 Данное EP датировано 1997 годом, т.е. появилось оно между "Триархией" и "Поэмой", однако содержит в себе работы начала 90-х. И если с первыми двумя треками - "Visions Of The Dead Lover" и "The Mystical Meeting" версии 93 года, мы уже знакомы, то оставшиеся два, мягко говоря, вызывают недоумение.
Первый из них - "Tormentor" - представляет собой жестокий резвый треш с тяжёлыми гитарными "запилами" и звонкими барабанами, немного похожий на творчество группы Venom. В середине появляется расплывчатое соло, идеально дополняющее эту жестокую картину. К сожалению, информацию об этой песне, равно и о следующией - "Flag Of Hate / Pleasure To Kill" - мне разыскать так и не удалось. (оба этих трека - кавер версии на класссиков немецкого трэша Kreator - прим.ред). Последняя композиция, разумеется, продолжает всё ту же трешевую линию - зажигательные жёсткие риффы, быстрая мощная ритм-секция - просто не вериться, что перед нами Те Самые Rotting Christ. Лично мне не известен даже год выпуска данных композиций, но он явно не 1997.
В общем, фанатам группы рекомендуется пополнить коллекцию данным неординарным творением. Если, разумеется, вам удастся ГДЕ-НИБУДЬ его обнаружить... |
After this misery
A bigger one is coming
The promised centuries... recycling
The dog have died
Around the tyrant
Mythic sovereigns
In sea and land
Shout loud
But voices come back
The eagle has throwned
The beast has enough
The days of the omen
Visions of the dead lovers
The Mystical Meeting
Circle within circle
the sacred hours come
they passed to obscure deeds
the final step before the meeting
What I wish appears in my sleep
surpass the whole mortal life
as sucubus creeps in my cold room
tresspass the invisible zone
Archeogonic theory is fallen by reborn
those who believed the one
follow the light now
marking the way to mystical meeting
(Kreator cover)
Riding in darkness
Through the hell of the night
Give all your torment to the heaven's might
In the name of satan spread all your fear
You feel his anger you know he's near
Casting a spell
Lord of all hells
Ripping all agels
God has fell
Baphomet's calling death is now real
Helldogs and demons waiting to kill
Pentagrams shining lucifer smiles
Fucking the virgin rip our her eyes
Drinking the blood
Fear no God
Now you are dead
Your flesh is dot rot
Flag of Hate
(Kreator cover)
Dark shadows lie
Over the city
Tonight someone will die
You can hear painful screams
The air is full of flies
Mayhemic legions are ready
To steal the human souls
Come into my vault and do like you get told
I'll eat your intestines
No matter if you pray of please
I'll bring you down to your knees
Tonight you're gonna meet your fate
You try to run but it's too late
I am here to liquidate
Time to raise the flag of hate
Destroy the earth is our only aim
To strike all down is the only way
To give 'em death and let them pay
The galleys of the underground
Sail on the sea of blood
All that we want crucify your god
The posers on this earth have no right to live
Torture is what we give
Pleasure to Kill
(Kreator cover)
Day turns
To night as I rise from my grave
Black was the hole where I laid
Stalking the city to seek out your blood
I love when it showers from my blade
Your body is so pretty but how will it look
When my perverted lust is stilled
No one to save you no parents or friends
Because they've already got killed
My only aim is to take many lives
The more the better I feel
My only pleasure is to hear many cries
From those tortured by my steel
The colour of your blood from your open body
Is all I wanted to see
Tasting the blood from your lips as you die
Means satisfaction to me
Pleasure to kill
Hear my heartbeat as you see me upon you
Tears in your eyes I do not care
Listen now to the motor of my chainsaw
Open your eyes don't be scared
Look into my eyes do you see any love?
The only thing is agony
Now I can't wait to give you the good pain
Die now and be free
Now that my mission is done
Your body forgotten has been killed
I return to the cemetary
And my bloodlust is filled
My coffin is open for me
I lay down and rest
Nothing will set me free
And so I kill until excess