 С изменением названия группы, изменилась и музыка. Из sympho Black превратилась в gothic black. На альбоме 11 трэков. Почти после каждой песни идёт инструментал. В онсновном, симфонический. Всё, конечно, очень мелодично. Иногда даже на Graveworm похоже. Но Грейввормовской симфоничности нет и подавно. А так, скриминг, гроулинг... В общем, чтобы представить, что из себя представляет Nervous Cry, то надо сделать так: взять Cradle Of Filth, Anorexia Nervosa, Graveworm, и старый H.I.M. (да-да) - получится Nervous Cry. На мой взгляд, самые лучшие трэки с альбома - это "Mother Loneliness", "A Beautiful Death For Angel" и "My Tomb". Особняком стоит "If I Could Fly". Если бы не скриминг, то я вспомнил бы о Deftones.
Из инструменталок я бы выделил "He's Gone". Атмосфера... Ветер, скрипки, телефонный звонок и ответ "его нет, он умер"... Крик, и... это надо слушать.
Звучание альбома какое-то металлическое. Но это результат использования программных эквалайзеров. Струны опущены. Звук низкий. Но недостаточная работа над качеством все портит. Постоянно слышаться зашкаливания. Если бы больше времени уделили на мастеринг и наведение "красот", то было бы просто отлично.
В целом, альбом получился неплохим, но не больше. Единственное, что его спасает - это атмосфера. Суицидальные мелодии, одиночество, смерть... Атмосфера здесь, конечно, незабываемая. Хотя есть и бодренькие мотивчики, и они хоть чуть-чуть разбавляют угнетающую атмосферу, но после окончания "He's Gone".... Если бы все трэки были такими же атмосферными, поставил бы 10 баллов. |
black funeral symphony
resurrect my fucking soul
and you just a girl
which destroy my fucking heart
black funeral symphony
i'm hearing in my mind
and dark lonely day
destroy my heart
again alone
why i'm alone
why i'm dead
why i'm cry
i wanna die tonight
3. Mother Loneliness
You my weakness and you my force
You my sun and you my moon
I'm die in hands of loneliness
Nobody will stop my pain
All these empty faces
Which destroy my devil's resurrection
Want to kill in me the man
And to suppress my soul
Your hands give me life among death
Your eyes do not give me to die
But you only dream which remain by dream
When I think of you my desire to die
Flashes with new force
And I try to not cry
I escape from myself
Not understanding myself again
And each day I suffer from you,
My eternal loneliness.
When you will leave from me?
When I will be without you?
When I again will test rest?
4. He's Gone
5. Black Queen
I cried each night
I cried each day
Each day I died
With you in my soul
I have lost my heart
When I have seen you first time
Then I have died
Now I can not love
My heart has died together with you
Now I am lonely
And my life is suffering
And I can not live without you
My black black queen
I want always to be with you
My black black queen
The dark sky will remind to me of you
I always want to be with you...
My pain so close to me
But you so far from me
I see your face in my dreams
I can not deceive my feelings
My black queen
You are my heart
I wish to feel you in him
I dream to live with you in my soul
Once I have burned down in your eyes
I was ill you
By your body
By your beauty
I want to see you again
To die looking on you
I want to hold you for a hand
I want to feel your skin
But I will never see you once again
I will not see your black eyes
I will not hold your hands in my hands
I will never hear your voice
6. Nervous Cry
I flying in black heavens
I killing norms and morals
I nervous cry
I dreaming about death
I dying in hands of life
I nervous cry
I suffering in a society of the stupid people
I burning down in a flame of loneliness and happiness
I nervous cry
I flaring by thirst of death
I sinking in own tears
I nervous cry
I perishing from treachery and hatred
I nervous cry
I the falling person in crowd identical zombie
I do not want to be inside
I just nervous cry which breaking down
7. A Beautiful Death For Angel
You have come in my empty life as if the lonely angel
You lived in my dark soul saving my feelings to you
I lived by your smile
I lived by your deep eyes
But when you have left me my soul has died
It was the beautiful death for angel
For the angel
It was the beautiful death for angel
It was the beautiful death for angel
It was the beautiful death for angel
You became ashes in my memory
I do not see your tears and grief
I feel only pain in my heart,
Which has lost you my lonely angel
I see you in my dreams
I die without your feelings
I wish to feel them in my heart
It never will be a reality
Except for you to me nobody is necessary
I want only you
I want to be only with you
To not feel a pain of my heart
My soul decays without your voice
I die without your hands and deep black eye
I want to die tonight
You have come in my empty life as if the lonely angel
You lived in my dark soul saving my feelings to you
I lived by your smile
I lived by your deep eyes
But when you have left me my soul has died
It was the beautiful death for the angel
It was the beautiful death for the angel
It was the beautiful death for the angel
It was the beautiful death for the angel
8. Sad Smile Of Death
9. If I Could Fly
I would wish freedom
To the one whom wait
I would wish the sky
It is necessary to the one for whom
If I could fly
Then the feelings have left me
And I became free as a bird
If I could fly
That I would be free from emotions
Which make to me hurt
The broken window
Reminds to me heart
My soul as if the widow
Which has lost you
If I could fly
Then the feelings have left me
And I became free as a bird
If I could fly
That I would be free from emotions
Which do to me hurt
10. My Tomb
Once I wanted to raise
In paradise
In those light heavens
But has failed
Once I have wanted to be
Happy in this world
But the people did not see
Me and my soul
There is no pleasure in life
There are only disappointments
And terrible losses
I would like to fly to the sky
To fall and to die
In loneliness
There is no happiness in life
When eternally live in silence
And this silence burns as fire
This terrible violence
On my tomb no flowers
My tomb was over with a grass
I live there in silence
And in deep darkness
My friends do not come to me
I for a long time have died in their hearts
I want to breathe
I want them to see
In paradise there is no place for me
How much I would not cry
I can not breathe
I always shall be alone
Is for ever forgotten
There is no pleasure in life
There are only disappointments
And terrible losses
I would like to fly to the sky
To fall and to die
In loneliness
There is no happiness in life
When eternally live in silence
And this silence burns as fire
This terrible violence
Once I wanted to raise
In paradise
In those light heavens
But has failed
Once I have wanted to be
Happy in this world
But the people did not see
Me and my soul
11. The Angel Is Dead