« Magic Circle »
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   Sven D'Anna - Vocals
Dano Boland - Guitars
Volker Leson - Bass
Snoppi Denn (Sören van Heek) - Drums |
The limited edition digipak contains two bonus tracks (see tracklist below) an
MPEG video of "Warriors of the Night", a sticker and a folded poster and is
limited to 4.000 copies.
Produced by Christian Jungebluth and Wizard
All song written and arranged by Wizard
Recorded at Magic Hall Studio, Germany
Engineered by Christian Jungebluth
Mixed by Christian Jungebluth at Youngbloodstudios, Germany
Mastering by Christian Jungebluth and Ralph Kessler at Masterpingiun, Germany |
 | 2. Fire And Blood
I will hear your screams tonight
In this dungeon without light
Torturing your body without mercy
Breaking your bones, burning your flesh
I don't wanna hear your lies
I saw the evil sign on your skin
Tell me the truth you are a witch
A servant to Satan burn bloody bitch
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 Лучшее – враг хорошего. Справедливость этого утверждения подтвердили на своей собственной шкуре немецкие металлисты Wizard, когда в очередной раз поменяли продюсера для записи своего нового, шестого по счету, альбома под названием “Magic Circle”. Опрометчивое решение расстаться с Питом Зилком отбросило Wizard ровно на те позиции, на которых они находились, выпуская “Bound By Metal”. Нет, качество записи на новом альбоме заметно отличается от релиза 1999 года, но вот сам музыкальный материал… Куда исчез задор и напор, с завидным постоянством демонстрируемый на “Head Of Deceiver” и “Odin”, остается только гадать и уныло пожимать плечами, не понимая такого отношения к собственной карьере. Cтартующая с до боли знакомого всем по хиту Helloween “Ride The Sky” гитарного риффа, первая тема “Fire And Blood” демонстрирует отличный драйв и скорости, характерные для дебюта знаменитых соотечественников, мысленно настраивая на получение очередной доли heavy metal позитива в духе прошлых работ, но не тут то было. И если мановарообразная (да-да, на Wizard вновь можно вешать ярлык немецкого Manowar) “Call Of The Wild” еще бодрит, то дальше начинается методичное утюженье мозгов в лучших традициях соплеменников из Metalium. И не важно, быстрый это трек или среднетемповый – они настолько похожи друг на дружку, что как-то идентифицировать их по отдельности задача сложная и на первый (да и на десятый) раз не сильно выполнимая. Так и продолжается неравная битва закованного в сталь воина-волшебника с неумолимо засасывающей его трясиной второсортных heavy песен, а все метания от Grave Digger’a и Helloween’a (“The Magic Goes On” нагло слизана с “How Many Tears”) к Manowar’у (“Warriors Of The Night” как две капли воды похожа на “Warriors Of The World United”) топят несчастного даже быстрее, хотя он по-прежнему находится в плену иллюзий собственной крутизны и надежд на самоспасение из любой передряги. Российское издание альбома дополнено еще одним бессодержательным треком с пафосным названием “Master Of The Holy Flame”, идеально вписывающимся в болотный не только по цветовой гамме оформления, но и музыке, альбом, и видео клипом “Warriors Of The Night” (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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Стиль можно описать как смесь хэви-, спид- и пауэр-метала. Техника игры и мастерство заслуживают уважения, но диск не особенно блистает новыми идеями и необычным звуком. Вокал достаточно интересен и разносторонен. Необычным представляется извлечение голосом звуков средней высоты, после которых слышится короткое звериное рычание. Качество записи довольно хорошее, но мастеринг местами неправильный, продюсер не прочувствовал и прогадал со звуком. Прослушивается диск порой туговато. Но в целом, альбом вызвал положительное впечатление. Иногда встречаются новые идеи и черты собственного стиля. Разумеется в подобных направлениях есть куда более достойные команды, но и эта группа найдет свою нишу. |
