« Darkness With Tales to Tell »
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1 | ... From Far Beyond
 | 2 | The Chance Of Dying In A Dream
 | 3 | Dynasty Of Fear
 | 4 | Dragon's Mist
 | 5 | Felice
 | 6 | The Nightfall War
 | 7 | The Puzzle
 | 8 | Critical Mass
 | 9 | Lost Souls
 | 10 | The Twilight Shadow
 | 11 | Shadows With Tales To Tell |
   Lars F. Larsen - Vocals
Kristian H. Larsen - Guitars
Flemming Schultz - Guitars
Jeppe Eg Jensen - Keyboards
Reno S. Nielsen - Bass
Mads Volf - Drums |
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered at: Aabenraa Studios, Denmark
Produced, Mixed & Mastered by: Jacob Hansen
Artwork & Layout by: Chris Kallias
Remaster version:
Re-Mastered by: Andy Horn
Artwork by: Chris Kallias
Layout by: Claus Jensen
Bonus tracks:
12. Dead End Solution (taken from "Dead End Solution" EP) |
 | 1. From Far Beyond
"I have often wondered if the majority of mankind ever pause to reflect upon the occasional titanic
significance of dreams, and of the obscure world to which they belong".
2. The Chance Of Dying In A Dream
The hunter,the dark one is craving your min |
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 При первом прослушивании альбом мне не понравился... какой-то вокал а-ля Тобиас Саммет, а вот при втором... Сейчас, действительно, для меня - это как минимум альбом года. А ещё если учесть, что его я взял случайно, то это ещё и огромный подарок от жизни. Итак, к альбому. Это виртуозный и прогрессивный ПАУЭР, абсолютно ни на что не похожий из того, что мне доводилось слышать, у ребят идеальная сыгранность и зрелое чувство вкуса. Запись ровная, но не никак не утомительная. Все аранжировки просто на высоте. ОГРОМНАЯ куча положительных эмоций. С выходом такой работы пророчу их будущими королями жанра. Любимые композиции "Dying In A Dream" и "Dragon's Mist". |
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Вот это да!!! …вот мои эмоции после прослушивания этого альбома датских эпик пауэрщиков. Я понял сразу, что передо мной не просто пластинка павЁрнутого стиля, которых сейчас предостаточно, а пример уникально гармоничного сплетения стилей. Тут и trash, и speed, и heavy, основа конечно progressive POWER. Чего стоит рифф аля Slayer в песне Lost Souls. Вокал поражает чистотой и выразительностью, именно то, что надо на такую жесткую мелодику. Если сравнить с Blind Guardian ‘A Night In The Opera’ то, извинят меня поклонники BG, так должен бы звучать он. Пример развития и так уже затасканного power-а. По моему мнению очень сильный альбом, здесь нет слащавости, нет в тоже время излишней грубости вокала, нет слишком уж дерганных рифов, всё ровно и красиво. Еще один плюс: в альбоме в изобилии мелодических вставок и бриджей. Единственным минусом можно было бы назвать плохую проработку клавишных партий…звучат как то они…лучше б вообще не было. Резюме, этот альбом достоин занять место наравне с такими динозаврами power металлической сцены, как: BG, Edguy, Grave Digger и т.д. и маст хэв – для всех поклонников стиля. |
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На своём втором альбоме талантливая команда из Дании продемонстрировала явный прогресс. После качественного, но среднего дебютника парни собрались и выдали такой альбом, что невольно становишься гордым за них. Намного возросла мелодичность музыки, что в итоге привело к тому, что постепенно замечаешь какую-то вуаль того, что называется фирменный стиль. Если на предыдущем альбоме хитами ребята нас не сильно порадовали, то здесь уже настоящее раздолье. Большинство песен врезаются намертво в память, и их хочется слушать ещё и ещё. Такие вещи, как “Dynasty Of Fear”, “The Nightfall War”, “Critical Mass”, “Lost Souls” и, в особенности, “Dragon’s Mist” должны быть в Золотом фонде мирового пауэра, я считаю. Также на моё положительное восприятие данного альбома влияет тот факт, что группа стала заигрывать с неоклассикой, особенно чётко это прослеживается в моей любимой песне “Dragon’s Mist”, где соло в начале недвусмысленно говорит о своём происхождении. Что касается звучания, то оно ни капли не изменилось за два года, что прошли с момента выхода дебютника. Как итог, скажу, что эта работа затыкает за пояс первую работу датчан, это уже определённо громкая заявка на лидерство в металле. Приятного прослушивания! |
