« De Expugnatione Elfmuth »
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1 | Proemium 00:43
 | 2 | Hult-Garth (Qui Inferorum Animas Excitat) 04:52
 | 3 | Elficidium 04:10
 | 4 | Dies festi... 00:42
 | 5 | In Summis Montibus 03:02
 | 6 | Nigrum Praesagium 02:06
 | 7 | Impetus Quartae Lunae Novae 03:54
 | 8 | Caelum Obscuratur 00:41
 | 9 | Legio Draconorum Orkian 05:28
 | 10 | Natura Cadit 01:24
 | 11 | Charcharon (Damnosus Impetus) 04:02
 | 12 | Solvitur Ad Elfmuth (Ante Bellum) 08:44
 | 13 | Bellum (Humanes Resistentes Superavit) 04:07
 | 14 | Epilogus 01:59
 | | Total playing time: 45:54 |
   Zakrathor - vocals, keyboards, drums
Thornset - guitars, bass |
 | 1. Proemium
Postquam sex principes ceciderunt et pluvia
Ignea sexiens in Elfmuth ruit,
Postremus rex iam tenere non poterat suos
Turbatos fines ab orcis ferocibus.
After the fall of the six emperors and after the Rain of fire had
fallen on Elfmuth for six times The last k |
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 Замечательный образчик оркиш-блэка, как жанра. Первое на что обращается внимание - большая роль клавишных, которые, к сожалению, забивают почти весь гитарный звук. Еще хочется отметить то, что все тексты написаны и, как не страно, исполняются на латыни. Сей факт изрядно сгущает атмосферу и выглядит как приятное разнообразие на фоне остальных групп. Вокал под стать названию самой команды - словами его можно описать только как "ощущения от прочтения чего-либо о назгулах". Вообщем надо слушать. Единственный минус - после определенного времени альбом приедается. |
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Воистину сильный альбом. Начало эпической саги об Эльфмуте. Вся идея выдержанна в фэнтезийной манере и преакрасно оформленна в музыкальном плане. Эпичные клавишныйе сопровождаемые с грозными боями и глухими гитарными партиями создают мистическую атмосферу в стиле Властелина Колец. Ну, название полностью соответствует держанию. Весь альбом исполнен в средневековом, мрачном стиле. Очень сильно преобладают клавишные, которые я бы хотел подчернуть, довольно сложны в исполнении и звучат прекрасно, особенно песня "Nigrum Praesagium" - которая исполненна полностью на клавишных. Единственное что мне не понравилось - так это вокал. Голос получился не совсем удачным в плане прослушивания... похож на скриминг шепотом. Но в целом после прослушивания альбома остаются хорошие впечатления. |
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просмотров: 9755 |
anymore his lands Threatened by the rebel ogres.
2. Hulth-Garth (Qui Inferorum Animas Excitat)
Per multos annos sex lunarum ordinem et collocationem
Et tandem suum iter finem habuerat...
Erat sub radicibus montis Ghor-Ad
In cuius cacumine magnifica domus regia eminebat.
Cum in eam irrupisset eius cognoscendi cupiditas et imperii
Usque ad ianuam cellae funebris eum pepulerunt...
Duo sarcophagi positi in medio loco
Conclavis illustrati nigra flamma.
Incipit declamationem versuum turpium
Excitans flammam magis magisque ingentem
Dum magus vomitans blasphemias instabat
Duae nigrae imagines habitibus bellicis apparverunt...
Domini Mali
Quomodo miser homo poterat eos continere ?
[HULTH-GARTH (He Who Summon Deads' Souls)]
For years he had waited the six moons falling into line,
And finally his journey ended...
He was at the feet of the Ghor-Ad mountain
On the top of which raised the majestic castle.
Once entered his thirst of knowledge and his desire of power
Pushed him to the death chamber
Two sarcophagi in the middle of a room illuminated
By black flame.
He began to recite abominable verses,
Animating the flame stather and stather
To the pursue of the necromancer vomiting oaths.
Two black figures in war clothes materialized...
He had freed "The Lords Of Evil".
How dare a poor human being think to be able to
Control Them?
3. Elficidium
Silva gravida est uligine sicut frons elforum qui
Percipiunt obscuram presentiam, statim murmur
Foliarum aperit veritatem ... duodecim hominum
Horribilium sine deo.
Terror serpit inter perturbatos elfos, qui non
Habent tempus fugiendi.
Monstra in iugula candida impetum faciunt
Laminis aspersis sanguinem concreto, stuprant
Honestas virgines ante earum filios, lacernat
Ventres elforum.
