth
I'll get no sleep 'till I find you to tell you
When I've found you - I love you
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath away
Long away
You might believe in heaven
I would not care to say
For every star in heaven
There's a sad soul here today
Wake up in the morning with a good face
Stare at the moon all day
Lonely as a whisper on a star chase
Does anyone care anyway?
For all the prayers in heaven
So much of life's this way
Did we leave our way behind us?
Such a long long way behind us?
Who knows when? Now who knows where?
Where the light of day will find us?
Look for the day!
Take heart, my friend, we love you
Though it seems like you're alone
A million lights above you
Smile down upon your home
Hurry, put your troubles in a suitcase
Come let the new child play
Lonely as a whisper on a star chase
I'm leaving here, I'm long away
For all the stars in heaven
I would not live
I could not live this way
Did we leave our way behind us?
Such a long long way behind us?
Leave it for some hopeless lane
Such a long long way
Such a long long way
Such a long long away
I'm looking for, looking for that day
The millionaire waltz
Bring out the charge of the love brigade
There is spring in the air once again
Drink to the sound of the song parade
There is music and love everywhere
Give a little love to me, I want it
Take a little love from me
I want to share it with you
I feel like a millionaire
Once we were mad, we were happy
We spent all our days holding hands together
Do you remember, my love, how we danced and played?
In the rain we laid, could stay there forever and ever
Now I am sad, you are so far away
I sit counting the hours day by day
Come back to me, how I long for your love
Come back to me, be happy like we used to be
Come back, come back to me
Come back, come back to me
Come back to me, oh my love
How I long for your love
Won't you come back to me?
My fine friend, take me with you and love me forever
My fine friend, forever, forever
Bring out the charge of the love brigade
There is spring in the air once again
Drink to the sound of the song parade
There is music and love everywhere
Give a little love to me, I want it
Take a little love from me
I want to share it with you
I feel like a millionaire
Come back, come back to me
Make me feel, you make me feel like a millionaire
You and I
Music is playing in the darkness
And a lantern goes swinging by
Shadows flickering, my heart's jittering
Just you and I
Not tonight, come tomorrow
When everything's sunny and bright
No no no, come tomorrow
'Cause then we'll be waiting for the moonlight
We'll go walking in the moonlight
Walking in the moonlight
Laughter ringing in the darkness
People drinking for days gone by
Time don't mean a thing when you're by my side
Please, stay a while
You know I never could foresee the future years
You know I never could see where life was leading me
But will we be together forever?
What will be, my love? Can't you see that I just don't know?
No no, not tonight, come tomorrow
When everything's gonna be alright
Wait and see if tomorrow
We'll be as happy as we're feeling tonight
We'll go walking in the moonlight, we'll be happy
Walking in the moonlight
I can hear the music in the darkness
Floating softly to where we lie
No more questions now, let's enjoy tonight
Just you and I
Just you and I
Just you and I
Can't you see that we've gotta be together?
Be together, just you and I
Just you and I, no more questions
Just you and I
Somebody to love
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Each morning I get up I die a little
Can barely stand on my feet, take a look at yourself
Take a look in the mirror and cry
Lord, what you're doing to me?
I have spent all my years in believing you
But I just can't get no relief
Lord, somebody, somebody
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
I work hard, he works hard, every day of my life
I work 'till I ache my bones
At the end, at the end of the day
I take home my hard earned pay all on my own
I get down on my knees and I start to pray
'Till the tears run down from my eyes
Lord, somebody, somebody
Please, can anybody find me somebody to love?
He works hard everyday
I try and I try and I try
But everybody wants to put me down
They say I'm goin' crazy
They say I got a lot of water in my brain
I got no common sense, I got nobody left to believe in
Oh lord, somebody, somebody
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Got no feel, I got no rhythm
I just keep losing my beat
You just keep losing and losing, I'm ok
I'm alright, he's alright, ain't gonna face no defeat
I just gotta get out of this prison cell
One day, someday, I'm gonna be free, lord
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
White man
I'm a simple man
With a simple name
From this soil my people came
In this soil remain
And we made us our shoes
And we trod soft on the land
But the immigrant built roads
On our blood and sand
White man, white man
Don't you see the light behind your blackened skies?