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Не очень люблю я Мантикору, вот как-то с самого начала у меня с ней не заладилось. Но, но... я очень сильно люблю этот альбом, и именно его я слушаю наиболее часто из всего творчества группы. Перед нами воистину одна из лучших работ в стиле power / speed metal. Вся музыка просто оживает и не отпускает вас до самого конца. Это просто слышно, второй альбом, запись сделана живо, знайте, обычно звук вылизывают до полной потери ощущения игры музыкантов, но тут же всё по другому, музыка звучит и в голове сразу же воспроизводится картина игры музыкантов, такое впечатление, что альбом писали сразу, играя вживую, а не по отдельным инструментам. Бешеная энергетика, дикие скорости, помпезные мелодии - а что ещё нужно для хорошего power-a? И так, альбом открывается маленьким интро, и тут начинается. Сразу же вас унесут бешеные скорости «The Chance of Dying in a Dream», чистейший speed в его лучшем проявлении, заглавный рифф буквально накатывает волной на вас. «Dynasty оf Fear» продолжает первую композицию, правда, power-a здесь больше, композиция немного мрачновата и иногда сбавляет темпы, выделю ещё нео-классическое клавишное соло. Вообще, про клавишы отдельный разговор, они здесь никогда не перенасыщают слух, они играют только тогда, когда это действительно нужно. «Dragon`s Myst» также разбавлена нео-классическими пассажами, но тут включены не только клавиши, но и гитары. Хотя бы за эти три песни ребятам можно ставить 10 баллов, что я и сделаю. Послушайте, вы не пожалейте. Ну и ещё я порекомендовал бы этот альбом для тех, у кого есть «комплекс power metal-a». Вы устали от крайне высоких голосов и «сладкой» записи инструментов? Тогда это для вас, ребята из Manticor-ы покажут вам, как надо играть злой пауэр. |
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просмотров: 12707 |
Malicious,your dreaming is seen as a sign
Your breath is burning,in a throat full of scream
No fear,you don't have to die in a dream
Twisted, distorted. out of proportions
The eyes and the mouths are placed in random disorder
Acid smell, fear as its skin starts to gleam
You've taken the chance of dying in a dream
Scream - the chance of dying in a dream -Scream
Subdue to the metamorphosis of flesh
The pictures, to make you eternally mad
Beyong your reality, nothing is clear
You've waken the old ones and now they are here
Nothing is ever what it seems
Open the gates for me now
The calling for powers, the falling of towers,
Abstract to the weak fragile human mind
Scream - the chance of dying in a dream -Scream
3. Dynasty Of Fear
You've betrayed the men by your side
People with hopes and with longing
Hopes of an endless Utopia
Now you see that a new plague is coming
...a new plague is coming
now you see that a new plague is coming.....
Take a look at your burning lands
You convinced them that you've got the power
The death and destruction that came from your hands
Will grow 'till it reaches your own tower
...it reaches your own tower
will grow 'till it reaches your own tower...
A ruler is killing for pleasure
In a land all to near
We all look upon a cursed kingdom
The dynasty of fear
Fleeing your homes and your cities
That once to you was so dear
We all look upon a tragic kingdom
The dynasty of fear
The symphony of well-meant ideals
Working in laws of regressive progression
Enchanting the hearts and the souls of men
Dictating their violent agression
...their violent agression
dictating their violent agression...
