« Monday Morning Apocalypse »
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1 | Monday Morning Apocalypse 03:11
 | 2 | Unspeakable 03:55
 | 3 | Lost 03:14
 | 4 | Obedience 04:14
 | 5 | The Curtain Fall 03:09
 | 6 | In Remembrance 03:34
 | 7 | At Loss For Words 04:14
 | 8 | Till Dagmar 01:40
 | 9 | Still In The Water 05:18
 | 10 | The Dark I Walk You Through 04:20
 | 11 | I Should 04:52
 | 12 | Closure 03:09
 | | Total playing time: 44:50 |
   Tom S. Englund - vocals, guitars
Henrik Danhage - guitars
Rickard Zander - keyboards
Michael Hеkansson - bass
Jonas Ekdahl - drums |
 | Monday morning apocalypse
How long have you held me in this water?
Much too long since my body is numb
How long have I been here and where am I?
And why are my hands tied?
How long have I been your little altar?
Your little toy and sacrifice
How long have you kept me in these waters?
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 Evergrey в новом обличье. С "Monday Morning Apocalypse" шведы, до сих пор олицетворявшие собой скандинавский прогрессив-пауэр, ориентируются на более массового слушателя. Музыка заметно упростилась, но зато прибавила в хитовости, наглядно проявившейся в заглавной композиции, "In Remembrance" и "I Should". В общем-то, до готик-метала группе уже рукой подать, и отследить ее дальнейшее развитие будет крайне любопытно. Пока же все эти метаморфозы прошли на редкость удачно. |
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Разочарование. Кто-то испортил этих павер-прогрессоров (не иначе как продюсер). Так вот, как говорится ближе к телу... Не ожидал от них такого после полюбившегося мне "Recreation Day" (2003). Клавиши задвинуты на задний план, ритм-секция выдает что-то однообразное и трудно отличимое друг от друга на разных трэках. Припевы заунывны и одинаково напрягают в течение всего диска. Прогрессивная составляющая убита на этом диске совсем. Но это еще дело десятое, не одним же прогом музыка жива. Мелодии не запоминаются совсем, материал заунывен (при всем том что идет тенденция к "отяжелению" группы). Лучшая вещь - последняя. Баллада (клавишы+вокал), хоть как-то выделяющаяся из всего диска и приятная моему уху. |
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Evergrey в своём нынешнем статусе прочно вошли в высшую лигу прогрессив метала, добавив в этот стиль свои оригинальные фишки, тем самым развив его ещё на одну ступеньку выше. Предыдущий альбом этих мрачных шведов показал очень высокие результаты. Следом за ним был выпущен первый ДВД команды. И вот спустя почти два года Evergrey выпускают свой шестой альбом! Разумеется, я такого не мог пропустить! Но оказалось не всё так хорошо, как хотелось бы обнаружить. Уже с первых отзвуков альбома я услышал, что саунд банды весьма полегчал, а от былой зубодробительности почти трешевых гитарных риффов не осталось и следа. Что-то ужасно-плохое случилось и с партиями клавиш – на общем фоне они почти не выделяются и идут постоянно на бэкграунде. И что самое неприятное, так это не впечатляющие и тусклые соло партии, что вообще для этой группы непростительно! Качество записи и тексты песен, я думаю, обсуждению не подлежат, поскольку прочитав название альбома уже можно понять, что ни о чём весёлом нам узнать не придётся, ну а звук как всегда – на высшем уровне. И последним элементом в технической характеристике является серьёзный прогресс по части вокального мастерства – вокалист прекрасно поёт и на этом точка. Музыка в целом выдержана в среднем ритме, иногда конечно разгоняясь до приличного пауэр метала. Прогрессивные элементы, как всегда, руководят общей стилистикой. И вот теперь сами композиции… Да, открывающая песня «Monday Morning Apocalypse» меня разочаровала, но вот что последовало за ней – меня просто до крайности расстроило. Если номер «Monday Morning Apocalypse» выглядит каким-то неживым и, вообще, как будто сонной песней, то остальной материал настолько сер и неинтересен, что становится просто скучно! Сто раз переигранные, одни и те же риффы пилят и пилят себе, совсем не заботясь о слушателе… Припевы же словно все на одно лицо! А «похоронная процессия» в виде тухлой «In Remembrance», мягко говоря, смотрится неадекватно после стольких работ музыкантов, бесчисленное количество раз загонявших своей мрачностью в депрессию. Итак, прослушав диск раз десять подряд, я отыскал только одну более менее нормальную песню «Still In The Water», которая хоть немного дотягивает до старого материала. Никогда бы не подумал, что Evergrey когда-либо выпустят такое "мёртвое" творение… |