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просмотров: 8322 |
Fire and blood - my fire
Fire and blood - your death
Fire and blood
Your blood is my sacrifice
The Spanish boot broke your leg
Glowing steel burnt your flesh
The whiplash on your back
Makes you scream
Tell me the truth or die
Your whispering I understand
You slept with Satan to the end
Riding with demons through the night
Die by the cross you will burn
Fire and blood - my fire
Fire and blood - your death
Fire and blood
Your blood is my sacrifice
You stand on the pyre
The fire kisses your flesh
Screaming in pain
And you look into my eyes
And that what you see, makes me smile
Cause you know that I'm Satan in disguise
3. Call Of The Wild
Riding on the road to nowhere
Guided by the stars
Drinking, rocking, fucking chicks
Kick some bloody asses
Feel the power inside you
Let it free
With your bikes you will ride
Like thunder in the sky
Let us ride like one man
Let us hear the freedom sound
Hear the call of the wild
Deep from your heart
The call of the wild
That makes you smile
Give a shit what other says
Wimps you shouldn't care
Let them eat your burning wheels
Laugh about them when they creep
Do just what you wanna do
The road will burn
Turn the engine up to ten
Live with power to the end
Thousand bikes are roaring
Feel the shaking ground of the earth
Hear the call of the wild
Deep from your heart
The call of the wild
That makes you smile
We're riding free
Smell the gasoline
Yeah on the road
This is our home
4. Death Is My Life
Bondaged I laid in this room
Waiting for torture that will come
I will survive it 'cause I've done it before
I hear your steps, my heart was pounding
I hear your steps, fear around me
Your cold psychotic eyes
Break my walls and anger
Your mask was stripped down, I don't understand
Is it you - or not, why?
Nobody will hear your cries
Here in this chamber you will die!
Death is my life, oceans of time
I've sailed to find you
Now is the time and I look
I look into your black eyes
In a destroyed fortress that was your soul
Frozen inside, when I see you
Frozen inside.....
You never told me about
About these hours of agony
But I must do what I have to do
The voice told me, so I must kill you
The voice told me... kill her!
Nobody will hear your cries
Here in this chamber you will die!
Death is my life, oceans of time
I've sailed to find you
Here in this chamber you will die
Nobody will hear your cry
5. On Your Knees
In the cold of the night
We look for a bite
We walk through the jungle of back streets and stone
You are the right
Give us your potion of life
It runs through your chest, take your last breath.
On your knees
Down on your knees we let you bleed
On your knees
Don't pray for mercy we do what we please
Buried alive
At day we must hide
But the new generation will walk through the light
Then they'll live by your side
There will be no place to hide
Better give up don't fight for your blood
6. Metal
We summon the power of those who dare
To stand in the first line
With fire and smoke in their hair
Screaming for metal
With those who survive this show like laughter
We will drink their blood
Of those who died in this night
Hail their might
In honour they died
In honour they'll live on
High in Valhalla
They'll make us strong
We are ready to conquer ready to fight
Heavy metal is our guide
We are ready to conquer ready to fight
Heavy metal is our pride
Heavy metal is our guide
We sit around backstage awaiting the sign
To come over you
Like burning rain in the night
A whirlwind of doom
Spikes and leather on the stage
Like roaring rage
This is the total domination
Of true metal
7. Uruk-hai
Run for your life, (or) are you ready to die
For the kingdom of the shadows
Our black lord commands us to fight
To kill and destroy
We are Uruk-Hai our kind will survive
Thousands of battles in blood
Now we are here with fire and steel
To all the free folks, "you will kneel"!
