 Что приходит вам на ум, когда вы слышите слова "итальянский пауэр"? В первую очередь - Rhapsody Of Fire. Пожалуй, и все. Но оказывается, в Италии есть еще пауэр-металлические группы. Одна из них – Skylark. Мне посчастливилось прослушать альбом этих итальянцев под названием «The Princess Day». Впечатления он оставил не самые приятные…
Начнем разбор с обложки. Как и на всех предыдущих, да и будущих работах Skylark, обложка, такое впечатление, вырезана из журнала Playboy за 1975 год (может, еще раньше) (вообще-то, это работа за авторством очень известного современного художника Луиса Ройо - прим. ред.). Картинка довольно плохого качества.
Хуже только качество звука на альбоме. Я бы мог простить это музыкантам, если бы был уверен, что альбом записан в конце 80-ых. Но релиз датируется 2001 годом. Может быть, диск записывали в подъезде и микшировали в подвале – я просто не знаю, как можно так плохо записать звук!? Еще прекрасно слышно, что общая стоимость инструментов, на которых играет группа, не превышает 200 у.е. Я уверен, что синтезатор у клавишника – детская игрушка, на которой всего 4 кнопки: пианино, клавесин, дудочка1, дудочка2; а также всего 41 клавиша. Кошмарный пластмассовый звук режет ухо на протяжении всего альбома!
Что касается инструментальной части, то здесь тоже не все гладко. Абсолютно неуместные соло-партии бас-гитары (!) и нелепые пассажи из двух нот «резинового» пианино. Вокал тоже не очень хорош. Во-первых, присутствует ужасный, а порой невыносимый, итальянский акцент. Во-вторых, вокалист не всегда вытягивает высокие ноты.
Касательно содержания альбома можно сказать следующее: действительно, стартовый трек – очень хорошая и интересная песня, которая сразу запоминается. Но что идет дальше… Это кошмар!!! Помните песни из фильма «Доспехи Бога» с Джеки Чаном? Вот это что-то похожее. Этакий корейско-китайский псевдо-пауэр-поп! Сразу понятно, на кого ориентирована данная работа – на азиатский рынок.
Лирика настолько проста, что даже не надо изучать английский язык, чтобы понять о чем ребята поют. Но не всегда. К примеру, 2 песни подряд (“Rufus” и “Symbol of Freedom”) они прославляют некоего Руфуса. Что это или кто это – мне неизвестно. Но это слово так часто встречается в лирике, что сразу надоедает!
Вывод отсюда только один: если вы хотите послушать итальянский пауэр – послушайте Rhapsody Of Fire. А Skylark – это самая настоящая самодеятельность! |
I don't want to protect this fire, our flame will resolve the game.
Come to open this empty space, now I really can see your face.
Time has come, and I don't want to stay, but I'll be back to see the Princess Day.
Take my heart, and I will fly away, wake uo your mind to appreciate this day: the Princess Day.
I'm alive just to see the legend, I'm no blind and I can go on.
I will give all my natural weapons, I just can let her fight alone.
Please com to me Queen of Mankind, you are the Star come and stop this crime!
Now I can win this lottery, in the end of our agony.
Time has come, and I don't want to stay...
[Princess Of The Snow]
I'm your guide, I'm your soul inside. Merge your aim with my silent cries.
Time has come, and I don't want to stay...
Time has come, and I don't want to stay, but I'll be back to see the Princess Day.
Take my heart, and I will fly away, wake uo your mind to appreciate this day: the Princess Day.
2. I Will Cry Tonight
Another day has come to start, but Belzebu have just conquered the Earth.
Another flame so warm aqnd Dark, evil creatures keep on falling down or rising fast from the ground.
This is the last time when I can sing this song for you, this is the last step to hell.
I'm not the last man to keep on playing this song for you, but I'm the only one to be followed.
I will cry tonight, I will cry tonight, and my hands we cannot stop this crime.
I will cry tonight, I will cry tonight, and my sword has lost the eternal fight.
Another war so cruel and Dark, we needn't to fight anymore we have lost and we go...
This is the last time when I can sing this song for you, this is the last step to hell.
I'm not the last man to keep on playing this song for you, but I'm the only one to be followed.
I will cry tonight, I will cry tonight...
This is the last time when I can sing this song for you, this is the last step to hell.
I'm not the last man to keep on playing this song for you, but I'm the only one to be followed.