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Не знаю, есть ли в шведском языке аналог поговорки «Будь проще, и к тебе потянутся люди», но при работе над шестым альбомом Evergrey явно руководствовались именно этим принципом. Группа все больше отходит от прогрессива, и на “Monday Morning Apocalypse” остались лишь его отдаленные отголоски. Только одна из 12 композиций диска длится дольше пяти минут, инструментальные солирования очень ограничены, риффы прямолинейны и тяжелы, почти как у Blaze, а вокальные партии лишь изредка (разве что на “The Dark I Walk You Through”) ставят своей целью демонстрацию собственной независимости от музыки. Взамен нам предлагаются простые и хитовые песни, в которых идеально соблюден баланс между тяжестью и мелодичностью, и которые вызывают в памяти великолепный дебютный альбом Masterplan. Правда, таких сногсшибательных песен, как “Kind Hearted Light” или “Enlighten Me”, на “Monday Morning Apocalypse” вы не найдете, стремительный заглавный трек, мелодичная “Lost” и потрясающе красивая финальная баллада “Closure” вполне могут встать в один ряд с “Crystal Night”, “Sail On” и “When Love Comes Close”. Причем после диска остается ощущение, что в этот раз ты чего-то не расслышал, и его хочется слушать снова и снова. Для лейбла Inside Out это вопиюще нетипичный релиз, и ортодоксальные фэны прогрессив-метал скорее всего предадут группу анафеме за «опопсение», но на мой взгляд, новый, упрощенный стиль очень идет Evergrey, и свою аудиторию они, без сомнения, найдут. (Диск предоставлен компанией Soyuz Music) |
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просмотров: 15561 |
In a world where you're God
And we are all your servants
If I had known how to get out of solitude
I would have done it all to help you
If we had known about the pain we caused you
We would have stopped just to save you
How far did he go to get to know her?
Much too far and we all must've been blind
It was an ordinary morning
Monday morning, just before nine
And you are all my servants
The guilt is yours, not mine
If I had known how to get out of solitude
I would have done it all to help you
If we had known about the pain we caused you
We would have stopped just to save you
And you are all my servants
You will all oblige
This will teach the lesson
The guilt is yours, not mine
If I had known how to get out of solitude
I would have done it all to help you
And if I had known about the pain we caused you
I would have saved you
In a time and a place
Where I had to bite my lip to not be crying
Through the embers of the second phase
I had to choose another way of dying
And in dreams they come for you
Have they not come to see you too?
In silence flying through the room
Lonely thoughts try to conquering you
I wanna help you but you never ask
And I want you to and I told you forever that
Why won't you tell me why you never laugh?
'Cause I've told you forever you have to believe in me
Hand in hand through the worlds I try to conquer
I have fate walking beside me
And through halls of forgotten bliss I have to
Make a choice or die trying
And in dreams they come for you
Have they not come to see you too?
In silence flying through the room
Lonely thoughts try to conquering you
I wanna help you but you never ask
And I want you to and I told you forever that
Why won't you tell me why you never laugh?
'Cause I've told you forever you have to believe in me
Believe in me
Why would you ever?
I wanna help you but you never ask
And I want you to and I told you forever that
Why won't you tell me why you never laugh?
'Cause I'll always hear you
I wanna help you but you still never ask
'Cause I want you to and I told forever that I
Would always help you to guide you when you're blind
Forever and ever
I wanna help you but you never ask
And I want you to and I told you forever that
Why won't you tell me why you nerver laugh?
'Cause I've told you forever you have to believe in me
I have been walking this long dark road
And I have been climbing this tree so old
I have been wanting to let it all fall
It's making me, turning me
Inside out going outside in
As I lie here
Inside out going outside in
You promised me to leave me be
But I got lost and could not see clearly
Now I'm afraid of whom I used to be
Right now I'm just glad that you found me
Inside out going outside in
As I lie here
Inside out going outside in
Can I admit to you that I was wrong?
Will you forgive me for what I have done?