A ruler is killing for pleasure
In a land all to near
We all look upon a cursed kingdom
The dynasty of fear
Fleeing your homes and your cities
That once to you was so dear
We all look upon a tragic kingdom
The dynasty of fear
4. Dragon's Mist
Standing at the crossroad watching men in armour fighting
The fog is lying thick, the ground is shrouded in the dark
The battle for the throne increases as it's done forever
A dragon in disquise will send a knight to make its mark
Fly away on the dragon's mist
And seek the heir of kings
I'll crave your first-born son in trade
Of one night of your dreams
Oh, give him the power
Please bless him with the strength
To pull Excalibur out of the stone
Still the battle roars in spite of finding of thr king
In search for pease he puts his life into the mighty hands
Of knights who once refused to crown him as their rightful heir
At last they gather'round the table, summoning the lands
Fly away on the dragon's mist
And seek the heir of kings
I'll crave your first-born son in trade
Of one night of your dreams
Oh, give him the power
Please bless him with the strength
To pull Excalibur out of the stone
A dream to some
A nightmare to others
The peace will come
And Mordred will be born a bastard son
The wizard and his powers will predict the silent future
He holds the key to all success and forces it to the door
To understand the secrets of his whisperings and riddles
They die, and so the legend will live on forever more
Fly away on the dragon's mist
And seek the heir of kings
I'll crave your first-born son in trade
Of one night of your dreams
Oh, give him the power
Please bless him with the strength
To pull Excalibur out of the stone
5. Felice
[Saga Of The Exiles Part 3]
"Abbaddon, the angel of the abys & king Aiken Lugonn,
the lord of misrule"
The timegate remains closed...
Silence approach the many coloured land
The domination is broken
Power is for the jester to grasp
Believing the daemon is chokin'
Chaos, rivalry, betrayal and despair
The mad girl, the raven, enthroned as a ghost
Gathering golden Torcs and the "spear"
The holy weapon of the shattered host
Fre humans are makin' bloodmetal weapons
The deadly poison to the ancient foe
As the angel of the abyss
Plans with the jester the final show
A metaconcert - To kill off the girl
Conspiracy - To take over the world
The lord of misrule - Burned by the blizz
Created with fraught - By the angel of the abyss
Rebellion, you Tanu brothers
Bonded by blood
The Battlemaster survived the flood
...And now you die!
Hovering above the castle of glass
A mindblasting fight for supremacy
The Battlemaster revenging his loss
The king is victorious - Triumphantly
The only remains of the giant warrior - a
blackened silver hand.
All hail the king of the manycoloured land.
6. The Nightfall War
[Saga Of The Exiles Part 4]
The timegate reopens...
Subsuming the minds of the traitors made me crazy
Insomnia's their way of paying back
My powers are lost, I'm calling the Grand Master
Hidin'in her shelter at Black Crag
The longlasting winter, the fall of Nodonn
Adversary's coming, his breed on the run
Predicted in old tales, envisioned before
Indications of the Nigtfall War
Searching the land for the metallurgist
Only he can built the timemachine
The children of Abbaddon I protect now
Hidin' them within my mental screen
The longlasting winter, the fall of Nodonn
Adversary's coming, his breed on the run
Predicted in old tales, envisioned before
Indications of the Nigtfall War
Floating in trance in the Quicksilver pool
The lion, the dragon, the eagle - the healers
Symbols of being reborn in the world of the living
Will shine on forth in pain
The conquesting races in false harmony
Gathered on the ancient Field of Gold
I saw through their treachery, saw through their lies
Their minds are now ashes, their bodies are now cold
The longlasting winter, the fall of Nodonn
Adversary's coming, his breed on the run
Predicted in old tales, envisioned before
Indications of the Nigtfall War
The War...
"...and now,no one shall doubt my power.
For I am the non-born king, and only I rule the many - coloured land".
7. The Puzzle
A hundred lightyears away, lies a hidden heart
Made up for a purpose, I can't tell
A bridge so insane, it tears my soul apart
Made up for a reason I can't tell
I can't remember my own name
I look around, am I insane?
Eternity is lost, and I am turnin' upside down
Forever in the puzzle of my life
A path of crooked thorns leads my lonely way
Disappears in a distance, I can't tell
A shadow in the dark, makes me so afraid
Whispering me a story, I can't tell
I can't remember my own name
I look around, am I insane?
Eternity is lost, and I am turnin' upside down
Forever in the puzzle of my life
A path of crooked thorns leads my lonely way
Disappears in a distance, I can't tell
A shadow in the dark, makes me so afraid
Whispering me a story, I can't tell
I can't remember my own name
I look around, am I insane?