Igitur evanescunt cum strepitu inter arbores
Percussas pavore cum tropaeis funebribus...
Auriculis elficis.
The forest is full of dampness like the elve's
Face heads who perceive an obscure presence,
Suddenly a rustle of leaves shows the truth...
A dozen of abominable beings without god.
Panic spreads among the lost elves who have no
Time to escape...
The ogres threw themselves on their candid
Throats with blades soiled with blood,
They rape the virtuous women in front
Of their children
They tear the elderly's abdomens and smash
Men's head
They disappear noisily, among the horrified
Trees, with a macabre trophy...
Elfic ears.
4. Dies Festi...
Dies festi veri celebrabantur et in valle Amiur
Multitudo erat laeta.
It was the spring feast and in the Amiur valley
All the people is celebrating.
5. In Summis Montibus
In summis montibus excubiae in ingentibus turribus eminebat.
Repente nigra fuligo delapsa est super gentes.
Cantores et tibicines tacuerunt...
Silentium non verum absorbuit Bur-Caal
Statim laniatum excubiarum clamoribus.
Trans montem horrendus visus...
Duces Baazgor et Orkian ducebant ingetem exercitum
Qui iam non faciebat videre nec caelum nec terram
Nemo potuti fugere
Dracones Orkian in vicum ruerunt
Et dum catapultae oppida diruebant
Militum Robur in arcem irrumpit... inde sacrificium.
Along the crest of the mountains the alerts sentinels
Stand out on the enormous towers.
Suddenly a black soot comes down onto people
Minstrels and players kept silent...
An unreal silence swallowed Bur-Caal
Soon broken by the sentinel's screams.
Beyond the mountain there was a blood-curdling sight...
The general Baazgor and Orkian leading a great army
Which prevented to see neither the sky nor the land.
None had time to escape
Orkian's dragon pull dawn to the village
And while the catapults were demolishing the fortifications
The army entered the citadel... then the holocaust.
6. Impetus Quartae Lunae Novae
Quarta nova luna est anni Zorg et Baazgor
Impetum facturus est in arcem Kamuth.
Tenebrarum amplexus ad continendum exercitum
Sulphureum non sufficit.
Vigiliae ad arma conclamant et statim oleum
Fervidum de moenibus manat, cum caelum
Plurimis telis missis a sagittariis illustratur.
Tenax est patientia humana sed nihil potest
Contra Arefe's lapidis consumptores qui suis
Validis maxillis Kamuth devorant.
It's the fourth newmoon of the Zorg's year and
Baazgor is ready to attack the citadel of
Kamuth, last human stronghold.
The embrace of darkness isn't enough to contain
The sulphurous army.
The sentinels give warning and suddenly boiling
Oil strains from the walls
While the sky is illuminated by hundreds of
Darts flaying by the elves archer.
7. Legio Draconorum Orkian
Dum, exercitus Uruk devastat agres meridiane
Baazgor progressus exercitus nigrae pergit
Etiam in aeri, cum legione Orkianis, domini draconum.
Trux orcus equitat fulvum alatum.
Horridum squamis osseis emicantem flammas
Ex faucibus ardentibus praeentem multitudinibus
Draconis tegentibus spectaculum solis alis membranaceis.
Insputant ignem in vicis subiacentis ubi inantier
Gentae elficae incessunt scorpionibus, defendentes
A morte alata devastanteque urente omnia.
Invantier evocant in cavernis tum
Perfossis ab hobbit Kaltag ut vultures, dracones
Iniciunt in cuniculis subterraneis elicantes
Unguibus incolas pavidas laniatas monstruosis
While Uruk's army was ravaging the middle lands,
Baazgor's black armies raise up in the sky with
Orkian, dragons master... a filthy ogre rides
A monstrous black winged horse.
Covered with bony plates, he vomited violent flames
From the hot jaws
An preceded a multitude of dragons with with
Membranous wings.
They spit fire on the below villages where the elfic
People try to find an escape uselessly,
They defend themselves from the winged death which
Burns anything she meets.
In vain they look for a shelter in the caves dug by
Kaltag's Hobbit since,
Like vultures, the dragons creep into the
Underground tunnels
Taking out the terrified habitants torn by the
Monstrous dragons.
8. Charcharon (Damnosus Impetus)
Terror serpit inter ordines orcorum
Silva ante eos incepit tremere
Sub terra gelida Charcharon procedebat
Contra eos dispelans transitu eius omnia res
Adesti cum omnia sua vi demum apparet...