I will cry tonight, I will cry tonight, and my hands we cannot stop this crime.
I will cry tonight, I will cry tonight, I don't know if I can come back home.
Cry tonight, cry tonight, cry tonight.
3. Journey Through The Fire
Young Girl comes, as a messenger of love. We have to go, just before our God will fall.
In this night I'll pray to get my answers; in this night I'll pray: do it for me.
Walking on the edge of broken senses, I'm leaving the World.
I start my journey through the fire, far from the Earth so blind and from the Lucifer's eyes.
On this trip will fight the liars, several souls will burn on me.
Young girls comes (on a winged horse) to protect me by the Lord (I know you can).
Black Dark Lord (is the Son of Satan) now he won and hold the wrold (don't give up).
But this night is giving a solution, with my princess I'll built a new world.
We are not constricted by an illusion... we are saving our souls.
I start my journey through the fire...
Men have decided to die but there are some heores.
We have to save the souls clean from Evil blades.
Princess is our guide, our deepest concience.
We lost this war but we're never alone until her star keep us shining on.
In this night I'll pray to get my answers; in this night I'll pray you do it for me.
Walking on the edge of bronken senses, I'm leaving the World.
I start my journey through the fire...
4. Another Life
Into this spark skies are coloured by red fire, I'll give my world for freedom.
Nothing is left, no one star can remind us, sad tired breathe of our blood (blood).
Evil Angels screaming, neverending, dreaming...
Just before the explosion just do before the Storm.
Stay beside the Darkness, captured in a corner: I start to live a new life (now).
I will go, to another fire; I just go, more than a step higher.
And I know: it's the beginning af Another Life.
Change your mind, and I will surrender; hold your sign, against the scavengers.
'Cause I know: my destination is Another Life.
After the Storm only Brave People keep on praying, beyond this Storm there is life.
We'll look at the world as a Satanic Dark Reign, closed in a dream to survive.
Evil Angels screaming, neverending, dreaming...
Just before the explosion just do before the Storm.
Stay beside the Darkness, captured in a corner: I start to live a new life (now).
I will go, to another fire...
5. Hope (Intro)
6. Rufus (Part 1)
You are fighting, memories in my brain; you are crying, while I'm going insane...
Justify, for the fault of my soul; in your eyes, I can lose my control.
I want to search for my sign together, I don't want to spill my blood... anymore.
With my guide I will take you straight to heaven; but we will keep on searching for Rufus.
We are searching for Rufus, we are priests of Mankind, we are living to follow the sign.
We are searching for Rufus walking along our way and when the time has come it's O.K.
You are running, to a different World; you are crying, 'cause you don't find right words.
Don't deny me, but lay your weapons down, try to fight: don't fall down on the ground.
I want to come in this battle together, we are walking on the same road
'Cause your soul is a door of the heaven, have no fear, follow the trace of Rufus.
We are searching for Rufus...
We want to find the time in which our God can help me, we really whish to die: we are fighting for Mankind.
I want to search for my sign together, I don't want to spill my blood... anymore.
With my guide I will take you straight to heaven; but we will keep on searching for Rufus.
We are searching for Rufus...
7. Symbol Of Freedom (Part 2)
Into my crystal ball I bring my future down, above the Crystal Lake I breathe this magic sound.
Now all my energy are running through my veins, and all my enemies don't really seem the same.
Rufus is like a way home; Rufus is what we looked for... so.
Rufus is comething that push you to do it well. Rufus is energy to be the best.
Rufus is lightning that run without thunder and we strongly can hold the key 'cause now...
We have finally found Rufus.
Don't you look back please don't waste all your time, try to wake up run away.
Take just this chance so it will let you fly 'cause tonight... we have the right to stay, here.
Above the iron wings I'll sign the final hour, out of the Victory we still can hold the power.
Around the old Cathedral some black birds are flying, symbol of freedom Rufus now is rising.
Rufus is all that you need, Rufus is what you believe, Rufus is energy without the limits and if you fight it: you have to die.
Rufus is freedom for innocent people and he van give them the right key to go on the Crystal Wings of Rufus.
Don't you look back please don't waste all your time, try to wake up run away.
Take just this chance so it will let you fly 'cause tonight... we have the right to be alive.
[Princess Of The Snow]
Don't you look back please don't waste all your time, try to wake up run away.