White man, white man
You took away the sight to blind my simple eyes
White man, white man
Where you gonna hide from the hell you've made?
Oh, the red man knows war
With his hands and his knives
On the bible you swore
Fought your battle with lies
Leave my body in shame
Leave my soul in disgrace
But by every god's name
Say your prayers for your race
White man, white man
Our country was green and all our rivers wide
White man, white man
You came with a gun and soon our children died
White man, white man
Don't you give a light for the blood you've shed?
White man, white man - white man
White man, white man - fought your battles with lies
White man, white man - but weren't too civilised
White man, white man - take a look around, every skin and bone
What is left of your dream?
Just the words on your stone
A man who learned how to teach
Then forgot how to learn
Good old - fashioned lover boy
I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things
We can do the tango just for two
I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings
Be your Valentino just for you
Ooh love, ooh loverboy
What're you doin' tonight? Hey, boy!
Set my alarm, turn on my charm
That's because I'm a good old fashioned loverboy
Ooh, let me feel your heartbeat grow faster, faster
Ooh, can you feel your love heat?
Come on and sit on my hot seat of love
And tell me how do you feel right after all
I'd like for you and I to go romancing
Say the word, your wish is my command
Ooh love, ooh loverboy
What're you doin' tonight? Hey, boy!
Write my letter, feel much better
I'll use my fancy patter on the telephone
When I'm not with you I think of you always
I miss you, I miss those long hot summer nights
When I'm not with you think of me always
I love you, love you
Hey, boy! Where do you get it from?
Hey, boy! Where did you go?
I learned my passion in the good old
Fashioned school of loverboys
Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine precisely
I will pay the bill, you taste the wine
Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely
Just take me back to yours, that will be fine
Come on and get it!
Ooh love, ooh loverboy
What're you doin' tonight? Hey, boy!
Everything's all right, just hold on tight
That's because I'm a good old fashioned loverboy
It's the sad eyed goodbye
Yesterday moments I remember
It's the bleak street
Weak kneed partings I recall
It's the mistier mist, the hazier days
The brighter sun and the easier lays
There's all the more reason for laughing and crying
When you're younger and life isn't too hard at all
It's the fantastic drowse of the afternoon Sundays
That bored you to rages of tears
The unending pleadings to waste all your good times
In thoughts of your middle aged years
It's a vertical hold, all the things that you're told
For the everyday hero it all turns to zero
And there's all the more reason for living or dying
When you're young and your troubles are all very small
Out here on the street we'd gather and meet
And scuff up the sidewalk with endlessly restless feet
Half of the time we'd broaden our minds
More in the poolhall than we did in the schoolhall
With the downtown chewing gum bums
Watching the nightlife, the lights and the fun
Never wanted to be the boy next door
Always thought I'd be something more
But it ain't easy for a small town boy
It ain't easy at all
Thinkin' it right, doin' it wrong
It's easier from an armchair
Waves of alternatives wash at my sleepiness
Have my eggs poached for breakfast? I guess
I think I'll be Clint Eastwood
Oh no, Jimi Hendrix, he looks good
Let's try William The Conqueror
Now who else do I like?
Teo Torriate (let us cling together)
When I'm gone
Don't need to wonder if I ever think of you
The same moon shines, the same wind blows
For both of us and time is but a paper moon
Be not gone
Though I'm gone
It's just as though I hold the flower that touches you
A new life grows, the blossom knows
There's no one else could warm my heart as much as you
Be not gone
Let us cling together as the years go by
Ooh, my love, my love
In the quiet of the night let our candle always burn
Let us never lose the lessons we have learned
Teo Torriate konomama iko
Aisuruhito yo
Shizukana yoi ni hikario tomoshi
Itoshiki oshieo idaki
Hear my song
Still think of me the way you've come to think of me
The nights grow long but dreams live on
Just close your pretty eyes and you can be with me
Dream on
Teo Torriate konomama iko
Aisuruhito yo
Shizukana yoi ni hikario tomoshi
Itoshiki oshieo idaki
When I'm gone
They'd say we're all fools and we don't understand
Oh, be strong, don't turn your heart
You're all, we're all, for all, for always
Let us cling together as the years go by
Ooh, my love, my love
In the quiet of the night let our candle always burn
Let us never lose the lessons we have learned