We raise the flag of destruction
We raise the banner of pain
We're riding for the darkness
Death at our side
Demons and dark hordes
Like brothers we will ride
Our shields will not break
Our swords smelling blood
Muscles strong as a tree
Now we are here, the black lord calls
Middle earth must fall
The lust for slaughter in our eyes
We won't die of hunger
Your flesh our bread your blood our wine
Make your last sign the first one is mine
We raise the flag of destruction
We raise the banner of pain
We're riding for the darkness
Warriors at our side
Are demons and dark hordes
Like brothers we will ride
8. Circle Of Steel
Where is your power
Where is your dominion
Throw away your prejudice
Can't you see it
We all have the same hearts
Pounding for a brotherhood of blood
Let's drink together the holy mead
Raise up the horns for the same we live
Come together to the circle of steel
Where the power and the strength will be hailed
Come together to the circle of steel
Where the honour and the truth will prevail
Celebrate with us in the circle of steel
Let us unite
Stronger than ever
Feel the power
Let the weakness die
Let's drink together the holy mead
Fight for metal till we bleed
Come together to the circle of steel
Where the power and the strength will be hailed
Come together to the circle of steel
Where the honour and the truth will prevail
Celebrate with us in the circle of steel
Metal heads come together
Where the power and strength will be hailed
Metal heads come together to the circle of steel
9. Warriors Of The Night
When stormy winds in autumn
Brings smell of snow and ice
The master of the golden hall will rise
Gathering dead warriors
Death virgins at his side
Across the rainbow bridge they will ride
Proud he's sitting on his horse
Looks to his wild brood
With the power of providence
They'll ride soon
He held up high his spear
This is the final sign
The golden gates are opened wide
Down to Midgard
High in the sky
With his wild hunt
He will ride
He summons now the warriors of the night
Feel the burning touch of Odin
(you hear) the pounding of their hoofs
Like thunder in the sky
This thunder will call you to look high
Like a magic wind of doom
Like a firewall of death
Don't look down this is your test
Are you frightened
Or are you brave
Don't be afraid
It's not your grave
He summons now the warriors of the night
Feel the burning touch of Odin
An angry wind blows through my hair
A touch of greatness in the air
I look to the left, to the right
I look high up to the sky
And the only thing I see
Odin on his ride
10. No Way Out
You are my hope, my love, my warmth
My refuge, my guard, my father
Father, father, father
Fear of the night like a never ending nightmare
I close my eyes my skin is so hot
This smell I know it is so close
Can't understand pain in my heart
I pray to god for mercy
But no-one hears my despair
Destruction in my thoughts
Anger in my veins
I will see you bleeding for the pain you gave to me
I ask you to forgive me
What have I done, what have I done
Every night the same dream
My grief is unbearable
I pray to god for mercy
But no-one hears my despair
Destruction in my thoughts
Anger in my veins
I will see you bleeding for the pain you gave to me
But the way out of the torment is near
The last chance of liberation
Our blood will set my mind free
Free..... Forever free.....
11. The Magic Goes On
Like an earthquake from behind
A storm from the front
The drums are pounding
The guitar burns
Four broken chains
Lay on the ground
Like demons from hell
We play our sound
Now it's time for wizard
We will conquer every stage
Now it's time for wizard
Follow our way if you dare
The magic goes on the wizard so strong
Defenders of metal yeah we will come
Four thunder warriors who will fight who'll die
For the true sound we play and prefer
We will thank you all our friends
For the trust you gave to us
The great time and your fire
As long as we have the power
We will never stop
Let's raise our arms for our dream
Now it's time for wizard
We will conquer every stage
Now it's time for wizard
Follow our way if you dare
The magic goes on the wizard so strong
Defenders of metal yeah we will come
Four thunder warriors who will fight who'll die
For the true sound we play and prefer
Four thunder warriors
Fight for true metal
In the sign of the wizard
Blessed by the gods
Four thunder warriors
Let the magic go on
Never kneel
Forever strong
12. Don't Say Goodbye
Sometimes destiny calls you
To another way of life.
Sometimes you have to give up dreams
For a decision, you know that is right.
But it's better to say truth than to lie.
If others are shocked, it doesn't matter.
You must do what you have to do.
Don't say goodbye, brother
Across the mountains and the see.
We will ride together
When the sound of battle calls your name.
Don't say goodbye, brother
Across the mountains and the see.
You have to choose your side take your metal weapon....
Let's ride!
An end is everytime a new beginning
New chances for a new life
Believe in your power believe in your strength
Victory will be yours
But don't forget that there are three guys
Who are filled with honour and pride
To call you brother. To call you friend to ride with you
Side by side