Nigra maxima species vomens flammas
Coperta aculeorum incepit igni concremare
Configgere et vorare
Exercitus dehiscit
Orkian ruinosum equum conscendit
Educatus nanis in spelunca iam dudum
Figens in eius oculos gladius
Inundans sanguine inter ululatum belvae
Terram infra positam.
The wood in front of them starting to shiver
Under the cold ground a Charcharon proceeded toward them,
Eradicating everything at his passage.
Here he comes to reveal himself in all his power.
An enormous black figure, vomiting flames,
Covered by auculeses, starting to incinerate, transfix,
Tear to pieces,
The army flaked off.
Orkian, jumped on the back of the devastating steed,
Trained by dwarfs in the caves since hundreds of years,
Thrusting, into his eyes, his broadsword,
Flooding with blood the ground below between
The screams of the beast.
9. Solvitur Ad Elfmuth (Ante Bellum)
Extremos orcos scriptos ab copiis
Septentrionis Kazh-Ran
Navigii parati erant ad solvendum
Versus Ruid-Dor sinus Elfmuth
Theatrum supremi certaminis designatum
Blasphema caterva ad litus
Ex collibus ubi appropinquant
Naves bellicae soloturae
Intus horum servi suos dominos
Nigris armant
Sanguine eorum loricis adversariorum
Defendentibus eorum
Aura corpora atra convoluta ac sagis
Eorum signa ferentibus.
Nave profecta ornata capitibus principum
Princeps remigium tempus remorum
Pulsu metitur nanorum
Qui a Roze-El ducti
Templum Eldril destruxerunt
Arcanorum artium peritissimi
Nunc cruore manant strigitu
Mille scuticarum quae eorum
Duram cutem lacerant.
Et eorum dolor, aegritudo, sudori, sanguinis
Permixtus lembum propellit
I portum argentatum quo sol
Iam lassus se conduit.
Omnia parata ad proelio sunt... tympana
Metiuntur magna itinera orcorum
Ac hominum deformum pugnae aviditate
Cupiditate sola contentionis
Ordine procedunt sub caelo cinereo onusto odiis
Sicut domini impiarum animarum
When the last ogres were recruited
By the troops of north Kazh-Ran
The warships where readied to set towards Ruid-Dor,
Heart of Elmuth, designated as the theatre of the last battle.
A blasphemous horde, from the hills,
Goes to the coast where the warship are ready.
Inside, the servants
Arm their lords with armours
Now black for the blood of their enemies
And protecting their bodies
Wrapped by a black breeze
And mantles bringing their insignia.
Sailed the warships
Adorned by the skulls
Of the contrary princes
The scout stresses the time of the row of the prisoners dwarfs
Who destroyed Eldril's temple
Master of mysterious arts,
Who now are bleeding at the sound of thousand whips
Which tear their skin and pain and suffering;
The blood mixed with sweat pushes
The ship towards a silver sea where a tired
Sun plunged.
Everything is ready for the battle
The tympanums stress the forced march of ogres
And trolls
Eager for fighting just for pleasure.
They parade under a grey sky
Full of hatred like the Damned's Master.
10. Bellum (Humanes Resistentes Superavit)
Solum telis conspergitur
Scuta et cavae galeae ictibus personant...
Asperum proelium committitur.
Tantum sub occasum solis
In acie conspersa cadaveribus
Pugnatur usque ad extremum...
Duces utriusque exercitus concurrunt.
Orkian conicit telum suum irrumpens in gulam
Et infigens in imo pectore hostis;
Nigrum vulnus emittit magnam vim sanguinis spumosi
Et ferrum calescit in transfixa officina spirandi.
Arma Baazgor resonant...
Tollit gladium percutiens formidolose...
Ferrum scindit frontem dividens medium caput
Usque ad genas,
Caput diffissum aequaliter inclinat
Ad utrosque umeros,
Perficientes bellum.
The soil is strew with darts, the shields
And the hollow elms thunder under the blows... a hard
Fight is to start.
Just at dusk take place the last duel
On a battlefield full of corpse... the chiefs of the two
Armies are face to face.
Orkian fling his javelin entering the
Oesophagus and sticking into his opponent's thorax;
The black gash squirts a foamy gush and
The iron gets hot in the transfixed organ.
Baazgor's weapon thunder... he raise up his
Sword flinging a tremendous blow, the blade
Split in the head in two... the head devided into
Two equal parts hang down on both shoulders,
Ending the human resistance.