Take just this chance so it will let you fly 'cause tonight... we have the right to stay...
Don't you look back please don't waste all your time, try to wake up run away.
Take just this chance so it will let you fly 'cause tonight... we have the right to stay...
Don't you look back please don't waste all your time, try to wake up run away.
Take just this chance so it will let you fly 'cause tonight... we have the right to trust in Rufus.
8. The Tragedy
These are the Darkest Ages ever, all was in vain.
No hope, no more wisdom on Earth.
The evil lands of Lucifer had overcome.
We have to seek for another life far from here on the Princess Star.
Because all that remains on Earth is: Tragedy.
The time is rising, into the Light, so now my answers come: the Tragedy.
And when you left here, no matter if you know, 'cause we don't need them anymore.
My wings are rising, and now I go, until I'll be to far to come back home.
Souls of Darkness, another prison, another chapter: the last season.
Fire's burning on our Planet, Satan's work is done for us...
Now his Throne is shining brightening and we are giving up!
So kill these Angels, las sacrifice, among the strangers, I can's protect your eyes.
The only chance, to be alive, to see next day; (so) please give me all the strenght to run away.
The Tragedy, the fighting, nothing left to move this blame on me.
The Tragedy, a liar that the World will get for him.
Is the Tragedy, his nightmare and our Souls are going to fall deep down.
The Tragedy, someday we will find another World to live again.
But you can look, look for another way, you can look at Ivory Castles to play
So you try to sing with some Angels, who are going to protect our Grave...
Angels and Rainbow we save them for freedom, Angels and Rainbow we love them,
Angels and Rainbow we look at your power, Angels and Rainbow creatures of the Sun.
My wings are rising, and now I go, until I'll be to far to come back home: The Tragedy.
And when you left here, no matter if you know, 'causewe don't need them anymore.
My wings are rising, and now I go, until I'll be to far to come back home: The Tragedy.
Blood in the air, pain all around, we gave to Satan what he haven't found.
Fire's burning on our Planet, Satan's work is done for us...
Now his Throne is shining brightening and we are giving up!
The Tragedy, the fighting, nothing left to move this blame on me.
The Tragedy, a liar that the World will get for him.
Is the Tragedy, his nightmare and our Souls are going to fall deep down.
The Tragedy, the Earth, but another World will take its place to start.
9. White Warrior
You decide to betray me to kill me and sell my soul.
But even if you are proud of it you have to stay alone in the Reign of Satan the World will always be.
So only the pure warriors can hold their strong beliefs.
I will die Betray by you, but you can't get the truth!
White Warrior... (DIE) nothing is left for me.
White Warrior... (DIE) nothing I can keep, now.
The Assassin of the Darkness is creating what you need.
I drove my soul on fire but now I'll rest in peace.
There are no other chances, there is no oter way...
just one more night, just one more day to pray.
From my grave my soul will rise and I'll let you die!
White Warrior... (DIE) nothing is left for me.
White Warrior... (DIE) nothing I can keep, now.
White Warrior... (DIE) I'm your dream inside.
White Warrior... (DIE) and I will let you die.
White Warrior... (DIE) you will bledd for me.
White Warrior... (DIE) I will always be, there.
Surrounding by the rainbow but now my time has come,
with iced tears of terror the world will be alone.
There is no way to change it these silent Evil Blood:
My story ends, your story can... go... on...
No way White Warrior!
The Earth is mine, and this is just my Day.
10. Princess Of The Snow (Bonustrack - Instrumental Version)
11. Sleep
[Korean Bonustrack]
[Savatage Cover]
[Taken from Return Of The Mountain King: A Tribute To Savatage]
Hey there you
Way out there in the distance
Can you hear me?
Are you there?
I know it's late
So please forgive my persistence
But i'm hanging
Do you care?
So lay back
Call off the attack
'Cause if you look deep
Dreams are nothing that I lack
And all I seek
A final chance to speak
And I would let the whole thing keep
If I could just sleep
Hey there you
Way out there could you show me?
Just a signal
Or a sign
That after all
All these years that you know me
And I'm not just
Killing time
So lay back
Call off the attack
'Cause if you lok deep
Dreams are nothing that I lack
And all I seek
A final chance to speak
And I would let the whole thing keep
If I could just sleep
And as I lay there at night
Building castles in the air
Out of alibis and all those little lies
And then I look inside
And pray that I don't care
I don't care
I don't care