Would you leave me here wounded and bleeding?
Inside out going outside in
As I lie here
Inside out going outside in
Inside out going outside in
As I lie here
Inside out going outside in
This is how we try to keep warm
And trust me, you'll need it when it's cold
One more thing just so you don't forget
Don't wake him when he's sleeping
Try and hide before he sees you
You can try but I'm sure that you won't
Don't you cry so that he hears you
I am sure that you won't
And you'll despise yourself for dreaming
Hate yourself for believing
Lie to yourself in obedience
For how long will it be this dark?
The light's been gone since ever
How are we supposed to carry on?
Are we here forever?
And you'll despise yourself for dreaming
Hate yourself for believing
Lie to yourself in obedience
And you will cry yourself to sleep
Fight yourself to not give in
Lie to yourself in obedience
Does anybody miss her?
Can anybody hear her?
Does anybody scream her name?
Does anybody miss her?
Try and hide before he sees you
You can try but I'm sure that you won't
Don't you cry so that he hears you
But I am sure that you won't
And you'll despise yourself for dreaming
Hate yourself for believing
Lie to yourself in obedience
And you will cry yourself to sleep
Fight yourself to not give in
Lie to yourself in obedience
The curtain fall
I have tried, I have fought but for nothing
And I have touched, I have reached just for something
I can't breathe, I can't sleep but I'm fighting
Before the curtain falls
Step in and walk along
Breathe in and let it come
Sit down and watch the curtain fall
Step in and walk along
You've got to give in to let it show
How to beat the weak to become
And praise the strong
Step in and walk along
Breathe in and let it come
Sit down and watch the curtain fall
You took my trust four granted
You shook my hand and smiled
I walked away believing
In a world that never was
You'll never walk alone
I'll mark your words and follow
You'll never be alone
So step in and walk along
Breathe in and let yourself go
Sit down and watch the curtain fall
In remembrance
I remember your voice and your dreams
Your smile when you laughed
And your pain when you screamed
I'll follow your footsteps, let them be my guide
Can you save me from being myself?
It's hard to be strong
When you're stuck in a shell
If you don't desert me I won't you let down
In remembrance
Of all the things you used to do
In remembrance
Of all the faith I had in you
In remembrance
And when I walk, I walk for you
In remembrance of you
I remember when we used to run
Against any threat, united as one
We faced all our fears
And we chased all the clouds blocking the sun
And through the haze that my sorrow created
I heard your voice and the promise you stated
And I...
Won't let you down
In remembrance
Of all the things you used to do
In remembrance
Of all the faith I had in you
In remembrance
And when I walk, I walk for you
In remembrance of you
'Cause I never saw you deserted
Or you never spoke so I heard it
'Cause I would never let you down
Did you call me and I didn't listen?
Did I force you to make a decision?
Did I?
In remembrance
Of all the days we planned and all the things we said we'd do
In remembrance
Of all the times we had and the fate I shared with you
In remembrance
You'll always be my truth 'cause what I know I've learned from you
In remembrance of you
At loss for words
Here we are once again
Time to choose at the crossroads end
Here we are stuck again
Time to speak or to forever be silent
Comes to a point where I can't take another lie
The day has finally come where I demand your silence
Comes to a point where I can't accept another lie
The day has finally come where I would die for your silence
At loss for words and I'm short of breath
And in fear of truth I came to trust in you
What I demand of you is just to speak the truth
You've got your chance right now or to forever be...
Comes to a point where I will know you lived a lie
And I'm the first on my knees to accept my naivety
Comes to a point where I can't accept another lie
The day has finally come for you, not me, to be
At loss for words and I'm short of breath
And in fear of truth I came to trust in you
What I demand of you is just to speak the truth
You've got your chance right now
Or to forever be bleeding
To forever be believing
To hide from me
And leave me alone
Here we are once again
Time to choose at the crossroads end
Here we are stuck again
Time to speak or to forever be silent
At loss for words and I'm short of breath
And in fear of truth I came to trust in you
What I demand of you is just to speak the truth
You've got your chance right now or to forever be...