Eternity is lost, and I am turnin' upside down
Forever in the puzzle of my
Forever in the puzzle of my
Forever in the puzzle of my life
8. Critical Mass
I see no sense in what's going on
U sense no meaning, I see no light for us all
Cold chill in spine shows me no future
There's no safety around us - no protection, no wall
Blind ignorance throuth generations
It's hidden black on white, I turn to stare
There's a taste of blood in my mouth
It's sick, when I breathe the air
I see no light in the ways that I choose
No matter how I twist and turn, I lose
I see no light in the ways that I choose
No matter how I twist and turn, I lose
I can't escape the numb feeling of
Perpetual deceiving dreams again
Problems too dark to touch, we're reaching
Critical mass - The end
I see no light in the ways that I choose
No matter how I twist and turn, I lose
I see no light in the ways that I choose
No matter how I twist and turn, I lose
Silence in governments shows the taste of fear
Our world is falling apart, it's in the atmosphere!!
9. Lost Souls
Sinners on their chance to strike. willing to let die
To reap the harvest of one's work, now it's time to crucify
Crawling under lines of blama, in their hands they've got your fate
Now we've lost the game of man, misjudged by laws we hate
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic
Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic
Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Lost Souls
Holding on to an illusion based upon a tale
The ladder's leading down to Hell, our souls are now for sale
Weak and helpless on our knees we're looking at the sky
Time will run, the blood will flow as life is passing by
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic
Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic
Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Lost Souls
Truth won't be the same when one is born
There's no reason in the world, but we are movin' on
Cursed by the palm of God
Bright - hope blinded eyes
If everyone had a chose, religion would fade at dawn
Lost Souls
One day we will understand there are no winners in this race
Caused by your religion thoughts, we'll vanish without a trace
With one hand on the holy book, you're reaching for a gun
Put your hands together, praise the lord for what he has done
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic
Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic
Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Truth won't be the same when one is born
There's no reason in the world, but we are movin' on
Cursed by the palm of God
Bright - hope blinded eyes
If everyone had a chose, religion would fade at dawn
Lost Souls
10. The Twilight Shadow
Dawn of time, the first-born am I
I will be the last one to die
Guardian of the Earth, protector of the sea
To it all I hold the master key
I can tell the faith of mortal men
I can tell you how you die and when
When I'm looking deep into your mind
I can see you're ignorant and blind
Dressed in all colours, called by all names
I disguise as water, earth or flames
I've shown you every dream, shown you every nightmare
Even though you still don't seem to care
I can tell the faith of mortal men
I can tell you how you die and when
When I'm looking deep into your mind
I can see you're ignorant and blind
I am the twilight shadow
I'll enlighten your darkest sins
When forever ends
I'll stop the cause for living
I've seen the way to paradise, I know the road to hell
Where you're going I for sure can tell
The end is closer, your maker you will meet
Destruction of the Earth has been complete
I can tell the faith of mortal men
I can tell you how you die and when
When I'm looking deep into your mind
I can see you're ignorant and blind
11. Shadows With Tales To Tell
In my room burns a single flame
And night has come, so nothing looks the same
Shadows on the floor,shadows on the wall
So alive, you can almost hear them call
I start to sleep, but my eyes still see
I've taken the bait and now my mind has been set free
As the room starts to turn and figures start to twist
I'm drowning in blackness, in the sea of mist
Stand very still, be very silent
Shadows with tales to tell
Stand very still, be very silent
Singing of Heaven and Hell
Lying, sleeping, dreaming neon white
Angels and Demons coming out of the light
Shadows on the floor, whispering in my ear
Telin' me ancient truths of why we are here
Stand very still, be very silent
Shadows with tales to tell
Stand very still, be very silent
Singing of Heaven and Hell
The shadows are dancing tonight
By the power of one single light
Visions show me places that can never be
Terrible and beautiful, not for the eyes to see
Out of the twilight, silence is born
But I awake and now my dream is gone
Stand very still, be very silent
Darkness with tales to tell
Stand very still, be very silent
Singing of Heaven and Hell
Stand very still, be very silent
The shadows are dancing tonight
Stand very still, be very silent
By the power of the single light