At loss for words and I'm short of breath
And in fear of truth I came to trust in you
What I demand of you is just to speak the truth
You've got your chance right now
Here we are once again
Here we are stuck again
Here we are once again
Time to speak or to forever be silent
Till Dagmar
Instrumental track
Still in the water
We're still in the water
It's getting harder to breathe
I've started counting the seconds
There's been no light here for a week
My only comfort has silenced
I just thought she was asleep
Her breathing stopped forever
And it's leaving me
Thinking I will never leave these waters
But I feel that life is leaving me
Thinking he will never ever free me
I'm stuck forever in a dream
I'm caught forever in a dream
How can I save myself from apocalypse?
How can I change his ways into thinking different?
Can I gain his trust and confidence?
I just need a minute of his common sense
If he'd only say my name
'Cause to him we're all the same
In this world where he's king
And deserving fame
We're his personal belongings
A simple way to ease the lust
I have heard himself reason
And it sheds my hope to dust
And I should never, why would I ever?
Let myself be held prisoned forever
They must have wanted to or maybe been talked into
Joining darkness forever
If he'd only say my name
'Cause to him we're all the same
All the same and deserving fame
We're his personal belongings
A simple way to ease the lust
We're still in the water
He said forever and she screamed never
He promised God to love her now and forever
Time will change her, his laws will break her
Only to make her more pure and better
And now she's crying, no more denying
Asking forgiveness for the time she's been lying
Nothing can harm us, we're made in heaven
I promised God to love you now and forever
The dark I walk you through
He walked her down the street
And stopped where he always left her
He kissed her on the cheek and said:
"Honey, I'll see you later"
And little did he know
That the words he said would never happen ever
He waved to her and turned
And that was the last time he saw her
I'm sorry for the times I screamed
And the times I made you lonely
I'm sorry for the times I made you cry
And the times I didn't hold you
I'm sorry for the doubts I brought to you
I'm sorry for the dark I walk you through
I'm sorry for the times I put you through
Forgive me...
Did not walk far
Before I heard the sounds of sirens
Did I reflect at all when they stopped?
And everything turned silent
Did you scream at all?
I wish I would have been there
Did you scream at all?
I wish I could have been there
I'm sorry for the times I screamed
And the times I made you lonely
I'm sorry for the times I made you cry
And the times I didn't hold you
I'd never lie, it's you and I
But I failed to keep my promise
If I could I would do anything to change it
I would spend all my time to make sure you would all be safe
I should have done it all so differently
I should have followed you like you wanted me
If I had known what fate would do to you
I would have prayed to her to take me too
I'm sorry that I didn't walk with you
I'm sorry that I did not listen to you
I should have done it all so differently
But I'm just me...
I should
Remind me of what you said life had made you do
What did you do to make all you had fall through?
What forces you to make the choices that you do?
Are we to blame for all the failures that are you?
Or should we blame you?
Should we blame you?
I should blame you for the falling rain
I should blame you for my constant pain
I should be there to remind you every day
I should
How come we bear the cross that you should?
How come we wear the wounds that you should?
I am confused
Why is it me who's bleeding?
We'd never had a chance to make the choice you had
We will all yearn to understand
Not like you, dad
Not like you, dad
I should blame you for the falling rain
I should blame you for my constant pain
I should be there to remind you every day
I should
I should walk you through the halls of my own fate
I should let you taste the tears that fell in hate
I should be there to remind you every day
I should
Remind me of what you said life had made you do
What did you do to make all you had fall through?
What forces you to make the choices that you do?
Are we to blame for all the failures that are you?
Or should we blame you?
I should blame you for the falling rain
I should blame you ofr my constant pain
I should be there to remind you every day
I should
I should walk you through the halls of my own fate
I should let you taste the tears that fell in hate
I should be there to remind you every day
I should
I should
So is this it?
Does time end here?
Is this what I fought for?
And what I've gained?
What a fool I've been
To think life had more to offer
Instead I lie here
In remorse and suffer
And I hate you for doing this
And I hate you for saying that
I never did enough to ever please you
Never did enough for it to cease to
Affect me the way it does
Provoke me the way it must
And I'm still thinking
I am not enough
My war on time
Got worse and faster
The sands fought hard
And every day I lost a battle
And even though I knew I lied
And even though I saw the signs
The same three words each time
I am fine
And I hate you for doing this
And I hate you for saying that
I never did enough to ever please you
Never did enough for it to cease to
Affect me the way it does
Provoke me the way it must
And I'm still thinking
I am not enough
I'm ashamed of the life I've lived
I'm afraid of what I have been
And it just became
Just became enough